It's true that I would like a device that could fit in my pocket, even if it had to fold in half to do so, but the Switch 2 is an appropriate size nonetheless. Wouldn't want it to be any bigger because then it basically becomes a tablet.
The mClassic has its uses but I never bothered using mine to be honest. IIRC it can do 1440p60 but unfortunately my LG C1 OLED doesn't support that resolution. So it basically became a $100 anti-aliasing device.
@Markiemania95 I think that happened a while ago, man. I missed 1514-1517 when they dropped in January and had to wait until like May for them to show up, but my point is all 1528 spirits should be available on the spirit board now.
@somebread I knew it had to be something like that. I just think the story of how they found hidden data while breaking down the source and what they had to do to uncover it would have been as interesting to include as the button combo itself.
1) I'm not upset at all, and I doubt anyone is so hungry for this game that they're fuming about the delay, either. It will just make for a better product in the end.
2) Several fighting games have gotten rollback netcode on the Switch. This makes me very, very hopeful that the next Smash Bros game will get rollback netcode as well.
@Diowine Totally true. Reading from system memory is faster than reading from a game cartridge and/or SD card. Not going to be a night and day difference, but it helps. Goes for BotW, TotK, etc.
Really disappointed to hear about the frame rate. That was one of the big issues I just couldn't look past in Link's Awakening, and I don't even consider myself someone who notices frame rate dips at all. A locked 30 fps is better (imo) than a constantly changing 40-60 fps.
Look, I'm a Smash Bros/Nintendo fan so I'm sure I'll get the successor console eventually, but if it's essentially just a more powerful Switch - a Switch Pro, if you will - I'm not gonna lie, I'd be a little disappointed. It's gotta have a gimmick of some sort to keep up the momentum. If we were going to get a Pro model it should have been the OLED.
I've been speculating this for a while now, but I think/thought the "Nintendo Switch VR" could be the next iteration. With Nintendo's history of motion controls combined with a reasonably priced, reasonably spec'd home VR setup, I could see it being a winner even if every AAA game doesn't make use of it.
Another name idea is the "Switch Up" but that's just to give it more flavor than the Switch 2 / Pro / Super Switch, etc.
I just upgraded to the OLED a couple days ago so it would make sense for Nintendo to announce the Switch 2 now. Please, Nintendo, spite me! I want to see the new hardware!
@yohn777 Ah, good catch on the PC version not having Remastered in the title despite being 1080p (and above?).
But yeah... This is really looking like a mess up. Don't get me wrong if it's somehow the PS4 Remaster getting a port I will pre-order it immediately. But let's be honest, there's no way. 1080p? On the Switch? Like... Smash Ultimate and a handful of others. 60fps? No chance. That is Valkyria Chronicles Remastered. The switch port is "Valkyria Chronicles (for Nintendo Switch)" AKA the PS3 version + DLCs.
It sounds so immature but I fear LRG could get in legal trouble for this. This would be blatant false advertising unless 1) The "Remastered" title got blended into the aether of the game and every version is kind of the remastered version now or something, or 2) this physical release is somehow actually the remastered version of the game.
I'm at least picking up FFVI if not the entire collection. Might give SE a couple days to knock out any day one bugs, but definitely purchasing at some point. Never played 1-3 & 5. The EXP modifier has sold me.
Okay, weird. I've had It Takes Two on my wishlist since it was announced for Switch, and in my wishlist it has never changed from "Release date: 11/4/2022, Not Available for Purchase". Not even today. I assumed something fell through and the port was canned. But lo and behold when I searched for it in the eShop just now it's available, and probably has been for some time. Very strange.
I think I will pick it up while it's on sale and play it with wifey.
I have no idea what the next generation console will be. TBH I'm really happy with everything the Switch provides, and I'd be sad to see the next iteration return to a home-only situation, not that I've seen that speculated. I'd like to see modular parts, such as the Switch itself and the dock, being upgradable separately to offer different benefits. Maybe the "new" dock and "new" Switch together can reach 4K, but a "new" Switch and old dock can still function together but at a better performance than the Switch can currently output? And vice versa. And my disappointment will be immense if the new console isn't backwards compatible with current Switch game cartridges.
I kinda thought that was the idea when we got the Switch OLED before it was confirmed that it still topped off at 1080p.
So, yeah, idk. I guess a Switch "Pro" is exactly what I want, but we'll see what Nintendo has to say in the coming months/year.
@paya Thank you for your comment/review. Very helpful. I prefer watching anime subbed so I'm a bit turned off by not having JPN voice actors, but the game not just being a quick cash grab will keep me interested. I'll probably still wait for a sale.
Comments 97
Re: Xbox Is "Really Looking Forward" To Supporting Switch 2
Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon or bust!
Re: Talking Point: Is The Switch 2 Going To Be Too Big?
It's true that I would like a device that could fit in my pocket, even if it had to fold in half to do so, but the Switch 2 is an appropriate size nonetheless. Wouldn't want it to be any bigger because then it basically becomes a tablet.
Re: Jim Carrey "Open To The Idea" Of Playing Robotnik In Future Sonic Movies
I guess we're going to hear this after every movie.
Re: Best Of 2024: Akira Toriyama, The Dragon Ball, Dragon Quest, And Chrono Trigger Artist That Inspired The World
Shouting out Lady Red is wild.
Re: Dbrand Seems To Have Shared Images Of Switch 2 Inside Its New Case
So this was the one.
Re: Xbox Chief On Bringing Games To Other Platforms, Says There Are No "Red Lines"
Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon are welcome to join the Switch library, please and thank you.
Re: Nintendo Suing Streamer For Allegedly Broadcasting "Pirated" Switch Games Ahead Of Official Release
"I am never going to financially recover from this." - Jesse Keighin, AKA EveryGameGuru
Re: 'Switch Pro' Dongle Is Making A Comeback With New 'RGB Collection'
The mClassic has its uses but I never bothered using mine to be honest. IIRC it can do 1440p60 but unfortunately my LG C1 OLED doesn't support that resolution. So it basically became a $100 anti-aliasing device.
Re: It Takes Two Dev Teases New Co-Op Game Based On A Fresh IP
My wife and I played It Takes Two on Switch a few months ago. It is a really great game.
Re: Final Fantasy Composer Nobuo Uematsu Says Fantasian Neo Dimension Is His "Final Project"
Thank you for everything!
Re: Star Wars: Bounty Hunter Lands First Update, Here Are The Full Patch Notes
I had a blast playing this on the GameCube as a kid but I never beat it. Maybe now's the time to try again!
Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Version 13.0.3 Is Now Live, Here Are The Full Patch Notes
@Markiemania95 I think that happened a while ago, man. I missed 1514-1517 when they dropped in January and had to wait until like May for them to show up, but my point is all 1528 spirits should be available on the spirit board now.
Re: Nintendo Switch System Update 19.0.0 Is Now Live, Here Are The Full Patch Notes
For the love of-
Re: Pour One Out For The Modchip Seller Facing Nintendo In Court Alone
Either way, guilty or not guilty: not lawyering up is crazy.
Re: Random: Fans Discover A Hidden Credits Screen In Zelda: Majora's Mask
@somebread I knew it had to be something like that. I just think the story of how they found hidden data while breaking down the source and what they had to do to uncover it would have been as interesting to include as the button combo itself.
Re: Random: Fans Discover A Hidden Credits Screen In Zelda: Majora's Mask
Wish the article would have said how they found the button combination in the first place.
Re: Doom + Doom II Updated On Switch, Here Are The Patch Notes
Now those are patch notes! Really great stuff!
Re: Hunter x Hunter's Fighting Game Delayed Until 2025, Now Adding Rollback Netcode
1) I'm not upset at all, and I doubt anyone is so hungry for this game that they're fuming about the delay, either. It will just make for a better product in the end.
2) Several fighting games have gotten rollback netcode on the Switch. This makes me very, very hopeful that the next Smash Bros game will get rollback netcode as well.
Re: Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom's Frame Rate Is "Even Worse" Than Link's Awakening
@Diowine Totally true. Reading from system memory is faster than reading from a game cartridge and/or SD card. Not going to be a night and day difference, but it helps. Goes for BotW, TotK, etc.
Re: Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom's Frame Rate Is "Even Worse" Than Link's Awakening
Don't worry! People don't care about frame rate! It's true. I read it in the comments on Nintendolife dot com.
Re: Sonic X Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings Episode 1 Is Out Now
"the **Blur** Blur isn't getting a whiff of attention"
Looks like you made an oopsie.
Re: Review: The Legend Of Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom (Switch) - A Bold Blend Of Old & New That Ranks With The Series' Best
Really disappointed to hear about the frame rate. That was one of the big issues I just couldn't look past in Link's Awakening, and I don't even consider myself someone who notices frame rate dips at all. A locked 30 fps is better (imo) than a constantly changing 40-60 fps.
Re: Talking Point: So Then, Is This 'Switch 2' Leak Legit?
Look, I'm a Smash Bros/Nintendo fan so I'm sure I'll get the successor console eventually, but if it's essentially just a more powerful Switch - a Switch Pro, if you will - I'm not gonna lie, I'd be a little disappointed. It's gotta have a gimmick of some sort to keep up the momentum. If we were going to get a Pro model it should have been the OLED.
I've been speculating this for a while now, but I think/thought the "Nintendo Switch VR" could be the next iteration. With Nintendo's history of motion controls combined with a reasonably priced, reasonably spec'd home VR setup, I could see it being a winner even if every AAA game doesn't make use of it.
Another name idea is the "Switch Up" but that's just to give it more flavor than the Switch 2 / Pro / Super Switch, etc.
Re: Poll: With 'Switch 2' Rumours Swirling, Will There Be A September Direct This Year?
I just upgraded to the OLED a couple days ago so it would make sense for Nintendo to announce the Switch 2 now. Please, Nintendo, spite me! I want to see the new hardware!
Re: Yooka-Replaylee Art Team Highlight Laylee's New Fluffiness In Remaster
Never played it, but maybe one day.
Re: Rumour: 'Industry Whispers' Fuel Speculation Of A Switch 2 Reveal This Month
Oh goodness, I don't know. But I hope so!
Re: Guilty Gear Strive's Switch Edition Won't Support Crossplay
I knew there had to be a catch lol
Re: 'Shashingo: Learn Japanese With Photography' Snaps Up September Release Date On Switch
This game is right up my alley. The cherry on top would be a <$60 price point, but either way this is definitely something I'm picking up.
Re: Valkyria Chronicles Remastered Scores A Limited Run Switch Release, Pre-Orders Live
@yohn777 Ah, good catch on the PC version not having Remastered in the title despite being 1080p (and above?).
But yeah... This is really looking like a mess up. Don't get me wrong if it's somehow the PS4 Remaster getting a port I will pre-order it immediately. But let's be honest, there's no way. 1080p? On the Switch? Like... Smash Ultimate and a handful of others. 60fps? No chance. That is Valkyria Chronicles Remastered. The switch port is "Valkyria Chronicles (for Nintendo Switch)" AKA the PS3 version + DLCs.
It sounds so immature but I fear LRG could get in legal trouble for this. This would be blatant false advertising unless 1) The "Remastered" title got blended into the aether of the game and every version is kind of the remastered version now or something, or 2) this physical release is somehow actually the remastered version of the game.
Re: Valkyria Chronicles Remastered Scores A Limited Run Switch Release, Pre-Orders Live
I'm really curious if this is the Remastered version or not.
The Switch version is the standard game + DLCs. It's not marketed with the Remastered title. That's only for PC & PS4 which run at 1080p 60fps.
IMO looks like false advertising.
Re: Talking Point: Would $499 Be Too Much For 'Switch 2'?
$300 again and I'll get it day one.
$400 and I'll pick it up somewhere within the first year. I don't mind waiting.
$500 and I'm definitely not getting it until a nice holiday sale comes along.
Re: Soapbox: Has Nintendo Set A Precedent That 'Switch 2' Can't Hope To Match?
Unless the 'Switch 2' does something really novel with its hardware I think it's unlikely to outsell its predecessor.
Re: Capcom eShop Golden Week Sale Includes Monster Hunter Rise For "Lowest Price Ever" (US)
Snagged a digital copy of MH Rise + Sunbreak Deluxe! Thanks for the heads up, guys.
Re: Talking Point: Which Xbox Games Would You Like To See Come To Switch?
Lost Odyssey!
Re: Talking Point: Pokémon Presents Predictions - What Are You Expecting?
Gavin knocked it out of the park! That's exactly what I want to see.
Re: Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom "Hands On" Performance & Resolution Detailed
900p while docked is unfortunate. 30fps is acceptable. Not being locked at 30fps is bad.
Re: Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster File Sizes Seemingly Revealed
Summing up the file sizes for 1-6 I got: 4.955gb. Wonder where the extra half a gig comes from...
Re: Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster File Sizes Seemingly Revealed
I'm at least picking up FFVI if not the entire collection. Might give SE a couple days to knock out any day one bugs, but definitely purchasing at some point. Never played 1-3 & 5. The EXP modifier has sold me.
Re: Get Up To 80% Off Select Titles In The Switch eShop Partner Spotlight Sale (North America)
Okay, weird. I've had It Takes Two on my wishlist since it was announced for Switch, and in my wishlist it has never changed from "Release date: 11/4/2022, Not Available for Purchase". Not even today. I assumed something fell through and the port was canned. But lo and behold when I searched for it in the eShop just now it's available, and probably has been for some time. Very strange.
I think I will pick it up while it's on sale and play it with wifey.
Re: Video: Everything That Could Go Wrong With The Switch's Successor
I have no idea what the next generation console will be. TBH I'm really happy with everything the Switch provides, and I'd be sad to see the next iteration return to a home-only situation, not that I've seen that speculated. I'd like to see modular parts, such as the Switch itself and the dock, being upgradable separately to offer different benefits. Maybe the "new" dock and "new" Switch together can reach 4K, but a "new" Switch and old dock can still function together but at a better performance than the Switch can currently output? And vice versa. And my disappointment will be immense if the new console isn't backwards compatible with current Switch game cartridges.
I kinda thought that was the idea when we got the Switch OLED before it was confirmed that it still topped off at 1080p.
So, yeah, idk. I guess a Switch "Pro" is exactly what I want, but we'll see what Nintendo has to say in the coming months/year.
Re: First Harvest Moon: The Winds Of Anthos Images Tease What's Next For The Farm Sim Spin-Off
Breath of the Arceus.
Re: Review: Fitness Boxing Fist Of The North Star - A Fun Crossover That Delivers Basic Beats
@paya Thank you for your comment/review. Very helpful. I prefer watching anime subbed so I'm a bit turned off by not having JPN voice actors, but the game not just being a quick cash grab will keep me interested. I'll probably still wait for a sale.
Re: Countdown: Wii U eShop Spotlight - Star Fox Guard
Never played the game but I love the cover art. It looks like something Hayao Miyazaki would have drawn.
Re: Review: Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel - A F2P Card-Battler With Potential, But Noobs Beware
But Pot of Greed only lets you draw 2 cards.
Re: Power Rangers' Third Season 4 Pass Character Enters The Grid Next Week
The base game as well as the Super Edition or whatever are on sale on the eShop for the next several days.
Re: Free Alternate Costumes Are Coming "Very Soon" To Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl
Interesting timing. I wonder if this is in response to WB MultiVerses.
Re: Best Pokémon Games Of All Time
Below the Let's Go games? Yeah right.
Re: The Pokémon Diamond And Pearl Remakes Have Been Updated To Version 1.1.1, Here Are The Full Patch Notes
Even I do not know if I will buy BD/SP on the 19th.
Re: Netflix's Witcher Season 2 Trailer Has War, Magic, Yennefer, Ciri, And An Evil House
@Broosh This has nothing to do with The Witcher 3.
Re: Netflix's Witcher Season 2 Trailer Has War, Magic, Yennefer, Ciri, And An Evil House
How did this make news on a Nintendo website?
Thanks for letting me know I guess.