The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom contains many great life lessons we should all take into consideration: get others to do all the work for you; talking to cats is worth your time; making friends with spiders is good; horses can smell carrots from hundreds of miles away. Oh, and beds solve all problems.
Okay, in all seriousness, as the first brand-new top-down Zelda since 2015’s Tri Force Heroes, Echoes of Wisdom is a near-perfect marriage of the old and the new. As with many of Nintendo’s best titles, this adventure completely understands the magic of play, the wonder of curiosity. This time, however, that essence has been distilled into a tiny, top-down experience, complete with that beautiful minfigure look from Grezzo's Link’s Awakening remake, and the developer is back to make magic yet again with the franchise.

For the first time in a mainline entry, Zelda is unabashedly the hero, with no caveats. But this is still a Legend of Zelda game, meaning structurally it’ll be very familiar to anyone who played a 2D Zelda before – go here, solve a local problem, go to a dungeon, fight a boss, etc. It’s genuinely exciting to explore Hyrule in this art style, and looking at the glossy trees of Hyrule Field and the crystal clear waters of Jabul Waters and Faron Wetlands is a treat. The flute rendition of Hyrule Field’s theme, complete with a new flourish of Zelda’s Lullaby, equally gets our hearts racing.
While Echoes of Wisdom is without a doubt a 'classic' Zelda, it takes that old formula and twists it into something fresh thanks to the titular character herself. You can't just go in with your Master Sword and Hookshot; you actually have to rewire your brain on how you tackle every situation thanks to the Tri Rod, a staff given to the princess by her new, adorable companion, Tri. This can be used to make a copy of the various items and enemies across Hyrule.
As you progress, you’ll amass a huge catalogue of Echoes to summon for your every need, and you’ll also be able to cast multiple at once as you level up your floating yellow friend. It’s never not satisfying to send out a mob of Moblins to destroy a group of enemies while you’re cutting grass or picking up rocks to find ladders or hidden items. Every boss and enemy encounter is a little puzzle to solve, whether it's using the right monster Echoes or utilising the elements through Water Blocks or Braziers.

In a pinch, Zelda can use a sword by turning into Swordfighter Form. Eventually, you get the use of a bow and some bombs, giving you a brief snippet of Link's gameplay, but it isn’t a crutch: despite being extremely powerful, Zelda can only maintain this form for a few seconds — a bit longer when fully upgraded — so if you want to use it, you need to make it count.
Using Echoes, Zelda fully embraces the plastic-y aesthetic and Hyrule feels like a giant toybox stuffed full of puzzles, where everything from getting Heart Pieces to fighting enemies requires careful consideration. Where big trees in Link’s Awakening or A Link to the Past serve as obstacles separating regions, Zelda can simply use beds, rocks, or even clouds to climb up and walk all over them. It grants a level of freedom we’ve never seen in a top-down Zelda game before. With Echoes, comparisons to both Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom are more than apt - just on a much smaller, more controlled scale.
Like the open-world 3D adventures of the Switch era, Echoes of Wisdom gives you even more to do outside of exploring and using Echoes. Side quests provide fun little diversions that lead you to hidden caves, optional bosses, and sometimes accessories to help Zelda along. You can run around and collect stamps for Hyrule’s resident weird little chap, Stamp Guy. You also eventually get Automatons, little robotic creatures that look rather cool, but feel a little useless, especially as you amass an army of enemy Echoes throughout the game that can do everything these metallic guys can.
Back to the more traditional Zelda qualities, similar to the Dark World, there's a strange alternate realm for Zelda to explore: the Still World. As Zelda enters menacing purple rifts throughout the game, you’ll uncover fractured pockets of Hyrule you need to restore. Trees are ripped from the ground and floating; bodies of water are now suspended mid-air; and the citizens of Hyrule are in stasis, dripping with black. Navigating these little segments is extremely fun: many are optional and reward you with upgrades for Tri, but most are home to a true Zelda staple – dungeons.

Echoes of Wisdom applies its whole philosophy to the series' vintage top-down dungeons to great effect. None of them are particularly challenging, but they are classic Zelda to a tee, complete with puzzles, keys, locked rooms full of monsters, and more. There are also side-on sections, both in and out of dungeons, that require more smart use of your Echoes. Even the stealth sections are fun, especially if you accidentally box the soldiers in together so only one can see you but he's blocked by the others. We're so glad we can make more stupid decisions like this in a top-down environment. Plus, if you want more of a challenge, you can hop into Hero Mode at any point — it's worth it, because it definitely bites.
Another ability you’ll need to get to grips with is Bind. Using Tri, Zelda can 'bind' herself to enemies and objects and either shift them around in accordance with her own movements or follow their movements. Or you could just, like us, use it to drop enemies into bottomless pits. It takes some getting used to, particularly after countless hours using Magnesis or the Ultrahand, but it can be extremely useful.
When you’re in busy rooms filled with crates, boulders, and enemies, you might need to target more specifically what you want to bind to. Unfortunately, this involves selecting the ‘Target’ button over and over again until you land on what you're aiming for – whether it’s in combat or just to solve a puzzle. You don't need to lock on if the item is right in front of you, but when items are high up, or enemies are airborne, targeting becomes essential, and cycling through makes things just a bit more fiddly than they need to be.

There’s another lingering problem, one which was present in the Link’s Awakening remake: performance dips. Just like the 2019 game, Echoes of Wisdom’s frame rate, despite aiming for a consistent 60fps, is all over the place. If you like spinning around in the overworld and cutting grass, you’ll notice pretty frequent frame drops. Hebra Mountain and the Gerudo Desert also suffer, where sandstorms and snow make things feel choppy. Inside buildings and in dungeons, the game is silky-smooth, which makes the frequent overworld stutters (in docked and handheld) even more noticeable.
Otherwise, this 15-20 hour adventure is a Zelda fan’s dream. With classic '2D' gameplay and 3D experimentation coming together, Echoes of Wisdom's originality reminds us that there’s space for both Zeldas in this world, beyond just remakes and sequels. That alone makes us happy to wield the Tri Rod and cause some chaos for the monsters of Hyrule.
The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom should be the new standard for top-down Zelda going forward. Rather than abandoning the classic formula, Zelda has shown that the old and the new can come together and produce wonderful results that reward experimentation and reinforce the joy of play. This is easily in contention with A Link to the Past and A Link Between Worlds as one of the best top-down adventures in the series, and we hope we don’t need to wait another 35 years for Zelda to take a starring role again.
Comments 164
It’s not every day we get the launch of a new mainline Zelda!
I don’t need it to be the best Zelda game ever, but if it feels like a step in the right direction (for what I like - Twilight Princess is my favorite!) I will be pleased as punch
And that seems to be the case!!!
Maybe grab it after work tomorrow after all!!
Great! Just read the intro, the conclusion and the +/- and I'm happy with it. Think this will be super fun to play. Now, waiting for my copy to arrive and reaching that spot in the backlog ... 😍
Thanks for the review, doubt the performance will particularly bother me considering it didn't in Link's Awakening (although of course I hope it can be improved by patches and/or Switch's successor) and the other cons as well so I really can't wait to start playing this as soon as my physical copy arrives!
Lovely review 🙂 Seems like Nintendo really doubled down on ensuring both new and traditional Zelda philosophies were harnessed for this game!
Nice to also get confirmation of additional link powers with the bow & arrow + bombs - I suspected this a little while ago but it makes me happy, I love a good bow and arrow 🙂
I'm happy they nailed the dungeons. That's one of the most important aspects of a "classic" Zelda. This'll be great!
@ScalenePowers Right direction? Was Nintendo going in a wrong before or something?
@GooseLoose1 every handheld Zelda game is mainline, save the Tingle games and Hyrule Warriors Legends.
@GooseLoose1 the handheld titles were mainline too.
@GooseLoose1 handheld Zelda’s (or top down perspective Zelda’s) are considered just as much mainline in the series as any of the others.
Things like Hyrule Warriors and the like are more akin to spinoff entries.
@batmanbud2 @VoidofLight @Sonicka Ah gotcha then. Good to know.
I don't have that much interest with this Chibi Zelda game, but the ability of princess Zelda to summon stuffs from thin air with her staff made me intrigued.

If there is anvil i can summon from the sky in this game, please let me know because i can start the Anvil Chorus Tiny Toons style when i get the game. 😆
Performance comments don't surprise me in the least lmao. Glad it's not game breaking.
Just dipped in and out of this review as I don't want the details right now, but it sounds great.
Was hoping to get my copy a day early, but I took the cheaper route and will have to wait 'til tomorrow.
Edit: Doh! Totally thought it was Thursday already, but it's still Wednesday, so really had no cause to expect delivery today. So fingers crossed for tomorrow, cos it's been dispatched!
This comments section is bound to see an onslaught of "We needs Switch 2 already!", but just remember that it's the devs who've chosen to accept any minor fps issues - they could have programed the game to run more smoothly, but they've not, and if they're happy with it, I suspect I will be too. And it's not like it won't get a performance boost on Switch Successor, is it Nintendo?
@JohnnyMind Im pretty surprised myself. Alot of other games here tend to get heavy point docks for performance issues despite a glowing review, but doesn't seem to effect Zelda.
I like the idea of this being somebody's first The Legend of Zelda game; they play as Zelda, they have a good time... then they go back to older games or play the next one and they're given control of Link and are like, "who's this p***k?!".
Hopefully a couple of patches can stabilise the performance a bit. Other than that - looking great!
Will be amazing. I know it
@Markatron84 That p***k is the legendary hero of time. A cursed boy who's every incarnation is faced with daunting task of saving the world.
No words are needed. No emotions shared. That hero does what needs to be done. He is Link. A nephew, a lost child, a brother, a protector of friends, and loyal soldier.
Pshh. I just commented in the Famitsu review article.
Dropping all other games to start this one up, as soon as possible.
I'm a bit disappointed by the framerate dips... something I'm not too picky about, usually.
I wonder if just playing this on the Switch 2 would just smooth everything out performance-wise? I'm not waiting though.
2D Zelda is where it's at for me. Definitely picking this one up and I'm not too bothered about some minor frame dips. Link's Awakening had it too and I personally think Switch 2 will solve these problems.
I wonder if there are performance problems on the current Switch because (if rumors are to be believed that there will be backwards compatibility with current generation Switch games) this game was actually optimized to run better on the Switch 2 (or whatever it ends up being called).
This review made me decide not to get the game. Too much nonsense and I hate open ended games. I wish Zelda would go back to the way it was. The series died for me after Twilight Princess (I did love the Link's Awakening Remake though).
@B238ben The Switch just has issues. About every Zelda title so far as had performance issues. It's just the hardware.
@Fangleman32 “for what I like - Twilight Princess is my favorite!”
Not surprised in the fps dips. This artstyle was intensive in Link’s Awakening, and this game seems to be far larger in size.
Can't wait to play. I didn't notice performance issues in Link's Awakening so I doubt I will in this game either.
I love that we get keys.
Thanks for the review! Took tomorrow off work, can’t wait
@DripDropCop146 why is there poetry in the comments of a game review rofl
Sounds like a 10/10 for me.
@sunny63 Because!
Just a little bit more waiting. I am very curious how good this adventure is.
Preordered for my son on Monday using the Currys25 code for a tasty discount. Got an email this afternoon that it’s on the way, my son will be delighted.
Already preordered, of course, Zelda never dissapoints. I CAN'T WAIT!
This game is the cat’s meow and features friendly spiders? Sign me up!
But with this being an actual Zelda game with all the charm of the Link’s Awakening remake, that was already guaranteed. Good thing I happen to be off work tomorrow. I hope I don’t get overwhelmed by the echoes. I don’t mind making others fight for me, but I often like to fight enemies head-on. I’ll just have to keep that Link-like tendency in check.
The frame rate issue was a little jarring for a first-party game like Link’s Awakening, and I don’t understand why Grezzo couldn’t improve on that in a new game, but it shouldn’t be a dealbreaker. For me, this game just being like Link’s Awakening on a much grander scale alone should make this a likely winner, and there’s clearly much more to it than just that.
Aww man, I won't be getting the game today, but look what has just arrived, to rub my face in it:'s review suggests the fps issues are not as significant as in the Link's Awakening remake, in case anyone is concerned.
Update 11am 26/09/24:
Reads like an awesome outing. I'm glad we live in a console era with classic Zelda dungeons (with their own unique gimmick involved) and the open world Zeldas in existence. This is very much my bag. Looking fwd to it.
The review seems rather spoiler-y, insofar as it gives away some tactics for dealing with various enemies and obstacles that were not immediately obvious to this reader.
@AlanaHagues I have never regretted reading a review on NL, until this one.
86 on Metacritic - lower than Link's Awakening. Main issue seems to be that Zelda was traditionally an action adventure but that this is a PUZZLE-adventure (no combat for the most part effectively)
Ugh gotta wait till payday but so glad this is a good one!
Didn't read the review, only the score. I wanted to get this on Day 1, but it might now have to wait a few weeks. Looks like it'll be well worth the wait though!
@Medic_alert True, but they gave fair points as to why. I just read the the Verge's review and the reviewer even responded in comments why they felt the low score was fair.
Very excited for this one. But a big yikes on the frame rate issues. Hopefully they're not too bad, as that is the sort of thing that can ruin the experience for me
15-20 hours is short for me!!! Hope im not disappointed now
the second picture, seems like Aninal Crossing NH.
Only 24 hours to go... I don't think i can make it!
As expected another great game by Nintendo! I noticed it seems to be getting review bombed at least on YouTube. I guess some people are threatened by the idea of playing as zelda. Oh and what's this fascination reviewers have with framerate? I swear that's such a huge concern all the time and especially in a more slow paced game i don't get it. I don't recall one kid on the playground in the 90s back when Link to the past came out asking about the framerate.
Hell when Ocarina of time came out all the reviews talked about was the graphics, music, story, the fact that it was the first ever fully 3D zelda. No mention whatsoever of framerate.
It's like you guys are going... if the framerate isn't at 100 FPS I'm not buying it! I demand perfection!
In my day we played games if they looked fun, had nice graphics but we weren't whores about it and if it was part of a series we already loved.
Anyway Links awakening on switch got crap about framerate too and you barely notice unless you're really looking for it. I'm sure the same is true here. Just try to have fun and don't sweat the small stuff.
@Truegamer79 Youtubers would review bomb youtube. Anyways im pretty sure there's fair criticism even within youtube for the game not being great that have nothing to do with feeling threatened playing as Zelda.
@Glasso This is an important point that leaves me a bit disappointed.
I think the game is over-hyped because of the fact that we haven't had a top-down version of Zelda for a while.
There is a lot of gameplay, but I'd much rather play any of the others for the first time again.
I don't think the frame rate is really an issue. I think my main gripe is that it feels like dungeons are too simple, and the game can be cheesed often. The story and characters have too many lines and little depth. It's the first Zelda game I don't feel excited about completing.
Na...the 2015 "Triforce Heroes" shouldn't count as a full fledged top down entry in the LoZ series. The last LEGITIMATE classic top down LoZ was the excellent 2013 3ds "The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds". That game is one of the handful of 3ds titles that completely transcend the platform they are released on. It's not just "good for a 3ds game", it's a masterpiece. Other examples being "Kid Icarus: Uprising" which is the ultimate proof of concept for the two screen/touchscreen format for modern games. I'm really hoping the new Switch2 has that capability so we can finally get a port of it AND a new entry in the series. Then two other examples real quickly I wanna mention, 3ds "Metroid: Samus returns" remake of the classic GB Metroid 2, absolutely amazing game and it's success paved the way to make Samus a household name again FINALLY. A lot of ppl played the damn awesome "Metroid: Dread" first and are then quite surprised to see that it's gameplay mechanics, animations, and even visual style were tried and tested and taken directly from the 3ds "Metroid: Samus returns". Then lastly 3ds "Resident Evil: revelations", a title that kind of came out of nowhere and with the state of the series at that time...nobody had anything resembling high expectations for it. Then it arrived and was shockingly good. This was long before the revival and remake era and most ppl were fed up with how Capcom turned the horror series into generic action games. With RE revelations we got a new fresh location, isolated out at sea on a massive cruise ship, we got fresh new characters along with return to form with classic ones, we had creepy new monsters , but most importantly it was a survival horror game again. All of that would've been more than enough, but it also had impossibly good visuals that were never surpassed by any other game on 3ds. Capcom got their RE:5 engine to run on the comically underpowered 3ds handheld and the results were amazing. It was a Nintendo game on a dedicated handheld console that was SO GOOD that it was ported to PS3. That's NOT a thing that had ever happened before and never happened again. I kind of forgot what my point even was, but who cares.
@Truegamer79 i am glad to see i c not the only one who is confused by the craze around high framerates! Though i also don't have much issue with low rez either so take my opinion for what you will.
Instant buy for me tomorrow, no matter what the reviews around says. 😊 Cant wait!
Hopefully we also Get a oot/tp type 3d zelda on switch 2 also 😊
Hero Mode / Master Mode should be available from the start in EVERY Zelda game.
Looking forward to this.
I preordered the day after the June Direct, and it's been a waiting game since - Zelda finally gets her chance to shine and I'm really looking forward to trying this out tomorrow night.
Link's Awakening has been on my backlog forever, but I'll prioritize this one.
Although Gamestop has botched some of my preorders lately, so fingers crossed!
Thank God someone else feels the same way I do about people's obsessions with frame rate these days. People are so spoiled, and just have no concept of what truly poor frame rates used to be. We played Road Rash and Race Drivin' on the Genesis, and even though the animation was slow and choppy beyond belief, the games were still FUN.
Isn't that what counts, in the end?
Pre-Ordered today before the reviews starting dropping. Can't wait now, nothing like getting lost in a new Zelda game.
@aaronsullivan “wonder if just playing this on the Switch 2 would just smooth everything out performance-wise?”
I was thinking that as well. And with my current timeline for getting around to playing this that might work out. Need something to look forward to. I wonder if Nintendo will go all “$10 to upgrade” to get better graphics?
15-20 hours means we can borrow it from the library. I really thought with all of the echoes and dungeons and trial and error this was going to be a big 50-60 hour exploration.
Can't wait to bed-hop with all them monsters. growl
Er, I mean rawr
I'm excited to play it even if some elements of Echoes of Wisdom look like Tears of the Kingdom but top down. The Still World has me most intrigued. I always love second overworlds in Zelda games.
Happy to see it's good, but man, am I bummed by this artstyle. It makes me 70% less wanting to play the game
Hell yes. Been pre-ordered for a while now. Got that nice bestbuy bonus as well.
@gcunit 😰
I'm planning on getting both game and console in person at Target, GameStop, or Best Buy. I hope none of those stores run out of stock within the first few hours, since I have work.
@batmanbud2 Good luck, I've got my fingers crossed for you!
I'm still amazed they didn't go ahead and roll out Oracle of Seasons / Ages in the style of Link's Awakening remake.... but a new game is always more welcome!
GameSpot spent 65hrs with the game beforw review, so even if main story is 15-20hrs there is plenty left, or plenty to do before end boss, which ever way you prefer.
As for me, I'm going to pitch a tent in front of my letterbox, the wait.......
@nocdaes That's for the Switch 2!
And hopefully the forgotten third Oracle game too...
Whelp, I will definitely be getting this. I had some doubts at first but they are gradually being replaced by optimism. Ultimately I have to play it and decide for myself. I’m looking forward to it!
Performance issues didn’t bother me in the slightest in Links Awakening so I don’t think I’ll be bothered here! 24hrs to go! Curious what they’re gonna be doing at the Nintendo store!
"I don’t need it to be the best Zelda game ever, but if it feels like a step in the right direction (for what I like - Twilight Princess is my favorite!) I will be pleased as punch"
"Right direction? Was Nintendo going in a wrong [direction] before or something?"
what is it about the full context of their comment that you didnt understand? 🤔
I'm on vacation from tomorrow through the 30th. Work has been really hard recently, so I absolutely can't wait for this. Hope everyone has a great time with it.
Not to devalue the work they put in this game, I have it on pre-order, but this is a perfect example of missing the 2-tier Nintendo console/handheld pricing. $60 for 15-20 hours will seem rich to many.
When I played Link's Awakening on GameBoy back in the day, pretty sure my parents didn't have to shell out 60 inflation adjusted dollars for it.
@nocdaes "We started to remake the Oracle games, then realized they were perfect, so we stopped..."
-Nintendo, probably
Really disappointed to hear about the frame rate. That was one of the big issues I just couldn't look past in Link's Awakening, and I don't even consider myself someone who notices frame rate dips at all. A locked 30 fps is better (imo) than a constantly changing 40-60 fps.
"The Switch just has issues. About every Zelda title so far as had performance issues. It's just the hardware."
I'm not a computer scientist, but if I understand you correctly, you are saying the switch is defective, and nothing about the software could be changed to fix the issues because it's "just the hardware."
that only would make sense to me if literally every game had notable problems on switch, but obviously that is not the case. Likewise every other nintendo console could run the games that nintendo programmes for it just fine, but would also struggle obviously to play BOTW and TOTK. 👍 in other words, "it's the software." ✌️
I finished this game, the dungeons have no challenge at all. To easy. 😏
Nice review and nice score! Finished Prince of Persia the lost crown today so that I can fully focus on Zelda tommorow!
@LikelySatan Enjoy your break from work. Same here. It's been all work the past month, so now I'm ready to play. This releases at exactly the right time.
@Qwiff Thanks dude! Have fun. I'm ready to get lost in Hyrule, again..
@Ryu_Niiyama i wish your wallet good luck.
@Glasso That just interests me more. Ha.
I can't wait to be able to play this at midnight! I'm not a fan of topdown Zelda games, but this one won me over thanks to its charm and originality.
@-wc- Okay.
@LikelySatan actually, nah. Playing through Seasons right now, and. . .it's a weaker Links Awakening. Change the current season to slightly alter the world map. OoOoOoH. I've heard Ages is better, but I'm still not convinced.
For the record, it's still a good game.
15-20 hour game really?
SO EXCITED to bring this home tomorrow.
@Yalloo Same, dude. I want to go in pretty blind.
Im so hyped for this game! It looks so cute and fun I know its gonna be a great time playin it ❤️
What's with this fixation on performance these days? I remember plenty of hiccups during gameplay in the GameCube years and nobody made a big fuss about it. Now every conversation around a new game has to be all about "buttery smooth 60fps" "stutters here and there" "disappointing performance".
Maybe it's just me, but with thousands of hours played on Switch, performance hasn't taken anything away from my experience.
@batmanbud2 The development of the Oracles games is a fun read if you ever get the time .
I haven't played in a long time but if I recall Seasons is more action based while Ages puzzled based. Alot of I what read Ages is the stronger of the two.
@Jiggies Standards have raised in the twenty years since the GameCube. That, plus Nintendo fans haven't been in a spot to complain about graphics or performance since 2006. You want the Marios and Zeldas? Well, you gotta put up with hardware a decade out of date, then.
Yes exactly! I'm sure some tech geek will message me back and give me a big rant about how framerate matters but honestly I've been gaming since it's inception and i never gave one dang diddly about it. Sure if the choppyness is so bad the game isn't playable I'll complain but otherwise who cares? Not me.
I'm disappointed to hear about the frame rate dips. They really hurt my enjoyment of Link's Awakening, particularly because the stuttering was happening for no discernable reason while walking around. FPS drops are much easier for me to ignore if I can actually see why it's happening, but that was not the case. I'm amazed that problem wasn't ironed out all these years later.
@Teksetter I am 100% with you and @TrueGamer79 on the complete and utter obsession with frame rates these days! I was playing video games for 20 years before even hearing them mentioned as any kind of main factor in how good a game is to play.
The game has been downloaded and tormenting me for days. But, being an elder stateswoman, I can play all I want. Main down side is the days I could stay up til midnite and play are long gone. Well, age and the hydrocodone I'm on for a wonky knee.
But it's gonna be a fun tmorrow!
Major bummer about the frame rate issues. That was such a pervasive issue in the Link's Awakening remake and really dragged that game down a ton. Honestly a little hesitant on this one now. I'm also still not really sold on the echoes mechanic. It just doesn't feel like it would be fun in practice to me.
If I have to hear about frame rate one more time... There's so many others things to worry about.
Awesome. Cannot wait for tomorrow.
@Ade117 still world locations are "puzzle" dungeons, not an alternative over world.
@trcsf FYI: Frame rate is important, because it directly impacts gameplay and the entire game experience. I'll never understand people who just pretend that it's not important. It is. Just because you don't personally care about it, doesn't mean that other people don't care about it. Any review that doesn't cover it (good or bad), would be failing their duty to readers.
Though I haven't played it in handheld mode, frame rate being an issue is an exaggeration made by this article. Every other top-down Zelda game has had worse frame rate issues that could stutter combat. This hasn't had such an issue. If you don't like 30FPS maybe you should choose another console. There are more valid complaints about this game. The frame rate is as expected.
@tabzer Sounded like both to me.
Lol people fighting about frame rates when the Zelda IP has had, in the past few titles, so many things wrong that this one is trying to fix (but seems it falls in the mud again) that frame rate is the least of our problems with the franchise right now.
Game design is above all else rather than specs and numbers.
You could give me a great game with frame rate dips and the resolution of 720p and it will still be a great game.
Give me a really bad game at 120 fps 8k resolution and it will still be a bad game.
As simple as that
@Truegamer79 @Picola-Wicola
Maybe we could start a peer support group for those who just can't cope with any FPS less than a rock-solid 60. I think we'd be good mediators.
Build a bridge and get over it! Hah!
eurogamer said One area where this pared back approach does fall a little flat, however, is its dungeons, which are arguably some of the series' weakest in recent memory. There are seven of them altogether, each submerged in a rift in a far-flung corner of Hyrule
@Ade117 I don't know what you are imagining, but it's not like Link to the Past where you swap between two dimensions. They are isolated instances once you complete, they are no longer accessible.
Looking forward to trying it. Thanks for the review.
Definitely excited for this one! I should be picking up my preorder sometime tomorrow - likely after work. I took off Friday so I can play the game. Sadly my weekend is a busy one, so I can't fully get stuck in Hyrule the other days.
I was expecting 10/10. Disappointed. Might still buy it though.
@johnedwin Weaker than the Divine Beasts? Yeah, I highly doubt it lol
Should be getting this game in tomorrow. Looking forward to trying it out!
Got a bit of a backlog to hack apart but I’m happy this is getting such a warm and fuzzy reception. Will definitely pick this up soon.
I'll come back to the review, I've successfully avoided almost all content outside of the original trailer as I did with Tears of the Kingdom. Zelda is about the only series I preorder and I can't wait to dig into this one, especially seeing the score here and having always wanted more of the Link's Awakening remake style.
It looks like a pretty good game with some pretty interesting ideas thrown in but admittedly I'm not mad on the artstyle. I mean it's far from the worst but I'm just not struck on the way everything looks so how will I put it? so plasticky.
Edit: this being said I'm still going to buy it. I've always been a fan of Zelda games and this is no exception.
@LEGEND_MARIOID Lucky for you. But also it's the worst reviewed new Zelda game in over 30 years at least..
@tabzer Well, that's a bummer.
@Rambler @Swoose I'd be interested to find out which game took the most man hours to develop.
@Glasso I've enjoyed games immensely that have been metascored at 84%-86% before. So yeah, I am grateful to be "lucky" with regard to the series I suppose. 🙂
@LEGEND_MARIOID I'm not surprised. There some really good games in that range. But they didn't have the Zelda/Mario "review excess" factor either did they?
@Glasso and TotK is one of the best reviewed and one of the worst Zeldas out there.... so.... I don't see the point
I've read it's 18-24 hours with side quests.
Looking forward to playing it tomorrow. I've always been more of a fan of the 2D Zelda games (do love the 3D ones as well) and this sounds like a great return to the traditional formula with the dungeons and a nice, new twist with the echoes.
Great game, being in for 4 hours now. The world map is huge, and it is so much fun uncovering it, defeating new enemies and unlock the warp points. Battle can be stressful sometimes, but I already have some very powerful enemies fighting for me.
Enjoy yourself!
My copy will arrive on Friday
I loved Link's Awakening so I am sure I will love this too!
@Yoshi3 you just proved the point.
The opening of your review gave me a laugh. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
@gcunit Ooh fancy!
@Truegamer79 applauds post
Glad to know it received the full marks it deserves. Now, back to TOTK to get that done. Man have I been slacking.
Must be an age thing. If you're old enough to remember enjoying games when they were simpler and framerate wasn't such an obsession it doesn't bother you. If you grew up in the later generations you're all Graphics this and Framerate that. 😉
@Truegamer79 not me. I'm 19, but my first game was NSMB on the DS, so I'm used to crusty visuals and framerates, especially with how much Mario Party 8 I played in the early 2010's. I only care about how the game plays.
@Truegamer79 Back in the NES days almost any game was 60 fps. The slowing of the frames started in the 3D era (N64 and PS1). I rather have a graphically unimpressive, but fluid game, than the other way around.
@Anti-Matter Lol I hanks for reminding me of that hilarious scene. I haven’t seen it in ages
@Yoshi3 TotK is amazing once you get past its steep learning curve; especially once you get enough Zonai battery to have fun with the crafting
@rainbowtick Grezzo made the amazing 3DS remakes of Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask
@tabzer So more like the subspace areas of Super Mario Bros. 2…
@batmanbud2 I probably like Link's Awakening more, at least DX. I played the Oracle games together when they came out and that probably affects my feelings towards them. I'm also just a sucker for anything Gameboy
All that said, I'm perfectly fine with nostalgia coloring how I feel about a game.
"^Cats everywhere"
As a Haitian player, me very excite 🐈 😋
Im going to hold off on this and Re play an older zelda
I've been playing this since midnight and it could turn out to be my favorite Zelda. I absolutely love it so far. ♥️♥️
I'm enjoying this a lot more than I thought I would.
I bought a copy for a mate who is a non gamer (mostly collection games like animal crossing or Pokémon) so hopefully the learning curve isnt too steep for him.
Now I just have to work out how to summon my army of Rope for everyday purposes such as cooking, cleaning, washing up, and helping with the shopping. But that's a separate project I am working on.
@Antraxx777 nah thanks. The steep learning curve is the least of my concerns with that game. After 180 hours playing TotK I know I never, in my 35 years with the franchise, played Zelda for crafting. That is not Zelda.
It’s a game called Zelda, but it’s not it. I don’t know why there’s Nuts and Bolts and Minecraft in a Zelda clone game.
Glad you enjoyed it though.
TotK for me is even behind Tri Force heroes…. At least that one was fun with friends.
I see what you’re getting at. However in the U.K. Links Awakening was £25 at launch in 1993. That’s £52.32 now. Plus this will have cost a lot more to develop.
Thank you for the thorough review, NintendoLife.
It seems like they succesfully managed to mix old and new elements together to breathe a bit of fresh air into a classic formula.
I am so UTTERLY DISAPPOINTED in this game! Preordered on announcement and has been much anticipated since. Today it arrived, my heart began to race as i cracked open the case. Nothing. What, what is going on I asked myself. Perhaps the ambience is wrong, so I darkened the room with only the flicker of candles to light it. Much better I thought. So, once again I cracked the case, nothing, I opened it a fraction more, nothing. Where is the shining light? Where is the build up in music? I opened it fully and in a vain hope I took out the game, held it aloft whilst posing in the traditional manner. Nothing, not if a faint whisper of Da na na naaa. My heart broke audibly, I throw the game to the floor and stamped on it, over-come with emotion and cremated the shattered remains over a candle. Then proceeded to huddle into the corner of the shower as a wailed and wept bitter tears. 0 out of 10, I cried, 0 out of 10!!!
On hindsight I may have over reacted somewhat.
@rjejr Lately, I enjoy the shorter end of games. I could have done 30 hours... heck I probably will, I like to tinker.
@aaronsullivan Short can be good, long can be good, depends on the game. My brain can't get past the price point of $60 for 10 hours games though. Not when I can borrow them from the library and finish them in a week. Anything over 30 hours I have to buy and $60 is ok for those.
I just finished Plucky Squire in about 11 hours and I would like more of that game, hoping the next 3D Mario is as good, those tend to be longer as well if I remember correctly, it's been a long time. 😝 Plucky Squire is $30 but I paid $15 for a month of PS+ Extra. Also played Crisis Core and Gigabash. Not much else so I'll be canceling it this weekend.
I bought Cat Quest 3 for $20 ($30 game w/ $10 Best Buy rewards) and that's about 8 hours from what my kids tell me, they played it last month, my wife and I have been busy, maybe next week. My kid may also start playing "Tales of Arise" next week, that's about 40 hours. Not sure about the 10 hour DLC, we'll see how it goes. I bought that for $20 2 years ago. My other kid started it but after an hour decided to play something else instead, FF16 I think.
So short games and long games, library, subscription services and purchased, all have their place here.😎
@rjejr I was expecting 30-45 hours, not 20. Disappointing. Also, I wish they really worked on trees to add some variety. The environments don't look that good.
@Ramouz 20 is actually very long for a top down Zelda. Most other Zeldas of the nature barely take more than 10.
@NiallMitch14 Don’t count on it. Link’s awakening still runs like crap
I`ve been playing it for 3 hours now. I love the fully and subtle orchestrated new versions of the old hooks and tunes! The game reminds me a lot of the pseudo- Zelda YONO and the first PAPER MARIO, but it`s ZELDA, no doubt, and one of the best!
If the performance is around the same as Link's Awakening, I probably won't mind it much. Also I'm a dog guy and allergic to cats so
@Rambler @electrolite77
And how much are games that were $60 in the 90s today? We're talking about $90-$100+ in today's money for SNES and Genesis console games. Swoosh's point was that back then, there were likely many parents who would be very unwilling to spend $100 in today's money on a Gameboy game that could be beaten in 10-20 hours, and that that logical conclusion was the norm up until the Switch ended Nintendo's decades long two-tier pricing arrangement for games on their handhelds vs games on their consoles.
I mean,I definitely, on some level, miss being able to get a smaller but still top shelf game for $35-45 on 3DS, and even less still on the original DS. Switch has given Nintendo license to charge full price on games that they would have previously marked down as "handheld", with Zelda: EoW being just the latest example. It is what it is, though, I suppose.
It would be nice if everything was cheaper but there’s no big surprise to me that they’re charging home Console prices for what are now home Console games. They’ve always done that in the past even for very short games (e.g.Luigis Mansion). The other side to that coin is DKC on the SNES was £50 at launch. Thats £102.50 now, yet Nintendos most expensive game is still TOTK at £60. Of course they make up a lot of that difference with DLC and the higher margin of digital sales but in some ways it’s a surprise how cheap games are.
This Zelda is truly a back to roots Zelda. Such a little gem… Way better than TotK. Can’t believe Grezzo has surpassed even the Nintendo team who is in charge of 3D Zeldas. Finally, after almost 12 years… we’ve gotten Zelda back.
Ok, who review bombed the audience score? You do realize that puts this below every other mainline Zelda on this site except Tri Force Heroes and Adventure of Link, right?
Played many hours now and I must say I really like it. Reminds me of Adventure DX a lot and some of the traditional Zeldas like LTTP. The Echos gimmick is great. Echo AI needs some getting used to.
missed opportunity to start new series "The Legend of Link"
Let's be honest, this should have been called The Legend of Zelda: Old Beds.
I do think though that this game presents the different races and their locales more vividly than perhaps any Zelda game.
And making smoothies is far more fun than it should be.
@LEGEND_MARIOID Powerful hint, regarding echo AI: grab the echo and control its movement. Then you just have to worry about where you both are and when it will attack.
@rjejr You've got the frugal and the time and you use it well! I buy games in bursts, usually.
I should say I'm fighting cancer at the moment, so I'm home. Has been treatable but has been a bit nasty. I'm down a Kidney, had surgery on my knee and hip, but I'm getting around now at about 85%. Had radiation to treat a tumor in my neck. Immunotherapy has been very affective at the same time, but it also went after my liver. So, I'll be switching to another drug for that as soon as I calm this last set down with steroids. Found out I have a (feverish) reaction to sulfa-based drugs.
Still, I'm home from work, using up sick days and getting reading and game playing and work done I've wanted to do for years. Maybe not the best tradeoff, but I'm doing well, all things considered.
@aaronsullivan Oh my man that's terrible. And a lot of terrible. jeez. I mean I'm getting old and falling apart but geez. Glad you're in such good spirits b/c that reads really horrible. Even my wife is like "Oh no. That's the Splatoon guy, right?"
Coincidentally I'm also allergic to sulpha, which for about 20 years I thought was spelled "sulphur" until I finally saw it on my chart recently. I only had a bad hive outbreak though, freaked me out at the time but they went away quick w/ some new meds.
I am wishing you all the best, get well and be well.
@rjejr Prognosis is pretty good, overall. I'll get a better idea after some CT scans in a couple days. The drug for my liver is working, so I'm lowering. I just keep on doing what can be done and things are slowly getting better.
I plan to return to work in January, for instance... though, I wouldn't be able to teach in the classroom right now. Need to build up some endurance and walking strength and my neck is still a bit weird.
There are benefits. I mean, I'm getting to play games, study and prepare better content for classes. Stuff I've wanted to do more of.
@aaronsullivan You couldn't just take a sabbatical like a normal teacher? 😁
Good to hear you're improving and in good spirits. One day at a time gives you a lot of days to improve and play games before January. Maybe we'll get some Switch 2 news by then. No one deserves one of those more than you.
I just finished the game after 30 hours. I love it but frame rate is a drawback. Also: I did feel that overall the game was a little too easy. But maybe I am getting better at gaming. I do think it deserves the 9 score.
I just beat this game after about 2 weeks, and loved every damn minute of it!
L'd love to just gush and brag about how creative I got with this stuff for a bit:
Ye, I loved how inventive this game lets you be with all this
Played and completed it this week. What a lovely game! Just goes to show that with the right effort and some clever thinking , traditional Zelda games can still feel fresh after nearly 40 years. Much prefer this style to BOTW or TOTK.
Now can we have OOT, MM ported from 3DS in HD please?
Windwaker and Twilight Princess would be nice too, but I have them on Wii U.
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