Comments 523

Re: Feature: Where Does Competitive Pokémon Go From Here?


@HenHiro Natures existence isn't a hindrance of any kind to the main campaigns, neither are status moves. I really don't get your point. These examples are completely inconsequential to the story. As for Dexit, it's a more solid argument, but yet again doesn't really make sense in the grand scheme of things. Anyone's playthrough of a game campaign is limited to the regional dex, so Dexit is also of no effect on the story. Of course if I wanted to start my SwSh save file with a Chimchar just for the sake of it, I'd be completely disappointed, but most players will just play the game like normal, catching pokemon as they go. Listen, I'd be down for a game fully dedicated to competitive play, like somewhat of a merge of Showdown and Stadium-like games. It's a good idea, but what you're saying doesn't really justify it in any way.

Re: Feature: Where Does Competitive Pokémon Go From Here?


@BLD I believe you're mistaking Aaron Zheng for Sejun Park, the guy who won with Pachirisu. Unless Zheng also did and I'm not aware, lol. But to add to your point, WolfeyVGC, another prominent competitive player and a friend of Zheng's, made a video titled "The Biggest Lie You Believe About Pokémon", in which he discusses this idea of the meta being stale and everyone using the same teams. Tldw: it's actually pretty varied. Even a single Pokémon has very different uses that can change the course of a match. Fully recommend the video to anyone interested.
@HenHiro When have they ever made compromises to the campaigns because of competitive play? Pokémon campaigns are as vanilla as you can get, there's zero influence of competitive play.

Re: Feature: Where Does Competitive Pokémon Go From Here?


@roy130390 I love using slightly left field Pokémon on my teams on ranked. Of course it has to be still somewhat good, lol.
On topic: SwSh's competitive scene has been really fun to be a part of. Like Zheng was saying, there's always new blood when a new gen launches. And a key aspect of any competitive game is having an audience, a "streamability" factor. And the jump to the Switch made it SO MUCH better. The days of watching tournaments of the ridiculous 3DS resolutions are over.