Update [Tue 5th Jul, 2022 15:05 BST]: There's not much time left on the "Big Ol' Super Sale" on the North American eShop, so this is your last chance to get some amazing deals on some big Nintendo releases.
The sale ends tomorrow, 6th July at 11:59pm PT. Make sure you check out our original story below to see some of the eShop's best offers as well as a few other ways you can get some savings courtesy of us at Nintendo Life. Go on, treat yourselves!
Original article [Thu 23rd Jun, 2022 18:20 BST]: Nintendo of America has announced a big Switch eShop sale dubbed the "Big Ol' Super Sale", with up to 50% off some real heavy-hitting Nintendo Switch games.
Deals on Switch games such as Super Mario Odyssey (we hear it's pretty good), The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (also not shabby), Monster Hunter Rise (another winner), and some little-known, rarely re-released game called Skyrim (never heard of it) are included in the sale.
Astral Chain, Shin Megami Tensei V, the sublime Tetris Effect: Connected — some really good games are included. Doom Eternal and Just Dance are rebelling against the 'up to 50% off' tag with more generous discounts, too. See below for the full list.
The Big Ol' Super Sale runs from now until July 6 at 11:59 PT.
And if you're in the US and looking to make even more of a saving, you can also take advantage of our special offer on $50 of Switch eShop credit which gives you 10% off. Simply head to our store and use the code SAVE10 to save yourself $5 on 50 bucks of eShop credit:
Please note that some external links on this page are affiliate links, which means if you click them and make a purchase we may receive a small percentage of the sale. Please read our FTC Disclosure for more information.
Note: Click on the headers to sort alphabetically or by % discount.
Game | Discount |
30% |
25% |
30% |
25% |
30% |
50% |
30% |
49% |
30% |
25% |
30% |
50% |
20% |
DRAGON QUEST XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition |
30% |
60% |
30% |
40% |
30% |
25% |
30% |
33% |
33% |
35% |
30% |
50% |
35% |
20% |
67% |
30% |
Cadence of Hyrule: Crypt of the NecroDancer Featuring The Legend of Zelda + Cadence of Hyrule Season Pass |
30% |
Cadence of Hyrule: Crypt of the NecroDancer Featuring The Legend of Zelda |
30% |
Cadence of Hyrule Season Pass |
30% |
30% |
33% |
20% |
LAYTON’S MYSTERY JOURNEY: Katrielle and the Millionaires’ Conspiracy – Deluxe Edition |
30% |
40% |
50% |
30% |
40% |
A nice mix of massive first and third-party titles with exceptional indie bangers in there, too, don't you agree?
Let us know below which games you've got your eye on — the ones you don't already own, of course. We know you're a lovely, discerning bunch who probably have a lot of those above.
Comments 56
LOL, Nintendo appears to have reduced their regular sale discount percentage from 33% off their games to 30% off 🤦♂️
Eastward is finally on sale. Getting that for sure.
Sweet! I may finally pick up Paper Mario and Link's Awakening
After 7 months of waiting Enter The Gungeon is finally mine!
Would have picked up Octopath Traveler as well but they didn't match their previous low price, so nope.
@Clyde_Radcliffe Nintendough needs that extra $1, times are tough for them!
No More Heroes 3 is finally on sale! Gonna be picking that one up
Great sales! However… Link’s Awakening should be permanently discounted on the eShop.
And why is 1-2 Switch still full price on the eShop? It too should have a permanent, deep price cut.
Can we finally get a good deal on the Wii U ports? 😮💨
Some excellent titles by smaller studios not listed here are on discount too, such as Chicory: A Colorful Tale, Donut County, Gato Roboto, GRIS, and CARRION.
Very fun discount article lol
There are some bangers in here. Despite my better judgement, I too might spring for Paper Mario even though I’m expecting the everyday battles to become utterly monotonous. Still I know it will be a fun play through and I could really use some funny Mario narrative in my life right now.
Thanks, @Tyranexx for pointing out those other titles. My personal favorite of those is Gato Roboto! I’ll be combing the sales this weekend!
@Tyranexx Thanks! Some others that I am interested in too:
Holy crap, Nintendo.. just can’t possibly give those Wii U ports a better deal than 30% off, can you?? Give us loyal Wii U ambassadors a break here, lol
Holy cow!!! AI: The Somnium Files for $7.99
There is demo if you are on the fence.
Greatly recommend it!
@jamesthemagi Yeah I was eyeing that, it looks really pretty even if visual novels aren't my thing at all. Might try the demo though just to see although some glances on other review sites said it's a whole bunch of horny guys..which is also not my thing.
I wish that there would be a huge blowout on ACA/Neo Geo games. I would gladly break the bank on a sale like that!
I think I’m gonna get Strikers 5. That’s a pretty good deal even though I still haven’t played you original. Here’s hoping we get a direct and Atlus will give us what we want.
Quite a choice (many with lowest prices to date at that, including the first Ai Somnium Files at 80% off and The Longest Five Minutes at 90%), so I'll naturally have to to narrow even the most select wishlist choices down before July 7 (besides AC2 which I'm getting for certain... and yes, I do feel tempted to add the 15 bucks of Rebel Collection on top, equipping myself with the entire Switch AC backlog to date...😲🤔). Of course, the spendings will come from the vacation bonuses' VG stash which is also meant to shoulder Xenoblade 3 and two online subs within the remaining summer months, but I'm not about to go on an FWP bellyache here. Whatever the outcome, I should haul out an appreciable handful of new backlog items with all the exciting realms, stories, adventures and impressions they'll have to offer.
Anything for Europe?
Death Square 87%
Ni No Kuni Wrath 80%
*Ape Out 75% (Has demo)
Castlevania Anniversary 75%
Gris 75%
Invisible 75%
Katamari 75%
Mark of the Ninja 75%
Naruto Ninja Storm Trilogy 75%
Rayman Legends 75%
Torchlight 2 75%
Donut County 71%
*Bossgard 70%
*Cat Quest 2 70%
Gorogoa 70%
What Remains Edith 70%
Florence 67%
*Mega Man 11 67%
Fell Seal Arbiter 66%
When the Past was Around 65%
Forager 60%
*Heave Ho 60%
Steins;Gate Elite 60%
The Messenger 60%
Monster Hunter Stories 2 is 50% Physical as well
Blue Fire 50%
Carrion 50%
Diagaea 5 Complete 50%
Dead Cells 50%
*New Super Lucky 50%
Okami 50%
Diagaea 5 Complete 50% ? Really??
The only one i want.
@RubyCarbuncle Europe had the same sale two weeks ago.
Looks like some great deals here; I'm amused by that 49% discount on MH Rise, though. Just too damn proud to endure the indignity of having your game cross the threshold of being "half off," eh, Capcom?
Some good deals. Definitely want to snag some discounted games on my wishlist.
@Zverik Ahh yes.....yes you're quite right now that you mention it we did. My mistake.
I saw that! I'm in too. Let's save our games from the outhouse and defeat an alien menace!
Steam summer sale, too?
Uh oh.
Monster Hunter is also crazy cheap on the US 3DS eshop
As an addendum, I think the Monster Hunter games are also on sale on both the 3DS and Wii U eShops...though I believe the latter only has Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate.
@ChromaticDracula No prob! I only listed a tip of the iceberg lol. I own a couple that I've listed already - the fun Donut County and excellent GRIS - and am definitely going to pick up Gato Roboto. Still trying to decide if I should jump on Chicory or wait until the next sale.
@Tandy255 NP as well. There's quite a selection; both the eShop and the full list on Nintendo's site are worth a browse.
Looks like Ape Out and Hypno Space Outlaw are at their lowest price ever during this sale too.
@jamesthemagi Don't forget Juiced! it's 60% off
Deku deals is a great tool. It sent me an email saying 12 of the games on my wishlist were on sale. A couple were lowest price ever. Nice sale!
@nimnio unless u get physical, they will go on sale cheaper at different retailers.
@StarPoint i would, but i think I'll go physical on those, because they go cheaper than these prices.
Meh deals on the eshop are almost always crap compared to other platforms
Come on Nintendo, just make your sales 50% off for once; I want new people to discover the joy of games like Super Mario Maker 2 but $40 is too high a bar for a 3 year old game which has lost a lot of popularity.
@FishyS But the older it gets, the more content it gets.
@twztid13 Oh these are just digital? Never mind, then
Just got Carrion, Death's Door and The Messenger. Really looking forward to playing them
@Tulio517 did you say Death’s Door?! Oh boy that one is on my wish list and I’ve been dying to play it. The time has come.
….. he.. he… hehe… I’m about to ruin my bank account this weekend 😩😬
Gameflip offers up to 20% + on eshop cards, just use highly reviewed sellers and your good to go. Just an fyi for anyone.
Might get something. I'll have to see.
@twztid13 can confirm. I got BOTW physically this year for around $20 from Target. It was during a sale and I had a 30% off coupon as well, but I got it to where I wanted it.
Must... not... buy... more... games... Oh boy time to get Tetris Effect finally!!!
Ooh, Persona 5 Strikers is half off...I might grab this, even though I have yet to finish Royal.
The vast majority of the big non-indie games on there I already have. Also, tbh, many of the games I want are actually already downloaded. However, have downloaded Dungeons of Dreadrock off my wishlist was around £4! May scroll the wishlist deeper in a bit.
@Clyde_Radcliffe probably saving those discounts for the fall and winter months when people buy more games. They’ve done 30% in the summer months before.
i only buy physical games i am sentimental...
I bought way too many games last week due to the “Big Ol Super Sale” going on in the Switch Eshop.
On Sale I Picked up:
… 11 games all for around $200 CDN… and still I also picked up the Portal Collection & Cuphead Last Meal DLC… so along with my already established backlog… think I’m good for the rest of the year easily lol think I need to let my wallet chill for a bit now. But it’s def a great time to take advantage of good game sales! Happy Gaming Everyone!
… Wun can only hope.
Picked up Enter the Gungeon, Hob: Definite Edition and AI: Somnium Files (even though it's not my type of game at all, just so many rave reviews)...sadly I cannot try the latter two as my internet has been shut off for weeks so who knows when I'll get to play those. Sadge.
I want physical versions of most of these games. I could do with a database with a flag to indicate there is a physical version.
I play the demo for Hob and it didn't really click with me unfortunately
I am paralyzed on which shmup to purchase. It would be Raiden Remix but I only just bought Raiden 5.
Don’t sleep on Grandia collection for $20: two fantastic JRPGs for their time. Grandia’s engine still impresses today with 3D camera movement and scaling sprites. It also features full voice acting (not much of it good) and awesome music by Langrisser alum Noriyuki Iwadare
Picked Tetris Effect, Diablo III, and Lovecraft’s Untold Stories! Might pick up Pheonotopia: Awakening before it ends.
I got DOOM 2016, cuphead and stardrew valley for my wife. but ill grab also Huntdown and unravel two.
ACA NeoGeo The King of Fighters '98 is on sale for half off. Its first ever discount on Switch after over 5 years. Not a bad deal for arguably the best Neo Geo game ever!
These really old $60 games should be permanently cut to $19.99. 30% off is hardly a good deal.
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