The biggest thing I’m waiting to know is if Sacred Cards in this compilation is based off the original GBA release or the double-pack-with-Reshef re-release. This matters because the original Sacred Cards used all the Japanese card art in its English release, but the double-pack release went back and retroactively replaced all of that artwork with the heavily censored US art versions (blood removed, cleavage covered up, religious icons censored or removed, etc). While Reshef used the censored art in both its original release and the double-pack, the retroactive censoring of Sacred Cards always sat badly with me - which is why I still have my original GBA Sacred Cards version cartridge still, because Sacred Cards remains very much my favorite Yu-Gi-Oh game ever (not saying it’s the best of them, just my personal favorite - feels like a self-insert written competently for a change lol).
I’m still very interested in the overall collection for Dark Duel Stories and Eternal Duelist and Dungeon Dice Monsters, but which version of Sacred Cards they end up using (and, if they use the censored one, does it turn out that they also go back and retroactively censor other games?) would ultimately say a lot about whether I have interest in the overall collection as a digital future-proof pickup versus just watching for the original cartridges.
Got very confused by the headline at first, went “there is NO WAY 2B has been waifu-ing for 15 years”, then saw the part in the actual article about the series hitting 15 😛.
@shoeses Consider doing it anyways, the real treasure is two completely different cards in the promo pack. One is a Jigglypuff that does a guaranteed Sleep on one colorless energy (meaning Wigglytuff stall just got way more viable and evil) and the other is a new Haunter that trades out the old one-energy-30-damage for a one-energy-coin-flip-for-50-damage (which makes a big change to the middle ground of getting a Gengar or Gengar EX out). Much like how Mankey became the sleeper meta-adjuster in the Lapras event due to making 100-damage-Primeape viable, these two cards (especially that Jigglypuff!) are also set to matter way more competitively than the Venusaur ever will.
Is it nice that they gave us this app as a free addon to the membership? Yes.
Is it complete lazy-ass horseshit that this is all there ***** is on the launch game soundtrack list? Also yes.
“You can’t complain about Nintendo giving you something for free-“
Watch me.
It launched with one Zelda game soundtrack available.
They couldn’t even manage to have either Super Mario World or Super Mario 64, or, hell, even maybe one of the recent Mario games, at launch.
Zero Pokémon music, whatsoever.
“But Nintendo doesn’t own Pokem-“
Stop. Stop giving them a pass for an effort that would have been mediocre in 2014, much less 2024.
98%+ of the famous music that made Nintendo famous is missing from this app. If this is all they were going to have ready on launch, they shouldn’t have bothered launching it yet.
@Not_Soos If by crown Prince you mean MBS/Mohammed bin Salman, an international investigation determined that he was the one who directly ordered the killing and dismemberment of that journalist in 2018 that was all over the news, because said journalist had been critical of him. His government is authoritarian and regularly imprisons and tortures dissidents. MBS is very focused on creating a good image, but his actions ultimately speak for themselves; for example, despite being known for ending the ban on women driving, his government (since his seizure of power and purge of political opponents between 2017 and 2019) has also been responsible for more arrests of female rights activists than at any prior time in Saudi Arabia’s history.
Never assume the character of authoritarian world leaders from the tailored online gaming streams they put together. That’s their PR at work. Look into the actions they’ve taken to acquire power and what they did to perceived threats to their power.
Basically about what was expected - which is not a bad thing really! There have been plenty of downright awful anime games, and generally they do best when they target the existing fans of the anime who may not normally play games and thus introduce them into the new medium in simple, gateway means that can then get them interested in other forms of gaming in the future.
While it wasn’t rated M at the time of release, it probably would be today so I’m throwing it in here - I would be really happy to see BattleTanx: Global Assault on NSO. Fun multiplayer, fun campaign, batshit story, and a huge improvement overall on its predecessor BattleTanx (1).
There’s one important game missing here (or so my nostalgia says), though for entirely understandable reasons - in Japan, Saga 2/Final Fantasy Legend II got a full-3D remake on the DS back in 2009 - SaGa 2: Hihou Densetsu: Goddess of Destiny! It improved on a lot of the original game’s systems, the soundtrack got hella updated (when it was already rather excellent), and overall looked really great as a game (the character designs were redone by the same artist who designed the characters in The World Ends With You, so, yeah). Unfortunately, it never got a western release, so most people with huge nostalgia for Legend II in particular have no idea that the game essentially got a complete remake/remaster 15 years ago. It’s gotten unofficial English patches on the yar-har-fiddlee-dee scene (since that’s effectively the only way to experience it at this stage), but there’s also playthroughs up on YouTube for any interested!
@michellelynn0976 So, the last time, you came back 19 days after your initial comment to roll out a bunch of replies. This time, you've returned a full 58 days later to roll out even more replies en-masse.
One of us a touch insecure today, but somehow I don't think it's me.
A couple notes with this event: 1. When it first rolled out, the loot tables for the Gimmis on Scarlet were a whole bunch of rows of 0x Shards, so you were effectively getting almost nothing for running then. This was fixed in a hotfix…sort of; the loot tables work now in terms of XP Candies and Nuggets, but more often than not they don’t drop shards at all now. 2. The shiny rate for the event only applies to five star raids and, per datamining, is indeed running at the base shiny rate for 5 stars, which is lower than the standard 1-in-4092. This was not changed in the hotfix…other than Nintendo amending the announcement language to remove “higher chance” and to specify that only 5-star raids can be shiny. 3. An important note for this event is that NONE of the Gimmis have Gimmighoul Coins in their loot tables, so this is purely a shiny hunt event/nugget farming event (average of 4 Nuggets per 5-star raid) - if you want to evolve your Gimmi, you will still need to seek out 999 coins in your base game.
@michellelynn0976 Still remained relevant 11 days longer than yours did. And I’m not the one who felt a burning need to return to the thread 19 days later to quickly spam out half a dozen “NO U” replies due to being top-tier buttmad. You just keep on keepin’ on there, little buddy.
@michellelynn0976 Y’know, I’ve heard of posts aging like milk, but it doesn’t usually happen in a day. No Home for us, no Raids for you, everybody loses this round.
Voted for BOTW because can’t realistically go for anything else given the level of that version. Though my personal favorite “world map” remains Link to the Past’s Light and Dark Worlds.
Kind of amazing to consider that the GameCube is 23 years old and Nintendo still can’t get it together to emulate the thing beyond rolling out the controller over and over.
@Spider-Kev The entitlement of this statement is why people like YoshiF2 and I are sitting here practically banging our heads off our desks at this point. You have zero concept of what voice acting entails, what it requires physically in regards to vocal wear and tear over time (people literally lose their voices over time doing all those anime yells and cries and marathon sessions when companies won’t allow for breaks or pauses - and many don’t, something publicly documented in online news you can easily find with a Google search), never mind the fact that it is not regular and reliable work where someone can make that kind of money every day or every week or even every month given the limited pool of available jobs versus the amount of talent seeking them. People keep arguing for the $4k payment being some grand and impressive sum that anyone could easily just drop their day job and go make with no training and no experience, when really a much better comparison of just how low it is in real terms would be the way that farming corporations will pay migrant workers $0.42 an hour to pick tomatoes, and their choice is to either take it and the abuse and body-breaking physicality that comes with it, or refuse and starve while you watch all the other migrants take it because that’s the system and there’s no fighting how entrenched it is.
@Varkster Which part of “they may only get a couple of gigs a year” is repeatedly flying over everyone’s heads here? Like, literally, if she gets five gigs in a year at this rate, she’d be below the poverty line. Where I live in upstate NY, she literally would not be able to afford a 1 bedroom apartment and groceries and gas at those rates…never mind medical needs or anything else even remotely necessary for modern living.
I just keep seeing people giving the financial-answer equivalent of “it sucks for us too, why should she do well?”, and it’s infuriating because the entire point is that we’ve now encouraged and enabled a culture of people taking advantage of us because instead of supporting each other in growth, we rip at each other’s hair to drag each other back to prevent anyone from being “too successful”.
@Automated_Unit_4937 As others have laid out, the difference is that programmers etc will generally have regular work available during the duration of development (forced overtime aside, which is a whole different crappy corpo thing). Whereas a voice actor may only get a couple of gigs in a year. It’s practically the reverse end of how upper-level voice acting in Hollywood works; something like Toy Story or Cars or Shrek or whatnot would bend over backwards to keep their well-recognized, long-running voice talent happy and well paid, far in excess of what the animators etc make (which is it’s own issue), but in the video game world, “Oh, you’re the ONLY person to EVER voice this character over the course of the last DECADE? Haha screw you you’ll take peanuts and like it or we’ll just get someone else and tell everyone else you’re a greedy ***** and get you blacklisted from the industry…what? No, of course we’re not going to pay our programmers and such much either, but they’re still gonna get 6 times what you make in a year - sucker! In fact, maybe I can keep you in your role with a bit more money if you do a bit of suckin’…”
@GameOtaku So, while I get how you intended it, when you said you were “paid well” for a potentially lethal job and then said you make $15-20 an hour, you lost me. Like, dude. You’re underpaid to *****. Taco Bell is doing $16 an hour now. You’re arguing against her being paid for trained voice work (that most of us can’t do) because you’re good with doing potentially deadly work for $15-$20 an hour.
This is kind of the whole point here - the big corpos are underpaying everyone who should be making more. Including her, and including you.
@Dom_31 Because you can’t read, let me break down exactly why it will likely, as I said, easily clear “a hundred million dollars” (not “hundreds”, a hundred):
The game costs $50. If 2 million people buy the game, that’s 2 million buys X fifty dollars, which is 100 million dollars.
Over 111,000,000 (one hundred and eleven million) Switch systems have sold. 2 million is 1.8% of 111 million. So only 1.8% of everyone who has ever bought a Switch needs to buy this game, and it will indeed make a hundred million dollars.
I feel like a lot of people have utterly missed the point in all of this mess. Sure, $4000 sounds like a lot of money, until you consider that a game like this will likely make upwards of a hundred million dollars for the parent company. Moreover, a series like Bayonetta has sold itself on the power of it’s main character for over a decade, and the voice that brings her to life is a key part of that. For such an important role to make so much less than almost anyone else on the development team overall should be shocking. And that doesn’t just go for the lead actress either - that goes for all truly skilled voice actors who bring their A-game and breathe life into a character, from Breath of the Wild to Mario and beyond.
Seeing so many people arguing against that, or calling these people “greedy” as we the players eagerly consume their product, would have been shocking to me a few years ago. But world events writ large have very much exposed the “screw you, what about mine?” mentalities spread across many parts of modern culture, to the point that a fair statement like “people who do exemplary work should be adequately compensated for it” is now a statement that some react to like the person had suggested cannibalism as a fix for world hunger. >_>
I think it’s crap. These were, easily, the least inspired remakes we’ve had yet. While the expansion of the underground was excellent, every single other part of the game was not only barely even on par with the originals, they were actually a massive step down from Platinum since they removed it’s updates and changes that enormously improved the Sinnoh experience. All compounded by turning the entire game visually into a not-Funko-Pop toy commercial, without even attempting to justify it by putting out some trainer Pops or cheap figures or anything at all. Just one bad decision after another in so many facets of these remakes.
Either this is internal politics at work, or it’s rewarding exactly the kind of thing we don’t want to see from the future of Pokémon, remakes and mainline alike.
For me, the main reason I purchased it was that the original was a longtime favorite on GameCube, and because the sequel was never released there, I didn’t get to play it back then. So even knowing that it doesn’t hold up to modern games, I’m okay with that - I knew what I was spending $30 on, and I’ll have fun with it in my own way. Review is entirely fair though, I’m fully cognizant of my rose tinted goggles here.
Ken Akamatsu has been a solid hand on this for years. He’s a consistent anti-censorship and pro-preservation voice in the anime and manga sphere and the series he’s produced over the years have been quite popular in their time and have afforded him a good following of fans to bolster his pushes. He puts his money where his mouth is too - when he first launched J-Comi, the first thing he did was put all 14 volumes of his own award-winning series Love Hina up on it for free (a series that had only finished it’s run a few years prior). Very glad to see him making it into the Diet and pushing forward.
s***. My girlfriend was a big fan of him as Mikhail in Sirius the Yeager, and I knew him for Shield Hero’s Naofumi. Apparently he was the Rotom Dex in the Pokémon dub too, had no idea - he only started voice acting in 2016 and did a ton of stuff in that time. He was only three and a half years older than I am - that’s way too young to be ending things, especially to colon cancer. Now I’m thinking maybe I should be talking to my doctor about early screenings, just in case…
It’s important to note that despite the judge ordering Apple to allow those non-Apple-cut payment options, Apple has responded to that outcome by banning Fortnite from all Apple devices for A MINIMUM OF FIVE YEARS. I’m not a big Epic fan at all, but when that news came out I was ***** floored - an incredibly petty precedent set by Apple and a stunningly dangerous chilling message being sent to every other developer on their shops.
So many people complaining about the $30 price tag don’t realize how much of a STEAL that is - the GameCube copy of this game still regularly sells for $40-$50 USED on eBay and has been for ages! There’s a lot of nostalgia for this, and that price is perfectly fair compared to the aftermarket price. If anything I expect this to cause the aftermarket pricing to take a big hit.
@frogopus That’s on the company’s head though if the fans produce something better (case in point, AM2R versus Metroid Federation Force). And there’s plenty of times when fanfiction can supersede canonical stories to surprising levels - gotta find the gems hidden in the rough, but they’re there.
Here’s hoping that for once this comment section won’t devolve into the “not real fans/how dare you hack/illegal trolls/bad people/AHH I CAN’T STAND PEOPLE HAVING FUN” nonsense that it usually does.
Pokemon hacks actually brought me BACK to Pokemon. I began playing at the very start and was a big fan, but I drifted away during the RSE and DP gens (though I did play HG). Some hacks of RBY and GSC brought me back to playing, and I had tons of fun going back through old worlds with new twists, like the Pokemon Christmas hack of Crystal (which makes it winter in Johto and acts as a soft 6-month-later sequel to the originals with a few modern Ice-types added like Glaceon and Snorunt/Frosslass added) and Pokemon Girl (a basic Red hack that added the ability to play as a girl and face a female rival while adding Fairy type into Gen 1). It was these fanmade adventures that got me reinvested in Pokemon all over again and brought me back into BW/XY (as well as helping me discover how awesome Platinum was LOOOONG after it released). I often see people tear into these hacks as if they’re somehow a slap in the face to the original creators, but I see them the same as fanart and fanfiction - as the ultimate expressions of the creator’s fandom and love for Pokemon as a whole, and that’s something that should never be shunned by the community if it’s being done wholly for fun and to share that fandom freely with the wider community, because without that huge fandom, Pokemon wouldn’t be the juggernaut that it is today.
“Social features” and “China” in the same sentence just tells me that Big Brother is going to be tracking them social scores nice and tight in Pokémon too. I wonder how quickly Bewear will get censored for looking too similar to Winnie the Pooh?
Awesome. That’s a definite pickup; the recently released Speed Duel format (based off Duel Links) has gotten me back into the physical card game for the first time since Synchros were introduced, so this looks very appealing to me.
I’m interested in this one, both for the story and for the fact that it’s got both guys and gals. I’m not against the ones with just ladies (given that that’s what I’m into), but judging by my girlfriend’s otome games there’s clearly a market for a mixed batch too. And if supporting titles like this gets more focus on everyone being able to enjoy the sexiness rather than trying to censor the crap out of stuff, then take my money.
Considering that I got the Switch Starter Kit for $20 at Target and got a free weapon with it, I have no issues with paying $12 for the new content since I’m still getting one of the best Star Fox games in years for $32 total, plus an awesome model Arwing statue
@frogopus We’re not talking about a half-baked programmer. We’re talking about the guy who largely designed a series that has put out eight games in a bit under a decade, all big sellers. That’s why your “princess toadstool booby” example doesn’t work; that could be rejected for not fitting the Mario series.
@frogopus The problem with that argument is that in SK’s case, the games have done absolute gangbusters business, huge business. Shooting the pony in the head now to try and get a broader appeal is stupid - those who haven’t bought the game yet aren’t going to start just because they tone it back, and those who have bought them will refuse to in protest.
Unfortunately, instead of recognizing this, what’ll probably happen is that the parent company will say “oh, I guess the games aren’t popular anymore” and will cease the series entirely.
@KingdomHeartsFan I miss when being able to stand in the middle to draw from both sides wasn’t seen and cast as ideological weakness. Perhaps the majority of us still don’t see it as weakness, but the people we’ve chosen to represent us certainly do. Whether politically, or in the realm of social issues, we have now become ruled by “our way or the highway”.
@nessisonett The trick of this is that on the point of sexuality and violence, groups generally considered to be “SJW” are not taking traditionally left positions. Their arguments, especially in the realm of censorship, are shockingly far right in both tone and refusal to negotiate.
There is this strange concept for some people that “those on the left are always for greater freedoms, and those on the right curtail them”. Speaking as a lifelong leftie, I’m terrified at the way that the far extremes of both the left and the right have become disturbingly similar in their arguments while also gaining huge control in politics and social movements, leaving those who are more in the middle to be jerked back and forth by the crashing waves created by it.
Video game content is only one example of a flashpoint in a much wider ideological conflict. And when the two extremes are the loudest voices that companies are rushing to market to, everyone else loses. I want games with strong male AND female characters. I also want developers to not have to fear being trashed forever if they dare show some skin. And right now, at least on Sony consoles (and even Steam in certain cases), that’s precisely what’s happening. I never thought I’d see the day when Nintendo was the company allowing for less overall censorship, but here we are.
“Those greedy HEATHENS! They only get two NES games this month as punishment!”
I know this probably isn’t how it went down, but for gods sake it should not be this easy to make fun of Nintendo. Especially as a Nintendo fan. This just sucks.
We already basically had a Totodile day that spanned several weeks way back during the Water Festival event. So I’ll be picking up a shiny here and then peacing out.
@Starvald All it seems to display to me is that people are for looking at, or did you miss some of these chiseled hunks of “take me” they threw in there? And this was just a handful at a glance, plenty of good looking dudes in brief or skin-tight attire in that universe. Seems like both sides of the aisle are getting some nice looking folks, so I see no issue here.
Unless the next argument is that every character ought to be covered as much as possible.
@Starvald The problem is that you compared a largely harmless cultural point to one that is decidedly more controversial on a worldwide scale. A more accurate cultural argument would be comparing Japan’s penchant for fanservice to Americans enjoying country music, or Hindus in India not consuming beef, or Brits being highly specific about what goes with what tea. Bullfighting actively harms a living creature for entertainment. No one is being harmed by Pyra’s thighs except a handful of overly sensitive snowflakes who project to astounding degrees.
Heck, for all we know, in the world of Xeno, her attire could in fact be a cultural norm, given how it compares to others in the game. Folks could very well be applying an entirely incorrect set of values onto it.
(And before anyone even tries to say “well are you saying that if a game had a culture where women could be raped that it would be okay because of culture?!”, no, no I’m not - I’m speaking specifically and strictly of harmless fanservice that hurts no one but the eyes of the frail and prude.)
Comments 144
Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! Early Days Collection Trailer Introduces Online Play And Other New Features
The biggest thing I’m waiting to know is if Sacred Cards in this compilation is based off the original GBA release or the double-pack-with-Reshef re-release. This matters because the original Sacred Cards used all the Japanese card art in its English release, but the double-pack release went back and retroactively replaced all of that artwork with the heavily censored US art versions (blood removed, cleavage covered up, religious icons censored or removed, etc). While Reshef used the censored art in both its original release and the double-pack, the retroactive censoring of Sacred Cards always sat badly with me - which is why I still have my original GBA Sacred Cards version cartridge still, because Sacred Cards remains very much my favorite Yu-Gi-Oh game ever (not saying it’s the best of them, just my personal favorite - feels like a self-insert written competently for a change lol).
I’m still very interested in the overall collection for Dark Duel Stories and Eternal Duelist and Dungeon Dice Monsters, but which version of Sacred Cards they end up using (and, if they use the censored one, does it turn out that they also go back and retroactively censor other games?) would ultimately say a lot about whether I have interest in the overall collection as a digital future-proof pickup versus just watching for the original cartridges.
Re: NieR:Automata Surpasses Another Sales Milestone, Plans For 2025 Teased
Got very confused by the headline at first, went “there is NO WAY 2B has been waifu-ing for 15 years”, then saw the part in the actual article about the series hitting 15 😛.
Re: Nab Some Sweet Promo Cards In Pokémon TCG Pocket's New Limited-Time Drop Event
@shoeses Consider doing it anyways, the real treasure is two completely different cards in the promo pack. One is a Jigglypuff that does a guaranteed Sleep on one colorless energy (meaning Wigglytuff stall just got way more viable and evil) and the other is a new Haunter that trades out the old one-energy-30-damage for a one-energy-coin-flip-for-50-damage (which makes a big change to the middle ground of getting a Gengar or Gengar EX out). Much like how Mankey became the sleeper meta-adjuster in the Lapras event due to making 100-damage-Primeape viable, these two cards (especially that Jigglypuff!) are also set to matter way more competitively than the Venusaur ever will.
Re: Nintendo Music - Every Nintendo System, Series And Song Included
Is it nice that they gave us this app as a free addon to the membership? Yes.
Is it complete lazy-ass horseshit that this is all there ***** is on the launch game soundtrack list? Also yes.
“You can’t complain about Nintendo giving you something for free-“
Watch me.
It launched with one Zelda game soundtrack available.
They couldn’t even manage to have either Super Mario World or Super Mario 64, or, hell, even maybe one of the recent Mario games, at launch.
Zero Pokémon music, whatsoever.
“But Nintendo doesn’t own Pokem-“
Stop. Stop giving them a pass for an effort that would have been mediocre in 2014, much less 2024.
98%+ of the famous music that made Nintendo famous is missing from this app. If this is all they were going to have ready on launch, they shouldn’t have bothered launching it yet.
Re: Saudi Public Investment Fund Considering Increasing Its Stake In Nintendo
@Not_Soos If by crown Prince you mean MBS/Mohammed bin Salman, an international investigation determined that he was the one who directly ordered the killing and dismemberment of that journalist in 2018 that was all over the news, because said journalist had been critical of him. His government is authoritarian and regularly imprisons and tortures dissidents. MBS is very focused on creating a good image, but his actions ultimately speak for themselves; for example, despite being known for ending the ban on women driving, his government (since his seizure of power and purge of political opponents between 2017 and 2019) has also been responsible for more arrests of female rights activists than at any prior time in Saudi Arabia’s history.
Never assume the character of authoritarian world leaders from the tailored online gaming streams they put together. That’s their PR at work. Look into the actions they’ve taken to acquire power and what they did to perceived threats to their power.
Re: Review: SPY×ANYA: Operation Memories (Switch) - A Very Easygoing, Sometimes Awkward Anime Outing
Basically about what was expected - which is not a bad thing really! There have been plenty of downright awful anime games, and generally they do best when they target the existing fans of the anime who may not normally play games and thus introduce them into the new medium in simple, gateway means that can then get them interested in other forms of gaming in the future.
Re: Feature: 9 'Mature' Games We'd Love To See On Nintendo Switch Online's New N64 App
While it wasn’t rated M at the time of release, it probably would be today so I’m throwing it in here - I would be really happy to see BattleTanx: Global Assault on NSO. Fun multiplayer, fun campaign, batshit story, and a huge improvement overall on its predecessor BattleTanx (1).
Re: Best SaGa Games Of All Time - Switch And Nintendo Systems
There’s one important game missing here (or so my nostalgia says), though for entirely understandable reasons - in Japan, Saga 2/Final Fantasy Legend II got a full-3D remake on the DS back in 2009 - SaGa 2: Hihou Densetsu: Goddess of Destiny! It improved on a lot of the original game’s systems, the soundtrack got hella updated (when it was already rather excellent), and overall looked really great as a game (the character designs were redone by the same artist who designed the characters in The World Ends With You, so, yeah). Unfortunately, it never got a western release, so most people with huge nostalgia for Legend II in particular have no idea that the game essentially got a complete remake/remaster 15 years ago. It’s gotten unofficial English patches on the yar-har-fiddlee-dee scene (since that’s effectively the only way to experience it at this stage), but there’s also playthroughs up on YouTube for any interested!
Re: Pokémon HOME Support Release Date For Scarlet And Violet "Mistakenly Announced"
@michellelynn0976 So, the last time, you came back 19 days after your initial comment to roll out a bunch of replies. This time, you've returned a full 58 days later to roll out even more replies en-masse.
One of us a touch insecure today, but somehow I don't think it's me.
Re: PSA: New Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Tera Raid Event And Mystery Gift Now Live
A couple notes with this event:
1. When it first rolled out, the loot tables for the Gimmis on Scarlet were a whole bunch of rows of 0x Shards, so you were effectively getting almost nothing for running then. This was fixed in a hotfix…sort of; the loot tables work now in terms of XP Candies and Nuggets, but more often than not they don’t drop shards at all now.
2. The shiny rate for the event only applies to five star raids and, per datamining, is indeed running at the base shiny rate for 5 stars, which is lower than the standard 1-in-4092. This was not changed in the hotfix…other than Nintendo amending the announcement language to remove “higher chance” and to specify that only 5-star raids can be shiny.
3. An important note for this event is that NONE of the Gimmis have Gimmighoul Coins in their loot tables, so this is purely a shiny hunt event/nugget farming event (average of 4 Nuggets per 5-star raid) - if you want to evolve your Gimmi, you will still need to seek out 999 coins in your base game.
Re: Pokémon HOME Support Release Date For Scarlet And Violet "Mistakenly Announced"
@michellelynn0976 Still remained relevant 11 days longer than yours did. And I’m not the one who felt a burning need to return to the thread 19 days later to quickly spam out half a dozen “NO U” replies due to being top-tier buttmad. You just keep on keepin’ on there, little buddy.
Re: Pokémon HOME Support For Scarlet And Violet "Mistakenly Announced"
@michellelynn0976 Y’know, I’ve heard of posts aging like milk, but it doesn’t usually happen in a day. No Home for us, no Raids for you, everybody loses this round.
Re: Feature: Hyrule Fields, Ranked - The Best Grassy Plains In The Zelda Franchise
Voted for BOTW because can’t realistically go for anything else given the level of that version. Though my personal favorite “world map” remains Link to the Past’s Light and Dark Worlds.
Re: Video: MVG Checks Out "Awesome" Update For GameCube Emulator On Xbox
Kind of amazing to consider that the GameCube is 23 years old and Nintendo still can’t get it together to emulate the thing beyond rolling out the controller over and over.
Re: Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Ranked Battle: Series 1 Gets Underway
Hopefully the patch coming today fixes the “all online battles use the same RNG seed” issue; if not, Ranked Season 1 is about to be a ***** show.
Re: Bayonetta's New Voice Actor Jennifer Hale Issues Statement About Bayonetta 3
And now I wait for someone to misrepresent the above as “lol 42 cents can’t be compared to 4k” and miss the point of the metaphor entirely…3…2…1…
Re: Bayonetta's New Voice Actor Jennifer Hale Issues Statement About Bayonetta 3
@Spider-Kev The entitlement of this statement is why people like YoshiF2 and I are sitting here practically banging our heads off our desks at this point. You have zero concept of what voice acting entails, what it requires physically in regards to vocal wear and tear over time (people literally lose their voices over time doing all those anime yells and cries and marathon sessions when companies won’t allow for breaks or pauses - and many don’t, something publicly documented in online news you can easily find with a Google search), never mind the fact that it is not regular and reliable work where someone can make that kind of money every day or every week or even every month given the limited pool of available jobs versus the amount of talent seeking them. People keep arguing for the $4k payment being some grand and impressive sum that anyone could easily just drop their day job and go make with no training and no experience, when really a much better comparison of just how low it is in real terms would be the way that farming corporations will pay migrant workers $0.42 an hour to pick tomatoes, and their choice is to either take it and the abuse and body-breaking physicality that comes with it, or refuse and starve while you watch all the other migrants take it because that’s the system and there’s no fighting how entrenched it is.
Re: Bayonetta's New Voice Actor Jennifer Hale Issues Statement About Bayonetta 3
@Varkster Which part of “they may only get a couple of gigs a year” is repeatedly flying over everyone’s heads here? Like, literally, if she gets five gigs in a year at this rate, she’d be below the poverty line. Where I live in upstate NY, she literally would not be able to afford a 1 bedroom apartment and groceries and gas at those rates…never mind medical needs or anything else even remotely necessary for modern living.
I just keep seeing people giving the financial-answer equivalent of “it sucks for us too, why should she do well?”, and it’s infuriating because the entire point is that we’ve now encouraged and enabled a culture of people taking advantage of us because instead of supporting each other in growth, we rip at each other’s hair to drag each other back to prevent anyone from being “too successful”.
Re: Bayonetta's New Voice Actor Jennifer Hale Issues Statement About Bayonetta 3
@Automated_Unit_4937 As others have laid out, the difference is that programmers etc will generally have regular work available during the duration of development (forced overtime aside, which is a whole different crappy corpo thing). Whereas a voice actor may only get a couple of gigs in a year. It’s practically the reverse end of how upper-level voice acting in Hollywood works; something like Toy Story or Cars or Shrek or whatnot would bend over backwards to keep their well-recognized, long-running voice talent happy and well paid, far in excess of what the animators etc make (which is it’s own issue), but in the video game world, “Oh, you’re the ONLY person to EVER voice this character over the course of the last DECADE? Haha screw you you’ll take peanuts and like it or we’ll just get someone else and tell everyone else you’re a greedy ***** and get you blacklisted from the industry…what? No, of course we’re not going to pay our programmers and such much either, but they’re still gonna get 6 times what you make in a year - sucker! In fact, maybe I can keep you in your role with a bit more money if you do a bit of suckin’…”
Re: Bayonetta's New Voice Actor Jennifer Hale Issues Statement About Bayonetta 3
@GameOtaku So, while I get how you intended it, when you said you were “paid well” for a potentially lethal job and then said you make $15-20 an hour, you lost me. Like, dude. You’re underpaid to *****. Taco Bell is doing $16 an hour now. You’re arguing against her being paid for trained voice work (that most of us can’t do) because you’re good with doing potentially deadly work for $15-$20 an hour.
This is kind of the whole point here - the big corpos are underpaying everyone who should be making more. Including her, and including you.
Re: Bayonetta's New Voice Actor Jennifer Hale Issues Statement About Bayonetta 3
@Dom_31 Because you can’t read, let me break down exactly why it will likely, as I said, easily clear “a hundred million dollars” (not “hundreds”, a hundred):
The game costs $50. If 2 million people buy the game, that’s 2 million buys X fifty dollars, which is 100 million dollars.
Over 111,000,000 (one hundred and eleven million) Switch systems have sold. 2 million is 1.8% of 111 million. So only 1.8% of everyone who has ever bought a Switch needs to buy this game, and it will indeed make a hundred million dollars.
Re: Bayonetta's New Voice Actor Jennifer Hale Issues Statement About Bayonetta 3
I feel like a lot of people have utterly missed the point in all of this mess. Sure, $4000 sounds like a lot of money, until you consider that a game like this will likely make upwards of a hundred million dollars for the parent company. Moreover, a series like Bayonetta has sold itself on the power of it’s main character for over a decade, and the voice that brings her to life is a key part of that. For such an important role to make so much less than almost anyone else on the development team overall should be shocking. And that doesn’t just go for the lead actress either - that goes for all truly skilled voice actors who bring their A-game and breathe life into a character, from Breath of the Wild to Mario and beyond.
Seeing so many people arguing against that, or calling these people “greedy” as we the players eagerly consume their product, would have been shocking to me a few years ago. But world events writ large have very much exposed the “screw you, what about mine?” mentalities spread across many parts of modern culture, to the point that a fair statement like “people who do exemplary work should be adequately compensated for it” is now a statement that some react to like the person had suggested cannibalism as a fix for world hunger. >_>
Re: The Pokémon Diamond And Pearl Remakes Just Won A Global Award
I think it’s crap. These were, easily, the least inspired remakes we’ve had yet. While the expansion of the underground was excellent, every single other part of the game was not only barely even on par with the originals, they were actually a massive step down from Platinum since they removed it’s updates and changes that enormously improved the Sinnoh experience. All compounded by turning the entire game visually into a not-Funko-Pop toy commercial, without even attempting to justify it by putting out some trainer Pops or cheap figures or anything at all. Just one bad decision after another in so many facets of these remakes.
Either this is internal politics at work, or it’s rewarding exactly the kind of thing we don’t want to see from the future of Pokémon, remakes and mainline alike.
Re: Review: Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2 - An RPG Classic That Time Hasn't Been Too Kind To
For me, the main reason I purchased it was that the original was a longtime favorite on GameCube, and because the sequel was never released there, I didn’t get to play it back then. So even knowing that it doesn’t hold up to modern games, I’m okay with that - I knew what I was spending $30 on, and I’ll have fun with it in my own way. Review is entirely fair though, I’m fully cognizant of my rose tinted goggles here.
Re: Random: Elected Official In Japan Is Looking To Legally Preserve Games
Ken Akamatsu has been a solid hand on this for years. He’s a consistent anti-censorship and pro-preservation voice in the anime and manga sphere and the series he’s produced over the years have been quite popular in their time and have afforded him a good following of fans to bolster his pushes. He puts his money where his mouth is too - when he first launched J-Comi, the first thing he did was put all 14 volumes of his own award-winning series Love Hina up on it for free (a series that had only finished it’s run a few years prior). Very glad to see him making it into the Diet and pushing forward.
Re: Fire Emblem And Pokémon Voice Actor Billy Kametz Has Passed Away
s***. My girlfriend was a big fan of him as Mikhail in Sirius the Yeager, and I knew him for Shield Hero’s Naofumi. Apparently he was the Rotom Dex in the Pokémon dub too, had no idea - he only started voice acting in 2016 and did a ton of stuff in that time. He was only three and a half years older than I am - that’s way too young to be ending things, especially to colon cancer. Now I’m thinking maybe I should be talking to my doctor about early screenings, just in case…
Re: Apple Made More Profit From Games In 2019 Than Nintendo, Sony And Microsoft Combined
It’s important to note that despite the judge ordering Apple to allow those non-Apple-cut payment options, Apple has responded to that outcome by banning Fortnite from all Apple devices for A MINIMUM OF FIVE YEARS. I’m not a big Epic fan at all, but when that news came out I was ***** floored - an incredibly petty precedent set by Apple and a stunningly dangerous chilling message being sent to every other developer on their shops.
Re: Nintendo Won't Say Whether Switch OLED Joy-Con Fixes Drift, So Don't Count On It
I have had my Switch for less than a year and I now have upwards drift on the stick, which has utterly ruined my Pokémon Snap play. FFS Nintendo.
Re: The Iconic Action-RPG Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance Is Out Today On Nintendo Switch
So many people complaining about the $30 price tag don’t realize how much of a STEAL that is - the GameCube copy of this game still regularly sells for $40-$50 USED on eBay and has been for ages! There’s a lot of nostalgia for this, and that price is perfectly fair compared to the aftermarket price. If anything I expect this to cause the aftermarket pricing to take a big hit.
Re: WWE Superstars Join Brawlhalla In Special SummerSlam Crossover
@DavidMac It’s just you.
Re: Random: Check Out These Voxel Renditions Of Structures From The Legend Of Zelda
Jesus I want that Pyramid of Power so bad that it hurts. Did they upload the files anywhere? I’d kill for that file to print for myself.
Re: Feature: Inside The World Of Pokémon ROM Hacks
@frogopus That’s on the company’s head though if the fans produce something better (case in point, AM2R versus Metroid Federation Force). And there’s plenty of times when fanfiction can supersede canonical stories to surprising levels - gotta find the gems hidden in the rough, but they’re there.
Re: Feature: Inside The World Of Pokémon ROM Hacks
@Kalmaro The actual rom hack patch files aren’t roms. They need to be applied to a pre-existing rom with a third party program.
Re: Feature: Inside The World Of Pokémon ROM Hacks
@AlienX There’s actually a handful of hacks that have done just this; I remember one that adapted the School of Hard Knocks episode
Re: Feature: Inside The World Of Pokémon ROM Hacks
Here’s hoping that for once this comment section won’t devolve into the “not real fans/how dare you hack/illegal trolls/bad people/AHH I CAN’T STAND PEOPLE HAVING FUN” nonsense that it usually does.
Pokemon hacks actually brought me BACK to Pokemon. I began playing at the very start and was a big fan, but I drifted away during the RSE and DP gens (though I did play HG). Some hacks of RBY and GSC brought me back to playing, and I had tons of fun going back through old worlds with new twists, like the Pokemon Christmas hack of Crystal (which makes it winter in Johto and acts as a soft 6-month-later sequel to the originals with a few modern Ice-types added like Glaceon and Snorunt/Frosslass added) and Pokemon Girl (a basic Red hack that added the ability to play as a girl and face a female rival while adding Fairy type into Gen 1). It was these fanmade adventures that got me reinvested in Pokemon all over again and brought me back into BW/XY (as well as helping me discover how awesome Platinum was LOOOONG after it released). I often see people tear into these hacks as if they’re somehow a slap in the face to the original creators, but I see them the same as fanart and fanfiction - as the ultimate expressions of the creator’s fandom and love for Pokemon as a whole, and that’s something that should never be shunned by the community if it’s being done wholly for fun and to share that fandom freely with the wider community, because without that huge fandom, Pokemon wouldn’t be the juggernaut that it is today.
Re: China Is Receiving An Enhanced Version Of Pokémon Quest
“Social features” and “China” in the same sentence just tells me that Big Brother is going to be tracking them social scores nice and tight in Pokémon too. I wonder how quickly Bewear will get censored for looking too similar to Winnie the Pooh?
Re: Feature: Eevee x Tamagotchi Is A Surprisingly Resilient Virtual Pet For A New Generation
@Preposterous So it’s fine for you to take a potshot, but nobody’s allowed to fire back if they disagree?
Re: Feature: Eevee x Tamagotchi Is A Surprisingly Resilient Virtual Pet For A New Generation
@Preposterous Boy, aren’t you a little ray of sunshine? Heaven forbid that they cover a Nintendo-related product.
Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy Of The Duelist: Link Evolution Physical Edition Confirmed
Awesome. That’s a definite pickup; the recently released Speed Duel format (based off Duel Links) has gotten me back into the physical card game for the first time since Synchros were introduced, so this looks very appealing to me.
Re: New Trailer For Kotodama: The 7 Mysteries Of Fujisawa Reveals The Key Cast
I’m interested in this one, both for the story and for the fact that it’s got both guys and gals. I’m not against the ones with just ladies (given that that’s what I’m into), but judging by my girlfriend’s otome games there’s clearly a market for a mixed batch too. And if supporting titles like this gets more focus on everyone being able to enjoy the sexiness rather than trying to censor the crap out of stuff, then take my money.
Re: Sonic The Hedgehog Movie Gets Its First Official Trailer, And It's Definitely Something
Re: Starlink: Battle For Atlas Is Getting New Star Fox Content And A Free Splitscreen Racing Mode
Considering that I got the Switch Starter Kit for $20 at Target and got a free weapon with it, I have no issues with paying $12 for the new content since I’m still getting one of the best Star Fox games in years for $32 total, plus an awesome model Arwing statue
Re: Senran Kagura Producer Leaves Marvelous After Frustrations Over Sexual Content Restrictions
@frogopus We’re not talking about a half-baked programmer. We’re talking about the guy who largely designed a series that has put out eight games in a bit under a decade, all big sellers. That’s why your “princess toadstool booby” example doesn’t work; that could be rejected for not fitting the Mario series.
Boobs are the Senran Kagura series.
Re: Senran Kagura Producer Leaves Marvelous After Frustrations Over Sexual Content Restrictions
@frogopus The problem with that argument is that in SK’s case, the games have done absolute gangbusters business, huge business. Shooting the pony in the head now to try and get a broader appeal is stupid - those who haven’t bought the game yet aren’t going to start just because they tone it back, and those who have bought them will refuse to in protest.
Unfortunately, instead of recognizing this, what’ll probably happen is that the parent company will say “oh, I guess the games aren’t popular anymore” and will cease the series entirely.
Re: Senran Kagura Producer Leaves Marvelous After Frustrations Over Sexual Content Restrictions
@KingdomHeartsFan I miss when being able to stand in the middle to draw from both sides wasn’t seen and cast as ideological weakness. Perhaps the majority of us still don’t see it as weakness, but the people we’ve chosen to represent us certainly do. Whether politically, or in the realm of social issues, we have now become ruled by “our way or the highway”.
Re: Senran Kagura Producer Leaves Marvelous After Frustrations Over Sexual Content Restrictions
@nessisonett The trick of this is that on the point of sexuality and violence, groups generally considered to be “SJW” are not taking traditionally left positions. Their arguments, especially in the realm of censorship, are shockingly far right in both tone and refusal to negotiate.
There is this strange concept for some people that “those on the left are always for greater freedoms, and those on the right curtail them”. Speaking as a lifelong leftie, I’m terrified at the way that the far extremes of both the left and the right have become disturbingly similar in their arguments while also gaining huge control in politics and social movements, leaving those who are more in the middle to be jerked back and forth by the crashing waves created by it.
Video game content is only one example of a flashpoint in a much wider ideological conflict. And when the two extremes are the loudest voices that companies are rushing to market to, everyone else loses. I want games with strong male AND female characters. I also want developers to not have to fear being trashed forever if they dare show some skin. And right now, at least on Sony consoles (and even Steam in certain cases), that’s precisely what’s happening. I never thought I’d see the day when Nintendo was the company allowing for less overall censorship, but here we are.
Re: Blaster Master And Zelda II Arrive On The Switch Online NES Service This Month
“The people want SNES and N64 games!”
“Those greedy HEATHENS! They only get two NES games this month as punishment!”
I know this probably isn’t how it went down, but for gods sake it should not be this easy to make fun of Nintendo. Especially as a Nintendo fan. This just sucks.
Re: Pokémon GO's January Community Day Set To Star Totodile, Heatran Appears In Raid Battles
We already basically had a Totodile day that spanned several weeks way back during the Water Festival event. So I’ll be picking up a shiny here and then peacing out.
Re: Here's How To Get Mythra's Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Outfit In Xenoblade Chronicles 2
@Starvald All it seems to display to me is that people are for looking at, or did you miss some of these chiseled hunks of “take me” they threw in there? And this was just a handful at a glance, plenty of good looking dudes in brief or skin-tight attire in that universe. Seems like both sides of the aisle are getting some nice looking folks, so I see no issue here.
Unless the next argument is that every character ought to be covered as much as possible.
Re: Here's How To Get Mythra's Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Outfit In Xenoblade Chronicles 2
@Starvald The problem is that you compared a largely harmless cultural point to one that is decidedly more controversial on a worldwide scale. A more accurate cultural argument would be comparing Japan’s penchant for fanservice to Americans enjoying country music, or Hindus in India not consuming beef, or Brits being highly specific about what goes with what tea. Bullfighting actively harms a living creature for entertainment. No one is being harmed by Pyra’s thighs except a handful of overly sensitive snowflakes who project to astounding degrees.
Heck, for all we know, in the world of Xeno, her attire could in fact be a cultural norm, given how it compares to others in the game. Folks could very well be applying an entirely incorrect set of values onto it.
(And before anyone even tries to say “well are you saying that if a game had a culture where women could be raped that it would be okay because of culture?!”, no, no I’m not - I’m speaking specifically and strictly of harmless fanservice that hurts no one but the eyes of the frail and prude.)