I own this game on ps5 so I will not be getting it again, but I STRONGLY suggest buying this masterpiece.
As I’m getting on in my years I’ve had less and less time to devote to the gaming hobby, especially full on jrpgs, which are my second fav genre (just after platformers). I got this game last year because of all the hype and watching a streamer do a battle and hearing the awesome soundtrack. Being more casual now, I decided to use a daily guide to make the right relationship choices and would do the dungeons blind.
Even with the guide, I was IMMERSED. I played every single day I could. If I had had the portable Switch version, it would’ve gone everywhere with me.
Obviously I am a huge Final Fantasy fan, but I swear this game is right up there with ffvii and my personal favorite ffix.
TLDR: GET THIS GAME. If casual, I suggest a basic relationship guide.
Just got through the Yuffie DLC on ffvii remake so now I am going back and beating the main story on hard mode. I sprinkle a little bit of Crash Bandicoot on remote play as well.
On Switch I will more than likely play some Mario maker 2 as usual.
@nimnio Of course I’m joking. I read the whole review and know exactly why it was given a 9/10. Kinda like the IGN review of Pokémon OR/AS con about “too much water”. It’s my introverted way to poke fun.
Obviously wasn’t your cup of tea and I won’t question your intelligence like you did mine. Good day.
My wife has a fear of mushrooms. On the review of the next Mario game, can you please list that fear as con and consider knocking a point off of the final score.
I would wish for a followup to Bomberman Hero from the N64. And, as the article states (YOU NON-READERS....), I guess I'd choose Pilotwings to never have another game. Not an easy choice, but I'd want it to sting. T_T
How about these companies start getting in on increasing our internet infrastructure so we all have access to faster speeds before they go in on this streaming thing? When purchasing internet, we have 1 monopolistic company and 5 crappy "competitors". And thos mega stranglehold companies split up into regions and choke us out with annually increasing contracts and terrible customer service.
How can this be our uniformed gaming futures if the Comcasts and Spectrums beat them to it??
Galaxy should be technically the best, but geez....Wiimote controls are just horrendous for any game in that era. I've always been a huge Nintendo fan, and I tend to forgive Nintendo for the gimmicks over the years, but...forcing me to wiggle a controller to spin and to sync up to the TV or can't sit too far from the TV or can't sit too close to the TV...sooooo annoying.
I can't WAIT to play galaxy with a pro controller (or gamecube controller lol)
1996 and the release of the N64 was the MOST magical video game experience for me. I will never forget going to my friend's house and watching Mario moving around in 3d for the first time. It was right up there with playing Pokémon Red for the first time. Oh, and playing ffvii for the first time...Wow, late '90s just rocked.
This is ABSOLUTELY a speed run. The amount of time and effort (not to mention skill) it takes to find these shortcuts, execute them as flawlessly as possible, and stay calm while trying to take the world record? Yes, it still is a speed run. You're still competing to be the fastest. You're still theorizing and combing through countless potential glitches to further perfect the run. And my favorite, it is fun as hell to watch these speed runners succeed.
Just because it isnt a vanilla run doesn't mean it isn't a speed run 😤
I was a Yoshi master in the original. None of my friends could beat me. Was the first time I truly felt like an elite gamer. Well, it was the only time I did. Lol
@Varkster Well, I love chocobos so that is why it's my pic. I love irony though, so I will take it as a compliment
Botw does offer replayability. I've seen people pull out of this game well more than the $60 price tag. And to them I say bravo, this is your game of the decade. I love reading the comments of people who have had a true connection to this game, or any game for that matter. In the comments though, I like to place my opinion down for others who may agree with me to find enjoyment that there are others that think like them, and for people to reply that have differing opinions to try to show me a different viewpoint.
As for the Final Fantasy franchise, eh. I think they are too catered for certain audiences as a whole. I will agree botw bridges that gap better. Can I ask what your favorite ff is? Mine personally is IX. I hope you have a great rest of your day.
@Seananigans I can completely see and even to an extent agree with your opinion on replayability. The ingredients are there. Everything you listed does entice one to give another go. Yet after completing every shrine and defeating every boss, I still have no care to play again. I haven't had this problem with any other Zelda game (well, except Skyward Sword ). For me, the second round seems like work maybe? Maybe some will think I'm not really a gamer? Maybe I'm becoming casual as I get older? Rose colored glasses? Perhaps. I still have more desire to play any Zelda game in the past 2 decades than I do botw. I can't change that feeling.
I definitely do not bash anyone who finds that this game is perfect. I have never enjoyed Metroid games but I love the lore and cheer on new games that get added to the series. My thoughts are that botw just lacked something. That feeling for me is why I'd never name it game of the decade. Game of the year, sure, but I just think other games deserve that specific title better. I WILL buy botw 2 and I have every bit of faith that Nintendo will deliver a far superior entry.
As a Nintendo game, I would agree it pushed boundaries. I just don't think it is the game of the decade. It lacked things that combine together to create the one thing a $60 investment needs: replayability.
Just like Super Mario Maker 1 paved the way to the superior Super Mario Maker 2, I feel Nintendo will know just the right refinements to ensure that botw 2 will be a masterpiece.
The game was good its first playthrough. I loved the Easter eggs and the timeline placement theories. I wont forget my time in that game. However, game of the decade? Not in my opinion.
As much as I wish it won't come to pass, we all know BOTW will be number 1. The game was good. I sunk hours into it. I have very little desire to play a second round. That lack of replayability is what's most important in an investment of $60.
If I had to look back at the game that had me truly hyped, truly happy on launch day, truly happy while playing, and truly happy after all is said and done (not to mention leaving behind a legacy to an even better sequel), I'd absolutely go with Super Mario Maker Wii U. The amount of hours I poured not only into playing, but watching streamers play (shoutout to Syun), definitely my decade game hands down.
When I heard the news of not all pokeymans will be in this gen, I initially decided to skip this gen. Honestly, I chose to forget pokemon altogether. The night before release, I failed in my mission and got Sword. I looked up to see if my 2 fav pokemon (Dewgong and Luxray) made the cut, but alas, they will not be joining me in my (post) adventure this time.
You know what though? The sting is gone. I've been so obsessed with catching them all that it really made me too OCD to just ENJOY the games for what they are. My shuckles have been removed (ironic pun for you serious folks here).
I'm glad I'm not missing out on this gen. The game is fun and has me excited for the next installments of tomorrow.
This would actually be easier for me to learn. Maybe it was the countless hours I spent playing Final Fantasy IX in the beginning with the sword fight that ingrained the playstation controller as my default.
Not really Nintendo's fault though. Xbox with the swapped abxy as bayx is what hurt me. Why, Microsoft? You could've used numbers or something and I wouldn't have this deficiency 😭
Played this on gamecube with my friend. We sunk countless hours into the insanely fun multiplayer. This game is basically worthless to me without that aspect. Oh well...
I've played this game with my friend on pc. It is FUN. The roguelike genre never was all that interesting to me, but this game has me hooked. I've put in at least 100 hours into it so far. You start out so weak and slow, but by the time you've cycled through the maps a few times each, you will feel like a god. You will feel invincible, and then you will meet your demise when you least expect it. Then you crave to best yourself.
I will say that if you plan to play solo, it can still be fun, but it didn't keep me hooked nearly as long as with my friend.
"Round two came in 1994, when Natsume reinvented the game for the Super Famicom as The Ninja Warriors Again. And now, 15 years later, Natsume is back with this 3.0"
EDF 5 very recently came out on Steam. I will be shooting giant bugs to protect the Earth this weekend with my friend. Oh, and I will continue my story grind in Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers.
Can't resist a little Mario Maker 2 here and there either.
The Wii U is probably my favorite Nintendo console. The game pad does feel childish, but those games were AWESOME.
You know they were awesome because the Switch stole most of them! I thought my Wii U was done when Mario Maker 2 was announced, but here I am still playing Paper Mario Color Splash.
Skyward Sword HD for Switch. I’ve tried going back and playing it on my Wii U, but between waggling that archaic Wiimote, and the muddy SD graphic mess that looks like a gorgeous painting that got left in the rain.....I just can’t seem to play it.
Map the sword swinging to joy cons and just HD-ify the game. I will buy it in a heartbeat.
Comments 181
Re: Review: Persona 5 Royal - Finally On Switch, This Is The Very Definition Of Essential
I own this game on ps5 so I will not be getting it again, but I STRONGLY suggest buying this masterpiece.
As I’m getting on in my years I’ve had less and less time to devote to the gaming hobby, especially full on jrpgs, which are my second fav genre (just after platformers). I got this game last year because of all the hype and watching a streamer do a battle and hearing the awesome soundtrack. Being more casual now, I decided to use a daily guide to make the right relationship choices and would do the dungeons blind.
Even with the guide, I was IMMERSED. I played every single day I could. If I had had the portable Switch version, it would’ve gone everywhere with me.
Obviously I am a huge Final Fantasy fan, but I swear this game is right up there with ffvii and my personal favorite ffix.
TLDR: GET THIS GAME. If casual, I suggest a basic relationship guide.
Re: Square Enix Details 'Custom Race Mode' In Final Fantasy Spin-Off Chocobo GP
Puts Vamo' alla Flamenco on in the background
……I’m ready!!!!!
Re: Nintendo Switch System Update 13.2.1 Is Now Live, Here Are The Full Patch Notes
Nice, Nintendo! This is the best retaliation to Microsoft’s purchase of actiblizzard. Bravo!
Re: Best Of 2021: We've Ranked All 151 Gen 1 Pokémon And It Nearly Killed Us
These are the best imo. Also shoutout to fat derp pikachu. Love that original design
Re: Random: Look, It's The Smash Bros. Director Masahiro Sakurai On A Horse
Literally took himself to pasture haha
Re: Talking Point: Will Nintendo Abandon The Switch Concept For Its Next Console?
No worries…I’m sure Nintendo will switch it up!
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (August 21st)
Just got through the Yuffie DLC on ffvii remake so now I am going back and beating the main story on hard mode. I sprinkle a little bit of Crash Bandicoot on remote play as well.
On Switch I will more than likely play some Mario maker 2 as usual.
Good times
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (July 10th)
SMW hack “A Plumber for All Seasons” and WoW.
Maybe some Banjo Kazooie lol
Re: Review: Mushihimesama - A Cave Classic With The Right Kind Of Bugs
@nimnio Of course I’m joking. I read the whole review and know exactly why it was given a 9/10. Kinda like the IGN review of Pokémon OR/AS con about “too much water”. It’s my introverted way to poke fun.
Obviously wasn’t your cup of tea and I won’t question your intelligence like you did mine. Good day.
Re: Review: Mushihimesama - A Cave Classic With The Right Kind Of Bugs
Hey nintendolife…
My wife has a fear of mushrooms. On the review of the next Mario game, can you please list that fear as con and consider knocking a point off of the final score.
Thank you so much!
Re: Mario Golf: Super Rush's Split-Screen Modes Will Be Restricted To Two Players Per Switch
Now when someone yells “fore!” I will cry a little inside
Re: Talking Point: Which Old Game Series Would You Like To See Revived?
I would wish for a followup to Bomberman Hero from the N64. And, as the article states (YOU NON-READERS....), I guess I'd choose Pilotwings to never have another game. Not an easy choice, but I'd want it to sting. T_T
Re: Final Fantasy's Chocobo Racing Might Be Making A Comeback
Re: The Pokémon Company Reveals Top 30 Pocket Monsters, According To Japanese Twitter Poll
No Dewgong love T_T but yay for Luxray!!!
Re: Talking Point: There's Never Been A Better Time For Gaming Consumers, Nor A Worse Time For Gaming Innovation
How about these companies start getting in on increasing our internet infrastructure so we all have access to faster speeds before they go in on this streaming thing? When purchasing internet, we have 1 monopolistic company and 5 crappy "competitors". And thos mega stranglehold companies split up into regions and choke us out with annually increasing contracts and terrible customer service.
How can this be our uniformed gaming futures if the Comcasts and Spectrums beat them to it??
Re: Video: New Super Mario 3D All-Stars Trailer Shows Off Fresh Footage And Features
Wahoo!!!!!! Let's a go!!
Re: Poll: What's The Best 3D Mario Game?
Galaxy should be technically the best, but geez....Wiimote controls are just horrendous for any game in that era. I've always been a huge Nintendo fan, and I tend to forgive Nintendo for the gimmicks over the years, but...forcing me to wiggle a controller to spin and to sync up to the TV or can't sit too far from the TV or can't sit too close to the TV...sooooo annoying.
I can't WAIT to play galaxy with a pro controller (or gamecube controller lol)
Oh, and Mario 64 is 10/10 in my book.
Re: Poll: So, What Was Nintendo's Best Year Ever?
1996 and the release of the N64 was the MOST magical video game experience for me. I will never forget going to my friend's house and watching Mario moving around in 3d for the first time. It was right up there with playing Pokémon Red for the first time. Oh, and playing ffvii for the first time...Wow, late '90s just rocked.
Re: Site News: Say Hello To Our Resurrected Sister Site, Pure Xbox
There are already more comments in this comment section than actual Xbox's sold in Japan in a given month. 😉
In all seriousness, yay for Xbox!!!
Re: Square Enix's Yoshinori Kitase Would Like To Remake Final Fantasy V
YES YES YES! V is my absolute FAVORITE of the nes/snes era. I'd LOVE to see an updated version out there...
Re: Review: SEGA AGES Sonic The Hedgehog 2 - A Fantastic Game, But Who Hasn't Played It By Now?
I've always said Tails' name in my head, so I never got the pun. Just said it out loud and now I have to burn all of my Sonic collection. The shame...
Re: Google's Pokémon Of The Year Vote Winner Is Announced
Dewgong did not make the top 10, but you could see him in the background during the charizard nostalgia reel!
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (February 8th)
That beautiful 50% off Spyro for me! And as always, dipping in super mario maker 2 for a couple of endless levels.
Re: Spyro And Crash Bandicoot Games Discounted On Switch For A Limited Time (Europe)
I've been fighting my urge to buy spyro for weeks...and now I got it 50% off! Good things come to those who wait!!! 😋
Re: Speedrunner Beats Zelda: Ocarina Of Time In Under 10 Minutes, Sets New World Record
This is ABSOLUTELY a speed run. The amount of time and effort (not to mention skill) it takes to find these shortcuts, execute them as flawlessly as possible, and stay calm while trying to take the world record? Yes, it still is a speed run. You're still competing to be the fastest. You're still theorizing and combing through countless potential glitches to further perfect the run. And my favorite, it is fun as hell to watch these speed runners succeed.
Just because it isnt a vanilla run doesn't mean it isn't a speed run 😤
Re: Random: The Mario Kart Series Now Features Nine Forms Of Princess Peach
All these Peach variants, and yet what I want is a Peach platformer. No I'm not counting that DS game, lol.
Re: Anniversary: Super Smash Bros. Turns 21 Today
I was a Yoshi master in the original. None of my friends could beat me. Was the first time I truly felt like an elite gamer. Well, it was the only time I did. Lol
Re: Feature: So, Who's Next For Super Smash Bros. Ultimate?
No love for Bomberman? He sure would be fun though.
Re: New Challenger Byleth Gets Added To The Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Mural
Which sword is he again?
Re: Feature: Game Of The Decade Staff Picks: Zelda: Breath Of The Wild
Well, I love chocobos so that is why it's my pic. I love irony though, so I will take it as a compliment
Botw does offer replayability. I've seen people pull out of this game well more than the $60 price tag. And to them I say bravo, this is your game of the decade. I love reading the comments of people who have had a true connection to this game, or any game for that matter. In the comments though, I like to place my opinion down for others who may agree with me to find enjoyment that there are others that think like them, and for people to reply that have differing opinions to try to show me a different viewpoint.
As for the Final Fantasy franchise, eh. I think they are too catered for certain audiences as a whole. I will agree botw bridges that gap better. Can I ask what your favorite ff is? Mine personally is IX. I hope you have a great rest of your day.
Re: Feature: Game Of The Decade Staff Picks: Zelda: Breath Of The Wild
I can completely see and even to an extent agree with your opinion on replayability. The ingredients are there. Everything you listed does entice one to give another go. Yet after completing every shrine and defeating every boss, I still have no care to play again. I haven't had this problem with any other Zelda game (well, except Skyward Sword ). For me, the second round seems like work maybe? Maybe some will think I'm not really a gamer? Maybe I'm becoming casual as I get older? Rose colored glasses? Perhaps. I still have more desire to play any Zelda game in the past 2 decades than I do botw. I can't change that feeling.
I definitely do not bash anyone who finds that this game is perfect. I have never enjoyed Metroid games but I love the lore and cheer on new games that get added to the series. My thoughts are that botw just lacked something. That feeling for me is why I'd never name it game of the decade. Game of the year, sure, but I just think other games deserve that specific title better. I WILL buy botw 2 and I have every bit of faith that Nintendo will deliver a far superior entry.
Re: Feature: Game Of The Decade Staff Picks: Zelda: Breath Of The Wild
As a Nintendo game, I would agree it pushed boundaries. I just don't think it is the game of the decade. It lacked things that combine together to create the one thing a $60 investment needs: replayability.
Just like Super Mario Maker 1 paved the way to the superior Super Mario Maker 2, I feel Nintendo will know just the right refinements to ensure that botw 2 will be a masterpiece.
The game was good its first playthrough. I loved the Easter eggs and the timeline placement theories. I wont forget my time in that game. However, game of the decade? Not in my opinion.
Re: Poll: Get Your Votes In For Nintendo's Game Of The Decade
As much as I wish it won't come to pass, we all know BOTW will be number 1. The game was good. I sunk hours into it. I have very little desire to play a second round. That lack of replayability is what's most important in an investment of $60.
If I had to look back at the game that had me truly hyped, truly happy on launch day, truly happy while playing, and truly happy after all is said and done (not to mention leaving behind a legacy to an even better sequel), I'd absolutely go with Super Mario Maker Wii U. The amount of hours I poured not only into playing, but watching streamers play (shoutout to Syun), definitely my decade game hands down.
Re: Guide: Pokémon Sword And Shield Gen 8 New Pokémon List - Full Galar Pokédex Including Returning Pokémon
When I heard the news of not all pokeymans will be in this gen, I initially decided to skip this gen. Honestly, I chose to forget pokemon altogether. The night before release, I failed in my mission and got Sword. I looked up to see if my 2 fav pokemon (Dewgong and Luxray) made the cut, but alas, they will not be joining me in my (post) adventure this time.
You know what though? The sting is gone. I've been so obsessed with catching them all that it really made me too OCD to just ENJOY the games for what they are. My shuckles have been removed (ironic pun for you serious folks here).
I'm glad I'm not missing out on this gen. The game is fun and has me excited for the next installments of tomorrow.
Re: Random: This Switch Game Manual Has Controls For The Wrong Platform
This would actually be easier for me to learn. Maybe it was the countless hours I spent playing Final Fantasy IX in the beginning with the sword fight that ingrained the playstation controller as my default.
Not really Nintendo's fault though. Xbox with the swapped abxy as bayx is what hurt me. Why, Microsoft? You could've used numbers or something and I wouldn't have this deficiency 😭
Re: Feature: "Nintendo Killed My Son!" - Pulling Apart A Tragic Headline More Than Two Decades On
So Nintendo gets dragged through the dirt by all of this, and then they decide that the Virtual Boy was the logical next step.
Bravo, Nintendo 😂😵
Re: Random: Game Freak Had Plans For A Virtual Boy Title But Never Got Around To Making It
Pokemon Green is more like it 🤢🤮
Re: Review: Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast - Amazing Lightsaber Combat Ruined By A Terrible First Act
Played this on gamecube with my friend. We sunk countless hours into the insanely fun multiplayer. This game is basically worthless to me without that aspect. Oh well...
Re: Override: Mech City Brawl Is Smashing Its Way To Switch
"Mech it rain"
I literally lol'd right here at work. Bravo!
Re: Risk Of Rain 2 Drops On Switch This Summer
I've played this game with my friend on pc. It is FUN. The roguelike genre never was all that interesting to me, but this game has me hooked. I've put in at least 100 hours into it so far. You start out so weak and slow, but by the time you've cycled through the maps a few times each, you will feel like a god. You will feel invincible, and then you will meet your demise when you least expect it. Then you crave to best yourself.
I will say that if you plan to play solo, it can still be fun, but it didn't keep me hooked nearly as long as with my friend.
Re: Review: The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors - A Masterclass In SNES Revival
"Round two came in 1994, when Natsume reinvented the game for the Super Famicom as The Ninja Warriors Again. And now, 15 years later, Natsume is back with this 3.0"
Re: Pokémon GO Has Been Downloaded A Mind-Boggling One Billion Times
There are actually 9 billion people inhabiting Earth right now. Everyone always forgets to add the mole people. Sheesh.
Re: Random: Beating GoldenEye 007's First Level Using Only A Piano Looks Surprisingly Easy
I get Breath of the Wild feels when he is going through the missions. Very awesome!
Re: Random: Someone Has Recreated Super Mario 64's Physics In PS4's Dreams
Yes this is all good, but the real question is...can Mario baby crawl as well? 0 stars for no baby crawling
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (July 13th)
EDF 5 very recently came out on Steam. I will be shooting giant bugs to protect the Earth this weekend with my friend. Oh, and I will continue my story grind in Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers.
Can't resist a little Mario Maker 2 here and there either.
Re: Random: HBO Uses Wii U Controller To Promote Streaming App Only On PS4 And Xbox
The Wii U is probably my favorite Nintendo console. The game pad does feel childish, but those games were AWESOME.
You know they were awesome because the Switch stole most of them! I thought my Wii U was done when Mario Maker 2 was announced, but here I am still playing Paper Mario Color Splash.
I will never forget the Wii U. Please understand.
Re: Eiji Aonuma On Returning To The Hyrule Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild
Gimme dungeons
Gimme hookshot
Gimme shovel to dig everywhere
Gimme gloves that can climb in rain
Gimme weapons that won’t break
Gimme gimme gimme 😂
Re: Feature: Nintendo E3 2019 - What Are You Hoping For?
Skyward Sword HD for Switch. I’ve tried going back and playing it on my Wii U, but between waggling that archaic Wiimote, and the muddy SD graphic mess that looks like a gorgeous painting that got left in the rain.....I just can’t seem to play it.
Map the sword swinging to joy cons and just HD-ify the game. I will buy it in a heartbeat.
Oh...and Metroid Prime Trilogy Switch please. 🤗
Re: Jumanji: The Video Game Comes To Nintendo Switch This November
Jumanji the video game, based off of the film franchise, based off of the game, first seen in the film.........yeah I’m done
Re: Get Some Shut-Eye When Pokémon Sleep Arrives Next Year
What a snore fest....................