I doubt any pokemon games will come since they never came out on 3ds vc. Nintendo might as well reprint gen 4 because The prices are just crazy and theres many fakes
all i know is all this palutena talk is getting a few people on miiverse to buy uprising. I kind of think sakurai and his staff planned the 3ds leak. All this free promotion is working for them
The game is amazing as a single player title but they have been pushing 4 players so hard with this game it doesnt make sense not to have online. Why not just have different modes or stages around competitive multiplayer for online?
If this had online multiplayer id actually be able to play with friends. Even if the characters appeared as ghosts like in mario kart to see who beats the stage faster and gets the highest score being live
I have to wait until 2014 to get one of nintendos own ganes on wii u to have online multiplayer. Thats just crazy. Mario 3d world could have it but they dont want to include it.
The music and art of this game is fantastic but i couldnt get into it especially after super star. Id say kirbys return to dreamland is the second best kirby platformer.
Im always playing starfox 3d trying to beat my high score atleast once a week, play mario tennis with my brother online, mk7 and i just picked up donkey kong last night. I still havent finished luigis mansion yet so i have a good amount of games i can play for a while.especially when animal crossing comes out. Im having so much fun playing 3ds this year and i still have games like kirby mass attack and super star that i want to replay again when i finish donkey kong.
@Dogpigfish they should add online multiplayer to some of there classics. Im tired of playing just the mario sport titles online and not being able to play a platformer with a friend that lives far from me. Mario bros arcade would be cool
@DrunkLuigi the only thing i dont like about mk is the fact that it has retro tracks. There cool for a while but i do want something unique and fresh instead of half the tracks being old.
Everyone said it wasnt coming out and i knew it would this year cause they did the same thing with the 3ds and thats when they really started moving the system with 3d land as well.
there not going to promote it because there only two games are nsmbu and nintendoland. commercials on tv are really expensive and they know games like mario kart will have people buy it so theyll promote it then.
I know the wii u will be very good in the future and miiverse is so much fun but the people I know that have it. It's too bad Mario u and Nintendo land don't have online multiplayer. Nintendo needs some new games and they will come but I doubt game and Wario and pikmin will be the must have games this year to push the console.
Comments 44
Re: Review: The LEGO Movie Videogame (Wii U)
Nice ill pick this up then. I was turned off that the game just takes the cut scenes from the movie cause i already watched it but the game looks fun
Re: Feature: 10 Nintendo DS Games We Want To See On The Wii U Virtual Console
I doubt any pokemon games will come since they never came out on 3ds vc. Nintendo might as well reprint gen 4 because The prices are just crazy and theres many fakes
Re: Masahiro Sakurai Teases New Super Smash Bros. Stage With Palutena Image
all i know is all this palutena talk is getting a few people on miiverse to buy uprising. I kind of think sakurai and his staff planned the 3ds leak. All this free promotion is working for them
Re: Nintendo Left Online Out Of Super Mario 3D World To Deliver The "NES" Experience
The game is amazing as a single player title but they have been pushing 4 players so hard with this game it doesnt make sense not to have online. Why not just have different modes or stages around competitive multiplayer for online?
Re: Review: NES Remix (Wii U eShop)
Its a fun game and i dont think the price is bad. The only upset i have is no kirby
Re: Target Offering 3DS XL Models For $149.99 Until 21st December
Yessss time to add mario and luigi to my 3ds collection
Re: Marty Reminds 3DS Users What Not To Do On Miiverse
So whats the point of having mario kart on miiverse? If i see people that are really good why can't i be friends with them?
Re: Oh Yes, The Mario Galaxy Stage is Confirmed for the New Super Smash Bros.
This stage alone can have the best music in the game.
Re: Review: The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (3DS)
Ever since the zelda 25th nintendo has been going all out with the series. A must pick up for me
Re: Nintendo's Miiverse Social Network Finally Makes Its Way To The 3DS
I hope its fast like on wii u. Animal crossing is the community i want to be in
Re: Supporters Needed To Rebuild NES Hero Mega Man In Lego
Its cool but im so tired of mega man 2.
Re: The Wii Mini Will Arrive in the U.S. in November
Id buy it just for the red remote
Re: Nintendo Download: 31st October (North America)
I just downloaded the lego demo on 3ds.
Re: Feature: The Madness That Is Super Mario 3D World's Multiplayer Mode
@SanderEvers idk how it would ruin it but they can add multiplayer modes like the mario bros arcade game. That would be cool
Re: Feature: The Madness That Is Super Mario 3D World's Multiplayer Mode
If this had online multiplayer id actually be able to play with friends. Even if the characters appeared as ghosts like in mario kart to see who beats the stage faster and gets the highest score being live
Re: Pokémon X & Y Patch Now Available On The 3DS eShop
Caught a shiny wingull in a hoard battle
Re: Reggie Fils-Aime To Tour North American Cities to Play Wii U and 3DS Titles With the Public
Someone tweeted the amount of hours they were playing mario 3d land in a response to reggies animal crossing photo. More than 8000 hours :0
Re: Nintendo Download: 24th October (North America)
Walmart has the sonic demo playable as well as mario and sonic. Idk why they dont put them on thr rshop as well.
Re: Poll: Would You Buy Grand Theft Auto V On Wii U?
Id buy it since i dont have the other consoles. Im not even into realistic games like this but there multiplayer video blew my mind.
Re: Feature: Animal Crossing StreetPass Event Brings 3DS Owners Together
Sounds like so much fun. Ac is so amazing
Re: Impressions: Multiplayer is a Big Deal in Nintendo's Wii U Lineup
I have to wait until 2014 to get one of nintendos own ganes on wii u to have online multiplayer. Thats just crazy. Mario 3d world could have it but they dont want to include it.
Re: Super Smash Bros. Will Have A Single Player Campaign
Subspace was kind of boring. Id prefer them spending there money on more characters stages and music. Event matches are fun though as well as trophies
Re: Talking Point: Nintendo's Biggest E3 Challenge is Getting Noticed
That xbone price is insane. All the drm limitations and still having to pay for live
Re: Platinum's Hideki Kamiya Gives Smash Bros. Fans Both Barrels
He should just ignore the tweets. Hes making his company look really bad with those tweets. Idc how annoying or repetitive they are.
Re: Get Excited, Nintendo's E3 Site Is Out In The Wild
I just want a smash bros gameplay footage.
Re: Happy 15th Birthday, Banjo-Kazooie!
Its a shame microsoft is doing nothing with banjo and kazooie
Re: Video: A Young Person Plays Super Metroid
Hahah i laughed so hard reading and watching the video
Re: Review: Kirby's Dream Land 3 (Wii U eShop / Super Nintendo)
The music and art of this game is fantastic but i couldnt get into it especially after super star. Id say kirbys return to dreamland is the second best kirby platformer.
Re: Review: Kirby Super Star (Wii U eShop / Super Nintendo)
Best kirby game in my opinion.
Re: Round Table: Let's Talk About the 3DS
Im always playing starfox 3d trying to beat my high score atleast once a week, play mario tennis with my brother online, mk7 and i just picked up donkey kong last night. I still havent finished luigis mansion yet so i have a good amount of games i can play for a while.especially when animal crossing comes out. Im having so much fun playing 3ds this year and i still have games like kirby mass attack and super star that i want to replay again when i finish donkey kong.
Re: Nintendo Download: 23rd May (North America)
Already have dream collection and super star ultra on ds.
Re: Talking Point: Nintendo Should Step Up for the Wii U eShop
@Dogpigfish they should add online multiplayer to some of there classics. Im tired of playing just the mario sport titles online and not being able to play a platformer with a friend that lives far from me. Mario bros arcade would be cool
Re: Review: Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D (3DS)
Bring kirbys return to dreamland as well on the 3ds.
Re: Review: Mario and Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move (3DS eShop)
This game doesnt pull me in to be a must buy like the mario vs donkey kong on gba. I prefer that style of gameplay
Re: Feature: Nintendo Life's Staff Favourites - Miiverse Illustrations
Miiverse is so good.
Re: Trio Of Kirby Games Hitting Japanese Wii U Virtual Console Next Week
Kirby games are so good.
Re: This Mega Man 25th Anniversary 3DS Case Sure Is Snazzy
Capcom only sells mega man toys, comics etc.
At comic con two years ago thats all i saw and today thats all they still do. We want games
Re: Hardware Review: MaxPlay Wii U In-Car Adapter
I have a screen for my wii and that was so awesome playing windwaker or other gc and vc titles on those long trips.
Re: Rejoice, Mario Kart Wii U Is Coming This Year
@DrunkLuigi the only thing i dont like about mk is the fact that it has retro tracks. There cool for a while but i do want something unique and fresh instead of half the tracks being old.
Re: Rejoice, Mario Kart Wii U Is Coming This Year
Everyone said it wasnt coming out and i knew it would this year cause they did the same thing with the 3ds and thats when they really started moving the system with 3d land as well.
Re: Wii U Virtual Console Launch Lineup Is Revealed
This list blows. They should have launched better games like mario world 2 or mario rpg.
Re: Talking Point: The Wii U's Identity Crisis
there not going to promote it because there only two games are nsmbu and nintendoland. commercials on tv are really expensive and they know games like mario kart will have people buy it so theyll promote it then.
Re: Ninterview: Cosplayer Regina "RikkuGrape" Marie
she's very good. I love the details of the Zelda costume. She must have felt upset about paper Mario sticker star because the charm isn't there
Re: The Big Wii U Survey
I know the wii u will be very good in the future and miiverse is so much fun but the people I know that have it. It's too bad Mario u and Nintendo land don't have online multiplayer. Nintendo needs some new games and they will come but I doubt game and Wario and pikmin will be the must have games this year to push the console.