Comments 44

Re: Round Table: Let's Talk About the 3DS


Im always playing starfox 3d trying to beat my high score atleast once a week, play mario tennis with my brother online, mk7 and i just picked up donkey kong last night. I still havent finished luigis mansion yet so i have a good amount of games i can play for a while.especially when animal crossing comes out. Im having so much fun playing 3ds this year and i still have games like kirby mass attack and super star that i want to replay again when i finish donkey kong.

Re: The Big Wii U Survey


I know the wii u will be very good in the future and miiverse is so much fun but the people I know that have it. It's too bad Mario u and Nintendo land don't have online multiplayer. Nintendo needs some new games and they will come but I doubt game and Wario and pikmin will be the must have games this year to push the console.