A few eyebrows were raised when we reported on the existence of the MaxPlay adapter, a newfangled contraption which allows you to power your Wii U console from your car's standard 12V cigarette lighter socket.
However, we can now report that this unique item is in fact the real deal, having tried it for ourselves. The MaxPlay allows you to play games on the GamePad from the comfort of the passenger seat — or anywhere else in the car, for that matter.

The MaxPlay not only provides juice to the console, but also comes with a USB charging cable so you can top-up the GamePad at the same time as well. Heck, there's even a standard mini-USB lead so you can replenish your mobile phone's battery if need be.
It's such a simple concept that it's amazing that it has taken this long to appear; after all, the Wii U GamePad is designed with portability in mind, and as long as the game you're playing supports off-TV play, it works a treat. We didn't get chance to ride our car over any massive potholes so we can't comment on how the Wii U's disc drive copes when things get bumpy, but you could always stick with eShop titles stored on the console's internal flash memory if you're worried about road conditions impacting performance.

The only real issue we experienced with the MaxPlay is that the Wii U doesn't fit all that snugly into a typical glove compartment; the one in our roomy European people carrier wasn't really big enough. Even if you do possess a large glove box, it's going to be tricky to ensure that the console doesn't come flying out when you slam on the brakes, because the power cable probably won't allow the glove compartment door to secure fully. It's possible that we'll see some kind of solution for this appearing in the future — perhaps a caddy which resides under your seat and keeps the console in place.

Those of you old enough to have spawned children will probably be eyeing this product with a massive smile on your face — what better solution for long, boring road trips than a Wii U console to keep your little one occupied? As you can see from our short video review below, our willing test subject was suitably impressed with the concept.
The MaxPlay adapter is available for around $25-$30, and is certainly worth a look if you find yourself travelling a lot with your parents or you're a parent yourself and want to keep your offspring silent for long journeys.
Thanks to Supreme Factory for supplying the unit used in this review.
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[source supremefactory.com]
Comments 60
It's like a better implementation of the PSOne screen, really. A good idea with some issues.
Good point about the pot-holes, too. The roads around where I live could do some serious damage!
this is amazing!!
Were these photos taken near some kind of Internet connection? The Mii icon in the upper left is still blue.
@TwilightV That's because I had pending notifications, I think. It could have been connected to my home WiFi, but I doubt it would reach?
What happens when the battery on the gamepad runs out? Can you charge the gamepad in some way?
edit: Ah, there's an optional USB charging cable from the MaxPlay to the Gamepad: https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2013/04/play_wii_u_from_the_comfort_of_the_passenger_seat_with_maxplay
@gingerbeardman Er, that's mentioned in this review, too...
Pretty awesome if you ask me
"Brilliant!" - David Tennant
Interesting, but what worries me is the total power draw of WiiU being quite high for standard 12V car socket. It's near 40W with the console alone, and charging anything via USB is bound to add a few watts to it, which in turn begs the question - will all car alternators be able to power it? Not to mention external hard drives, which will draw another few watts off USB (for thumbdrives/2,5" drives, as powering anything in the 3,5" form factor is rather out of the question)...
Also - yeah, road bumps would kill the optical drive soonner than later, as they would impact some hard drives. I don't know, I'm just sceptical about it...
@Damo Thanks for the info. I only skimmed the article and watched the video in which it wasn't mentioned.
And this is why nintendo has fused the portable and console divisions.
The next nintendo console will probably be one device, sporting on tv play and portable gaming all at once.
When at home, you'll be plugging it into your tv seamlessly, on the road, you'll be playing a portable console.
Looks awesome! I'll probably get one as soon as I can. Ya never know, if I gotta go on a car trip and I know it'll be a long, boring ride I'll have my Wii U ready to go!
I just noticed that the GamePad has some pretty damn nice speakers! Not to mention loud! xD
@Savino We drive on the correct side of the road here
It was nice of James to come back and be the test subject.
"to have spawned children" - I think you mean "child", singular, if you have children you're asking for trouble. Really cute kid BTW, you've done well.
Oh, and things like this have been around forever.
That's awesome. I might have to look into this one day.
This reminds me of when we were kids. My parents bought a small TV from Sam's Club that we could stick in between the front seats in our mini-van and then we'd hook up our N64 (or later Gamecube) to it. It'd make the trips to visiting relatives fly by!
And similar to what @rjejr mentioned, we just used a standard cigarette lighter converter that allowed us to power our TV and console. Quite handy. Still, the nice thing about this device is that it's probably a bit cheaper and you save on some space since it plugs directly into the Wii U.
Haha really ? Where can i find this contraption lol
@erv About that next system being both a console and a portable. Probably not. First, I'm pretty sure someone at Nintendo said specifically that it DIDN'T mean that. I'm glad, too. They have different needs. There WILL be a great benefit however. The hardware and software platforms will merge, even if the hardware specifications will be different.
In other words, developers will be able to make a game for BOTH with ease. If we had that advantage THIS time, for instance, Luigi's Mansion 2 would have been made for BOTH the 3DS and the Wii U. The portable version will lack some visual fidelity and some features won't match exactly, but the game engine, the program the source assets would all be the same.
Sadly, Nintendo needed this to happen this round. Just think, Star Fox and Ocarina of Time remakes would have been on the Wii U day one... Fire Emblem... Kind of painful to imagine actually.
That's really cool, I'm out of the target demographic at this point (I drive myself now) but it reminds me of using this bad boy... http://www.amazon.com/Play-Station-Screen-SCPH-Console-playstation/dp/B00005QI2S
@Damo: Ah, I see. Thanks for clearing that up.
Neat..but...Wouldn't a 3DS make more sense? lol
Voltage from a car battery isn't constant enough for me to be confident about the potential for damage to the console. Power fluctuations can be quite large in a car when running.
I have actually been thinking about doing this for my Rocky Mountains trip this summer!
Not a bad invention. But, I'd say it's not for me.
This is why we have tablets and phones already.
Who would want to be using the Wii U outside............. very, very few people would get this.
you know, there's a cool thing called a car plug to AC outlet that lets you plug in ANYTHING to a car. why people by these specific cables is beyond me
@GamerJunkie games on the iOS and Android shop are of terrible quality... I tried to switch over to a mobile only gamer and the games really feel empty.
btw, I have already played my wii u on car rides, its awesome. the thing about the wii U is not that its like a giant ds and why would you get an oversized ds. it's the fact that you can hold TONS of processing power in a nearly weightless controller without the need for an external video display. it's the first step toward cloud computer as a gaming method and it's pretty cool
There are Wii U exclusives that support being played on the gamepad.
I just can't see myself ever doing this...
But it's kinda a good idea, as the G-Pad is semi-portable.
Idiots, that's what portables were made for!
I have a screen for my wii and that was so awesome playing windwaker or other gc and vc titles on those long trips.
Tablet and phone battery die incredibly quickly when gaming. Besides, when on a road trip with no interesting scenery around, would you rather play a phone game for 5 minutes and then fall asleep, or play a fleshed out console-level game?
Of course there's 3DS and Vita, but having this as a choice expands your options of games to play on the go.
I think I might give this a pass, it's not like I don't already have a car inverter lying around.
what's the must-buy feature of this adapter ?
( WiiU provide 4 usb ports and do the convertion from from 12 to 5v for the usb )
2 wires between the plugs arn't enough ?
I wish I was a kid again, I got so much more time to game when I didn't have to drive myself anywhere. Nah, just kidding, driving is awesome.
I live in Michigan and because of the extreme temperature flux the roads have horrible potholes everywhere. We officially have the second worst roads in the US (Alaska is #1), so I could see this ending poorly for either the hard drive or disk drive. Great idea though.
That's pretty cool
Aside from TV-required games, is a television even needed for all other games and features of the Wii U?
So you could play Need for Speed while driving?!
@Electricmastro "Fantastic!" -Chris Eccleston
pair it with a wifi hotspot from a wireless carrier, and boom! netflix 2 go.
The Wii U wasn't designed to be portable other than your house, hence the sort range & being a console, otherwise the gamepad would have been fully portable, people own 3DS, PSVitas, Mobiles, and tablets for portable gaming. With Nintendo's 3DS doing so well, i wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo fully becomes a portable gaming company in the near future.
I like it. even though I do not have a wii u
@banacheck I was thinking the same thing. after all, nintendo has been doing better with the 3ds than the wiiU
there will be screaming when someone forgets to put their Wii U in the boot and their windows get smashed as it is being stolen.
That's gonna kill your car battery
@ledreppe You're rude.
@ledreppe You're rude.
You know, there's a thing called PORTABLE CONSOLES.
Ok let me clarify a few things....Your car can easilt handle 100-150w no problem so those worried about your car battery don't. Even alternators in small cars put out 80amp 12v which is plenty. The other issue about voltage regulation is also wrong. Your cars devices and lighters outlets run from the battery and the alternator charges the battery so iits just like a UPS in your house meaning you get fairly stable amperage. The device likely uses a capicitor circuit to comoensate for any spikes or dips. Go study a little electronics and DC power if U don't beleive me. Those sayinh why not use an AC invertor.....well anytime you shift from ac to dc you bleed or waste power so going dc to ac to dc is senslees plus you will have to take you invertor and your wii power supply. I know lots of U in Europe drive dinky cars but here in the good old USA most people with kids have vans, suvs, cross overs which have more than enough space. Also the RV market here is huge and people often have mid sized LCD screens in their rigs...I know many people that configure them with game consoles. Now about the optical drive....I would avoid using it unless you give the wii-u a proper mountng. We had CD players in cars for decades and they worked fine when mounted properly. Still if U have a 32gb model you can have a fair amount of contrent and 2.5 inch Usb drives to have some rubber around them in the case and also use very low power so that would be the best option. What we really need to put this over the top is a decent video player app for Wii-u that supports mp4,avi,mpg, and mkv and then you could put movies on a big usb stick or sd card and use this as both a game player and portable video player.......my last thought is here is a better idea I had and that is gamepad tcp repeater.....so it would talk to the U like your gamepad and direct the signal thru your home router then you would have a palm sized module you take with you that talks to your game pad and connects to wifi which is readily available at so many places for free and essentially your gamepad has true remote play...kind of like vita with ps4.....this would be possible if someone canjust figure out the radio the gamepad uses and the protocol it talks on.
Nintendo are complete gits for not marketing their wii u like this. The best of the world of Nintendo on the long car rides??? Why doesn't Wii U have tv commercials showing this ability of car play and why doesn't nintendo have their own brand car adapter?
@Damo Correct side of the road? The only thing that's correct is that our army was half the side of yours and we still won.
@amiiboacid This story went up in 2013. Has it really taken you that long to compose such a terrible retort?
@Damo No. There was a link to this article in a recent one. Also, from what I recall, the automobile was created in America.
@amiiboacid Wrong! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Car
@Damo Though it is true Carl Benz of Germany invented one of the first models of an automotive, cars didn't gain widespread popularity until 22 years later with the creation of the Model-T in my home state of Michigan. Though this argument is more about the 'correct' side of the road. With the creation of the Model-T, the birth of the modern highway also happened. As Americans quickly supported cars as the primary form of transportation, Europeans were less quick to adapt and left there roads unfit for automobiles to drive on. They created car-friendly roads significantly later than America. In fact Britain started to create regulations for cars and highways years later in 1949. Even if Germany created the car, it doesn't matter since they drive on the right side. All countries except ones who used to be under country of the power-hungry Britains plus Japan drive on the right side of the road. Looks the right side is right after all.
@amiiboacid Thanks for making my day! That was hilarious AND informative.
@Damo Your welcome. Also, I appreciate how much you interact with the NL readers.
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