Comments 30

Re: Ys X: Nordics Lands On Switch In The West This October


@daveMcFlave I hope so. Definitely want to see some US gameplay when it releases. Reviews are ok, but I really don't trust those--I want to see the game run and then make my own review. Won't buy it day one because there are so many first-day patches when games come out anymore.

Re: Ys X: Nordics Lands On Switch In The West This October


@daveMcFlave @Spider-Kev Unless there was an update done, the game started giving me problems in Chapter 2, when Adol walks around Balduq City. Adol walks so slow, and the citizens and buildings and whatnot kept popping in. It seems the framerate was really low for me at the point. Honestly, I would like to try it again but I am hesitant based upon my past experiences. Have there been any updates?

Re: Review: Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince (Switch) - A Near-Royal Return For The Addictive Monster-Catching Spin-Off


A 7/10?!?!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? This game, with all of the fun and laughs I've constantly having, is easily a 9/10 in my book. Possibly even more. The gameplay loop of scouting and synthesizing monsters is extremely addictive and the Dragon Quest puns return in full fashion. Also, I am not seeing the technical mishaps Nintendo Life is having (pop-in backgrounds, crashing during battles, etc.) The game exceeded my expectations and it's all the better for it.

Re: Talking Point: What Is A 'Traditional' Zelda Game, Anyway?


Two things stop me from enjoying BOTW. First, is the weapon degradation. I don't know how many times my weapon kept breaking, especially in the middle of an intense battle. Second, is the choice of life vs. stamina. I don't like the idea of choosing whether to have more life or more stamina at the close of every shrine. Both of those ideas ruin the game for me and that is why I never completed BOTW and not have any interest in TOTK.

Re: Student Whose 3DS Was Stolen Is Given A Replacement By His Schoolmates


First of all, the 3DS that was stolen will never come back so all the games he had on it are gone. Second, there aren't any new or exciting news for 3ds games in the future as the system is almost burned out so I don't know why that student would be so happy. he should've just considered it a lost cause and start saving money for the Switch. Then he would be REALLY happy.