De Mambo.jpg

It's time for the Nintendo Download Update details for North America, and it looks like an excellent week. The Switch eShop gets five games, three of which we've already reviewed and rated highly. There are some quality options on the 3DS eShop, too, and the Wii U also has one release. Let's get to it, shall we?

Nintendo Switch eShop

De Mambo (The Dangerous Kitchen, $12.99 / $15.99CAD) - A smart and colourful game that's both chaotic and accessible; you can fight friends in Smash Bros.-style conflicts, take on co-op challenges or embark upon a solo quest. We rated this very highly in our De Mambo review.

Death Squared (SMG Studios, $14.99 / $16.99CAD) - A puzzle title that's proven popular on platforms such as PC, it's best enjoyed as a co-op game where you work through tricky challenge rooms. It's also perfectly suitable for solo play, and we enjoyed it a lot in our Death Squared review.

I and Me (Ratalaika Games, $9.99) - This is a puzzle game in which you control two cats at the same time, a concept we've seen utilised a few times over the years. It's well put together and is an utterly charming, beautiful experience; we gave it plenty of praise in our I and Me review.

Fatal Fury Special (HAMSTER, $7.99 / $9.87CAD) - You may have noticed that the Neo Geo had a lot of fighting games, and thankfully some of them are pretty darn good. Taking a page from Street Fighter’s book, this one is a faster remix of Fatal Fury 2 — which also got an ACA release — and adds a few new characters and a combo system. We'll take a fresh look, but in the meantime you could always check out our Wii Virtual Console review.

Levels+: Addictive Puzzle Game (flow, $6.99 / $9.99CAD) - We're occasionally suspicious of games that try to tell you their main hook with a description in the title, but let's hope for the best. This is a puzzle title where you slide and match panels, with mechanics linked to colours in order to mix up the gameplay. We'll see whether it's a good match for Switch in a review.

3DS eShop

Cursed Castilla EX (Abylight, $11.99) - Originally developed solo by Spanish coder Juan Antonio Becerra, this 3DS conversion does a terrific job of bringing the Ghosts 'n Goblins-esque action game to Nintendo's portable. It's deliciously challenging, beautifully designed and utilises the 3D effect brilliantly; that's what we think in our Cursed Castilla review, anyway.

Bit Dungeon+ (Dolores Entertainment, $8.00 / $11.99CAD) - A game with a focus on randomised dungeons and loot, we had a lot of fun with this in our Wii U eShop review; it'll be interesting to see how well the game transitions to the 3DS, though it appears to be single player only in this case.

Asdivine Cross (KEMCO, $9.99 / $13.99CAD) - This publisher has brought us plenty of RPG titles, and some may have played the rather decent Asdivine Hearts on the Wii U; this portable release revolves around a duo seeking to escape dungeons and save the world. Another normal Saturday night in KEMCO land.

3DS Demos

Miitopia Casting Call Demo (Nintendo, free) - Get ready to be the star of the show! In this free demo available now, pick some pre-made Mii characters or create your own. Assign each character a role and then cast them in one of three different in-game video trailers for upcoming RPG Miitopia game.

Hey! Pikmin (Nintendo, free)

3DS HOME Theme

Hey! PIKMIN: Adventure Together (Nintendo)

Wii U eShop

BOX UP (RCMADIAX, $1.49 / $1.99CAD) - In this title you try to guide a box up a screen (avoiding obstacles) in randomly generated levels.

As always Nintendo of America wants you to browse the eShop and check out the official sales and deals website for discount details.

There are plenty of choices in this week's update - let us know what you'll be downloading in the poll and comments below.

What will you be downloading this week? (794 votes)

  1. De Mambo (Switch eShop)5%
  2. Death Squared (Switch eShop)7%
  3. I and Me (Switch eShop)3%
  4. ACA Fatal Fury Special (Switch eShop)4%
  5. Levels+: Addictive Puzzle Game (Switch eShop)1%
  6. Cursed Castilla EX (3DS eShop)9%
  7. Bit Dungeon+ (3DS eShop)3%
  8. Asdivine Cross (3DS eShop)2%
  9. Miitopia Casting Call (3DS demo)13%
  10. Hey! Pikmin (3DS demo)24%
  11. Hey! PIKMIN: Adventure Together (3DS HOME Theme)3%
  12. BOX UP (Wii U eShop)1%
  13. Nothing for me this week26%