

A smile is a valuable tool my dear

Comments 434

Re: Reminder: Game Builder Garage Is Out Now On Nintendo Switch


First: I bought Mariomaker in order to make great Mario levels (number of Mario levels created to this day: 0)
After that I bought Dreams because, being a more complete tool than Mariomaker I was sure I was going to create lots of games (Number of games created to this day: 0)
Sorry Game builder garage you look fine but I guess I am not a creative gamer.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (March 13th)


Gavin. Of all those RPGs I would start “The origami King” that game surprised me in a very positive way. It’s a “light” RPG theres no grinding involved, and the battle music is just amazing. You will want to enter combat just to hear it’s tune.
As for me “Persona Strikers” if a Persona game is out all other games are “on hold”

Re: Random: Masahiro Sakurai Calls Cyberpunk 2077 A "Dream Game"


Never was interested in Cyberpunk 2077, I played the Witcher 3 (like 20
Hours hoping I would experience the masterpiece everybody praised and found it really boring) it’s a shame that a game that have a lot of players hyped was release at that state, and I think the way CDProject red dealt with the aftermath of release was “poor” at best. But wasn’t the witcher all buggy too when it released? My experience with it (years after lauch day) was flawless on a technical level. I think CD project red will eventually patch the thing and it will become the “dream game” Sakurai is talking about.

Re: Nintendo 3DS Outsold The Entire Xbox Family - Including Series X - In Japan Last Year


It’s understandable. XBOX is a machine for western people with western tastes. If you are into FPS and Skyrim like RPG’s the XBOX is you machine. I like japanese action games and JRPG so I never thought of buying an XBOX because I know that its library of games (and exclusives, like halo or peter molineaux games) is not appealing to my particular tastes. And I am not even japanese. (Even if game pass is the best thing that happend to videogames in the last years)