One of the best series of games! The three of them are perfection. I am glad that they will be individual releases on the eshop so I can Pick up ultimate summer camp
First: I bought Mariomaker in order to make great Mario levels (number of Mario levels created to this day: 0)
After that I bought Dreams because, being a more complete tool than Mariomaker I was sure I was going to create lots of games (Number of games created to this day: 0)
Sorry Game builder garage you look fine but I guess I am not a creative gamer.
As much as I love Smash (it’s my favorite game on the switch) I never understood this events, the times I participate I ended up getting very common spirits. Is it just for the sake of competition?
The last Star Wars game I played was “Rebel assault 2” (and inexplicably it didn’t make the cut... shocking!) I don’t really care about games based on movies. Or movies based on games for that case...
First Fantasian and now this... Apple arcade seems to be getting a lot of amazing games (at least from amazing developers) lets hope it releases, so I can try my “free month” period. And lets pray for Switch ports (and since we are praying, lets add a switch port or “terra battle” to the mix)
Final fantasy went downhill since this guy abandoned Squaresoft, and the he goes and creates the best mobile game ever “Terra battle“. (Wich is not available in my region obviously because, latin america be damned) I really hope that they release Terra Battle on switch.
Gavin. Of all those RPGs I would start “The origami King” that game surprised me in a very positive way. It’s a “light” RPG theres no grinding involved, and the battle music is just amazing. You will want to enter combat just to hear it’s tune. As for me “Persona Strikers” if a Persona game is out all other games are “on hold”
@timleon I had the same dilemma over switch version or PS4. I even had it preordered at switch. But it seems from Youtube videos that the switch version load times are atrocious. 30 seconds to get out of the velvet room vs. 6 on ps4. That kill it for me. Ended up canceling the preorder and pre ordering the ps4 one.
I will keep saying it... Its my favorite 3D Mario. (I just finished Galaxy for the first time two days ago, and I must say that is amazing, I truly understand why everyone loves it.. But I prefer the linear level design on a Mario game)
Goddammit! We were so close of having Mr. Needlemouse dating Madonna.... so close...I guess some things are too perfect and are never meant to happen... (sigh)
Excellent game with satisfying combat and amazing music and artstyle, the only critique I have is that the “we are good cops buddies” setting does not resonate with me at all. (Not to the point of stop playing it, like in sony spiderman, that was cringe worthy) Hoping for a sequel.
I dont like the graphics on the west cover, or the orange everything. But as @Anti-Matter pointed out the japanese one looks amateurish. So west one gets my vote.
I already bought it on the sale. Not a fan of Ubisoft open world games, they seem interesting and I always end up buying them at sales and not playing them. This one seems to not take itself so seriously, so I though to give it a try.
Never was interested in Cyberpunk 2077, I played the Witcher 3 (like 20
Hours hoping I would experience the masterpiece everybody praised and found it really boring) it’s a shame that a game that have a lot of players hyped was release at that state, and I think the way CDProject red dealt with the aftermath of release was “poor” at best. But wasn’t the witcher all buggy too when it released? My experience with it (years after lauch day) was flawless on a technical level. I think CD project red will eventually patch the thing and it will become the “dream game” Sakurai is talking about.
It’s understandable. XBOX is a machine for western people with western tastes. If you are into FPS and Skyrim like RPG’s the XBOX is you machine. I like japanese action games and JRPG so I never thought of buying an XBOX because I know that its library of games (and exclusives, like halo or peter molineaux games) is not appealing to my particular tastes. And I am not even japanese. (Even if game pass is the best thing that happend to videogames in the last years)
I still have this game on my PS3, amazing art and music, but the gameplay gets repetitive really fast (but I must say that I only played it on single player mode, because I have no friends😢). I prefer Double Dragon Neon.
Super Mario 3D land is my favorite 3D Mario. Never played 3D world so I am eagerly waiting to have a new favorite. I love the new “Metal” tunes that are slowly creeping into mario OST. Paper Mario the origami King was filled with them. And “Fury world” looks like its going to give us more of that.
Comments 434
Re: Danganronpa: Decadence Brings Four Murder-Mayhem Games To Switch Later This Year
One of the best series of games! The three of them are perfection. I am glad that they will be individual releases on the eshop so I can Pick up ultimate summer camp
Re: WarioWare: Get It Together Brings Mini-Game Mayhem To Switch In September
Cool, this Game right here made the show for me.
Re: Gallery: Feast Your Eyes On These New Sonic Colors: Ultimate Screenshots
This game shoud have been called “Sonic Pride”
Re: BloodRayne Betrayal: Fresh Bites Will Make Its Nintendo Debut Soon
Prepare yourself to get the fist level tune stuck in your head. Amazing underrated game.
Re: Gallery: KK Slider Would Be Proud Of This Animal Crossing 7-CD Music Collection
I would buy this collection just to have Komrade K.K. on CD.
Re: Reminder: Game Builder Garage Is Out Now On Nintendo Switch
First: I bought Mariomaker in order to make great Mario levels (number of Mario levels created to this day: 0)
After that I bought Dreams because, being a more complete tool than Mariomaker I was sure I was going to create lots of games (Number of games created to this day: 0)
Sorry Game builder garage you look fine but I guess I am not a creative gamer.
Re: K.K. Slider Joins The Animal Crossing Build-A-Bear Collection
It looks creepy, the head-body proportion is as bad as my english
Re: Fire Up! There's A New Smash Bros. Tournament Starting This Friday
As much as I love Smash (it’s my favorite game on the switch) I never understood this events, the times I participate I ended up getting very common spirits. Is it just for the sake of competition?
Re: Random: Someone 3D Printed Their Very Own Crash Bandicoot Smash Bros. amiibo
Looks amazing! But I could never get into the Crash mania...
Re: PixelJunk Eden 2 Now Has Various Switch Collector Options On Limited Run Games
Loved the first one. Gotta try the sequel. And would kill for this collector edition. But.... customs...😢
Re: Konami's Free-To-Play Bomberman Game Is Now Available To Download On Switch
I hope they release the ‘Bomberman act zero’ suit
Re: NPD Reveals Top 10 Best-Selling Star Wars Games Of All Time In The US
The last Star Wars game I played was “Rebel assault 2” (and inexplicably it didn’t make the cut... shocking!) I don’t really care about games based on movies. Or movies based on games for that case...
Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl: Duel #82 - Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble
North America one because for once Kirby isn’t mad on it
Re: New Info About NEO: The World Ends With You Expected To Be Revealed Next Week
@Quarth same here, need to start the fist one on DS, but with Monster Hunter Rise I guess it will be impossible
Re: Random: Platinum's Fifth Reveal Is An Apple Arcade Exclusive
First Fantasian and now this... Apple arcade seems to be getting a lot of amazing games (at least from amazing developers) lets hope it releases, so I can try my “free month” period. And lets pray for Switch ports (and since we are praying, lets add a switch port or “terra battle” to the mix)
Re: This Sealed Super Mario Bros. Could Become The Most Expensive Video Game Collectable Ever
Auction should end on march 31.
Re: Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection Includes Sigma Editions Because The Originals Were Unsalvageable
@1ofUs pros and joy cons of... switchhiking.
(Follows you through the door)
Re: Final Fantasy Creator Hironobu Sakaguchi Says Latest Project Could Be His Last
Final fantasy went downhill since this guy abandoned Squaresoft, and the he goes and creates the best mobile game ever “Terra battle“. (Wich is not available in my region obviously because, latin america be damned) I really hope that they release Terra Battle on switch.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (March 13th)
Gavin. Of all those RPGs I would start “The origami King” that game surprised me in a very positive way. It’s a “light” RPG theres no grinding involved, and the battle music is just amazing. You will want to enter combat just to hear it’s tune.
As for me “Persona Strikers” if a Persona game is out all other games are “on hold”
Re: Here's What Arby's Shovel Knight Launcher Tokens Unlock In-Game
Thank god for Dead Cells and its “vegan diet” option
Re: Nintendo Gives Us A Look At The Switch Box Art For Zelda: Skyward Sword HD
Amazing cover art, but I guess I will buy this digital on a sale. Windwaker HD would have been an instant pre order for me, but it is what it is...
Re: Charles Martinet Would Love To Voice Mario In Upcoming Illumination Movie
We have a Kiefer Sutherland situation again?
Re: Random: Even Suda51 Is Playing Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury This Weekend
My copy is stuck on customs and will arrive on Wednesday so I guess its back to Animal Crossing all weekend for me.
Re: Review: Persona 5 Strikers - Much More Than Your Average Musou Spin-Off
@timleon I had the same dilemma over switch version or PS4. I even had it preordered at switch. But it seems from
Youtube videos that the switch version load times are atrocious. 30 seconds to get out of the velvet room vs. 6 on ps4. That kill it for me. Ended up canceling the preorder and pre ordering the ps4 one.
Re: Random: Super Mario 64 Gets A Ray Tracing Makeover Thanks To Fan Mod
Mario 64 in widescreen? Blasphemy!
Re: Will You Be Clearing Up Some Space For The Switch Version Of Apex Legends?
No. Tried it on ps4 and didn’t like it. I guess I am not a shooter guy.
Re: Video: Super Mario 3D Land Deserves to Be Remembered
I will keep saying it... Its my favorite 3D Mario. (I just finished Galaxy for the first time two days ago, and I must say that is amazing, I truly understand why everyone loves it.. But I prefer the linear level design on a Mario game)
Re: Reminder: Enjoy Capcom's "Limited Time" Monster Hunter Rise Demo While You Still Can
Back to MH XX then... I only hope that they keep the maiden songs title screens on the full release of the game.
Re: Fans Should 'Forget About Bayonetta 3' For Now, Says Platinum's Hideki Kamiya
We can’t forget...The shadow remain cast!
Guess the witch hunts are over (at least during 2021)
Re: The Man Behind The Ninja Gaiden Reboot Thinks Ryu Hayabusa Is Perfect For Smash Bros Ultimate
Mmmm... I have yet to play the Ninja Gaiden games (I have them on PS3) but just by looks he is too generic and boring.
Re: Random: Yuji Naka Has Never Heard Of Sonic's "Official" Codename
Goddammit! We were so close of having Mr. Needlemouse dating Madonna.... so close...I guess some things are too perfect and are never meant to happen... (sigh)
Re: Gallery: Nintendo Shares Even More Stunning Screenshots Of Bowser's Fury
That last screenshot... I wonder If there will be a photo mode included on it? (Anyways mine is pre ordered already)
Re: Hideki Kamiya Was "A Shoulder To Lean On" During Astral Chain's Development, Says Director
Excellent game with satisfying combat and amazing music and artstyle, the only critique I have is that the “we are good cops buddies” setting does not resonate with me at all. (Not to the point of stop playing it, like in sony spiderman, that was cringe worthy) Hoping for a sequel.
Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl: Duel #76 - Final Fight 3
I dont like the graphics on the west cover, or the orange everything. But as @Anti-Matter pointed out the japanese one looks amateurish. So west one gets my vote.
Re: Sarah Conner And The Terminator T-800 Are Fortnite's Newest Arrivals
Sara Conner? I’d rather had Rickey Mouse or Ronald Duck skins instead.
Re: Immortals Fenyx Rising Looks Like It's Getting A Demo, And It Might Be Coming To The Switch eShop
I already bought it on the sale. Not a fan of Ubisoft open world games, they seem interesting and I always end up buying them at sales and not playing them. This one seems to not take itself so seriously, so I though to give it a try.
Re: "Special Edition" Gold Monster Hunter Rise amiibo Set Up For Grabs In 7-Eleven Japan Lottery
Am I the only one that think that these “gold” (painted) versions of Amiibo are hideous? I rather have the normal ones.
Re: Hideki Kamiya Hopes To Share An Update About Bayonetta 3 At Some Point In 2021
Bayo 3 has as many chances of being release on 2021 as Waluigi being in Smash Bros.
Re: Random: Masahiro Sakurai Calls Cyberpunk 2077 A "Dream Game"
Never was interested in Cyberpunk 2077, I played the Witcher 3 (like 20
Hours hoping I would experience the masterpiece everybody praised and found it really boring) it’s a shame that a game that have a lot of players hyped was release at that state, and I think the way CDProject red dealt with the aftermath of release was “poor” at best. But wasn’t the witcher all buggy too when it released? My experience with it (years after lauch day) was flawless on a technical level. I think CD project red will eventually patch the thing and it will become the “dream game” Sakurai is talking about.
Re: Yes, Bowser's Fury Really Is Its Own Standalone Mode In Super Mario 3D World On Switch
complaining about WIi U ports on switch
Hoping they Announce Xenoblade Cronicles X soon
Re: Random: Someone At Nintendo Keeps Writing The Word "Embiggen" In Scripts
Simpsons already did it.
Re: Where To Pre-Order The Mario Red & Blue Edition Nintendo Switch
That steelbook puts the Korean one to shame.
Re: Animal Crossing: New Horizons Was France's Best-Selling Game Of 2020
I know I am a bit stupid, but when I read the title I wonder who the hell was this France guy and why was it important that he likes Animal Crossing.
Re: Random: Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury Box Art Receives A Very Welcome Tweak
I already pre order (and pay) a physical copy. And it only cost me 120 USD! (god bless those import taxes)
Re: Lederhosen Luigi Is Now A Thing Thanks To Mario Kart Tour's Latest Update
Mario Tennis aces promotional art was not lying. Look at the size of that sausage!
Re: Nintendo 3DS Outsold The Entire Xbox Family - Including Series X - In Japan Last Year
It’s understandable. XBOX is a machine for western people with western tastes. If you are into FPS and Skyrim like RPG’s the XBOX is you machine. I like japanese action games and JRPG so I never thought of buying an XBOX because I know that its library of games (and exclusives, like halo or peter molineaux games) is not appealing to my particular tastes. And I am not even japanese. (Even if game pass is the best thing that happend to videogames in the last years)
Re: Nintendo Is Releasing Another Limited Supply Pin Set For Super Mario's 35th Anniversary
@acNewUpdates LATAM has never existed. We are the nobodies
Wanna be somebodies
When were dead
They know just who we are
Re: Review: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game - Complete Edition - Still The Bob-omb 10 Years On
I still have this game on my PS3, amazing art and music, but the gameplay gets repetitive really fast (but I must say that I only played it on single player mode, because I have no friends😢). I prefer Double Dragon Neon.
Re: Nintendo Is Now The Market Leader In Video Gaming's Biggest Region
@ICISAZEL astral chain is an amazing game and proof enough that good art direction beats raw power.
Re: Gallery: Super Mario 3D World's Bowser's Fury Mode Looks Stunning In New Screenshots
Super Mario 3D land is my favorite 3D Mario. Never played 3D world so I am eagerly waiting to have a new favorite. I love the new “Metal” tunes that are slowly creeping into mario OST. Paper Mario the origami King was filled with them. And “Fury world” looks like its going to give us more of that.