
Welcome back to Box Art Brawl, our weekly poll to find the best regional box art variant from two or more retro candidates.

Last time we looked at The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks in a duel that pitted Japan and Europe against North America. It appears that the regional team-up worked wonders — the greenery of the JP/EU cover pulled in a stunning 86% of the vote.

This week we're taking a look at a Game Boy Color title on the 20th anniversary of its North American release. HAL Laboratory's Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble came in a special pink plastic cartridge and used in-built accelerometers to control the Kirbster in a quirky motion-controlled adventure through Dream Land. Once again, this is a two-way bout, although Europe is sitting this one out — the game never released in that territory, unfortunately.

So, let's see if ol' Angry Eyes is back...



Big old Kirby + big old star = BOOM. The Japanese cover keeps things simple and goes for impact with Kirby in the centre against a white background featuring various faded images that don't distract from the star of the show.

We like the classy black strip down the side with the silver GAME BOY logo which catches the light. We also like the little motion control icon in the bottom right corner. A nice, solid Kirby cover.

North America


The North American logo for the game takes up almost a third of this square box, with Kirby tumbling just below — presumably having been tilted moments before. It's novel to see the character upside down on the cover, and perhaps even more unusual not to see the patented 'Angry Eyes' the character is often given in North America to 'toughen' him up. Or something. There's only so much attitude you can give a pink marshmallow with red shoes.

It's a fun cover, similarly bold, although somehow bland, too. The flat shading of the logo gives this a plainer feel than the Japanese version, and the repetition of the Game Boy Color logos up the side and in the bottom right corner feels a tad superfluous. Why not add a tiny 'ONLY FOR' in the bottom left corner instead?

So, you’ve seen the two options, but which Kirby is going to suck up your approval? Click on your favourite below and hit ‘Vote’ to let us know:

Which region got the best Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble box art? (1,909 votes)

  1. Japan
  2. North America
    North America62%

Happy 20th Kirby T'n'T (the NA version — Japanese Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble turned twenty in 2020)! Have a great week and we'll see you next time for some Box Art Brawlin'.