As you might recall, last week the US publication Game Informer was spotted teasing a possible return less than a year after its closure and today it's been made official with the "entire team" back.
The outlet is now backed by the blockchain developer Gunzilla Games after GameStop ended its 33-year run in 2024. Gunzilla is the developer behind the upcoming NFT battle royale 'Off The Grid' and also the blockchain platform Gunz.
As part of this deal, the new owners have agreed Game Informer will remain an "independent editorial outlet" operating under an entity called "Game Informer Inc." - where the editorial makes "100 percent of the decisions" about what's covered and how it goes about it "without any influence from them [Gunzilla] or anyone else".
This revival includes not only the return of the print magazine but also "years of back content" on the Game Informer website, with the team encouraging fans to revisit "thousands of articles". As for the immediate future plans, Game Informer has already got "new reviews ready to go" and from today, the site will be getting daily updates again.
What are your thoughts about this revival? Let us know in the comments.
[source videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 34
Sooooo....it's going to die again after a month or two, got it.
I’m glad to see they are back — they were a big part of my childhood, the same with Nintendo Power and Electronic Gaming Monthly. With that said, are they returning to printing magazines again, or is it just a digital outlet now? I haven’t found any real clarification on that.
@Kraven Yes, the print magazine is returning.
@Arcsol As long as the parent company does nothing stupid, I don't think so. I'm pretty sure they're just funding and nothing else.
I'm happy for them. I used to read these magazines when I was a kid on the weekends.
Good for them! I would like to see more classic magazines brought back actually. Looking forward to that EGM book at any rate.
Welcome back, Game Informer
@squidduforeal it's parent company is a blockchain dev. I'm not going to hold my breath.
EGM and NewTypeUSA for me
Along with a couple of other random game or anime' mags.
Nintendo Power was only a rare purchase for me.
What is a block chain?
Well this is one piece of glad news I didn't expect to wake up to, congrats!😄
Game Informer is back!
(cheers, applause, happy faces)
And it's supported by crypto bros!
(blank stares, murmuring, someone coughs)
@Spider-Kev It's a cryptocurrency thing.
What a bunch of blockheads.
Maybe we’ll start seeing some real gaming journalism now. Fingers crossed 🤞
"after GameStop ended its 33-year run in 2024"
Did you mean Game Informer?
Edit: Clarified! Sorry people!
Blockchain lolllll
@Daniel36 No, GameStop used to own Game Informer.
Love to see Game Informer back (doesn't particularly matter to me that Gunzilla Games is a blockchain developer considering that GameStop isn't much better although for different reasons) - wouldn't mind finally checking it out myself if available in some way or another here in Italy, too!
I think they lost a big chunk of their journalistic integrity with this. Being owned by a game studio, they can't possibly be completely impartial. They may say that they aren't influenced by Gunzilla at all, but do you think they can openly critizice Gunzilla's games or be super harsh about NFT/blockchain technology? I kind of doubt it.
@Daniel36 Gamestop owned Game Informer. They shut them down as a cost cutting measure.
@Kraven @Spider-Kev
ZZAP!64, Super Play and Anime UK/FX for me. Fusion reviving ZZAP! these past few years has been fantastic - especially considering my main print read these days is Retro Gamer.
do people even read magazines or newspapers anymore? i use to read all the game magazines before most shut down now the only reading i do is online..this is a exercise in futility..
So, in other words, it's still dead.
> "Gunzilla is the developer behind the upcoming **NFT** battle royale 'Off The Grid' "
TIL that NFT's are still a thing.
I am surprised and happy to see Game Informer back. I didn't really read their magazine a lot since I'm mostly a retro gamer, but I loved their YouTube content, particularly the old Super Replays, which I still go back to sometimes. Would love if some of the old crew could come back even for just guest appearances.
I have to say though, who the heck are Gunzilla Games and how can they afford to bring back an entire print magazine team? They don't even have a Wikipedia page. Seems to me like a company flush with venture capital funds that they are just throwing around. But I hope it works out because I still want to see Tim Turi's Super Replay of Deep Fear for the Saturn!
My kid has never experienced a print gaming magazine so I hope this sticks around for a while. Great memories of Nintendo Power and Gamepro arriving in the mail.
@LordGlarc @KoopaTheGamer Thanks!! Apologies for my uninformed head.
Good news, but how on earth did they find a funder with even less of a future than GameStop
Supported by blockchain devs? Damn, this is not going to last XD
I'm so happy to see they are back and hope that they are around for MANY years to come. I have been reading their magazine for many years, and their site (as well as this one!!) are where I have always loved coming for gaming news and reviews.
Much success to you!!
I’m surprised at the positive comments about Game Informer. I just remember it feeling like it was written by the game publishers. EGM felt much classier. I’m not sure if it was the format or design choices or writing but something felt off about Game Informer.
I grew up with gameinformer, (it came out when i was a teen) and I a subscriber of the print nearly all 33 years.
Have to say im extremely happy to see its return as we have all of 0 print magazines here stateside. Now well be back to one.
Us old timers like our paper.
@Daniel36 No problem
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