It's funny, even the HappyConsoleGamer hated the Atari 2600, and he pretty much grew up with it when it launched. Mostly visual downgraded(Vs their Arcade counterparts) point rackers. But still, i can imagine the wow factor of just controlling stuff on a tube TV, it was revolutionary for many. but I'll never know myself. Yet my dad had a Coleco Vision, and my cousin had an Atari 2600 in the very early 90's. I enjoyed Pitfall, Adventure and a few others in short bursts, but i was too late to the punch(Atari launched in 77' afterall) with all of that to soak in any sort of real appreciation for what i was seeing, having already played through numerous NES, Genesis, SNES & Modern early 90's arcade games.
And if a Doc Brown Time machine's existed, I'd blast, I'd like to re-experience 88 - 95 again. Probably wouldn't want to stay there forever. Change can be good after all, but pop culture has dramatically changed for the worse 10 fold, at least based on my tastes.
And as far as these dooders passing judgement on many of these poorly emulated classic, they probably don't want to have to pick up some weighty CRT, lug it back home, while using old hardware, controllers and expensive carts. It's probably that much less appealing to them because they have zero nostalgia towards any of that. They figure, i can go on the Switch's eShop, and pay little just to have MM1-10(Legacy 1&2) digitally, and get quck easy access to them all on one of my favourite consoles, ala switch, and i can play it in handheld mode for Switch OLED.
lol. After giving my MM2 cart a test drive on both my AVS(and on my OLED TV), and NES, through my 27" CRT, the emulated version by comparison looked like it had the life sucked out of it colourwise, my CRT also blended those sprites into cartoony' art, looked soft and organic the way i remembered, and the controls felt so much more responsive.
Although, M2 did a good job in regards to emulation with the Contra & Castlevania Anniversary Collection. They're all playable. lol I'd recommend those if somebody is tight on cash.
@NeonPizza That's exactly it, they figure the eShop version is just as good as the original without the hassle but sadly it isn't. Not to sound like a broken record but it would be like me buying a Gordon Ramsey TV dinner from the grocery store and saying Gordon Ramsey doesn't know ***** about cooking he has no talent instead of going to his brick and morter restaurants. I mean it's more convenient to just buy the meal from the grocery store then travel to New York to his resturant.
Don't past judgement on something unless you play it as it was originally intended.
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