Following on from shock announcement back in July, Nintendo has now officially shut down Dr. Mario World for mobile devices.
When you boot the game up, you'll now receive an end-of-service notification. As previously revealed, Nintendo is also working on a webpage titled "Dr Mario World Memories" - allowing players to look back on their time with the game once the service ends.
"To enable the provision of the Dr. Mario World Memories Service, a portion of your player history will be saved on the server so it can be referenced in Dr. Mario World Memories. If you would like to delete your player history, please go to Delete Save Data in the app and delete your save data"
How do you feel about the end of this service? Did you spend much time with this title? Leave a comment below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 63
Now rework it to be a NSO game....PLEASE
@patbacknitro18 It's already on NSO, well the other Dr. Mario ones actually.
Okay, now port the mobile version to Switch with physical release.
Also, another reason to not playing mobile games.
Just look at the fate of mobile games in the future, being removed like it was never happened.
I never even played it.
Goes to show how unrelenting and ruthless the mobile gaming market can be.
Aka "thank you for all the money you spent on out gacha game!"
I didn't even bother downloading it and I'd be lying if I said I'm not hoping for other gacha games to follow suit. But they're probably making too much money for Nintendo.
But, so long as people still enjoy them, I guess it's fine if they stick around. But I couldn't care less about them.
And Nintendo continues to drop the ball with online. Just stick with offline thanks.
Wow, it only lasted about two years. I’d be pretty angry if I had spent any amount of money on this game.
What? You should never play games on your phone? Because one day in the future the game may stop working?
Happened on Nintendo Switch too. Heard of ‘Super Mario 35’?
I don’t think a single one of those Mario characters has an actual medical degree. I’m surprised their licenses weren’t revoked a long time ago…
On a serious note, I played this maybe three times total and I just couldn’t get into it the same way I could MK Tour, which love it or hate it, admittedly does mobile gotcha well, in that I can continue to not spend a dime on it and still net decent pulls and continue to gradually get my rank up while still enjoying the ride.
I never played online with the game, just a single-player experience. Surprising they can't just let that bit function on its own
Mario 35 was a temporary game, just like digital games.
Miitomo was another example of mobile game that being removed and never returned.
I still don't understand why they didn't release a paid version without the gacha mechanics like Mario Run. Nintendo does some interesting things...
@Anti-Matter There are hundreds of games on mobile that get removed or discontinued. Mostly the same reason. They aren’t successful enough or the developer stops paying their App Store fees, which is usually down to money.
But that doesn’t mean that people should never play games on mobile, simply cos there’s a chance of discontinuation.
What I don't get is why they didn't convert this to a paid release now with all the content included. Square has done that with a few RPGs they've discontinued on mobile, and it seems like a good way of still getting some revenue from a game while allowing fans to continue enjoying it. Think about how much time and money they sunk into developing this game over the past two years, and rather than getting a little extra out of that effort, they decided it's better to just burn it all down. Baffling, if you ask me.
Two years of life? Wow, that's terrible.
Maybe Dr Mario 99 is coming.
Why shut it down for people that have played and paid? Why not make it functional offline for them? JFC.
What is the actual point of spending time and money and devotion to developing videogames that will be literally unplayable by everybody in just a couple of years.
@Specter_of-the_OLED this game played pretty differently from the normal game. The normal Dr Mario is more action orientated : make quick decisions and get 4 in a row.
This one was a true puzzle : take as long as you want, every move counts!
It's like Mario kart tour in that way:
Placing 1st isn't your objective there, it's getting combo's. Completely changing how you play the game! 😁
(So I would really like a version of Dr Mario world on switch! 😊)
Another title coming and going without ever appearing on my local Google Play. And people wonder why I want Dragalia Lost on Switch.
There was an awesome Dr. Mario on WiiWare. Maybe they should release that on Switch.
I love a bit of Dr Mario, but could never get into this game. Just a typical frustrating pay-to-play mobile game. At least it didn't have ads... I think...
I loved and hated the pvp. But that was a short life, RIP.
I loved this game, sad to see it close. I hope we will see the return of Dr Goomba Tower & co in the future.
@Specter_of-the_OLED Which clearly has NOTHING to do with this Dr. Mario game..
Kind of a shame, it was a decent mobile game, except the fact rank always found me playing against Japanese players whom take their Dr Mario seriously.
@nhSnork I'm guessing you're unfortunately an iOS user or you would have sideloaded Dragalia by now?
@Savino Found out it didn't play like the regular ones, so I wasn't interested. I guess we didn't miss much. Now, whatever the WiiWare one was, put that on Switch! The WiiU one was not quite the same.
The fate of every cloud-based game ever. This lasted two years. Better hurry playing those cloud-only Switch games if you bought one, who knows how long they'll stay. A game like this should at least be updated to keep working as an offline single-player game for those who have downloaded it and perhaps even invested money in it...
RIP Dr Goomba Tower
@UglyCasanova no, Android. But unlike, say, Fire Emblem Heroes, Dragalia didn't even make it to Russia, the region my main Nintendo account is tied to, and the game bounces me at the title screen as a wrong region account. Like MagiReco hijinks weren't enough.
I do have a side US account that I made for Switch, so maybe I'll eventually give in and use it instead. But it admittedly irks me to have yet ANOTHER hoop to leap through.🙄😆
Truthfully, just porting Dr. Mario to the mobile would not have been any better. Games that need physical controls are pretty rubbish on a small touch screen.
@Anti-Matter Shame, as I never got around to trying it and have alot of nostalgia for the gameboy game, can still remember getting the gameboy game at toys r us as a kid
The doctor will see himself out now.
Thank god I didn't pay anything with this game. Probably.
@Silly_G so in other words, people prefer to be ripped off?
@Anti-Matter agreed….why can’t they just stop the updates and let us play?
@BirdBoy16 : Apparently so judging by many of the reviews levelled against Super Mario Run. Why people do a lot of things is a mystery to me.
@Silly_G I would pay $10 to keep Dr. Mario…
@rockodoodle : So would I.
I will forever miss, Dr. Goomba Tower. 😥
Ok i’ll bite - what’s gacha?
In Japan the term Gacha is used for those machines that you put a few quarters in and you get a random toy. It's become a popular phrase here used to describe the similar idea where you put in a few dollars to get a random character in mobile games. It's become such a popular term that most games just straight up call it Gacha too.
@ATaco ewww that’s gross (digitally - the actual machine sounds cool)
I sure hope this isn't a paid game, as in a game people have paid to own, that's just been shut down by Nintendo, presumably meaning people can't play the game anymore.
I spent $0 on this game, but did invest quite a few hours (it was my “going to sleep,” “on a boring conference call,” etc. game). While I greatly enjoyed it, having it pulled so quickly after release was a real shame that I’m sure kept many players (like me) who only played in fits and starts — and even during periods of time when I had picked the game back up, rarely if ever for hours at a time — from completing its 1,200+ levels (I ended up somewhere in the 1,020s).
While I heartily endorse those above hoping for a Switch release (provided it kept my progress!), I strongly, strongly doubt that is forthcoming. (The obnoxious / predatory GACHA elements would need to be stripped out for it to he playable on Switch, too.) Even before (rather meekly) venturing into mobile gaming, Nintendo was willing to let quality games disappear forever — RIP WiiWare — and that trend will only continue if the company continues making phone games.
@Anti-Matter Just like Mario 35 you say?
And they didn't even let some countries try it first
I was waiting for it to be released in my country... and it get killed everywhere instead.
Aww my mom is gonna be devastated. Might be why she bought herself a wii last week.
Probably for the best. I couldn't get very far into it.
@impurekind it’s not, but you could have dropped a lot of $$$$ into it. Something to think about with these games. Will Nintendo cut off Mario Kart Tour when the next version becomes available?
Was only a matter of time, it was the least active of the Nintendo mobile games
This is one of the mobile games I actually enjoyed playing here and there. At least I didn’t spend much money on it, but all the things I unlocked are just gone forever. I don’t know why they can’t just rework it into something offline. I would have even been willing to pay for it.
This was actually fun. So of course Nintendo kills the only good mobile game they make. MK Tour is godawful
It was a better game than the real Dr Mario games.
But oh well… They shot themselves in the foot by making the micro-transactions obscenely overpriced.
Stuff like this is why I refuse to ever put a single dime in mobile games.
@MegaMel86 Pocket Camp was nice. Would have been better if they'd made it a 3DS game right off the bat though.
As a Dr. Mario addict, I never really got into this game. It was just a bit too far removed from the traditional series gameplay to really hook me, and it was a little too...mobile game-y to make want to try and get used to it. But it's still a little sad to see it go, if only because of how much I've enjoyed the parade of ridiculous characters added to the roster.
@rockodoodle It's one of the really horrible things about this modern digital gaming landscape, which most younger games simply don't yet understand--but I think they will when they realise just how much stuff they don't actually own at all as it gets deleted forever.
I never played that game. Should I have? Did I miss anything?
I was debating whether or not to download one of Nintendo's mobile games... I guess I won't be doing that anytime soon.
"Thank you for everything", where "everything" means your wallet and belongings.
Why didn’t they just patch it to work offline with no further updates? The dev team’s work would at least be acknowledged long term then.
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