It's been a notable anniversary year for Sonic the Hedgehog, giving plenty of opportunities to look back nostalgically at the classic - and not-so-classic - games in the series. Yet an aspect of Sonic that gets little attention is the 8-bit era, which funnily enough happened alongside the 16-bit era.
The video above from the GTV Japan channel, which has been doing interesting shows about gaming culture for a number of years, digs into the original Sonic on Game Gear and Master System. It also outlines the broader history of 8-bit Sonic as well, showing that it was surprisingly prolific.
The development of the 'original' was rather intriguing, as it took cues and inspiration from the 16-bit equivalent but also went its own way to suit the technology.
It's well worth grabbing a tasty beverage and giving the video a watch.
Comments 29
As a Brazilian, you should know that a lot of Master System games were released only here, although most of them were just Game Gear ports with a bigger screen.
But some Master System games were developed here, like a port of Street Fighter II.
My first Sonic game, and maybe the reason that I never got into any "fast sonic" game
Sonic 1 (Master System) and Sonic Chaos are both very underrated, and fun to play to this day.
My first experiences of Sonic were Sonic 1 and 2 on the Master System. Absolutely loved them both. I then got a Mega Drive and the original Sonic at the same time a good friend got Sonic Chaos for the Master System. So three of the first four Sonic games I played were 8-bit. I still enjoy all of the different 2D incarnations of Sonic that I own.
@CharlieGirl Sonic 1 on Master System was in no way underrated - in fact reviews at the time rates it as highly, sometimes higher, than its big brother on the Genesis.
When will they ever release the rest of the original Master System games on modern consoles? The Sonic games, Psycho Fox, the Asterix games, Land of Illusion, The Lucky Dime Caper, Fantasy Zone II, Master of Darkness, Ninja Gaiden, Alex Kidd in Shinobi World etc.
Yeah, the 8-bit Sonic's are pretyt neat actually. They built them seperately, not trying to port the 16-bit games which wouldn't have worked well. the Game Gear and Master System versions are pretty much the same as the hardware is similar. These always fly under the rader, though they have been included in some compilations.
@Sinton Sega et al dragging their feet are why portable consoles capable of retro emulation are so popular. I think I've got the games you mention on at least five different portable systems. None of them Sega ones.
I love GTV Japan, possibly one of the most underrated gaming YouTube channels I've seen. Will give this a watch later on TV via Switch's YouTube app. I enjoyed some of the 8-bit outings Sonic had, like Sonic Chaos and Sonic Blast (yes, I'm one of the few who like that game).
The GG/SMS were a real fun time... sometimes. Sonic Labyrinth... I mean, it existed. Also, Tails first technically appeared in 8-bit Sonic 2 due to the release date, he was probably developed for the 16-bit games, however.
Lol they used Shinobi 3 footage for revenge of shinobi.
Sonic Triple Trouble is probably my favorite of the 8-bit Sonic Platformers. Shame it never got a(n) (official) master system port.
Sonic 1, 2, and Chaos are all good too. They play more like a traditional platformers compared to the momentum-driven gameplay of the Genesis/MegaDrive games, but are are still solid regardless.
Sonic 2 8-bit gets a bad rep - the Game Gear version is terrible, but the Master System version is platforming bliss.
I have the Wii VC version of Sonic Chaos, I was surprised to find that it does have different visuals from the Game Gear version from Sonic DX.
Unfortunately these games are so simplistic that I never bothered to buy the other two Sonic MS games.
The 8-Bit Sonic games were good but as they release more it got crappier. The first five (Sonic 1, 2, Chaos, Triple Troubles, Drift 2) were good but the last four (Sonic Spinball, Labyrinth, Drift 1, Blast) were garbage. The two Tails games were okay and the Robotnik Mean Bean Machine port was okay as well but not as fun as the Genesis version. The 8-Bit version was an even bigger mess but the 8-Bit NeoGeo Pocket Color game is great. Even the bootleg NES version which got fix overtime was good too.
I like sonic 2 and sonic 1 ain't bad but really other than that I'm not a huge fan of 2D sonic, Mania was good though
Watched this video as soon as I saw it in my sub feed, he did a great job as always. I am another person who FAR prefers the Master System version of Sonic 1 to the Megadrive/Genesis. Sonic Chaos has a tonne going for it too. It really is a shame that the 8bit Sonic games are often only included in stuff as an afterthought / hidden / unlock and usually its the Game Gear versions, which thanks to massive screen crunch are vastly inferior.
I think Sonic 1 for Master System is the game I've completed more than any other game, I never seem to get bored of booting it up, trying to play the perfect game - all pickups, no hits, no deaths, as fast and smooth as possible. The Megadrive version was mindblowing to me the first time I saw and heard Green Hill Zone, and its what made me fall in love with the characters and world, but for me it doesn't hold up to multiple replays the way the 8bit game does, or its 16bit sequels do.
@Lordplops it's underrated from the standpoint that the other Sonic 1 is an all time classic that's been released on every system ever made (sometimes multiple times) and the 8 bit version, although approved by critics, is treated like any average game from that era.
Completed this many times. Great game, and I'd love to see more Master System games brought back.
@Pbpeevy I'm not sure you know the meaning of the word 'underrated', and that's based on your own comment.
Surprised to see so many comments saying they prefer the GG/SMS Sonics to the Genesis/Mega Drive games. That said, I also vastly prefer them. I didn't get the chance to play the 16 bit games until many years after I'd mastered every single Game Gear game, and honestly, I was disappointed by how "style over substance" they were compared to the 8 bit games.
Needlessly large areas with very little danger (or cheap death traps the player needs to memorize) did not leave a good impression.
Actually, it may be that the 8 bit era in general spoiled me so much that that's why I don't have the fond memories of all those needlessly "massive" games and the collectathons like Banjo Kazooie. They were so comparatively mindless and boring.
I don’t think I realized until I was older that sonic 2 on game gear was straight up just a bad game and that’s why it was hard.
@Crockin or maybe, great game, bad player 😜😜
@Lordplops lmao no def the other way around. Completed it multiple times nonetheless
I had Sonic 1 and Sonic 2 on Master System as a kid. Good times, really good times
Thanks Thomas for sharing my video! Cheers and have a good weekend!
@victordamazio heck, Master System had a game based on The Yellow Woodpecker series, pretty much my favourite piece of Brazilian fiction since childhood (I have a Russian translation compiled in one book).
@Crockin so basically, like my experience with the Mega Drive port of Dark Castle.😅
I too much preferred the Master System games to the Mega Drive ones. Tighter controls, more streamlined level design, better frame rate, cleaner art style. And specifically for Sonic 1, an even better soundtrack - Bridge Zone and Scrap Brain Zone are the two best tracks in the entire series imo.
The MasterSystem games were all I had.
But I did have them all! ^^
Even... even Spinball.
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