Back in December we covered an up and coming Sega Mega Drive/Genesis game from Bitmap Bureau (yes, an actual old school cartridge that really works with Sega's old 16-bit beast). Xeno Crisis immediately caught our attention as well as piquing the interest of retro gamers everywhere. So much so that's it's smashed its original $20,000 funding goal nearly three times over, with backer numbers getting close to the 1,000 mark at the time of writing.

Bitmap Bureau has been adding stretch goals from the get-go - with a Sega Dreamcast edition, a two-player co-operative mode (now with female marine option), the game's soundtrack on vinyl and more all joining in on the action - but as the Kickstarter is reaches its final stretch (with just three days left on the clock), Bitmap Bureau has one final trick up its sleeve. A potential Switch version!

The final stretch goal - which requires the crowdfunding campaign to hit $65,000 (it's currently on $56K) - will bring this blast processed throwback on the Switch eShop, something we're sure will no doubt please those Nintendo Life readers who requested such a port on the original news post. Will this change you mind about helping fund this game? Maybe you're a backer already? Tell us everything in the comments while we make sure our Mega Drives in the office are all in working order for October 2018.

Update: The stretch goal has been reached, the game will be making its way to the Nintendo Switch.
[source kickstarter.com]
Comments 27
Yes please! I'm drooling
Or, you know, make a new game?
@Folderoll One Xeno Crisis at a time (is still crossing his fingers for the SNES exclusive sequel Super Xeno Crisis)
Come on guys back it up! This games is awesome.
Looks like they already hit that stretch goal for Switch and Steam ports. 77K pledged so far when I looked.
Spitting image of Alien Breed, also similar to Chaos Engine
@NoxAeturnus According to the KS, the Switch stretch-goal sits at 65,000 Pounds, while the campaign currently stands at 57,000 Pounds. Hence there is still a ways to go.
I dunno, looks alright but not exactly mindblowing to me - beyond it's retro charm, which it certainly has plenty of. I'm enticed by the co-op, but I assume it'll be local only, and frankly, I've got plenty of other options in that regard, with few opportunities to really make use of them so .... without an online option, I'm sadly not interested.
A Super Smash TV clone on Switch? Hopefully it plays good, just got through Enter the Gungeon and though that game is good, the control feel out of place especially with all the turnings. If it could be control better than Gungeon then I'll definitely look forward to it.
@Ralek85 Currency conversion got me. The number at the top was in dollars not pounds and I didn't notice the stretch goal was in pounds. Good call.
I wish this was for the SNES as the button layout is much better for these types of game. I still may back it for the Megadrive cartridge with box and manual
Brilliant news, I was one of those asking for a Switch port . I've never backed a Kickstarter before but with this ones release not so far off, October 2018, I'm seriously tempted. I really hope it makes it.
This and The Messenger look like some worthwhile bit-games. Switch is the best home for these
lol the people on here will not back anything. they wait for price drops of 79% before they make a purchase.
@retro_player_22 We'll take a good look at that to see what we can learn, and hopefully improve on how they've implemented the controls, or at least give players several options.
Good news! It is, in fact, a new game.
Looks awesome! Day one as I don't do kickstaters.
I might pick it up on Switch if it comes to the system and gets a good review, but I am not the sort to fund kickstarters. Not when so many fail to deliver.
Wouldn't be the first time they've done Switch entries
Pledged £10 (about $13) for the digital copy on Switch + OST download. I have no idea how you use emulators, so the Genesis/Mega Drive (download) tier is out. Don’t own a Dreamcast either, so the Dreamcast (download) tier is out, as well. Hope the Switch stretch goal makes it...
Oookay, this looks pretty rad.
Graphics and music are great, but its a pity that its all just rooms instead of proper levels!
@ogo79 but no online option for friendless wonders or "proper levels" (LOL I guess Zelda 1 never had those) and stuff.
@Henmii That's how Smash TV was and that seems to be this games biggest influence.
Stretch goal reached: Xeno Crisis will be blasting its way to the Switch!
Is this a twin stick shooter with rogue like elementzzzzzzzzz?
I’d give this a go in the eShop. Would also love an Arcade Archives Smash TV
@Shiryu Great news. I just came here to check that and saw your comment before I looked.
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