It's amazing how much of the content included in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is entirely optional and can easily be missed on your first playthrough if you're not exploring off the beaten track.
One of the coolest optional features involves the construction of an entire town as part of the "From the Ground Up" side quest. It's also one of the longest quests in the game, requiring you to harvest resources and recruit townsfolk from all over Hyrule.
Zelda: Breath of the Wild Tarrey Town Guide: Getting Started

To start the Tarrey Town quest you first have to save a house in Hateno Village from demolition at the hands of the Bolson Construction Company. You can find the house right next to the Myahm Agana Shrine, across a small bridge just behind some new homes that have been erected by the construction company.
Head to the rear of the property and you'll encounter the flamboyant Bolson himself, boss of the construction firm which carries his name. He explains that the house in question is being pulled down at the behest of the village people, but that he can let you have it for 30 bundles of wood and 3000 Rupees.

If you don't have either of these to hand, it's time to do some harvesting. Wood can be obtained by heading to a forested area on the map and using your bombs to blow up trees to knock them down, then giving them a second bomb blast to turn them into bundles of wood (this is a lot faster if you have the Bomb Rune upgrade which increases the blast and reduces recharge time - you get the upgrade from Hateno Ancient Tech Lab).

There are plenty of wooded locations in Hyrule but the region just outside the Shrine of Resurrection where you begin the game is especially good. For Rupees, you're best off selling precious gemstones and cooking dishes which have a high resale value.
Zelda: Breath of the Wild Tarrey Town Guide: Hylian Homeowner Sub-Quest

Once you hand over the wood and Rupees to Bolson the house is yours, and you can move onto the next part of guide, building Tarrey Town itself. However, while you're here you may as well complete the Hylian Homeowner quest because it comes with some neat benefits, such as the ability to store weapons, bows and shields in your house.
Talk to Bolson again and he will mention upgrades on your property, which include mounts for your items and cosmetic enhancements. To complete the quest you have to purchase all of these upgrades at 100 Rupees a pop - the total cost will be 1400 Rupees, so make sure you have enough cash.
Once you've bought them all the quest is marked as complete and Bolson even gives you a load of free furniture to make your home look even better. Naturally, the bed in your house can be used to sleep in, free of charge.
Zelda: Breath of the Wild Tarrey Town Guide: From The Ground Up Quest

To trigger the "From the Ground Up" quest which eventually leads to the construction of Tarrey Town, talk to Bolson's co-worker, Hudson, who should be found right outside your home. He informs you that he's off to make a start on Bolson's next big project, and promptly leaves for the Akkala region.

Once he's gone, fast-travel to the Dah Hesho Shrine in that area, and then look to the north, over the cliff. You'll see a small outcrop connected to the mainland by a thin pathway. The island previously contained a stone statue at which you could pray and obtain heart and stamina upgrades, but now Hudson has started to transform it into what will eventually become the bustling Tarrey Town - but he needs your help.

Paraglide down to Tarrey Town and speak with Hudson, and he'll ask you for a rather modest 10 bundles of wood. Once you've handed them over, he'll issue you a series of sub-quests to find the right people to help this fledgling settlement grow.
Zelda: Breath of the Wild Tarrey Town Guide: Finding Someone Strong

Hudson's first request is for someone strong to assist in clearing the many boulders which are preventing the construction of the town. Head to the Southern Mine at the foot of Death Mountain and speak to Greyson the Goron - you'll have to do this at nighttime as he refuses to stop working in the day to chat with you.

Once you tell him about Tarrey Town he decides to give up his job and head there, taking his son with him. Return to Tarrey Town and you'll find Greyson hard at work removing stones, while his son runs a stall which sells gems.
Zelda: Breath of the Wild Tarrey Town Guide: Finding A Tailor

Hudson will now ask you for 20 bundles of wood to continue construction of the town. If you're running short then return to the wood near the Shrine of Resurrection to harvest some. With the wood safely delivered, Hudson then asks if you can find someone who can act as the town's tailor, as his own clothes are becoming a bit grubby.

Head to the Kara Kara Bazaar out in the Gerudo Desert (it's between Gerudo Town and the Gerudo Desert Gateway - you can use the Kay Noh Shrine or Daqo Chisay Shrine as fast-travel points) and look for a woman resting under a canopy. This is Rhondson (notice a pattern with the names here?) and she's more than happy to move to Tarrey Town and take up residence as the town's clothing merchant. She sells a Gerudo outfit made especially for men.
Zelda: Breath of the Wild Tarrey Town Guide: Finding A Merchant

With Rhondson now in place as Tarrey Town's tailor, Hudson has another request for wood - this time he needs 30 bundles. Once you've handed that over he will point out that the town needs someone with knowledge of sales and distribution - a merchant, basically.

You can find one at Rito Village - fast-travel to the Akh Va'quot Shrine and on the lower floor of the village tower you'll find a rather sullen-looking chap named Fyson. Tell him about the retail opportunity at Tarrey Town and he will perk up a bit. Upon your return to the town, you'll discover that he has set up his own general store, a useful place to purchase arrows.
Zelda: Breath of the Wild Tarrey Town Guide: Finding A Priest

Hudson's after more materials again, but this time he needs 50 bundles of wood, so you may have to do some more harvesting. Hand this little lot over and he reveals to you that he has fallen for the delectable Rhondson and wishes to marry her. For this, he needs a priest, and thankfully you can find one in Zora's Domain.

Fast-travel to the Ne'ez Yohma Shrine in the center of Zora's Domain and then take one of the winding pathways which leads above the Shrine. Look for a hunched-over character and talk to him - his name is Kapson and as luck would have it he's a retired priest. Needless to say, he doesn't take much convincing to leave Zora's Domain and travel to Tarrey Town in order to conduct the wedding ceremony.
Zelda: Breath of the Wild Tarrey Town Guide: Summoning Wedding Guests

Return to Tarrey Town and you'll find Hudson talking with Rhondson at her market stall. He will ask you to invite his co-workers Bolson and Karson to the upcoming wedding, so you'll have to fast-travel back to Hateno Village (use the Myahm Agana Shrine again) and speak to them.

Back at Tarrey Town, speak to Hudson again and he will begin the wedding ceremony - if it's too late in the day you may need to stay at night at the inn in the town. Once the wedding is over, speak to Hudson again and he will give you three diamonds, bringing an end to the quest. Phew!
Zelda: Breath of the Wild Tarrey Town Guide: Say Hello To Grante, The Best Merchant In The Game

But it's not quite over yet; Tarrey Town is a great base of operations but it has perhaps the most useful vendor in the entire game. Head up to the roof of the building next to the entrance to the town and you'll find Grante, wandering son of Robbie, the Akkala Ancient Tech scientist.

Grante collects special weapons and armour - he sells full armour sets for the Rubber, Barbarian and Climber sets - but the most amazing thing is that his in the only store in the game where you can buy special items that are only usually found once, like the Hylian Shield, should you break or lose them. Note that he will only sell these special items if you've already found them in the game proper.
This is part of our Zelda Breath of the Wild walkthrough, which includes All Shrine Locations And Maps and help with specific shrines, including the Keo Ruug Shrine Puzzle Solution, Mirro Shaz Shrine Puzzle Solution, Sha Warvo Shrine Solution, Shae Loya Shrine Puzzle Solution, Eventide Island - How To Beat The Hardest Shrine Quest, and Shee Vaneer And Shee Venath Shrine Answers and Solutions.
If you're just starting out, Getting Started And Beginner Tips will be useful. We also have BOTW guides to help you with the Tarrey Town Quest, how to get equipment such as the Hylian Shield, the Master Sword, the Green Tunic, and the Radiant Set, plus advice on the Best Clothing And Armour Sets and How To Find Every Item in the Master Trials DLC. We can help you find key places such as All Captured Memory Locations, All Great Fairy Fountain Locations, and Where to find The Lord of the Mountain, too.
If you're looking for general advice on various topics, you might want to check out the Best Recipes And How To Cook Food, How To Farm Star Fragments, How To Farm Dragon Parts, How To Defeat Guardians, How To Shield Surf Like A Pro, and How To Get Unlimited Korok Seeds. And if you're wondering what amiibos work with the game, our guide to All amiibo Unlocks lists them all.
Comments 71
Gotta chop that wood!
Geez! Glad I JUST stumbled upon this on my own while playing yesterday! Otherwise I would have hit the roof seeing a spoiler like this on the main page of Nintendolife.
I know at some point we have to talk Spoilers "in public," but it still seems too soon.
Or bomb the wood save wear and tear on your weapons!!!!
I found bombing trees is easier and doesnt waste your weapons!!!
Great stuff. I started doing this side quest, but had forgotten about it.
Yet another spoiler from Nintendo Life. You've had the game longer than most people and you want something to post on the website, but it's wrong that you're ruining the game for people.
I actually just finished this quest recently after three Divine Beasts rescued. It practically lasts for the whole game, one of the better sidequests in the game.
Also, when the wedding's done and the quest is completed, don't talk to Bolson, or else he and Karson will go back to loitering outside your house in Hateno Village...
Great, more spoilers...
This sounds awesome. I'll look for this quest later today.
I don't really see it as a spoiler, unless you read every detail in the article. The existence of this questline is not a spoiler on its own.
@Meuz I found, and completed the town weeks ago
You guys and other sites are really robbing people who get the game late of finding things their selves. We know the game is good but this spoil fest articles are just bad taste. Real bad taste. Just make a wiki in your site or something with all zelda spoilers and people that want to look can. And just pin it on the top page of the main site. Cause past that click bait spoiler articles are horrible. Especially since things in this game are not that hard to find if you look and talk to people in towns and along the way while you play.
@imgrowinglegs It's a spoiler until you encounter it in the game.
The title of this article is a spoiler. It's still an improvement though I guess.. Looks like the only way around this is to title the article something like "Zelda Guide Part X (Spoilers)"
I'm at recruiting Rhondson, but she doesn't seem to have a prompt to move to Tarrey Town, she just asks if I'm looking for a lost love or something like that. Stumbled upon the Tarrey Town stuff like a week ago, got stuck here, gave up on it till I beat the game, now I'm back and still stuck lol.
Don't read if you don't want to be spoiled. Is not like other gaming sites are doing the exact same things...wait, they are.
And it's things like this why I love this game. I just found house quest the other day and will end up doing this too. But I did not read article either...1st time through a game I don't use hints. It's the 2nd time through I will use guides. Which is why I have yet to get master sword, even though I can walk right up to it...
@Donutman You can't see what the article is without reading the title. Once you've read it's already been partially spoiled.
Afraid I'm in the "Why the Spoiler!" Camp here. Seriously the game has been out for less than a month and is considered one of the largest produced. I'm taking my time as well as balancing real life. Would have loved to discover this myself!
You're basically ruining part of the experience!
If you're complaining about this being a spoiler yet you've clicked the feature and have read it, I'm not sure what else there is to say to you...anything with "Guide" in the title is obviously going to spoil things if you want to experience it for yourself, so don't click it! It really is that simple.
While you're at it, you want to not click ANYTHING with "Zelda: Breath of the Wild" in the URL, either.
This seems like an AWESOME quest... I'll be doing this soon
@SPG Well I haven't.
@Damo Very good response
@Damo Maybe if the title of the article wasn't such a blatant spoiler.
For completion sake it's ok. But there really isn't anything there accept the Male Garudo outfit and a guy that sells the Hylian Shield. If you already found the Shield in Hyrule Castle or the Garudo outfit from the secret shop in Garudo Town then it's still a decent unlocked location though.
@siavm IMO this is only a spoiler if you decide to read the article. Both the title and the thumbnail are vague enough. Now, the story about the luminous armor, THAT one was definitely a spoiler because the thumbnail clearly showed how link looked like in it.
Just knowing the existence of a hidden town is not a spoiler. Grow up, people.
Guides are cool and all but I really feel like that secrets like this are best found on your own, it just makes it that much more special. Same for Eventide Isle, I stumbled on that one completely by accident due to my own curiosity. I can understand that some people just don't have the time to search the world as thoroughly as I have though.
Oh wow! This game has so many secrets.
I just completed a quest yesterday that involved having my equipment stripped and being forced to survive on an island. It was fun, if somewhat easy with all the divine beast upgrades (the Hinox goes down with two blasts from Urbosa's Fury and a few jabs from a spear).
But it is. Especially when its name and importance are given in the headline.
Maybe you should "grow down" off your high horse?
"Just knowing the existence of a hidden town is not a spoiler. Grow up, people."
@MaximusMansteel Change into boy clothes when talking to her.
Let people discover for themselves. I miss the days when there weren't dedicated media outlets spilling all of the nice little secrets in a game, ruining the value of stumbling upon it yourself.
@Tarvaax When were those days exactly? Because when I was a kid video game magazines were packed with guides, tips and even - GASP - cheat codes which totally spoiled games by giving you infinite lives and ammo, level selects, etc!
There's never been any "good old days" in this regard, some people like guides for games, some don't. If you're in the latter camp, don't click anything with guide in the title.
@Damo - Do you not get what people are upset about? They don't care that you wrote a guide explaining how to get to a hidden place that would be considered a spoiler. They're upset that you titled the article with the name of the hidden place that can be read from the main Nintendo Life page. I had no idea there even was a Tarrey Town.
And here's a little tip about the website: You can go straight to the comments section from the front page and bypass the article completely. So maybe you should learn how your website works before chastising people for clicking on an article that contains spoilers that they don't want.
Yeah, this is only a spoiler if you read the article. I did the homeowner quest and still had no idea Tarrey Town had to be unlocked, and hadn't even heard a mention of it in the game so far (never went to see Hudson). I could have simply chosen to ignore the headline and I'd have forgotten about this completely. If you're not looking at guides, you don't even know what Tarrey Town is until starting the quest (I did from looking up some armor stuff, and if you even recognize the town in the headline, then you've looked at some kind of guide already anyway). If y'all would have just ignored this, this would not have spoiled ANYTHING. You'd still wander off and find Hudson on your own after buying your house and THEN you'd realize, "oh, that's that town I could unlock." Like I said, zero mentions of this town in the game until that quest actually begins, meaning you don't know it exists, or you already know that it needs to be unlocked. Hell, I've even spoken to the Goron, Rito, and Zora and thought nothing of it yet (and didn't even realize their relation in names).
@BornInNorway81 Calling it a hidden gem is not telling you of its importance. In fact, it's not even important; that's why it's a sidequest. And again, you could have ignored it because, if you haven't looked at any sort of guide, you wouldn't even know what Tarrey Town is without opening the article as there are NO mentions of it in game. It was spoiled because of your curiosity to open the article and probably skim through it, not through the headline. You could have still wandered off and found Hudson on your own, then look back and realized, "oh, that's Tarrey Town."
@Tarvaax People don't have to read the article if they want to discover for themselves. I highly doubt ANYONE'S reaction to seeing "Unlock Tarrey Town" was, "wow, I get to build a town!" No, I'm sure everyone was thinking there was a hidden town they could find, as that town is not mentioned once until the sidequest itself is unlocked. This headline is not a spoiler, plain and simple.
@DoomTurtle @Damo I think people are more upset that you provided the name Tarrey Town in the subject than that you have a guide for finding a "hidden town". Not sure why the name matters as a spoiler, but I get the sense that without the name of the town people wouldn't freak out.
As for people skimming the article and finding the spoiler that one is more seriously spoilery because of the title. A guide for "how to unlock the town" Answer: Complete the house quest in Hateno and talk to Bolson & Hudson again, and a "step by step how to of completing a massive quest after you start the quest to unlock it, complete with pictures of each person and location involved" provide different perceptions before you click the link
It's a good guide, but I think a lot of people clicked in expecting a guide on how to start the process and unlock the quest, not a complete guide on completing the quest. If it said it was a guide on completing that less people might have clicked in and discovered, in pictures, what was involved.
OTOH Damo's right about the guides in the day. Still have my complete guide to LoZ complete with the full game map and where to find the fairy fountains, and I STILL have never found all the fairy fountains.
@NEStalgia The headline says "How to Unlock Tarrey Town," not "How to Unlock the "From the Ground Up" Quest."
I spoke to Grante and he didn't offer anything.
Someone asked if I was going to buy a house in Tarry Town, I said yes.
Is there a way to actually buy a house in Tarry Town?
@NowhereMan11 But for anyone to whom it would be a spoiler wouldn't know the difference before reading the article. Getting spoiled about a path to start a quest to unlock a town you didn't know about might be interesting if you didn't know it existed and could start that point. Finding out how to DO the quest you didn't know existed until the article would be a spoiler.
Imagine you knew about either, read a headline that said "how to unlock the hidden town" and didn't mind being spoiled on where to do that because you didn't know about it before and instead find the complete lengthy quest spelled out in words and pictures instead if giving you the location to start it as you might expect from the headline.
I think that's the source of some complaints.
@AlternateButtons Cau dy geg.
@NEStalgia Anyone this would be a spoiler to shouldn't open ANY article that says "Guide." My point in other comments is no one knows what Tarrey Town is by hearing the name unless they've actually started the quest or looked up guides in the past. It's very easy to just ignore that headline and continue playing the game as if nothing had happened. Also, no one clicks on a guide looking for a guide on how to START a quest. If they are, they're opening the guide with the understanding that they stop reading after the beginning because a guide's intention is to walk you through the entire thing. If they had literally stopped reading after the homeowner quest section, they would have learned how to START THE QUEST WITHOUT ANY SPOILERS. The article literally says you need to finish that quest to unlock the "From the Ground Up" quest. That's all you needed to read if you wanted a guide on how to start the quest.
"didn't mind being spoiled on where to do that because you didn't know about it before and instead find the complete lengthy quest spelled out in words and pictures instead if giving you the location to start it as you might expect from the headline."
Sorry, I'm really not dumb enough to believe that something prefaced with "Guide:" would not give me an article with pictures and explanations on how to do the quest. In fact, I click on every guide expecting that because it wouldn't be a guide otherwise. People complaining about spoilers should have ignored the article, plain and simple. They let their curiosity get the best of them. And like I already said, they could have read just the first portion to only find out where to do that quest and fully avoid the step-by-step guide on the quest itself. I don't know why you're arguing for an option that already exists.
Why everyone think of this like a spoiler?!
I'm actually grateful because maybe I would miss this part of a game. So thanks nintendolife.
And I didn't even read whole article, but made a bookmark if I stuck at some point.. just like for other guides they posted for this game. Game is huge and I don't want to miss a bit from it bud don't have time for playing it all day every day.
Keep up with a good work nintendolife
"Guides are cool and all but I really feel like that secrets like this are best found on your own, it just makes it that much more special. Same for Eventide Isle, I stumbled on that one completely by accident due to my own curiosity."
ohhhh maaaan... you just spoiled whole game for me. Than you very much mister!
Does anyone know if the trees you cut/blast down grow back? I haven't figured this out yet, and I don't like to think I'm permenantely changing the landscape of Hyrule, as vast and heavily wooded as it is. I realize this is a bit neurotic. Thanks much if you can provide an answer.
Edit: Sorry, I don't know why it didn't occur to me to just google this. Apparently, vegetation does grow back, though the rate of growth is unknown.
Everything resets after a Blood moon.
Trees and stuff aren't a matter of time but if distance.
Cut the trees near the awakening chamber and head down past the old man to the first bobokin. Head back up and the trees will be back.
@Gold_Ranger - Great, thanks for the information. I've actually tried testing this a couple times, but didn't mark the map, walked off and got distracted, and then, later, forgot where I had cut down the tree. Thanks again.
@AlternateButtons @NowhereMan11 Try being more empathetic. Mentioning the existence of the "hidden town" is already a spoiler as you wouldn't know it existed without finding out about it before hand. Some people like finding things out all on their own. The title alone spoils that experience with the only warning being the word Guide in the title. It's unreasonable to not expect people to read the entire title. It doesn't tell you what it is, but it tells you some sort of "hidden town" exists.
what a bunch of maroons... possibly/probably the biggest release of Nintendo's history... you visit a Nintendo fan site you should expect to see several articles, which may or may not give stuff away in the title.. someone forcing you to come here and read the headlines?
It was really nice to see the town all built up.
I remember reaching the stone when there was nothing, and I wondered why there was a goddess statue.
Was surprised to find Hudson there after he moved away.
I've been avoiding spending the 3,000 rupees to get the house, despite my wife constantly telling me she wants me to buy the house, as I said it won't be useful for anything, not even storing weapons or sleeping in.
Seems I'll have to eat my words when I do purchase it, as not only does it do all of that, but way more too! D'oh!
@AlternateButtons I personally don't care about Zelda spoilers but a month is not a long time at all. Most people don't have a Switch yet or a Wii U, the game is brand new and has a vast amount of content. It's more than a name, it's the spoiling of the potential moment of uncovering a cool secret you didn't know about. You may not care, but surely you can see the appeal in that.
All I suggest is a vaguer title.
Another new town to be explored ?
Do we need the wood for any other quests or enhancements once the town is fully built? I've got like 900 bundles of wood in my inventory...
You are welcome.
@AlternateButtons After you've bought the items for 100 each he gives you a load of free stuff (tables, chairs, desks, etc)
Why are people saying this is a spoiler, of course it is!
@Damo This is by no means a spoiler. I agree with your comment 100%.
Funny this article came out I just started this quest one day earlier. I obviously didn't go past the parts I've already completed, so not sure why other people can't limit themselves from scrolling through articles or clicking links.
This is clearly a spoiler. But it's one you can avoid looking at. The only thing the title of the article spoils is the name of the town itself, which isn't really a spoiler, because it lets you know if you SHOULD click the article or not! Imagine if it said, "How to Unlock BotW's Hidden Town." A lot more people would have clicked in thinking, "Hey, I bet I missed someth-- oh crap." But if you actually put in the name of the town, then people who have found it know they don't have to click it, people who are working on it don't have to click it, only people who haven't heard of Tarrey Town and are intrigued have to click it. (And people who want to kvetch about spoilers, I guess.)
The really spoiler-y thing is that it doesn't just say how to unlock the quest, as implied by the title, but how to do the whole entire thing, pictures included. If they mentioned at the top that there would be spoilers or said "spoilers" in the name of the article or whatever, then perhaps it would give people less room to kvetch. But I definitely feel like it was implied that this would only tell you how to unlock the quest, not do the whole thing. Luckily I'd finished it a while ago, short of sending Bolson & Co back home. (I just hate talking to them so it was dumb luck. Learned from reading this comment section that talking to them sends them back to your house!)
@Damo Still advocating a neutral BotW picture for these articles so people can't complain about being spoiled by pictures on the front page, too. You guys really can take a few simple steps to cut down on the kvetching.
Thanks for spoiling this, a-holes.
Just finished the homeowner quest and I'm starting this one. So I haven't read this article to avoid spoilers. I'm really having more fun with the side quests than the main quest 😀
Thanks! I'll definitely check this out!
Why isn't it called Tarryson Town? That's what I wanna know.
Wait wait wait wait... the Hylian Shield is breakable?
If you can't talk to Rhondson (if she only talks about love), it may be the clothes you're wearing. I was wearing the female outfit and she bugged. I stripped down and she continued with the terry town quest dialogue.
Greyson and Pelison the two gorons are actually brothers not father and son but otherwise a solid Tarry Town guide if I may say so myself Damien.
@onlyonemello I agree. I would love to see Nintendolife implement a system to hide spoilers from players who block them, similar to what miiverse has.
@FX102A Then why would you read the article!!!!
WTF is this doing on the main page? Either way miss this game it was very good.
Christ people are annoying. Moan more.
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