Walking Simulators and narrative games have become more prominent over the past decade. The 'walking simulator' term, originally a pejorative descriptor of a genre where 'you just walk about', was quickly reclaimed by fans and developers looking to branch out beyond the common verbs of so many video games, especially first-person ones.
When it comes to first-person examples the term can broadly be applied to anything that doesn't involve shooting stuff and puts a focus on environmental storytelling, although things get a bit muddier in third-person. Regardless of whether you're looking through the eyes of a character or not, these games have a narrative focus where shooting stuff isn't the answer to your problems. Below we've rounded up our picks of the best walking sims on Switch.
Of course, the Venn diagram of video game genres features many crossovers, some of which we've excluded from the selection below.
So, let's take a look — in no particular order — at the best narrative-focused games on Switch.
Best Switch Narrative Games & Walking Sims
Firewatch (Switch eShop)
Firewatch puts you in the hiking boots of Henry, a man assigned the job of watching for signs of fire in Shoshone National Forest. The narrative unfolds through his conversations with Delilah, a colleague from another watch tower he speaks with via walkie-talkie.
Henry is good company for the duration, but it's the forest itself which is the star of the show here. While the technical performance of the Switch port falls short of the excellent efforts of the two voice actors--with an erratic framerate that may be disappointing if you've enjoyed the game elsewhere--we still heartily recommend giving this a go on Nintendo's system, especially if you've never played it before.
Valley (Switch eShop)
Valley plonks you on an archaeological expedition to discover the secrets of a mythical MacGuffin, the Lifeseed. You soon stumble upon a special exoskeleton suit which grants you super-human movement abilities enabling all sorts of jumping and gallivanting around the game's natural, story-rich environments.
There's some (mostly) low-stakes platforming and even light combat later on, involving shooting life-force projectiles, but no gunplay. Overall, Valley is a short and restorative jaunt through the caves and countryside of the Canadian Rockies that's well worth experiencing if you enjoy connecting with nature.
What Remains of Edith Finch (Switch eShop)
What Remains of Edith Finch weaves an engrossing, tragic tale that will stick with you long after you've finished it. It's not the longest game in the world, but there's no fat or filler here at all - a genuine treat when so many games are needlessly padded out with repetitive content.
At times horrific and uncomfortable, at others near-whimsical, What Remains of Edith Finch is a classic you really need to experience.
Shape Of The World (Switch eShop)
Bringing to mind the pixel-heavy PC game Proteus (PC owners will no doubt have that one sitting in a Humble Bundle somewhere), Shape of the World presents artistic, interactive playgrounds to lose yourself in for a couple of hours.
The visual and aural landscape changes as you explore and move through triangular gates collecting seeds to plant in your surroundings. It's very short, but if you're after some mindless (or should that be mindful?) distraction--and these days, who isn't?--this is a diverting ambient curio that's worth experiencing.
Gone Home (Switch eShop)
One of the most famous 'walking sims' of the bunch, Gone Home is an impressive slice of environmental storytelling set in a single, empty residence. Returning to the family home after a backpacking trip, you play as Katie and gradually uncover small details of the apparent disappearance of your younger sister through letters and other items found throughout the house.
On paper, it doesn't sound scintillating, but in practice it's one of the finest games on Switch.
Florence (Switch eShop)
Florence is an evocation of the beauty, sadness, and hope that comes from any human connection we make in our lives, whether with art, nature, or another person.
It's a succinct and incredibly successful exploration of moments you'll recognise from your own life, and the way it mirrors thoughts and feelings through small gameplay mechanics makes it one of the most affecting experiences we've enjoyed on Switch, or any other platform.
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter (Switch eShop)
A short, slow-paced experience, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter has you playing as detective Paul Prospero investigating the titular mystery in a game that's branded as 'horror', but we'd say is more melancholic and unsettling than horrific.
That's not to say there aren't a few jumps, and it's certainly dark, but the twisting tale works beautifully in conjunction with the freedom you're given to explore and feeds into the overall mysterious atmosphere conjured by the developers. Don't expect glowing breadcrumbs or onscreen arrows here; just a tense tale told very effectively.
Night In The Woods (Switch eShop)
Melancholic, tragic, knowing and thoroughly relatable, Night In The Woods is the only entry thus far on this list that isn't first-person. A 2D game with some very light platforming elements, it's all about interaction with other characters and the narrative that unfolds as college dropout Mae returns to her backwater hometown.
There's really not much else like Night in the Woods, and the Switch version comes highly recommended.
Before I Forget (Switch eShop)
Before I Forget is a short, beautiful experience that nevertheless approaches a challenging and rather sombre subject. It takes creative bravery to share a game that represents the impact of dementia, and to do so sensitively and as accurately as possible; it achieves this goal.
We not only suffer the disease with Sunita, but engage with the successes and joys of her life. Before I Forget finds a careful balance that is to be commended.
Return of the Obra Dinn (Switch eShop)
Return of the Obra Dinn, by Papers, Please creator Lucas Pope, is a piratical masterpiece. Tasked with the rather boring-sounding job of being the insurance adjuster for a marooned ship, and provided with a potentially offputting retro-monochrome aesthetic, you'd be forgiven for thinking Obra Dinn is a bit pants — but you'd be wrong.
With the help of a strange, haunted stopwatch, you'll get to go back in time to find out who died, and where, in order to fill out your forms; it doesn't take long before some very spooky goings-on start going on. With more twists than a bowl of fusilli, you'll be hooked from start to finish. Yarrr.
Miniatures (Switch eShop)
Experienced across four beautifully rendered vignettes, Miniatures is a short game that leans as much into the shadows as it does into the charming strangeness at the core of each narrative.
It manages to navigate both awe and dread during its approximately one-hour play time, with each tale imbuing a sense of mystery that left us ruminating on all that was left unsaid long after we finished playing.
Abzu (Switch eShop)
Soooo... is it a walking simulator if you don't actually walk anywhere? We're going to go with yes, because Abzu deserves to be highlighted. Made by the folks behind Journey, Abzu is a swimming simulator, in which you'll frogkick your way around beautiful, serene landscapes seascapes, with seaweed forests and crumbling ruins playing host to plenty of lovely little fishies.
All the narrative is told through its environments, but even if you miss out on the story, you'll have a fantastic time with the visuals, anyway.
Got your steps in? Great!
Switch Narrative Games And Walking Simulators FAQ
If you're struggling to reach the end of the path, then we've covered a few more things below.
What is a Walking Sim?
We mentioned this briefly at the top, but Walking Sims are games where you "most" just walk around and examine objects. It feels a bit like a 3D point-and-click, but less frustrating and much less about figuring out the mystery. Rather, you're experiencing it, often from someone's point-of-view.
These games often tackle heavier subjects, such as identity, depression, family, relationships, and more. And many often employ unique art styles. They don't all fit into a single box, but these are some of the more common aspects. Essentially, you;re actively moving through a world rather than reading and progressing via text boxes.
Where are the Visual Novels??
Yes, Visual Novels are technically "narrative games", but there are so many of them on Switch that we think they deserve their own list.
Some of the games on that list also have a lot more gameplay than any of the titles we've listed above, such as AI: The Somnium Files or the Famicom Detective Club games. They have a pretty distinctive style, too.
What about [insert game here]??
As you can probably tell, there's a lot of crossover with other genres in this list, so we've tried to stick to some of the more "pure" narrative games.
We haven't included proper horror games here (so no Outlast or Layers of Fear), nor explicit puzzlers (so no Talos Principle), and certainly nothing with guns (every other first-person game ever). Just to give you an idea of what we're going for.
Which are your favourites from this list? Think we've missed something vital? Don't agree that these are 'walking sims'? Feel free to let us know down below and we may update it along with new Switch releases in the future. Also, feel free to suggest a shorter, snappier genre title for these!
Comments 56
I got Firewatch on sale a while back, and really enjoyed what I've played so far. I keep getting g distracted by a million other games and life drama, but keep popping back in every month or so to clear a chapter. I'm awful with mental maps as it is, so I'm sure taking large breaks isn't doing me any favors in navigating around the park. I usually just wander around aimlessly until the walkie talkie goes off.
That being said, wandering around is still a pleasant experience.
I had no idea Night In The Woods fell into this category... might try it out now. I could use a break from buying games and immediately giving up on them because they're too punishing to be enjoyable.
Layers of Fear is the best I've played by a huge margin. It should be in the list. While it is a 'proper horror game, it's definitely a walking simulator. Outlast is more 'gamey'.
I still rue the 3 hours of my life I lost to Gone Home. That game put me in a bad mood and ruined my evening.
I can vouch for firewatch and night in the woods. I thought the latter was particularly great.
Breath of the Wild is a pretty good climbing simulator.
What Remains of Edith Finch and Hellblade are my favourites on Switch. Journey is great if you've got a PS4.
Return of the Obra Dinn, Phoenix Wright and AI the Somnium files are also great narrative games.
Night in the Woods is a masterpiece, through and through.
I like Gone Home, but the conceit becomes too artificial and forced the more you play. You can only find so many conveniently-placed books and letters in cupboards and desks until you start noticing the strings being pulled. I think the developer's follow-up, Tacoma, is both a response to Gone Home's failings and a spectacular game in its own right. I wish it had a Switch port so more people could play it.
Edith Finch feels gimmicky at times and it doesn't have the exploratory elements of Gone Home and Night in the Woods. It's too much like a rollercoaster, linear and show-offy. But it undoubtedly has some of the most poetic, lyrical passages in videogame history. So it's a mixed bag. I'm not sure I love it on the whole, but the highs are really high.
I really liked Lonely Planet. Thought that would be on here. The mechanics can sometimes be cumbersome, and I still have one "Chapter" left, but it was a very enjoyable time waster.
@Wargoose I'm assuming that 'narrative games' was just poor choice of wording and we're specifically only talking about ones in more of a walking sim style. If you include VNs in general and other narrative heavy games then this list would be way off.
Thanks for that list. I’m definitely looking for great narrative games during the summer. Anybody played Valley? I had never heard of it before now.
BOTW is basically a walking sim.
Love Edith finch no filler at all a brilliant experience. Have tried fire watch twice for an hour but got bored. Ethan carter is brilliant. Might check valley out xx
Never liked walking simulators until I played What Remains Of Edith Finch.A brilliant and quite moving tragic tale.
Gone Home is trash
Ring Fit Adventure can be a walking simulator if you don't play it properly
So I'm trying to come up with an alternative name for "walking sim" and I'm failing. In a broad sense it's a sub genre of adventure game, and while I could probably come up with something (given enough cups of coffee) it will never replace whats already synonymous with the genre.
It's like trying to come up with another name for 'hamburger'. They're not ham, and they're not from a burough (i.e. burg) but the US adopted that name and now it's stuck.
Octodad is a special kind of walking sim, in which walking and interacting is the actual challenge and source of humor.
Another game in which moving the character around is most of the challenge (in a good way): Snake Pass. Although it's technically not WALKING. Moving around in Carrion is also incredible fun.
Obviously I am aware those don't fit the genre "walking simulator".
@Losermagnet here the word for "sandwich" (two slices of bread with something in between), is "boterham", which is "butter" + "ham". Even if it's just two slices of bread with strawberry jam or whatever, it's a "butter-ham". s for the name walking sim, it's basically given by the "haters", and adopted by the genre I suppose. But I'd call them something like an "virtual interactive narrative experience", otherwise. Walking sim however is easier, and doesn't require the extra explanation, ironically, even though "virtual interactive narrative experience" describes it better in my opinion. Shortening it to "vine" won't help, and even if something like that were to happen, like "rts", "rpg" or even "mmorpg", and "fps" don't need explaining, it would take time and dedication, PR campaigns... Walking sim is ok with me ^^
Stories Untold is a really great game that fits into the general scope of narrative and environmental storytelling. Although it also has some light puzzle solving and not very much walking as you are sitting at a desk for most of it, so maybe it was excluded for not being a true "walking simulator."
To the Moon on the other hand definitely belongs here, since it features plenty of walking and very little gameplay aside from reading text and walking around. There's technically puzzles, but they're very easy and not at all the point of the game. It's also brilliant.
I would recommend Old Man's Journey as well.
I played Gone Home on the PS4. It was utter trash!
Wasn't the biggest fan of Lost in the Woods personally. The game looked great and had good writing but it wasn't a particularly interesting for me as a genre. As other people in the comments are raving about it, if you're a fan of the genre get it, otherwise it might he a bit slow if you have a large back log
I’m still waiting for The Red Lantern.
Which was announced in the Indie direct of early 2019 for summer 2019.
Haven’t heard about it since..
No, it's not. But I wonder if there REALLY is a climbing simulator? 🤔
Also, what makes a game a "walking simulator"? It's kind of a dumb name, isn't it?
@MrBlacky I think the term actually was an insult at first but then it got a neutral use for exploration-and-narrative-focused games
But yeah, nowadays feels like if any game isn't 100% combat-focused, somebody will label it as "just a [x] simulator"
I love "walking around movies" like Gerry, Electroma, Stalker, Elephant, The Brown Bunny, Satantango, Dead Man etc.
So going of this one might think I would totally dig those type of games. But for some reason I never got one or tried one of them. Might be that I like to watch that stuff but not really interested in playing it.
Stories Untold is excellent and fits into this category.
Firewatch on Switch is a mess.
The game is great, but the Switch port is ugly, buggy (with game breaking bugs forcing you to replay some areas if you're unlucky), totally abandonned by the devs with no update since the launch.
I really regret that I discover this game with this sloppy Switch port, and I'm surprised that no one is talking about the bugs and the ugly graphics.
Don't buy it on Switch !
@Zach777 the in game rain agrees.
I'm offended and appalled that QWOP is not on this list.
I love Night in the Woods. I like to play it one day at a time starting on October 24th which makes the in game Halloween happen on the real world Halloween.
Are these actually games or do you just basically experience the story? I haven’t played any so kinda wondering.
@KoopaTheQuick I do! 🙏🙃
@Losermagnet Hamburgers actually are from a burg--specifically Hamburg, the north German city. The etymology of the name is exactly the same as frankfurter from Frankfurt and wiener from Vienna, which is Wien in German.
@JimmySpades yeah but the joke doesnt work as well if I explain that. I wasn't aware of wiener/Vienna though.
What remains of Edith Finch and Fire Watch and Night in the woods were all great to play I highly recommend them.
Death Stranding is my favorite walking sim. Play it on pc or PS4
ABZU. (Though it’s technically a “swimming simulator”)
It depends.
Most are clearly videogames, but they deemphasize videogame mechanics in favor of storytelling. Almost all are devoid of challenge in the traditional sense.
Some, like Gone Home, are quite interactive, in that you explore, read notes and letters, pick up objects, piece a story together, etc. There are even light puzzles locking progression. Night in the Woods is similar, in that you have a town to explore, people to talk with, and so on. The games don't play themselves. You're not just watching a movie and pressing a button every now and then. It's more like they're narrative spaces you move around in.
However, they also don't have deep game mechanics or anything.
Edith Finch, for instance, might briefly become a platform game of sorts, but that's just a clever set-piece. It's interactive, but it's not trying to be the next Mario. The goal is always narrative immersion.
You also have border cases, like Hellblade or Journey, which have obvious videogame mechanics, puzzles, battles, and so on, but simplified so as to emphasize atmosphere, sense of place, etc. They're the successors of Ico, from the PS2.
In my case, a list of games to avoid.
It's not available on the Switch, but I really enjoy Dear Esther. Does The Stanley Parable count? Highly recommend, and here's hoping the Ultra Deluxe version comes to Switch or consoles period before 2021.
@Beaucine Thanks for the detailed reply. It got me interested in playing one of these types of games. It seems like they would be really good after putting a lot of hours into something much more intensive
Gone Home was awful... And I like Walking Simulators.
I'd recommend The First Tree. It wasn't too shabby. Now what would Everything classify as? Sandbox?
I'm surprised that LIMBO and Inside haven't been mentioned. Are those two instead deemed puzzle-platformers? In any case, I can recommend both - and especially the latter.
Excellent, especially Inside. But yeah, they're the modern successors of the cinematic platformers of the 90s, like Another World. They have too much challenge and overt game elements to apply, I think.
I enjoyed Firewatch on Switch a lot! Highly recommend that game. I didn't like the frame rate, but I played it docked and quite a bit of the time it looked like 60fps due to dejudder performed by my TV. I tried Valley on Switch and found it fascinating, but stopped playing it partly because I was disappointed with the frame rate. It probably has a better frame rate than Firewatch, but I was enthralled by Firewatch so I stuck with it.
I like that Proteus gets a mention. I've enjoyed that weird walking simulator on my Vita. It looks great on the oled screen.
I'm sure I'll like the other games in this article I just haven't started them yet.
The three games I have played in that list have been really good overall IMO
Edith Finch
Gone Home
Night in the Woods
NITW was my fav of the 3.
I still am yet to play Firewatch as it is on my extensive backlog.
I really enjoyed Firewatch (didn’t experience any technical issues like someone mentioned above).
I played through the whole of Edith Finch but I can’t say I enjoyed it the same way. Some compelling set pieces but there is no real story there to immerse yourself in - rather it’s a series of tales about each of her relatives told in different ways (unlike say Firewatch which is one mystery you play through over the course of a summer).
I really don't get the hatred for Gone Home. I thought it was pretty good, despite the contrivances of handily placed items - which is kind of unavoidable with this type of game when there are no other characters but a definite narrative (unlike Dear Esther, for example).
Curious to hearehere the dislike comes from.
Gone Home is my favorite. I actually think Gone Home HAS elements found in "regular games" or whatever. It's sort of metroidvania exploration game in which you need to find objects on some other part of the map before you can proceed in another. Obviously it's not 100% in that vain but I thought it was super engaging and did a great job telling it's story. It's probably one of the few stories in gaming I thought was pretty good as it told a lot through it's environment as well and had a very realistic story. Most stories in games are still pretty unsophisticated in topic or style. It's still mostly dudes saving world type stuff. The fantasy stuff of kids.
No, it’s not. It has gameplay, something a majority of walking sims lack. Walking Sims are barely games at all, tend to be generally linear, and rely on a narrative hook over meaningful mechanics. All you do in a walking sim is walk around looking for button prompts.
These are the sort of games that i wish we had physical copies available. Gone Home is and NitW is supposed to get a Limited Run, but anything that has a deep, experiential narrative is something I'd like to keep, in hand, to revisit for years to come.
Ethan carter is so underrated, it's a great game that looks and performs wonderfully on Switch, yet it still takes a back seat even in listslike this one!
Enjoyed Night in the Woods, though one thing did bother me GREATLY: the (almost always) gentle swaying of the frame/camera. I didn’t notice it at first, but once I did, it was both vexing and nauseating...to the point where I had to finish more than half the game on handheld mode—WAY less discernible that way. Clearly I’m on a lonely island here (read every comment; no rescue!), but damn, that was a frustrating “dreamy?” design choice that hindered my enjoyment.
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