- Number of Players
- 5
- Genre
- Release Date
Wii U
18th Nov 2012
30th Nov 2012
8th Dec 2012
- Series
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- Official Site
- newsupermariobrosu....
Review New Super Mario Bros. U (Wii U)
High definition hijinks
New Super Mario Bros. U marks the first time that a brand new Mario game has accompanied a Nintendo hardware launch since the days of the N64, and consequently places an inordinate amount of pressure and expectation on its high-definition shoulders. It’s perhaps not what hardcore fans wanted; following so closely on the...
Screenshots 24
New Super Mario Bros. U News
Video Digital Foundry's Technical Analysis Of Super Mario Bros. Wonder
A wonder or a blunder?
Super Mario Bros. Wonder is out now for the Nintendo Switch and, as per the norm for major releases, Digital Foundry has provided a deep analysis of the new title. When we say 'deep', we mean it. This video not only dives into the obvious stuff like performance and resolution (1080p docked and 720p handheld at a near-locked...
Random YouTuber Speedruns Touching Grass (In Every Mario Game)
Ground theme
"Touch grass" has become the rallying cry for angry people on the internet, and it's most often levelled at gamers. It's shorthand for "go outside", or simply "oh my god the thing you're complaining about is SO TERMINALLY ONLINE that you really should go and do something that isn't sitting at your computer yelling at strangers on the...
Video Nintendo Land Will Likely Never Come To Switch, But That's Okay
Catching up on the Wii U launch title
The Wii U had a pretty dull launch line-up, all told. There, we said it. Between the likes of New Super Mario Bros. U, ZombiU, and Mass Effect 3, there was a general consensus that while all of these games are undoubtedly good, they didn't exactly set the world on fire and justify the Wii U as a "must-have"...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? (January 12th)
Here are our picks, but what are yours?
We've reached yet another weekend, which can only mean one thing: it's time for the Nintendo Life 'What Are You Playing?' feature extravaganza! Are we overselling it? Maybe. Anyway, as always, expect to find members of the team discussing their weekend gaming plans in our lovingly-crafted paragraphs below. If...
Random Player Tries To Beat New Super Mario Bros. U Without Collecting A Single Coin
With weeks of planning
We often hear stories of amazing speedruns, or even people completing games without ever collecting any health power-ups, but this recent attempt at New Super Mario Bros. U takes things in a slightly different direction. Ceave Gaming on YouTube - who regularly plays the game over and over again with different goals - recently...
Talking Point What Games Are You Playing This Weekend
Here are our picks, but what are yours?
This weekend, Team Nintendo Life are giving their respective Nintendo consoles a good workout with all manner of virtual gems. We've got plenty of Neo Geo action; some 'Nindies' for good measure; the occasional shooter; and lots and lots of a certain game involving Inklings (can you guess which one?). As...
Soapbox Nintendo Switch Learned A Lot From Wii U’s Struggles During Its Own First Year
Why the two consoles performed so differently over 12 months
Soapbox features enable our individual writers to voice their own opinions on hot topics, opinions that may not necessarily be the voice of the site. In today's article, editor Dom explores the very opening 12 months of Nintendo Switch and its predecessor, Wii U. We all know Switch's...
Poll Have Your Say on the Best Main Series 3D Mario and Zelda Games
Red or green? We hate to do this to you...
It’s hard to deny that the Nintendo Switch has been a monumental success since its launch back in March of this year, and that’s not only due to the console’s innovative design and functionality, but also thanks to some of the tremendous software we’ve received on the system. Two notable entries,...
Editorial Rediscovering the Simple Pleasures of 2D Platformers on Wii U
What mascots do best
Heading towards the festive period I often revisit older games, favourites that have perhaps been untouched for a year or two. That's certainly the case this year, where relatively few recent blockbusters (on any platform) have been tempting enough to make me part from my cash. There's also a bit of premature nostalgia at play,...
News New Super Mario Bros. Discounts Hit My Nintendo for PAL Gamers
No doubt timed for the launch of Super Mario Run
Super Mario Run arrives on iOS on 15th December, and could prove to be an enormous success for Nintendo. We'll see whether that turns out to be the case, but My Nintendo in PAL territories (Europe / Australia / New Zealand) is offering a couple of appropriate discounts to celebrate the release. The...
First Impressions New Super Mario Bros. U
Mushroom magic?
It's OK to say you were disappointed that New Super Mario Bros. U is Wii U's first Super Mario game. You may have wanted something groundbreaking like Super Mario 64, and Nintendo revealed a shinier, sharper version of a Wii game from 2009. You're entitled to be disappointed. Your excitement for Mario's next home adventure all...
About The Game
New Ways to Play and Share Your Mario Fun
New Super Mario Bros. U is a new, side-scrolling adventure featuring Mario, Luigi, Toad … and your Mii character. Now’s your chance to step inside the Mushroom Kingdom and explore new worlds, new power-ups and new ways to play.
- Swoop through levels and cling to walls when Mario transforms into Flying Squirrel Mario, or gently float through the air while hanging onto Tiny Balloon Yoshi.
- The Wii U GamePad controller offers a new way to play multiplayer in this game. An extra player can jump into the action using the new Boost mode, creating platforms out of thin air to help others navigate tricky stages or access hidden or hard-to-reach items.
- Boost mode also makes cooperative speed runs possible for the first time. Use the GamePad to interact with and manipulate enemies and objects in real time, allowing for new ways to find the fastest routes through each level.
- Play on the big screen or the small screen. Switch game play from the TV to the GamePad at any time to continue playing even when others are using the TV.
- Experience Mario together like never before with Miiverse. See other players’ comments and accomplishments while you play and leave your own feedback for others to see when connected to the Nintendo Network.
Comments 44
Well, there goes a few hundred bucks for me. Wii U here I come!
A Mario Launch Title............well so much for Wii U this christmas I'm getting as soon as the store opens.
@PlatinumGamerX Launch title? Where did you see that?
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mario is the most awesome thing in the world!!
The backgrounds look fantastic.
Definitely getting at launch... But this new super thing is getting really ... Non NEW!!! Get it?! Non new... Hahaha... Cricket
mario is good but i love better sonic
I can tell this isn't going to be your ordinary New Super Mario Bros game
Mario time. Yay. this looks as the best one yet.
i can't what
the flying mario in this game is betar then super mario bros wii.
and big enemys.
and the yoshs fat yosh bubble yosh glows in the dark yosh.
am geting this game
Downloading day one
i realy want it
i heard this game will have 5 players with one person controlling certain elements in the levels, i hope this is true! the more the merrier!!
@LouieGi They announced it at E3. 4 people play while the person with the Gamepad can place boost blocks under/above the people to help/kill them.
The New super mario bros. series will be "new" forever !
Finally, for the first time since N64, a Nintendo home console launches with a Mario game!
Kudos to Nintendo for providing a real open exploration SNES Super Mario World style world map. Also, here's hoping they include a built-in level editor and a ton more levels than previous NSMB releases...
wii u is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!
Another excellent platforming game for Mario once again. My bro always hogs the DS with NSMB in it! I hope he doesn't hog the gamepad while someone is watching TV.....
Can't wait another month.....
Less than a month left!
its here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WIIIIII UUUUU here i come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just saw a preview video on IGN. Please tell me they're not gonna rehash the same dang BGM for the fourth time!!! Uggg...
@StarDust They're not, don't worry. Most of the songs are original, the only ones so far that aren't are the castle and the menus.
I love all the extra challenges this game has to offer. With guiding Monty Mole, a sub-par coin battle level editor, boost rush, nabbit mode, mii mode, boost, and even extra lives challenge. There's also a fire bro dodging fireballs mini-game, and delicately balancing on a small platform while avoiding enemies for the best score and update it to Mii Wara Wara. To all haters, THIS IS NOT A RE-HASH LIKE NSMB2, I repeat! You've been warned...
who knew they could make something twice as good as the original.
9 days!
The Wii U's released along with this I-know-that-is-gonna-be-a-blockbuster and you still haven't reviewed it? This is gonna be one of the first games I gonna get when Wii U releases.
When are they gonna get that review out? The guys have had five days to play with it by now. I hope Corbie gets it!
How do u get 99 guys in what level
Please some one help me
Email me with how to get 99!giys on this elatin29@yahoo.con
@EEC: Have you tried looking through a guide at GameFAQs? Something there could help you :3
it is so fun !!!!!!!
Love the gameplay for the Wii U!
Great 5 player game!
I can't wait to get the wii u
I can't wait until I have a wii u.I don't know when but I will have it with new super mario bros. wii u.I've played a demo and I love this game.I mush have it.
Will i enjoy this game more sence i have not playd nsm wii?
i love this game soooooo much its the best of mario then ever!
There should be a super mario brothers adventure wii u .In that game not only do you get new power ups but you can also get power ups from the past.(example the frog suit.) it like new super mario bros. wii u but the difference are: A. It has more then 8 worlds. B. you can play as your mii (regardless if you're playing by yourself or multi player) with your choice of a Mario/Luigi cap, toad head (with your choice of colors for the head and dots), a custom crown, or a custom cap. C. you can get ufos, hover boards and hover pods.
I love this game a lot! The level design and creativity implemented in the World Map certainly throws back to Super Mario World!
That said, it was not fair to this series to rush this game out and use as a placeholder. A NSMB game for Wii U shouldn't have been made for at least 2-3 years so that they could have put more soul into he game, changed the graphics, improve the Star World, new music, and think of a better power up selection. Now this series is unfairly detested. I hope Nintendo learns from this and makes the next 2D without the new sticker and more effort. Even I must admit that NSMB deserved better than this.
You know what, THIS should have been the game to bundle the Wii U with at launch.
You know what, THIS should have been the game to bundle the Wii U with at launch.
Nice old school mario platform again. Must have if you played the previous versions!
Does anyone know how many gigabytes this would take up?
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