My excuse is I almost exclusively play RPGs, and get caught up in whatever the last one was that I bought. I rarely actually finish them, once I know how they're going to finish.
I'm only guilty of not finishing my rpgs, but just because I have so many. The only games of mine I haven't finished are... Persona 4 Rogue Galaxy Dragon Quest 8 Disgaea 2 Ogre Quest 64 and Final Fantasy 1/2 Dawn Of Souls
I've beaten all of my wii games (until tomorrow, when DKCR comes out)
Why do astronauts backtrack? They forgot the Space Jump Boots.
Looking forward to The Conduit 2 and CoD: Black Ops for DS For really cool avatars for a forum, go here!
That answer dont have a Backloggery. I use to have a most my games unbeat but once I get on backlog it actually helped. Realizing all the games that I havent beat or even played made me realize I have to stop playing RE4! Well Since Ive been on Backloggery Ive had at most 5 unbeat games at a time.
I've actually beaten the majority of my games, though I am guilty of sometimes leaving a game unfinished once I get a newer one...
"Don't make enemies, they'll stab your heart; don't make friends, they'll stab your back. Including me, including you, all men are trash. Don't love; don't be loved. Have nothing to do with other; live in isolation."
I finish almost every game I have within the first week (With the exception of Counter-Force & 5 other games). But I've seen others just quit a game completely because of a small loss (Translation: They rage-quit for a long time)
Oh, man, do I rage quit games that aren't completely and totally compelling. I say I'm going to pick it up later, and when I do, I generally have enough distance from the game that I can figure out how to get past the tough parts. Sometimes, I just forget to pick them back up again.
I am way too lazy to think of something clever. My Backloggery
I don't purchase a game if I'm not going to finish, that would just be a waste of money.
Agreed. Honestly, it ticks me off to see that people buy up to four games a week on here, then complain that they never have enough time to play all of their games, then complain about not having enough money to go buy some other game that they'll only play for five minutes.
Honestly, it ticks me off to see that people buy up to four games a week on here, then complain that they never have enough time to play all of their games, then complain about not having enough money to go buy some other game that they'll only play for five minutes.
It's a lot of effort, to be honest. I mostly play Japanese RPGs, and a lot of them consist of "grind five more levels and then face the next boss". When you first play the game you don't mind grinding, but after a while it becomes kind of tedious. I mostly play for the story and characters, so I don't enjoy spending hours of my time grinding so I can beat a boss. Because of that, it can be really hard to beat games at times. I have to really push myself.
Another factor is time. I'm usually pretty busy on the weekends, and that's the only time that I get enough hours to play without having to worry about work getting in the way. When I get home I'm tired and don't feel like playing games; I'd rather do something more relaxing, like watch a movie or read a book. So in the end, I don't make a lot of time for my games, which leads to me having a lot of unfinished games.
Yeah recently I've noticed that I havent been finishing many games, either. The last game I finished was Modern Warfare Mobilized on the DS last weekend after figuring out how to get past the part with the Hazmat robot I had been stuck on since last year. Before that was FF VI, which I finished about... 4 months ago?
But yeah, especially with DL'd games, I almost NEVER finish them. I have about 10 WiiWare games, and the only ones that I've finished are 4: LostWinds 1 & 2, Pearl Harbor Red Sun Rising, and Cave Story. DSiWare I have about 20+ games, and the ones I've completed are: Thorium Wars, X-Scape, Spotto, and Escapee GO. I haven't yet finished Shantae, A Kappa's Trail, Starship Defense, Defense Wars, or any of those actual complete-able games, but you know what? Most of the time I'm just not in the mood to play those games. Mainly because I only ever play them in-between retail titles or right before taking a break.
And on VC, where I've emptied my wallet a gazillion times for about 20 titles or so, I've only completed big-name games like Mega Man 2, Super Metroid, and Ocarina of Time. I never finished Paper Mario (Hated the battle scheme), Majora's Mask (Became too confusing and aggravating), Secret of Mana (Too hard and felt cheap at times), or Startropics (Way too hard). They're all stellar titles, but becuse of their faults, I could never bring myself to complete them.
Luckily, on Wii and DS retail games, I complete the majority of them. On Wii, the only games in need of completion (getting to the credits) are Metroid Prime 3 and Goldeneye, while Chrono Trigger, RGC, and Pokemon Pearl and HeartGold are the only DS games I still need to finish.
Hopefully, whenever I have a buttload of time, I can get around to completing all of them, but for now I can only focus on the titles I REALLY want to finish (like FF9 and Goldeneye).
I don't purchase a game if I'm not going to finish, that would just be a waste of money.
Agreed. Honestly, it ticks me off to see that people buy up to four games a week on here, then complain that they never have enough time to play all of their games, then complain about not having enough money to go buy some other game that they'll only play for five minutes.
Yeah, I hate people who don't spend their money the way I think they should too.
I mean, most people waste some money in some way or another. Going to a nice meal out at a restaurant is a waste of money, buying beer is a waste of money. Going to the movies is a waste of money.
As long as someone is happy with what they're buying, and don't let the spending take over bills and the necessities of life, then good on them if they want to buy four games a week, IMO.
There's no law to say you have to finish a game to enjoy it.
I've got a brazillion games and eleventy hundred brazillion other commitments. I need about 51.6 hours in a day and I'd be all set for some game completing.
The one thing I think they didn't account for is that many of the biggest name games nowadays are shooters, and many people only get them for the multiplayer. I mean, if I get Goldeneye, there's a chance I won't even touch the single player, because I just want to play multiplayer like I did on the N64.
Pretty much this. Multiplayer never ends, basically.
I was thinking about this a while ago, and shooters have always been one of the biggest genres (if you count any game where you primarily shoot things as a shooter- e.g. Contra, Gradius). But I remember as a kid talking with my friends about those games and discussing how hard that one boss was, or do you remember the part when. That sort of discussion doesn't happen anymore (or rarely). It's almost like single player is just there to fill space, rather than being a huge event like it once was.
Token+Girl wrote:
Back in the day, it took you about 2 hours to get to the end of a game usually. You just played it over and over again until you finally beat it, but you didn't have to keep track of anything. You just picked it up when you had some time to kill.
That's called arcade gaming, and it's a dying breed in the west. Insert token, play through as far as you can, come back another day and start from the beginning again with more tokens. (Or continues on a console game.) Arcade gaming is still huge in Asia though.
My Backloggery says it all Though, using backloggery really helps getting to finish games. Or at least try to.
But like many others here, time is the sparse resource - not game or money. I also have a tendency to keep wanting to play new games. Not because I don't like those I already have, but it is also nice to at least think that I will get to this cool game at some point, so I'll buy it now. It doesn't help that I really like the old hardcore shooters on the TG16, but I am not really good at those games, so they all end up being unfinished. RPGs just takes way too many hours, so even though I can myself to play an hour or two on some RPG everyonce in a while, it will probably take a year or two to it finished, with a full time job and everything getting in the way.
Pretty much this. Multiplayer never ends, basically.
I was thinking about this a while ago, and shooters have always been one of the biggest genres (if you count any game where you primarily shoot things as a shooter- e.g. Contra, Gradius). But I remember as a kid talking with my friends about those games and discussing how hard that one boss was, or do you remember the part when. That sort of discussion doesn't happen anymore (or rarely). It's almost like single player is just there to fill space, rather than being a huge event like it once was.
For the single player campaign to be more talked about, it needs to be part of the multiplayer experience as an option thanks to the craze that is online. Single player feels like a training ground where a lot of people just can't wait to dive into the multiplayer to shoot off everyone. So it was easier for more people back in the day before online multiplayer to give single player a chance with their heart and mind to really finish it.
I don't purchase a game if I'm not going to finish, that would just be a waste of money.
Agreed. Honestly, it ticks me off to see that people buy up to four games a week on here, then complain that they never have enough time to play all of their games, then complain about not having enough money to go buy some other game that they'll only play for five minutes.
Yeah, I hate people who don't spend their money the way I think they should too.
I mean, most people waste some money in some way or another. Going to a nice meal out at a restaurant is a waste of money, buying beer is a waste of money. Going to the movies is a waste of money.
As long as someone is happy with what they're buying, and don't let the spending take over bills and the necessities of life, then good on them if they want to buy four games a week, IMO.
There's no law to say you have to finish a game to enjoy it.
I never said that people shouldn't buy many many games, or that I hate people who do. What I did say is that it ticks me off when they buy multiple games, don't play them, then complain because they can't afford new games. It also ticks me off when: someone buys the last bag of gummy bears in front of me, someone yells "**** you, Muthu ****er!" at me, someone insults me...etc. These tick me off, but there are no laws against them. And yes, you don't have to finish a game to enjoy it, but I never said you had to either. That's why my first comment in this thread was ""Finish" Animal Crossing, then come back and talk."
I don't finish all my games, mainly becuase they either get really boring or repetitive... but since I usually buy the better games, that doesn't usually happen, but some times you will come across a stinker.
Also, I eventually just give up if I get stuck at a hard part. I just cba to keep dieing... it annoys me. XD
Topic: Why Don't We Finish More Video Games?
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