The Wii doesn't need 'M' rated titles, and it definitely doesn't need dumbed down ports of multi-platform franchises...
"Don't make enemies, they'll stab your heart; don't make friends, they'll stab your back. Including me, including you, all men are trash. Don't love; don't be loved. Have nothing to do with other; live in isolation."
Darkside Chronicles is a good game but it is still a rail shooter. I think Capcom was a bit quick to judge sales. No one seems to mention but it was out for less than 2 months when they started whining about it. It's only been out just over 2 months now. I doubt it even made it on anyone's Christmas list. People will still be buying the game next year even. edit: Oh and it was released on January 14th in Japan!
I think mature games have a place, just make sure they are really good games not just a blood orgy with an M rating.
Who would want only E and T games instead of E and T and M games? lol
E and T and M is more than E and T! Who doesn't want more games!
I don't care what the rating is, all I care about is, is the game fun. If every game I had was rated E but every game was fun to play, then I wouldn't care. Just like if every game I had was rated M but boring & uninteresting, I wouldn't like it. People really should stop worrying about what a game is rated, or if it has pretty graphics, & worry more about is the game fun? That's really what's important.
Flandre Scarlet, she's cute, she's colorful, she can blow up entire cities, she's also a vampire. Start running sparklepants.
I agree with people saying that Wii needs more GOOD games, and that ratings really don't matter.
Not that long ago I did a quick survey of the 50 Wii games I own and found a (roughly) even split between E/E10/T/M ratings. It wasn't exactly 25% for each category, but close enough. So while I'm not opposed to seeing more Mature-rated games, it doesn't feel like Wii is lacking in that category. People who say Wii only offers "kiddie games" must be ignoring some solid games on the system.
On a side note... WOW... a collection of 50 games over the past 3 years! Never dreamed of having so many when I was a kid. The best part is pricing: at an average of about $20 per game due to sales and careful trades, it's been totally affordable to build a collection of Wii games I like.
On a side note... WOW... a collection of 50 games over the past 3 years! Never dreamed of having so many when I was a kid. The best part is pricing: at an average of about $20 per game due to sales and careful trades, it's been totally affordable to build a collection of Wii games I like.
Yeah, me too -- and I've had the Wii for a little more than two years!
I agree with the rating not being much of a factor in the quality of the game. I have played numerous "T" and "E" rated games that I thought were much better than many "M" rated games. Then again, I'm not a big fan of violent and gory games
The best part is pricing???? Wii needs games worth the money they cost, and I can think only on two along all the Wii history: ZTP and MPT. Extreme example, NSMB 49.9€ (<- Yep, Euros).
@Mandoble: Obviously we come from different locations and it's also possible we have different opinions about what games are worth buying, so I can't comment on your situation. But since I have only paid more than $40 Canadian for three* games in my collection (Mario Kart Wii, Metroid Prime Trilogy, and Super Mario Galaxy) and the average price per game is hovering around $20 after 50+ games, it'll be difficult to convince me that pricing is bad. You just need to watch for sales and good trade opportunities!
(* Four games if you wanted to count Wii Fit as a game... but I don't.)
We need mature games, indeed, but we do not need a library full of them. And on top of it all they don't sell as good as E rated games(and I'm not saying this only happens on Wii).
I think two of my favourite games on the Wii are Madworld and House of the Dead Overkill so, yes, I'd love to see more games like that.
I know what you're all going to say, we get it every time - "those games are actually immature and just have lots of blood and swearing in them". Yeah, true, but I just love the humour of those games. They make me laugh, they're fun, they look great and are a refreshing change from the games I usually play (being Nintendo's finest).
I'm also really looking forward to Silent Hill (living in UK here) and would love another real Resident Evil title for the console. I basically just want a choice of game - and why shouldn't I?
On a side note... WOW... a collection of 50 games over the past 3 years! Never dreamed of having so many when I was a kid. The best part is pricing: at an average of about $20 per game due to sales and careful trades, it's been totally affordable to build a collection of Wii games I like.
Yeah, me too -- and I've had the Wii for a little more than two years!
I'd like to echo what ejamer said as well. That is the reason why I have between 40-50 wii games and have played over 60 in my timeon the console
"They say video games are bad for you? That's what they said about rock n' roll."
And yes, current Wii "M" rated games are the childiest in the market, doesnt matter how ugly are the thousands of ridiculous and pathetic brainless zombies attacking you. Change the zombies by bunnies, remove the blood, and you will have my 6yo daughter finishing these "M" rated games in a day or two.
I'm a mostly mature adult and I enjoy mature-themed games. Consider this parallel to movies: I enjoy a good Disney cartoon, PG-romance, etc, but I also enjoy my Alien-hunting, nudity-ridden, splatter-fests as well. I have a huge taste in games just like I do in movies. Unfortunately, to satisfy my M-rated game urges, I usually have to go elsewhere (360 or PC in my case.)
Could you imagine a PG-rated Aliens? A kid-friendly Terminator? How about that bunny-filled cutsie Shaun of the Dead? Yeah...I didn't think so.
Yeah missing the point there. Compare House of the Dead Overkill to films like Evil Dead rather than Silence of the Lambs. Both are "mature" films but one is more serious than the other. They're both valid forms of adult entertainment, tough - the fact one doesn't take itself seriously doesn't mean you can just stick bunnies in it & it'd be just as appealing to kids.
Topic: Do you think Wii don't need mature games?
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