
Topic: Twilight Princess "upscale"

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Hi everybody

Fun times being an owner of both 3ds and a wii u now after e3. SUPER impressed and excited about many games! With that said i have a question for you guys. Ive been wanting to play through twilight princess but playing it on wii u it looks extremely terrible. Is there anyone thats played it recently and maybe know of any tricks to fool my eyes into making it look better? Changing to 720p, altering brightness whatever you can think of! As of right now its so blurry that it is unplayable. Cheers guys, have a great weekend!

3DS Friend Code: 0061-1555-0735
Nintendo Network ID: direth1105


Really? o_O It wasn't blurry for me on Wii U at all. ( It was on Gamecube and Wii of course. ) It actually looked great. I did play it on 1080p, unlike the 720p you are using, but I highly doubt that would make a difference.

Oh, and hope you have fun playing through Twilight Princess. It really is an amazing game, and Midna is just as amazing, if not more so.

[Edited by Spagem]


My Nintendo: Spagem


Perhaps you're just used to HD now... I don't think it's the Wii U's doing, have you tried it on your Wii as well? I had the same problem with Skyward Sword a few weeks ago. I thought there was a problem with my Wii, because I remember the game looking great at first. Even though those games aren't that old, they didn't age very well.



I had similar issues with Skyward Sword. As I mentioned in another thread, it's not the games or console, but rather than the larger screen size and much better resolution makes the graphical tricks like depth of field blurring and heavy aliasing really, really noticeable.

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There's a load of Wii games I think should make the leap too, but I think they need to get a lot of new content out the door before they revisit the Wii and GameCube greatest hits. I fully expect we'll see a repeat of the "New Play Control" era of Wii games during thinner parts of the schedule.

[Edited by Sean_Aaron]

BLOG, mail:
Nintendo ID: sean.aaron


Couple of things. You could play on a smaller SD TV. Alternatively, there's Dolphin, which can upscale games to look absolutely gorgeous in HD. TP also has a really nice HD texture pack online.

Currently Playing: Steamworld Heist, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, Tales of Graces F


Hm emulation is out of the question because if i would have gone that route i would have skipped buying and owning the console and game itself. Im playing on a 42 inch 1080p full hd tv so i guess it just makes every pixel bigger and more noticeable. I guess i will just have to play through it as it is/hope for a remake (2nd alternative is kinda meh haha).

Thanks for the answers guys!

3DS Friend Code: 0061-1555-0735
Nintendo Network ID: direth1105


Play it on your gamepad.



Play Wii and GC games on a CRT problem solved.

“30fps Is Not a Good Artistic Decision, It's a Failure”
Freedom of the press is for those who happen to own one.


Hm i am actually thinking of playing it on a smaller CRT. Are there cable's for Wii U to use it on older TVs?

3DS Friend Code: 0061-1555-0735
Nintendo Network ID: direth1105


Play it on the gamepad,it will look a lot better on a smaller screen

Avatar by AzulieZeiro and BeanMChocolate


BenjaminAran wrote:

Hm i am actually thinking of playing it on a smaller CRT. Are there cable's for Wii U to use it on older TVs?

There are Wii cables for this purpose that works with the Wii U.



Although dolphin itself is not illegal. It's the ROMs. There is a non-rom way to emulate those games. I won't provide any links, but you can rip the game from the disc and use that data instead of a ROM.

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Miss_Dark wrote:

you'll get used to it, trust me, when I played pikmin 2 after having finished pikmin 3 I almost vomitted. It looked TERRIBLE. But then I got used to it and the game is so freaking genius and amazing that I didn't care anymore after a while

Yeah I got an urge to play the NPC Pikmin and both the reduced abilities and graphics took a bit to get used to, but once you get into the game it's fine. The jaggies in No More Heroes are shocking at first too!

BLOG, mail:
Nintendo ID: sean.aaron

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