Alright you Steam fans got lucky this time! I recently signed up 4 Steam now with my Kindlefire's Steam app hoping I could play it on my tablet after commenting on AOE's Fb page asking whether or not I can use Steam to play it they said no. So now theres truely no possible way for me too play it. Unless they remake it again for Wii U! If you saw the Pikmin 3 gameplay footage from the recent Nintendo Direct! I'm thinking yeah AOE 2's mini map could be displayed on the gamepad like Pikmin 3 and then you touch the screen with your stylus to tap on a villager then tap somewhere else on the map to give them a command or draw a circle around a group of units to get them too move somewhere! That would be a blast! People can post their strategies for conquering their enemies in different campaigns on Miiverse! And the Miiverse community for AOE 2 would be a great place for mockery, boasting bragging rights. Whose got the best empire wars can be declared on Miiverse! Boy this would be my dream game for Wii U. I know for a lot of other people its Minecraft right now but AOE is addicting!
First earth destroy the other planets later!
Top 10 games:
Fortune Street
Age of Empires 2 Conquerors Exansion
Fire Emblem Awakening
Theatrerythm Final Fantasy
Darksiders 2
Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed
Microsoft owns the rights to the series, and published this HD version, I highly doubt we'll see this on the Wii U...we'll be lucky if we ever see it on Macs...
But u kno what? It was ported to the DS b4 so it does make sense to port it too the Wii U. They even did Age of Mythology. Rome 2 did one port for the DS and so did Civilization! Also AOE is not a PC exclusive or a Microsoft exclusive for that matter. (Star Trek quote): Prepare the red matter!!! Sorry I had to do it. But there is no limits to what they are allowed to with AOE2! Mainly their focus PC's thats probably to make sure the game's quality doesn't drop!
Top 10 games:
Fortune Street
Age of Empires 2 Conquerors Exansion
Fire Emblem Awakening
Theatrerythm Final Fantasy
Darksiders 2
Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed
But u kno what? It was ported to the DS b4 so it does make sense to port it too the Wii U. They even did Age of Mythology. Rome 2 did one port for the DS and so did Civilization! Also AOE is not a PC exclusive or a Microsoft exclusive for that matter. (Star Trek quote): Prepare the red matter!!! Sorry I had to do it. But there is no limits to what they are allowed to with AOE2! Mainly their focus PC's thats probably to make sure the game's quality doesn't drop!
Microsoft allowed it's developers to make games for DS, because they didn't have a competing device.
The Xbox 720 will be competing directly with the Wii U, so none of Microsoft's IP will be appearing on it.
Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)
But u kno what? It was ported to the DS b4 so it does make sense to port it too the Wii U. They even did Age of Mythology. Rome 2 did one port for the DS and so did Civilization! Also AOE is not a PC exclusive or a Microsoft exclusive for that matter. (Star Trek quote): Prepare the red matter!!! Sorry I had to do it. But there is no limits to what they are allowed to with AOE2! Mainly their focus PC's thats probably to make sure the game's quality doesn't drop!
Microsoft allowed it's developers to make games for DS, because they didn't have a competing device.
The Xbox 720 will be competing directly with the Wii U, so none of Microsoft's IP will be appearing on it.
That was probably logical during the time. I'm still waiting to hear when Microsoft will announce their XBox portable! I doubt thats what they'll call it though knowing Sony is doing PSP already. Even though you can't have a trademark on the word portable. I just think Microsoft should call it something else for variety with X or Xbox in it. I would buy a handheld Xbox 4 AOE2!
First earth destroy the other planets later!
Top 10 games:
Fortune Street
Age of Empires 2 Conquerors Exansion
Fire Emblem Awakening
Theatrerythm Final Fantasy
Darksiders 2
Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed
Topic: Double remake time! Make AOE 2 HD on Wii U!
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