Howdy Folks, so I am about to get a Nintendo Switch (not lite) very soon and I was very conflicted between getting two games, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Like most of you guys I'm getting really bored from quarantine and finally was allowed to get a switch but the catch is that I'm only allowed to get one game until Christmas. I love the Zelda franchise and though I'm really dumb and get stuck sometimes, I truly like the adventure of the game and an Open World Zelda sound absolutely amazing. Likewise I've been a fan of Smash Bros since Brawl and love the near infinite possibilities of the game ( I know its lame but I main ness). I was hoping you guys would help me decide on a game that would last me through quarantine + Summer break. If you guys could give me a concrete answer with back up that would be greatly appreciated, thanks and hope you guys stay safe.
Of those two games I would pick botw but for a first game on the switch I would recommend super Mario odyssey still is my favorite game I have played on the system .
@Crimson_Blitz I'd say BotW unless you live in a house where you'll be playing a lot of multiplayer. Smash is great for single player and even has online, but BotW is the kind of game where you'll end up putting 200+ hours into it single player easily.
I guess I'd say Smash is a way safer choice to buy. BOTW goes in a genuinely odd direction for both a Zelda game AND an open world game. Which I think makes it brilliant in many ways but more likely not everyone will get into it, regardless of their tastes. Whereas I have almost no doubt a Smash fan will love this Smash game.
Though online on Switch is still 20 bucks a year, so if that's a deal breaker, keep that in mind.
Breath of the Wild is the better pick for a single-player game. It's an easy adventure to get lost in. Although you should leave your preconceptions about what being a Zelda game entails, or even what being an open-world adventure game entails, at the door. It's a genuinely unique experience.
Smash is... Smash. It's good. It's Smash. There's a good amount of single-player content in this one, and a crazy amount of fighters, but you know what you're getting.
@Crimson_Blitz Get Botw first. It's s revolutionary. It's magical. It's the best game I've played in decades. If you want an amazing new experience, this is what i recommend. There's a reason reviews glow for this game. You can always get smash next.
I've put well over 300 hours into botw. Played it twice. If you like it, definitely get the DLC too.
Mario Odyssey is sick too. I wasn't in the mood for a Mario 3D platformer, and was so skeptical that I'd get into it, but friends and reviews were accurate, and Odyssey is amazing. It's pure joy to play.
@Crimson_Blitz Breath of the Wild. As Ralizah says, as amazing as Smash Ultimate is, ultimately it's just more Smash. No game has ever been as resoundingly well received as Breath of the Wild, and it's the ideal introduction to the Switch and its sleep mode.
You guys had me at blood and semen.
What better way to celebrate than firing something out of the pipe?
If you can only get 1 game for the rest of the year, it's gotta be Zelda. Especially if you get the DLC, you're looking at over 100 hours of gameplay there.
You can even play it twice over and have completely different experiences because Hard Mode changes the nature of gameplay quite a bit, and there are so many shrines to find that you can do a completely different set on your second playthrough.
I'd say Smash. If you're any kind of Smash fan at all, you're gonna find hundreds of hours in that sucker. Beating the adventure mode is one thing, but doing the different modes for every character, building your spirit board, completing all the challenges. It's insane. Local multiplayer will only add to that, and internet will just add hundreds more hours.
I love Zelda, but even BotW is a finite experience, and you'll eventually get enough of the world. I put close to a hundred hours into it but I got to the point where I was just ready to wrap it up and beat it. I went back and dabbled in the DLC, but I found myself just rushing through it to say I did it. But I'm also someone who was a bit upset with the direction they took the game, so keep that in mind. If you love open-world stuff like the Ubisoft games, then you'll probably like it. If you like games like Ocarina, Twilight, and Skyward, you may not enjoy all of the design decisions.
Anyway, if I could only have one game from now until Christmas, I'd make it Smash. (Or Mario Maker
Topic: Best First Switch Game BotW vs SSBU
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