Bayonetta 3 announced for 2022. Make way for queen Bayo in one of the best action game IPs of all time.
Bayonetta 1 & 2 are my personal favourite action games of all time and one of my favourite games overall. I was thrilled with the new trailer though they had me in the first half not gonna lie 😜
FUN FACTS & QUESTIONS (FAQS) If you discover something new and interesting about Bayonetta 3, post a comment and I’ll add it to FAQS
The name of every Bayonetta guns have always been inspired by songs and her new gun is called “Colour my world” which is likely a reference to a song that goes by the same name. So this song could be in the game.
Bayonetta’s guns are made by Rodin but in the new gameplay trailer for Bayonetta 3, Rodin’s name is missing from Bayo’s gun “Colour my world” what could this mean?
Lappy from Astral Chain was featured in Bayonetta 3 trailer, could we have a Astral Chain crossover? Possible? Yes. Likely? No. But if it did it would be mad.🤯
That figure at the end of the trailer. Is that Nero? Is it Vergil? Possibly Jean.
Bayonetta 3 trending at #19 on YouTube!
All clues point to Cereza being the Bayonetta in there 3rd game. This pic can’t be a coincidence.
I'll be buyer without a doubt, I just wonder if this will get a collectors edition.
Switch Physical Collection - 1,422 games (as of March 17th, 2025)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay
So I didn't think of this until I watched this, but this is totally taking ideas from Scalebound. Like is that just the guy from Scalebound at the end? I don't know, but considering they already brought in Astral Chain, I think it might be. Regardless of direct references, it just makes sense to take ideas from their cancelled game and use them here.
I hope this at least means Astral Chain will be back at some point. I'd really like a sequel someday.
Yeah, the Astral Chain reference was nice and I'd love to see a sequel. Still, Platinum are pretty busy these days and it'd surely be a while until they could get around to making it.
We've had to wait long enough for this game after all.
@Snatcher I don’t think there’s a story to it at all, he just says on Twitter things like “I told you 100000 times brainless insect, you speak English, instant BLOCK!” I can see why he does it but the only thing it does to some people, like me, is make us see him as a bit of a knob.
So just Google translate it to Japanese and he’ll be cool with it lol.
Bayonetta 3 trending at #19 on YouTube! 🥳 We’ve come a long way lads 🙌 From Nintendo saving a failed project due to less demand because of their own game crisis at that time, to Bayonetta 2 doing not so well on Wii U, to Bayonetta 2 getting a second chance on Switch, to Bayonetta 3 on trending. Nintendo has truly nurtured this caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly. Bayonetta has finally fulfilled her destiny. It’s witch time boys. 😎
@kkslider5552000 honestly at first glance i thought the guy at the end was Nero though everyone else on internet thought it was Virgil (Both from DMC just in case you’re not familiar) but on second thought i think it could possibly be Jean? Idk 😅
@Zeldafan79 The name of every Bayonetta guns have always been inspired by songs and her new gun is called “Colour my world” which is likely a reference to a song that goes by the same name. So this song could be in the game but I’m not sure about the moon song though.
Man, I remember playing the original back on the 360. This makes me want to replay the series again. How good are the Switch ports? I can see I can get the original for literally 3 quid on Steam. It is significantly more expensive on Switch, but I know I can only play 2 and 3 on the Switch. So would I be better just getting them all on the same console?
@Matt_Barber I’d put my money on some sort of reference to Astral Chain being in the game that’s for sure. Lappy could be sat on one corner or something, Astral Chain costumes or some sort of references but i meant like an actual crossover where Astral Chain join forces with Bayo that’d be dope. But i don’t see that happening. Also i feel this could be Bayo’s final showdown.
@Pizzamorg do you own a Wii U? If you do and want to go physical that’s the way to go, it’s pretty cheap. I saw Bayo 1 for like £8 somewhere. But if you don’t care about platforms or buying it digitally, £3 on steam all the way. It just makes too much sense. Unless you care about portability. In that case there’s only one option. Like for me the hybrid gaming factor is important. I’d like to be able to play my games on TV and take it with me on the go. So while I also own an Xbox series X & PS4 if a game is also coming to Switch, i buy it on Switch regardless of the Visual disparity and fps. Visually Bayo on Wii U and Switch are similar with Switch having a better performance. It’d be a good experience on Switch but comes at a full price, perfect for first timers. I didn’t buy it on Switch because i have both the games physically for my Wii U and still play them to this day.
Topic: Bayonetta 3
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