Bwah ha ha! Harass the pets and guy friends/boyfriends!!!!!
There is a great deal of sparkle stuff. I would have liked some variety in the stamps, myself. But this is still a nice little application. It's especially great since I act as a big sister to an 11 year old girl and let her play with my DSi. I was looking for something more that would spark her interest as she doesn't like any of my games..... I think this is definitely it.
I definitely like the timer for the photos, something sorely missing in the DS Camera app. My biggest beef with it is that the indoor pictures in this application seem to be worse than the indoor photos in the DS Camera app in low lighting. I don't understand why this is so since Nintendo made both apps......
BEST THREAD EVER future of NL >:3
[16:43] James: I should learn these site rules more clearly
[16:44] LztheBlehBird: James doesn't know the rules? For shame!!!
Someone please take a picture of their dad or grandpa and totally bedazzle the bejeezus out of it. I could die happy then.
Er...I can't... Both of my grandfathers passed away years ago; and my dad is either somewhere in China or Taiwan or Germany.... I forget which one...he keeps moving.
lol, bboy, does your dad even know you posted that sparkled-up image to the internets? very nice, hahahahaha :3
BEST THREAD EVER future of NL >:3
[16:43] James: I should learn these site rules more clearly
[16:44] LztheBlehBird: James doesn't know the rules? For shame!!!
Here's my dad trapped in a picture of girly, sparkly stuff!
oh my, you just transformed your dad into a mom, does you dad knows youre showing his face like that to the internetz? xD at first i thought this app was just another waste of points, i guess i was wrong!
What daddy doesn't know won't hurt him! @abgar: welcome to the NL forums!
Until this image shows up at his work place blown up to an 11x17 poster.
LOL! That would be pretty funny! It's not like his name is attached to it. The only way something like that could happen is if one of his co-workers was a user here. That's a risk I'm willing to take for everyone's enjoyment!
Heh heh. It's not perfect; but it shows the depth of this application.
I won't say who this is; but doesn't he look lovely!
Lol! That's great! Did you hand draw that background? If so, great job. I'm really starting to like this app just for gag pictures and animals if nothing else!
Heh heh. It's not perfect; but it shows the depth of this application.
I won't say who this is; but doesn't he look lovely!
Lol! That's great! Did you hand draw that background? If so, great job. I'm really starting to like this app just for gag pictures and animals if nothing else!
Yes, I did draw the background. (I kind of waffled on posting it a little there. LOL That's why it's gone. But...I don't know. I think it's kind of difficult to tell precisely who this is without any background or anything. LOL)
So did anyone wind up downloading this one? It looks way too girly... so I didn't..
Awww, c'mon! You said you download EVERY app so you could "review" it for your friends so they could decide to purchase it or not. You better man up, put yo big boy britches on, download Sparkle Snapshots and start uploading your pink, sparkly bedazzled pictures for us to look at so we can decide if it's worth it or not. It'd be the nice thing to do. @bboy2970 You got cajones, son.
LOL. Well, I did download it, actually. Tonight. And I was completely let down by its... umm... girliness, but yeah, its pretty garish and unnecessarily girlish in spots. I hate how you can't turn off that darn female voice. I also don't like how you can't share your creations on the fly via a "facebook" or "email to" link... suckage. Big disappointment, but the ideas here are good, just badly executed. Seems like it was rushed and sloppily put together. The future of dsiware? I hope not! For something real and innovative, go download Battle of Giants: Dragons, which is a spectacular dsiware game.
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Topic: Sparkle Snapshots (First Impressions)
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