321akirakenSun 9th Jun 2013 Racoon : http://akiraken.deviantart.com/art/Racoon-376834085?q=gallery... Golden Eagle : http://akiraken.deviantart.com/art/Golden-Eagle-376834160 akiraken
325oninowonWed 24th Jul 2013 Skyboxer wrote: Just got this and was wondering if they still send out free lessons via SpotPass? Would have loved to have had the Goomba Lesson ! As far as I know there was only one lesson sent out via Spotpass and that was the Goomba lesson. oninowon
328heathenmagicMon 19th Aug 2013 I only got Art Academy for 3DS, hoping to get stuck in. I love everybody's artwork on here. I added you @Waann , I wonder if you were able to send that free lesson please from Nintendo? I think because I bought late, its not available any more. I added also @Sasha_086 @MisterGiygas @Skyboxer @Chriiis @Harrison_Peter Thanks in advance . James Have a 3DS XL and Wii 3DS friend code 3437-3127-2753
329heathenmagicMon 19th Aug 2013 just added @supermom8924 too Have a 3DS XL and Wii 3DS friend code 3437-3127-2753
330LaliveroMon 19th Aug 2013 @heathenmagic Added you back. ...formerly - Chriiis Switch FC: SW-6037-8910-2517 Switch Friend Code: SW-6037-8910-2517
331Tasuki Wed 26th May 2021 @Eel Someone has been practicing a bit of necromancy. RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer. My Backlog
332Eel Wed 26th May 2021 @Tasuki this is a game specific/general use thread, so even though pretty dead, if people want to revive, I see no problem with it. Bloop. <My slightly less dead youtube channel> SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG My Nintendo: Abgarok
Topic: The New Art Academy artwork
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