
Topic: Pokemon X and Y

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Sony_70 wrote:

seems a bit werid and fake seeing as gen III,IV, an V are lacking legendary or movie pokemon.

According to this list, Genesect will get one, and it's going to be in a movie.

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Gioku wrote:

Retro_on_theGo wrote:


And your reasoning is...?

1. Donphan and Heracross are on that list. Plus Torterra and Feraligator. If this were really I would literally have a heart attack of joy. And that would kill me.
2. Pokebeach is incredibly thorough when it comes to rumors and they have not acknowledged this list.


Anyone else plan to have their initial team to only be Kalos Pokemon.


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3DS Friend Code: 3093-7342-3454 | Nintendo Network ID: shingi70


Retro_on_theGo wrote:

Gioku wrote:

@Retro_on_theGo: Well, Feraligatr is a starter Pokémon. At this point I'd call it at least likely that all starters will be getting mega evolutions.

So anyone could guess that. And therefore make this list.

I wasn't really talking about the list anymore, though... just about how I think that all the starter Pokémon will have mega evolutions.

And @Sony_70: No way! I already did that with LeafGreen version (all Kanto Pokémon), and with Black version (all Unova Pokémon). I'd like to experience a game with new Pokémon and old ones that I have fond memories of. Plus, some of those old ones might have new evolutions/ mega evolutions...

Edited on by sugarpixel

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That list includes Volcarona, that automatically makes it real and nothing else you say will make me believe the contrary.


Edited on by Eel


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok | Nintendo Network ID: Abgarok


I see all psuedo legends except Hydreigon I question that a bit. I also question genesect. But If Donphan does get one awesome and lapras too. If sudowoodo is apparently getting one then why not Mr. Mime? Where's Pinsir like WTF guy. And also Zangoose vs seviper becomes Mega Zangoose vs Seviper where's seviper on the list. I call fake because of the pattern flaws but a lot of these guys I'll be happy with mega evolving. But I still rather have mega evolutions for stage 2 pokemon while mega evolutions for basic/ stage 1 should be normal evolutions

FC: 0018-1208-7315


Maybe these are just a handful of the mega evolutions. There's gotta be more than these.


3DS Friend Code: 4184-2141-9392


Skiddo is god teir.

Edited on by shingi_70


Hey check out my awesome new youtube channel shingi70 where I update weekly on the latest gaming and comic news form a level headed perspective.

3DS Friend Code: 3093-7342-3454 | Nintendo Network ID: shingi70


I can't wait to get my red limited edition XL. I just wish I could get it at the same time as Pokemon X & Y. At least I will have Pokemon Mystery Dungeon to occupy my time until then.

Want: Harvest Moon: One World, Story of Seasons: Pioneering Town, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury

Finished the Alola Dex.
Now playing New Horizons, Wrath of White Witch and Sword


Morphtorok wrote:

Jumping up ledges?

What sacrilegious madness is this?

I thought we all already knew that that was the point of riding on Pokémon...

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Gioku wrote:

Morphtorok wrote:

Jumping up ledges?

What sacrilegious madness is this?

I thought we all already knew that that was the point of riding on Pokémon...

Well, it's (obviously) new to me.


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok | Nintendo Network ID: Abgarok


Morphtorok wrote:

Jumping up ledges?

What sacrilegious madness is this?

I thought Pokémon was blasphemous enough, but now that it's dared to defy the law of nature that holds the universe together, it's sunk to a new low. u_u
What's next, movement without a grid?

Edited on by Happy_Mask

[16:08] LordJumpMad Hides his gut with a griddle
[16:08] Reala: what ljm does for cash is ljm's business
[16:08] LordJumpMad: Gotta look good my my next game u_u


34 days to go~


Artwork by: Rene-Elric, from the Pokemon Black & White 2 Facebook page

✰ not around as much as I used to be ✰


That guy with the Vanillite T-Shirt is my new favorite Pokémon character, hands down.

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Switch Friend Code: SW-5806-7479-1875 | 3DS Friend Code: 3394-4319-1146 | My Nintendo: FlutterBug | Nintendo Network ID: Fluttershy_Gioku | Twitter:


Gioku wrote:

That guy with the Vanillite T-Shirt is my new favorite Pokémon character, hands down.

Because of the Vanillite T-Shirt or just because?

✰ not around as much as I used to be ✰


Emaan wrote:

Gioku wrote:

That guy with the Vanillite T-Shirt is my new favorite Pokémon character, hands down.

Because of the Vanillite T-Shirt or just because?

Because he has a Vanillite T-Shirt, yes.

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Add me on Nintendo Switch! SW-5806-7479-1875

Switch Friend Code: SW-5806-7479-1875 | 3DS Friend Code: 3394-4319-1146 | My Nintendo: FlutterBug | Nintendo Network ID: Fluttershy_Gioku | Twitter:

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