
Topic: The Nintendo Switch Thread

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@Novamii Fine and dandy, like sour candy. The battle with the backlog is never-ending. And yet...I spend my days wondering when preorders for Ys X Nordics limited edition will open at the NIS Store. Wondering how much longer I'll have to wait to see some Monster Hunter Wilds info. A game that'll no doubt dominate my attention in 2025, regardless of when Switch 2 arrives.

Too many games, not enough time to play them.

Switch Physical Collection - 1,256 games (as of May 29th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


@Magician Such is the blessing and curse of the infamous backlog. So many games, so little time.

"Happy is the man who can sleep in the comfort of the smile he sees then. No, I don't wish for forever. Even just for one moment, it's enough if it's with her."

My Current Games: Staring at my backlog, and accomplishing nothing! :)


One positive of the recent increase in games like crab's treasure which come to Switch with awful performance issues is that my backlog has been growing slightly slower 😛 Although I'm sure the June Direct will fix that.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


When I keep hearing 3rd party games got the worst treatment or worst performance than PS5 / XBOX version it made me less engaged with upcoming games on Switch as I will immediately pick the PS4 / PS5 version instead when the 3rd party games have multi console version.
I don't want to waste my money on half baked product.
Nintendo Switch is already 7 years, it shown its underpower to handle 3rd party games.



Looking forward to seeing what the next Nintendo console's gonna be like. Glad to see that there's a Nintendo Direct happening as well, even if the next console won't make an appearance in it. Been hoping for one, honestly... hopefully the Switch will end on a high note with it!

@Budda Happy birthday! I hope you're having a wonderful day. Nintendo gave me a nice birthday present earlier this year too... except it was the announcement of Side Order's release date!

"Give yourself the gift of being joyfully you."

ACNH Name/Island: D-Pad/D-World
Dream Address: DA-1613-1378-1995

Also known as MarioLover92. Please ask for my Switch FC if you want to play online with me. Thanks!

My Nintendo: MarioLover


Anti-Matter wrote:

When I keep hearing 3rd party games got the worst treatment or worst performance than PS5 / XBOX version it made me less engaged with upcoming games on Switch as I will immediately pick the PS4 / PS5 version instead when the 3rd party games have multi console version.
I don't want to waste my money on half baked product.
Nintendo Switch is already 7 years, it shown its underpower to handle 3rd party games.

That's fair... there are a few recent games I would have bought on a different platform if I had a different platform. Obviously Switch runs some 3rd party games fine, but there have also been a lot of bad examples lately.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


@Anti-Matter me either. I have no expectations and the console acknowledgement didn't hype me at all.



Three types of people here:
1. People who are happy with the Switch and look forward to an improved version of the same concept
2. People who are happy with the Switch and see the idea of new hardware as an attack on their enjoyment of the Switch
3. People who don't like the Switch and want validation and praise for being contrarian

Edited on by skywake

Some playlists: Top All Time Songs, Top Last Year
An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


@skywake I'm only not excited for new hardware because of what happened to Xbox/PS during 8th and 9th gen. Gaming is a horrible mess at the moment due to greed but the current Switch is a like a time machine back to the late 2000s when gaming was in a much better state.

I don't want a situation where the Zelda movie being a gigantic success results in the Xenoblade franchise being cancelled because BotW 3's development cycle is much longer than TotK, I don't want a situation where Splatoon is cancelled because CoD acts as its replacement, I don't want a situation where the next console Mario Kart is filled to the brim with microtransactions, etc.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


Better hardware isn't the cause of all of modern gaming's ills. Hardware is just a platform for software to be released on. The fact that the Switch is seemingly immune from modern gaming woes has more to do with the fact that Nintendo is Nintendo and not Activision

Some playlists: Top All Time Songs, Top Last Year
An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


Grumblevolcano wrote:

I'm only not excited for new hardware because of what happened to Xbox/PS during 8th and 9th gen. Gaming is a horrible mess at the moment due to greed but the current Switch is a like a time machine back to the late 2000s when gaming was in a much better state.
I don't want a situation where the Zelda movie being a gigantic success results in the Xenoblade franchise being cancelled because BotW 3's development cycle is much longer than TotK, I don't want a situation where Splatoon is cancelled because CoD acts as its replacement, I don't want a situation where the next console Mario Kart is filled to the brim with microtransactions, etc.

I feel like better hardware will mainly have small changes.

Currently 81% of Nintendo game profits are coming from first party games, with that varying from 70 to 90 in different quarters.

Switch 2 will have more current indies and third party games which actually run well, but the very fanciest AAA games will continue to either not be on Switch 2 or will run less well than on e.g. PS5 Pro. Switch 2 will have CoD, but Switch already has popular micro-transaction-filled games like Fortnite. I could easily imagine that 81% profit from first party lowering, but first party games will continue to be the main draw and main profit.

As for the actual games? Nintendo will continue to make some fairly expensive to develop (but not industry-record.expensive) games like BotW and will also continue to make plenty of cheaper to develop games. They will continue to focus on gameplay, with the occasional weird experiment thrown in. They have a winning formula so I don't really see them changing it at this time, just keeping it slightly more modern.

Edited on by FishyS


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


@skywake @FishyS Greed like the concept of infinite growth is the cause of the problems with Xbox/PS. It just seems to be that greed became a lot more prominent when 8th gen power territory was entered and even more with 9th gen.

Edited on by Grumblevolcano


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


I agree with your core concern here I just don't see how that's related to the power of the hardware. I mean we see some of these things happening in the mobile space, and have done for a while. We also see similar behaviour in other media like music and movies where there isn't really a change of "platform power" happening

Now Nintendo could well go down this road. And they might yet. But if they do I don't think a jump in hardware spec will be the reason for it. I don't think the pixel count or GFLOPS of the Switch is some kind of elastic strap holding back the floodgates of Nintendo pulling an Activision

Some playlists: Top All Time Songs, Top Last Year
An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions



It's a fine line, corporations wanting to make enough profits to continue operating their business and investors wanting that corporation to make all the money. Fiduciary responsibility feels like the real culprit with all the upheaval in the video game industry.

Switch Physical Collection - 1,256 games (as of May 29th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


I’m planning on exiting gaming after the switch successor. I have more games than life left to play them all and honestly gaming didn’t go in the direction I had hoped as a kid. I am realizing that I am getting diminishing returns in enjoyment out of newer games. But I still enjoy my old faves so it isn’t like I dislike gaming as a whole. Also it’s too much to move and keep track of. When it takes half a day to set up your AV system (this includes speaker mounting) it is time to take a step back. I am future proofing my retro systems as best I can and bought parts for my old LCD tv due to the inputs it has but other than that I will give the switch successor a go and build a new PC but I am out after that. I plan on the PS5 and series x to be my last sony and MS consoles. I am mildly curious as to what the successor will look like though.

Edited on by Ryu_Niiyama

Taiko is good for the soul, Hoisa!
Japanese NNID:RyuNiiyamajp
Team Cupcake! 11/15/14
Team Spree! 4/17/19
I'm a Dream Fighter. Perfume is Love, Perfume is Life.

3DS Friend Code: 3737-9849-8413 | Nintendo Network ID: RyuNiiyama


@Ryu_Niiyama I've pondered over such things myself, more than once, in the last year or so. Realistically though, for as long as Nintendo continues to turn out sufficiently iterated Mario Kart, Zelda, Animal Crossing, Metroid, Splatoon, can I see myself ever turning my back on that?

I doubt I will ever buy more games during an active generation than I have done with Switch, but I don't think I'll be able to walk away completely, however big the backlog.

You guys had me at blood and semen.

What better way to celebrate than firing something out of the pipe?

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

My Nintendo: gcunit | Nintendo Network ID: gcunit


@gcunit and that is fair. It is something that everyone has to weigh out individually. Between my backlog (and wishlist) and like I said I am getting diminishing returns from gaming (don’t misunderstand, the games that I love that have been recent, I LOVE them) and my focus is shifting to other hobbies and investments/savings. Grad school and my career are going at an ok pace so my hope is by the time I finish (more than one degree) I can buy a house finally (or worst case be able to afford a luxury apartment… I am at the point that I could rent forever if I make enough). Tbf I originally thought my waning interest was due to me being sick of being a debt laden millennial as I am nearly done with my student loan and consumer debt (paying grad school out of pocket) but it is really just gaming itself. As I am having fun with the games I do like and the working on my retro systems. It’s just the future beyond Nintendo doesn’t look bright/fun for me.

Personally I’m ok with moving on. I think too many hold on to something until they hate it/it hurts them and that’s not me. Plus I have other hobbies that will take up the slack. Taiko and astrophotography alone will eat up my former game budget just fine. I’d quit with the Switch honestly if I thought I could go cold turkey haha.

Also same. The amount of games I bought during the Switch gen is insane (if I clear my wishlist as planned I will have over 1000 switch games). I probably doubled my entire collection with Switch alone. So I have plenty to play.

Edited on by Ryu_Niiyama

Taiko is good for the soul, Hoisa!
Japanese NNID:RyuNiiyamajp
Team Cupcake! 11/15/14
Team Spree! 4/17/19
I'm a Dream Fighter. Perfume is Love, Perfume is Life.

3DS Friend Code: 3737-9849-8413 | Nintendo Network ID: RyuNiiyama

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