
Topic: Climate Change Discussion Thread (perhaps the most important topic of our times)

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Every time there is a country population that declines, it's always sold in the media as sign of doom. The only solution is more people? It's insanity.

Edited on by WoomyNNYes

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@WoomyNNYes people can go fudge themselves, penguins rule!

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


jump wrote:

penguins rule!

Not for much longer though, perhaps...

You guys had me at blood and semen.

What better way to celebrate than firing something out of the pipe?

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

My Nintendo: gcunit | Nintendo Network ID: gcunit


@jowe_gv Hmmm, I am not sure if I read your comment in the wrong way, but I think my focus was mostly on behaviour and technology with a certain attitude/behaviour attached to it (as a reaction to Skywake's view on technology being the solution to everything). So to me it looks like you are saying almost the same as I am saying . Maybe the only difference is that I am not talking about behaviour and technology from the last decades, but more from the last centuries, though the world population has skyrocketed from the 1920's and more and more countries are going through industrial revolutions so that is also a huge part of the mess we are in nowadays.

Another thought that comes to mind is that it looks like people want to "upscale" their standards and needs all the time, technology helps in doing this. Again it looks like behaviour and technology go hand in hand really well, and companies know this, so they try to commodify everything they can to tailor those needs or even create new needs to make more money, even if that ends up being detrimental to the world, other people, the environment, such as the penguins @jump mentioned. That is just a really small part of all the animals and biodiversity and people that are under threat and I agree with @jump that that is more important than whatever that Star Wars stuff (not meant to be rude, but I really don't know what it is about) is about (but hey, I am not really a Star Wars fan, nor do I normally care what- or whoever the protagonist or CEO of a book/series/game/film or company/business, as long as it/she/he is good ).

Edited on by Definitely-Not-Leon

Gaming since the early nin(e)ties and probably will until death does me apart :) .
Looking forward till the day we can game with all of our senses.


@gcunit Can things make you laugh and sad at the same time...? Yes, they can...yes they can...

Gaming since the early nin(e)ties and probably will until death does me apart :) .
Looking forward till the day we can game with all of our senses.


I've only skimmed the thread, but has the consumption of animals been discussed?



@Rambler I hope you’re not suggesting we eat the penguins!

Nah, so far it’s been tech will sort this out, the Chinese and the EU are to blame, kids complaining we should not talk about climate change at all, people are too ignorant to do anything about it and George Carlin is right as the planet will live on without humans on it.

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


I'll be honest, I didn't read your wall of text when you wrote it but I did just now so that's something. As I said in one of my earlier posts, being somewhat of a technophile I do tend to look at the world through that lens. When all you have is a hammer etc, etc so of course I would think technology is our biggest hope

But I would add to my earlier bit given you're getting all philosophical on us. Science and Technology are ultimately just tools, tools that can be used for multiple outcomes. I mean I think about software which is very much my domain. The biggest thing software is written for is to help companies more efficiently use resources thus reducing wastage. But software can also be used to help make weapons, help extract coal/gas/oil and so on. It can be the thing that allows renewables to more easily be inserted into a power grid but it can also be a power hungry calculation that's the basis for crypto currency

But ultimately, if we want to solve problems we tools to solve them. And Science/Technology are those tools. Because the other tools we have that could solve these problems (cultural, political, social, economic)? I don't hold out much hope for those tools to come up with the goods. We can use them sure but, my expectations for them being the main driver are pretty low

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An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


@jump I know you're joking but the EU notion was funnier than the rest, given how literally nobody else gives a duck. But yeah, people are horrible and pretty dumb by nature and even with technology they won't make the jump from destroying everything they see to thinking if they should destroy everything they see.

Edited on by Princess_Lilly



@Princess_Lilly If anything, technological advancements of the future will make things so much worse for everyone and everything. And the resources needed for tech advancements will wreck the world twice as fast! Hooray

Edited on by TheBigBlue

Wait, why do we need a signature? Eh, I don’t know. Here’s your signature.


@TheBigBlue That's because technology can be used for good, but most people are too dumb to think about anything else than their current comfort.



Removed - unconstructive feedback

Destiny, justice and retribrution will be mine.


@DannyBoi you can always just not post in the thread if you don’t want to talk about it. Much the same way someone who doesn’t like comics, music or Star Trek doesn’t post in the comics, music or Star Trek thread.

Personally I’d rather people just say I don’t think global warming is real and debate it rather than this popular take of we shouldn’t be talking about it at all as it defeats the very definition of a forum.

Edited on by jump

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


Removed - unconstructive feedback

Destiny, justice and retribrution will be mine.


jump wrote:

@Rambler I hope you’re not suggesting we eat the penguins!
Nah, so far it’s been tech will sort this out, the Chinese and the EU are to blame, kids complaining we should not talk about climate change at all, people are too ignorant to do anything about it and George Carlin is right as the planet will live on without humans on it.

Well, the technology argument is a total waste of time if meat and dairy farming, and the destruction to that it causes is not discussed

Edit: Christ, that was a bit po-faced. Anyways, it's a salient point with a bitter presentation.

Edited on by Rambler



@DannyBoi the thread has been here for weeks and multiple pages, where’s the bloodbath?

@Rambler ah wait, here’s the bloodbath. I can live without meat myself, it will be fudging hard to replace dairy though. I hate coconut, oat and soya milk for my coffee but I suppose I could just drink it black which is just like how I like my metal.

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


Probably best not to link to that clip from Airplane!
I've never been one to harang people for their eating / drinking habits, but it does appear to be a blank spot when it comes to saving the environment. Those articles on how to eat meat ethically, I find baffling.
Equally, I find the superior attitude of a section of vegans utterly tiring. But, it has to be said, that is mostly in the mind of Daily Mail readers.

Anyways, why spoil the taste of coffee by adding stuff to it?

Edited on by Rambler



@Rambler my old lady is vegan and she doesn’t like telling people as they have that expection of a preachy mother-fudger but she’s cool, most vegans I know are. She goes to bbq restaurants and has no problem watching people dig into ribs and eating off the bone.

Nah, a cappuccino is a thing of beauty which needs milk. People who put in chocolate brownie syrups, whip cream, marshmallows and loads of other rubbish are spoiling coffee!

Edited on by jump

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


Removed - unconstructive

Destiny, justice and retribrution will be mine.



[Massively OT]
My vegan friends are the same, although I have met a few who are edging towards that "wellness" thing of conspiracy. I'm happy sharing space on a BBQ, and thankfully I've never liked marshmallows (including vegan ones!).

A friend has a theory that all those syrups for coffees are there to create "adult" milkshakes, which kinda makes sense as it's a gap in the market.

Having said that, I think that cappuccinos taste like a headache, and I'm not sure why (but it's been an absolute age, so I might find them nicer now).

[/Massively OT]


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