
Topic: Climate Change Discussion Thread (perhaps the most important topic of our times)

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@EaglyBird Yeah, it is a grim view, but I think also a realistic one...but let's hope things will change on a global level sooner than later (both technological and behavioural). At the same time I will try to focus on the little things I can do myself , and maybe I should start building my own Mad Max car...but I want it to be fueled by sand or something like that, makes a lot more sense in that world. And thanks, will look out for the last season dropping somewhere here in the Netherlands.

@jump Thanks for sharing that article, it is both beautiful and sad to read...and the sentence about "it not being a theory anymore, but that we are experiencing it" (and too bad that it is even worse than any worse-case theory so far) is what people need to is strange, for I know a lot of (especialy older) people that watch television all day and see the news and the terrible things that are going on worldwide and even talk about it (like chitchat at the coffeemachine at work) but don't act on any of that, for they can still live comfortably in their homes with the airco's on while watching stupid quizes and shows all day...

I wish we could create a(n) (slightly altered) experience machine a la Robert Nozick's thought experiment so we could all experience through simulation what it is like to be part of a huge disaster (not only humanlike, but also be able to experience what it is like to be a penguin loosing its habitat, like the article you refered to earlier in this thread)...maybe then people that do nothing will start acting differently. This would be a nice combination of technology and behaviour going hand in hand .

Gaming since the early nin(e)ties and probably will until death does me apart :) .
Looking forward till the day we can game with all of our senses.


The lives of poor foreigners becoming unliveable, nah not fussed they should have been born to a better country. Millions of species becoming extinct, jog on you sad polar bears. Future generations having to face constant drought, storms and heat waves, meh ainโ€™t my problem. BUT beer is going to become more expensive and taste worse, we need to do something like now!

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

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@EaglyBird Yeah...I is a shame that it is not that easy...sometimes I dream I have a superpower with which I can easily clean the whole world (something like Captain Planet back in the days, haha), but for now I can only do what is within my more humanly power. Though I am looking forward to the Climate Protest March in November here in the Netherlands, it is a good example of combining the power of individuals into a huge group that can shake up the government and multinationals .
And what...haha, I wasn't aware of that ad (I must say I am from the Netherlands and don't own a television, haha, so ads are mostly unfamiliar to me), but I am well aware of the "greenwashing" that is going on by industries and companies, it is appaling...

Haha, yeah, that sandcar has to wait until I have finished my tiny house, and with the rising waterlevels, maybe I have to build a hybrid sand/watercar, back to the sketching table it is for now, haha.

And that sounds lovely, my brother and I had this ritual that we watched one episode of Archer before going to work, it was the perfect way to prepare for the working day (a) . I just have to find a place to watch it, for Netflix isn't showing the new season yet, but I am looking forward to it.

@jump It is sad that a lot of people don't care about the bigger, fundamental problems, but only focus on minor "issues" that threaten their high levels of comfort...sometimes I wish I could just rewire the parts of their brains that feel threatened by these minor "issues" to focus on these bigger problems...but then I probably need to set up an institution like in A Clockwork Orange and even then it will take a huge amount of time to rewire the hoi-polloi into caring about the planet...

Gaming since the early nin(e)ties and probably will until death does me apart :) .
Looking forward till the day we can game with all of our senses.


Doesn't anyone else find it ironic discussing global warming on an online forum when technology is one of the biggest contributors of greenhouse gasses.

As for the actual topic I'm not overly concerned as we are heading towards another mass extinction anyway. May as well enjoy our time here while we can before the doomsday clock strikes 12.

Old Grumpy and stuck in my ways.


I still think this thread is pointless... We haven't done anything besides make each other more depressed and anxious.

dysgraphia awareness human


@Eagly_lmtd_xmasskin Whooow, so much potential good shows I haven't heard about before, so thanks for refering to "Invincible", have it bookmarked .

The Climate March was lovely and the biggest one in the Netherlands to date - there were over 85.000 people, which resulted in the front already finishing the march before the end started walking, haha...too bad that during the elections a week later the most right-wing conservative party won the elections....I feel so ashamed as a Dutchman right now...hope we are not going to have a Nexit...(they are anti-EU, so it looks a bit like what happened in Great Brittain a few years ago...), but it also shows that we the people need to unite to keep on fighting against the biggest polluters out there. I will at least be doing that until the end of time .

Haha, yeah maybe a boat is easier to build than an hybrid sand/watercar, though it does sound way cooler than a boat, haha (a) . And funny you mention waterworld, I asked my brother last week if he would prefer a future as in Mad Max or Waterworld, we still haven't figured out the answer...

Will also keep Archer on my radar, there wasn't any need to sell it to me, but your enthousiasm added some positive fuel to my fire to watch it sooner than later .

@Chaotic_Neutral I don't think Climate Change is ever ironic and just as Skywake is always saying, technology could also be (a part of) the solution, but I also agree with you that eventually another mass extinction is on the horizon. It is just that I am wired this way - I enjoy potentially contributing to a better world and I always try to be constructive about it, for I think that is the best way to do most things in life, all to make it more enjoyable for everyone until the mass extinction kicks in.

@Kermit1 It probably won't change anything in the world, but instead of getting depressed and anxious, threads like these fuel my passion and mood to stand up and fight. Sorry it makes you depressed and anxious, hope you will be able to ignore this thread in a way - not sure if that is an actual option on this site?

Gaming since the early nin(e)ties and probably will until death does me apart :) .
Looking forward till the day we can game with all of our senses.


Kermit1 wrote:

I still think this thread is pointless... We haven't done anything besides make each other more depressed and anxious.

But making each other more depressed and anxious seems to be the hidden goal of most social media. ๐Ÿค”

Chaotic_Neutral wrote:

Doesn't anyone else find it ironic discussing global warming on an online forum when technology is one of the biggest contributors of greenhouse gasses.

We're doing our small part by playing wimpy Switches rather than power-hungry gaming pcs ๐Ÿ˜


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


@Eagly_lmtd_xmasskin Haha, I am really slow in catching up with the newest (or even already slightly older) stuff, so extra thank you for recommending stuff from time to time .
Haven't looked into Invincible yet, but I have finally watched the last season of Archer with my brother . Really loved most episodes (especially the ones with Fridge-Barry, that bribe-guy and Fabian in it) and I think they have find a really nice way to end the show, though I must admit that I have been hating Zara from the very first sentence she spoke in the show...haha...nothing will be able to repair that. Probably have to wait a bit longer here in the Netherlands before I can watch the "movie" you mentioned, but looking forward to it . Were you able to see it already?

Haha, no need to look into Dutch Politics - the biggest pro (though it is also a downfall) here, in relation to the US and the UK (and lots of other countries), is that we have lots of different kinds of parties (and not merely 2 or 3), so the parties need to negotiate a lot before a new government can be formed, which also means that most radical ideas will easily perish during these negotiations . Though the elections were a while ago, it is not looking like the formation will be done lets see where it will go - oohw and I don't think we will have a Nexit, but if we do, I can take my tiny house on wheels elsewhere (still building it, but steadily showing progess there), I have been dreaming about going to Ireland, Wales or Scotland for a while now, so a Nexit could be the little push towards that dream, haha.

Yeah waterworld sounds like a better option with your argument, but only if humanity doesn't kill all sealife before that... (a) . And maybe some nuclear war pushes evolution in the high gear and fish have developed drastically by that time and we can fish for Molduga's in the dessert? And have you never hide in a sandstorm? Haha, just joking around, lets hope both scenario's are out of the question and humanity will be able to build something like the garden of amahara...would like to spent my time as a gardener there...more dreams, more dreams (a).

@FishyS Thought the same things when reading those posts, too bad this thread/topic (not just here on NL, but in most virtual and real-life environments) is so difficult for a lot of people to cope with. Lets hope for a fruitful 2024 .

Gaming since the early nin(e)ties and probably will until death does me apart :) .
Looking forward till the day we can game with all of our senses.

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