

Noob 4 life born in 1977.

Comments 46

Re: Drive


This game is very nice if you are a car enthusiast and grew up in the 80s, especially in Europe.
Plenty of cars in it which filled the streets around here back in the days. Just a pity the game doesn't have the licences to give the cars their proper names, but on the other hand there are a few references to pop culture.

Re: DKC Artist Steve Mayles Shares Gorgeous New Piece To Celebrate Donkey Kong's 40th


Nintendo didn't have a problem to celebrate Super Mario's 35th anniversary. He changed also a lot these last 35 years, while 35 being a rather awkward anniversary to celebrate.
Donkey Kong on the other hand is turning 40 and is the company's first real global success in the video game business. Not only that, as you point out it contains also the first appearance of video game's most prominent character.
I'd take some love for DK, like an official celebration video on YouTube.

Re: Best Nintendo Switch Football Games


@ludotaku Captain Tsubasa aka Olive et Tom was one of the rare reasons for me to tune in to the Club Dorothée. Otherwise I wasn't a fan of that French children program.
(Coucou du Luxembourg!)

Re: Deals: Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit Drops To Just £55 In The UK


I recently bought three games from Amazon.co.uk, I didn't need to pay extra handling fees for customs to my mailman (which are usually 15€ per order plus the custom fee itself). I paid all necessary fees directly while ordering, which weren't high. In fact the bulk of fees were shipping (2.87£ in my case), while the British VAT was replaced by an EU one.

Re: Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove


This software offers quite a lot with the five games it has nowadays:
Shovel of Hope (the original Shovel Knight), Plague of Shadows, Specter of Torment, King of Cards and Showdown.

Re: Random: Animal Crossing's New Update Implies The Existence Of Guillotines


It's quite a stretch to link Phrygian caps directly to guillotines, that's why I agree seeing a woke aspect in this text.
In every French town hall there's always a picture, a bust or a statue of Marianne de France wearing such a cap, even the standard post stamps and the French Euro cent coins show her with the cap.
In France she's just as common as the Queen in England and the Bald Eagle in the US.

Re: Review: Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps and Beans (Switch eShop)


If you are a fan of the Italian duo this game is worth a try, it's full of references to their films and it has a soundtrack which is of better quality than in the actual movies.
If not, there are way better executed brawlers on the Switch, like Streets of Rage 4.
Slaps and Beans has too many flaws to give it a really high score. Like that one boss battle against this guy on stilts on the fun fair, which takes ages for no reason. Then some dialogue that disappears too quickly, not even giving you the time to read it fully. And finally the AI of the CPU controlled character during the last boss battle, it's more like AS (artificial stupidity).

6/10 from me, mostly because I'm a fan of these two guys and own most of their films on DVD.

Re: Streets of Rage 4


I prefer this game to the original ones on the Mega Drive.
Almost alone for the fact you have an extra button to pick up items, you don't pick up things from the street by accident when you actually want to hit the bad guy in front of you.

Re: Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle


Although you get plenty of gold in game. I'm at the end only the last secret chapter and the last few challenges to do and I have a surplus of 20k coins. Find out which characters suit you best, for me the starting trio made most of the job, there were only two challenges where I needed Rabbid Mario, one battle and one challenge where I needed Luigi. You don't have to have every character up to date in equipment.
By the way, my avatar shows my favourite character in this game.