Comments 768

Re: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 + 4 Officially Revealed For Nintendo Switch


  • 4
  • mlt

To me it was always more 1 and 2 which I respectively had on the N64 and the second one much later on the ps1 when I finally got one. I never tried 3 and 4 I had more than enough with the first games. After that I played a ton of Underground 2 on my GC and loved it. I hope they re-release this one at some point it was so much fun.

Re: 50 Best Nintendo Switch Games To Play Right Now (2025)


  • 8
  • mlt

I think I prefer TOTK over BOTW. It's got more and better story and better dungeons even if we're not there yet.
That being said BOTW has something special in its simplicity. It's like the purest form of its own formula. Too bad that formula is not quite zelda yet. Even the first game had lots of REAL dungeons. They're almost there though.

My fondest switch memories I'd say are still Odyssey and BOTW for its novelty. TOTK had this issue of having the same map we'd poured hundreds of hours into already so even though I think it's the better game there is no arguing that it is less special.

For Mario though, if only Odyssey had more challenge. Just like Wonder btw.

Re: 35 Upcoming Nintendo Switch Games To Look Forward To In 2025


The only obvious picks for me are YsX and Guilty Gear Strive which I still need to pick up and of course Prime 4 and XenoX.

But I have to admit between Shinobi, Ninja Gaiden possibly, Ratatan definitely and maybe the Capcom collection, 2025 isn't looking so bad. And also there are the fabled Mina and Sliksong maybe?

Re: Monster Hunter: Wilds Tech Analysis Has Us Concerned About A Switch 2 Port


Series S runs very poorly.
Whoops switch 2 version is probably not going to happen then. It's strange though they're supposed to be better than that at optimizing.

What is even more worrying is the Monhun team going "we know absolutely nothing about switch 2". It's very strange that Capcom would not be in the know. Or maybe nintendo thinks, like I do, that they had Capcom in the loop the first time around with switch 1 and that it ultimately led to them having Rise released and then after that pretty much all of their big titles NOT on the switch or in a pretty sh*tty state with cloud gaming. So maybe they were voluntarily left out this time.

Re: Best Wario Games Of All Time


Whaaaaat no way I'm sorry.
Shake dimension cannot be this low and 1 cannot be this high.

Also 3>4 but that's more of a personnal preference I get it. Those mentioned above though? Come on!

Re: Hideki Kamiya Wants Nintendo To Reboot Virtual Console For Switch 2


Sure, options are always a good thing. But it shouldn't be one or the other. The subscription based service also has its advantages.

Also some people forget that VC was a thing of its time. Nowadays the tons of third party games that were on VC would not be there anymore because now everybody figured out they can make good money with their legacy content so the Konamis the Capcoms and Squaresofts and whatnot would not be there anymore. You would be left with first party and obscure titles. Also VC nowadays would most probably require you to be online at least from time to time since the legacy content is being used as an incentive for nso.

So VC of course would still have the advantage of you owning the game (sortof because of the nso aspect) but other than that it would be very different from what it was back then.

Re: Talking Point: Which 'Tales' Game Will Come To Switch Next?


Abyss full on remake! Let's gooooo !

EDIT : Also to all people who say Symphonia was the exception for them and that it's the only Tales game that they enjoyed, believe me, try Abyss if it ever gets remade. It's the other gem of the series and it's also the one that does the most for non fans.

Re: Poll: Is It Finally Time For Castlevania To Rise Again?


Also I'm spamming this topic so much but for metroidvanias enthusiasts out there! I picked up Astalon around Christmas time and I'm having an absolute blast with it. It's very convincing and one of the very best non-Metroid non-Castlevania metroidvanias I have ever played. It competes with the big indie attempts at the genre no problem. It really is that good. Go pick it up.

Re: Poll: Is It Finally Time For Castlevania To Rise Again?


The closest thing we got to a 3d game that really replicates what Castlevania is was Bloodborne.

People don't talk about it that much in this way but all of the Souls games + Bloodborne are metroidvanias with pseudo realistic movements, a tendency to favor one on one combat rather than group fights, light story, and rpg elements but reserved for build based character growth. The gameplay itself relies a lot on knowing where to go/get stuff and once you've finished the game once, the game opens up in a secondary mode made for you to experiment with builds and varied playthroughs. They are Castlevania in 3d much more than Lords of Shadow or other Konami efforts ever were. Out of these Bloodborne is the one that's got more fluid and faster combat and is slightly easier so it's the closest to Castlevania. To be honest, taking Bloodborne as a main inspiration, all they would really have to do to have a great 3d Castlevania is faster traversal (but still with realistic movements, no spidey nonsense), more fluid combat (but here again keep the pseudo realistic moveset, no overly manga/matrix/prequel star wars shenanigans) and of course lower the difficulty quite a bit.

To be fair the closest to 3d castelvania Konami ever got with their own efforts were the 64 games even though they were flawed in some aspects. They should have kept this formula and perfect it. And also unsurprisingly out of all the 3d castelvania they're the ones that kind of seem like proto demon souls in some ways.

Re: Nintendo Expands Switch Online's GBA Library Next Week With Wario Land 4


For those who ask they went straight for 3 because the general consensus is that either 3 or 4 are the best in the eye of the fans. They chose 3 first. I'm sure 1 and 2 will come. I'm in the 3 team but 4 left a very big impression on the series with shake it doing the same escape thing and other games taking that aspect in particular and calling it Wario inspired.

Re: Surprise! Donkey Kong Country Returns HD Now Has A Switch eShop Demo


What the heck are they doing with this game.
You can only access the easy mode with the demo? The problem is NOT that the game is hard. It's not hard. DKCR with extra lives and health points must be incredibly boring. It's no Tropical Freeze, now that game had good challenge and could have justified insisting on the easy mode.

The problem is that it's an unnecessary overprice and approximative port. This demo is not going to change that. I mean I'm a huge DK fan, I already didn't want to buy that game but they also succeeded in having me not even want to bother downloading the freaking demo. I don't understand what they're trying to achieve there. They're completely out of touch.

Re: Opinion: We Need More Couch Co-op RPGs


I played Secret of Mana entirely co-op with my brother when we were kids and it's an experience I'll never forget. Seiken Denstsu 3 followed. I replayed Mana recently with a friend and whenever I can I give a second controller to rpg enthusiasts even if it's just for a couple hours. Games like the 3 co-op Crystal Chronicles or Tales of Symphonia. It's great to be able to do it.

Also I played a good number of solo rpgs passing the controller back and forth. FFVII, Vagrant Story, FFIX and X, Dark Souls 1 and 3 and Bloodborne were played in their entirety in that way. I've got especially fond memories of my Ni No Kuni and Baten Kaitos playthroughs with someone very dear to me.

Re: Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition Has Been Rated For Switch



Well in my opinion there was enough stuff going on with the gamepad and enough immersion added so that playing without the gamepad feels substantially different and not as good.

Of course it really depends on where you place that cursor and there is some amount of subjectivity there because for example I don't consider the Zelda remakes absolute wiiu games because even though they're better played with the gamepad, I don't feel like playing without it changes the experience enough to alter the fundamental enjoyment of the games. For XenoX though I feel that's the case. So for me it's part of the list of 7 (I've actually checked I don't know what that says about me) absolute wiiu games that really tried with the gamepad.

Re: Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny Remastered Coming To Switch In 2025


I think it's the really good game in the series right? Or rather the one that retained cult status?
Anyway I never tried this series because I hated everything that was done in a 3d space with fixed cameras. It just screws up the controls so bad. Resident evil, Onimusha, Devil may cry... These games became good when they transitioned to free camera controls. Which Onimusha eventually did.

Re: Ex-PlayStation Boss On Switch 2's Name: Nintendo Created So Much "Brand Value"


Switch 2 is officially the fifth Nintendo iterative system. The SNES, the WiiU, the GBA and the 3DS are a pretty good legacy to rely on but arguably the only one here that surpassed its predecessor is the snes and it's the oldest of the bunch. And also an insane amount of cult status to live up to.

I say it's doable but careful. Don't expect NS2 to surpass NS. It's still just an iterative console. Don't target snes iterative, just good iterative and most importantly do better than wiiu iterative and we'll be fine.

Re: Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition Has Been Rated For Switch


Okay I wasn't sure I was going to get this one but who am I kidding I won't resist the extra story content and the idea of having the whole collection on my switch. That being said though I really hope the extra content is worth it because when you play the original it feels more like there could potentially be an entire game after this part of the story, not just a quick conclusion. This and I hope they found a satisfying way of doing the extra screen content because this game was one of the 5 or 6 games that really bothered with the gamepad and let's just say last time time they did one of these couple elite WiiU games that really tried, it was Mario Maker and something was definitely lost in the process so it's absolutely not a given that this one is going to work well on the switch.