Comments 47

Re: Rumour: New Report From Nikkei Corroborates 'Switch 2' Delay Into 2025


Just to be contrary, there are rumours and there are rumours. There are sketchy unfounded rumours and there are well sourced rumours in respectable publications. Nikkei is not the same as BingoBongo786587 on twitter (not to say that there aren't good sources on twitter). It seems highly credible to me that Nintendo's plans have been delayed, regardless of announcements.
But when Nintendo gives us excruciating delays like this, in the end we get things like OoT. And BotW. And TotK.
It'll be worth waiting for.

Re: Nintendo Switch Has Now Sold Over 132 Million Units


I can see the switch crossing 150m pretty comfortably- even accounting for a holiday season that's likely to be a fair bit down on last year, sales after the launch of the next console could easily be in the region of 10m. I think the question is whether or not it can cross 160..

Re: Super Mario Bros. Wonder Is The Fastest-Selling Mario Game Ever In Europe


While it sounds great, I'd bloody hope it's the fastest selling Super Mario game- it's launching into a huge install base, and the franchise has one of the biggest movies of the year behind it. Very few titles launch with that kind of tailwind.
I'm wondering if the fact that they haven't been shouting about sales figures means they've come in under projections. I hope not (last 2D platformer to have me so engrossed was Yoshi's Island), but I'm sure they'll say something by November 7.

Re: Take-Two CEO On Backward Compatibility: "Give Consumers What They Want"


What third party publishers think of BC won't influence Nintendo much- the Switch has a library full of first party games that just keep on selling.. not just Mario kart but also Odyssey and NSMBU, AC, Smash, and BotW. Each one still shifting millions every year. TotK and SMB Wonder aren't likely to be any different. It wouldn't make any sense to turn off that particular money tap any time soon.

Re: Random: Sony's Upcoming 'Project Q' Is A Little More Wii U Than Switch


I really wouldn't bet on it doing too well but - in my house at least - the gamepad was unusable anywhere outside the same room as the Wii U. If this works - and, for example, my kid can use it in his bedroom instead of taking over the TV - it could be different enough to be worth a shot.
For a failure, the Wii U's had quite a legacy (not just this, but the Switch itself, the Steam Deck and all the Steam Deck imitators..)

Re: Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom Is Japan's 7th Biggest Game Launch Of All Time


What's fascinating about TotK's numbers is that unlike, say, Pokémon, Zelda games tend to keep selling as time goes on. When you look at the last six years, you see some titles - including every major Pokémon release - are really front loaded while BotW and especially MK8 Deluxe, have really long legs. The only problem is how they're going to keep shifting these evergreen titles while moving on to a next gen platform…

Re: Mario Movie Breaks Multiple Records In Japan's Opening Weekend


@MalonsTalon Two things: First, the reviews were far from universally negative, they ranged between totally not getting it to being totally into it. And secondly, the movie didn't have a strong story. For tens of millions of people (myself included), it just didn't need to. It was a big sugary fun blast of a movie which worked because it did Mario and his world so well. No conspiracy there, it just wasn't a movie for critics.

Re: Mario Movie Breaks Multiple Records In Japan's Opening Weekend


@LeonSKennedy It's really a decent performance- it's not a Japanese movie, and while US movies can do well in Japan, they're notoriously unpredictable - the first Avatar was huge, the second grossed less than a fifth of the first. Also, I wouldn't be surprised to see lower weekend on weekend drops in Japan. It's a solid start.

Re: Super Mario Bros. Movie Plumbing Commercial & Website Launched


Is the whole Brooklyn plumbers thing going to be in the actual movie? I can't really tell (but Mario definitely seems to be arriving from outside the Mushroom Kingdom, so.. maybe?). That whole thing was never really relevant to many Mario fans from outside the US (and perhaps both people who saw the live action movie) but as long as the film works, I'm happy.