Comments 623

Re: Opinion: It's Taken 30 Years, But 'Terminator 2D' Could Right A Childhood Wrong


I was a fan of the movie at that around that age. I think the context needs to be taken into account. Machines killing humans because they’re programmed to. The T-1000 being completely void of emotion.

I have the GameBoy game and rented the NES game. Both were difficult.
Really looking forward to the new game. With all the similar games that have come before, I think this will be a hit.

Re: Anniversary: HAL Laboratory Is 45 Years Old Today


The Forgotten Land was a great 3D entry with Mouthful Mode. I’m looking forward to what they’ll do with the next 3D game. Like with Mario, there’s lots of possibilities for new ideas.
I completed Earthbound on the Wii U. It’s an amazing game. I’d love a new entry in that series. And or an Earthbound remake with the same visuals as the Resident Evil remakes.

Re: Switch 2 Patent Suggests You Can Flip The Console Upside Down


@Chocobo_Shepherd I had an Atari Lynx 2.

If I remember correctly the manual said flipping the screen display was for left handed gamers where the d-pad would be on the right and face buttons on the left.

As someone who’s left handed I didn’t find this function necessary but maybe they had other accessibility issues in mind.

With the Switch 2, playing arcade games in Tate mode would be nice without the need for a 3rd party accessory.

Re: Poll: Is It Finally Time For Castlevania To Rise Again?


There have been a lot of 2D games (Castlevania and otherwise) in the medtroidvania genre. There would have to be some very different gameplay mechanics in place for a new 2D entry to be interesting and fresh.
I’d prefer to see a 3D action game. There are plenty out there that have worked really well such as Darksiders 2. There would be more possibilities for varied gameplay mechanics.

Re: Review: Turbo Overkill (Switch) - Ridiculous, Relentless Boomer Shooter Gets A Solid Port


I’ve had a good time with the demo but nice to have a review of the full experience. I’ll buy the full game.

I found a minor issue. I died unexpectedly and the screen with the ‘back to title screen’ or ‘retry’ prompt appears instantly and there is no ‘are you sure’ follow-up. This led to me going back to the title screen accidentally and loosing my progress.
I haven’t tried the game since. Are checkpoint saves kept if you exit the level?

Re: Opinion: We Need More Couch Co-op RPGs


Secret of Mana’s co-op play wowed me as well, when I first encountered it. I prefer real-time combat like in that game and Namco Bandai’s Tales Of series. Co-op play is definitely something I’d like to see more of.

An added bonus in the above games is that it’s optional. A second player can drop in and out any time.

Re: Absurd Boomer Shooter 'Turbo Overkill' Shadow Drops On Switch


@lovecraftINkafka I’ve just played through the first level on Regular Jo difficulty.

There’s a Doom Eternal air dash and a Borderlands 3 ground slide so traversal / level design is interesting.
Combat is satisfying in the usual way of gun / enemy sounds and animations.

This is just from the first level so not sure if I’ll be buying it yet.

Re: Reaction: Nintendo Pins Hopes On Familiar Fun With Switch 2


I wonder if there will be something more substantial brought to the table on the hardware front.
Like a second screen to connect to the top of the of console.
Maybe too much for a handheld-only use but playing in table-top mode means weight wouldn’t be an issue for longer play sessions.
If the second screen had a frame attached that clipped to the console, it could fold over making the clam shell design.

The USB-c port on top could be for various kinds of new peripherals or could just make it easier to charge when playing using the kick-stand.

Re: Talking Point: Our 2025 Nintendo Gaming Predictions


I think the new hardware could be revealed this month, as a Direct with launch lineup or simply a reveal video showcasing the hardware.
The hardware could launch in March. Like the Switch, which had the direct in January and release in March.
If the console launches after March then it could be June at the latest, if not before.

Re: Feature: Biggest Nintendo Gaming Anniversaries Of 2025


Some amazing titles there. When the Switch successor launches I think there’s a good chance we’ll get that RE 4 remake, if not at launch then within the first year of release.

Last month marked the beginning of my own 40th anniversary. Nintendo will have something planned for Super Mario Bros.
Looking forward to see how they celebrate.
We already have 2 Mario Makers and a Game & Watch.

Re: Don't Expect Any More Miniature Consoles From Sega


I’m not sure a Dreamcast mini would have been feasible given the hardware required. By that, I don’t mean not possible but too expensive.
Would the controller VMU be incorporated or abandoned if the features could go without?

The final mini I would have liked would be the Saturn. The Saturn and 32X libraries combined would have enough hits for a reasonable number of games. Especially with the usual 3rd party support, which was impressive on the 2 Mega Drive minis.

The next best thing would be such a collection released on home consoles so maybe they’ll take that route instead. The demand is there for these past games that are otherwise hard to come by.

Re: Nintendo Left Sony "Standing At The Altar" With SNES Disk Add-On, Says Former PlayStation Exec


With events like this I don’t want to be too quick to pass judgement on either side. It’s one of those things, unless you hear the truth from all the people involved, both sides, all you can do is speculate.
Maybe Nintendo did have a good reason going with a different company.
It’s interesting to look back and discuss but I think all that matters at the end of the day is Nintendo are still going regardless.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (10th August)


I’ve had the Famicom Detective Club games for a while but hadn’t got round to them. Once the new entry had been revealed for release at the of this month I had to make a start. Playing through The Missing Heir.
Also playing Nintendo Championship NES Edition. Got my second silver and first gold in survival mode. Almost unlocked all of the speed run challenges.

Re: Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition Weekly Challenges #2 Now Live


I’m really enjoying this game. It’s perfect for short bursts of play in between longer sessions with other games.
While I have played these NES games before, the strength is that the speed run challenges make a new game out of an old / previous experience.
I’ve already completed each of the new challenges. I got an S grade on the DK and Zelda challenges.

Re: Talking Point: How Do You Define 'Retro'?


@Purgatorium When I think retro, I also think of the 8-bit and 16-bit games of the 80s and 90s. That’s what retro means to me. Retro, because it’s the earliest more primitive design. Close enough to the beginning, if not quite the initial form e.g. Atari’s Pong.

Re: Site News: Suggest Questions For Our Upcoming Switch Summer Survey


I’d be interested in knowing stats around retro games from 80s and 90s Vs modern releases.

There’s some clear division with the NSO offerings and Hamsters Arcade Archives and Neo Geo games.

Maybe highlighting that specific era where there’s 2D pixel art, 8-bit / 16-bit, only because there’s a starker contrast between those and modern games.
Early 3D PC / PS 1 games are much more technically advanced, to be closer to modern games.

Could look at people who played the originals at the time and those who are new to them on the Switch.