Comments 12

Re: Opinion: Scrapping Gold Points Makes Sense For Nintendo, But It's A Bitter Pill For Loyal Fans


I've purchased most of my games physically. I claimed gold coins with the cartridges, and the only reason I bought digital games was because of the discount with those coins. I'm just not going to open the eShop anymore. Nintendo is making strange decisions. It wouldn't surprise me if they also bring back region protection. They've also commented a lot about this, so I wouldn't be surprised if the Switch 2 has region protection.

Re: New 3DS And Wii U Users Can No Longer Go Online In Games


Governments should force companies to make the servers open source as soon as support ends. That way people can build their own server. Not only of consoles but also for smartphones. Imagine installing a different OS and use your phone another three to five years. Or imagine installing different functions on it like a security cam or Chromecast function. It would be so much better if we wouldn't be forced to just go to the next thing. I could spent years more to finish all the good games that released on the 3DS and I still have it next to my bed and play on it. Sad it's going to stop soon.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Sonic Superstars?


It's a bit complicated. The level design is fantastic. I think some elements are very cheap and not in balance. The bosses are weird and ugly, the boss soundtrack is horrible an bonus levels a very repetitive. But I love the levels, those are just perfect. It couldve been a 10/10 but some parts are not worked out well and cheap.

Re: YouTuber Ends Metroid Prime Music Covers After Nintendo's Lawyers Call


About 15 years ago I had a yt channel with 29k subs. I posted short gameplay videos of old retro games ( think 10 min was the limit for YouTube). I had great contacts in that account and much fun sharing the love for these games until I posted a few Zelda vids. Three strikes in row and the channel was removed and my account blocked. Never got it back. I gave up on YouTube because of that. Imagine how different my life could've been if Nintendo didn't screw me that hard.