One of the highlights of the week was the announcement of the Mega Drive Mini 2 - Sega's next miniature console, loaded with 50 games from the Mega Drive and Mega CD libraries. It's launching this October in Japan and will include games like Sonic CD, Slipstream and Virtua Racing.
As exciting as this news is, it hasn't stopped fan requests for miniature versions of Sega's other consoles - like the Saturn and Dreamcast. So, why did Sega decide to release a Mega Drive 2 instead of something else? During an interview with Famitsu, Sega's classic hardware producer Yosuke Okunari explained how the pandemic shaped the outcome.
Here's what he had to say (courtesy of Twitter user @gosokkyu):
he's sure [people] will be like "what about Saturn/Dreamcast Mini?" [and] it's not like they [Sega] didn't explore the idea—the MD Mini's internals can't adequately handle Saturn games, and both developing and manufacturing new chipsets during the pandemic is a difficult & expensive process
...so, even if they'd forged ahead with a Saturn Mini anyway, it might've been extremely expensive—he jokes that he might like to release a mini that costs as much as an authentic modern console
And that's when the Mega Drive Mini 2 came into the picture, as an "extension" of the original one - making it a lot more manageable during a pandemic, in terms of the schedule and manufacturing. It's worth noting there will still be a "much lower production run" of this device - with the initial focus on stocking Japan. Okunari is aware of the demand overseas but remains focused on Japan for now, where the team knows the market.
Although the price of the second Mega Drive Mini system is higher - due to an improved chipset, more memory to fit Mega CD games, and the increased price of components, Okunari is confident the larger library of games will justify the price.
Okunari also mentioned how the team considered making another Game Gear Micro, but the increased price of semiconductors made costs of a second handheld micro-unit "1.5x the manufacturing price" of the original micro model. And the team supposedly couldn't risk selling at the same price and didn't want to increase the RRP.
Yosuke Okunari has previously mentioned how Sega has thought about creating other mini consoles, but for now, the focus is on the Mega Drive Mini 2:
Would like to one day see Sega release miniature devices based on the Dreamcast and Saturn? Would you be willing to pay more? Give us your own thoughts down below.
[source famitsu.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 109
Man we don’t want a mini Dc or Saturn mini, keep making accessories and remake consoles with retro-bit so we can continue playing the games. Matter or fact, reprint your first party dc and Saturn titles. They will like crazy, since it’s kind of unprecedented for a company to do so.
Just port/remaster/remake the games or add them to the Switch online service already, geez
I don't want mini consoles just to play a handful of mostly dated games. They can release their catalogue titles on Steam/GOG for PC and on current generation hardware.
I'm not terribly interested in a Dreamcast Mini (though I'd prefer that a million times over yet another freaking rerelease of the Genesis/Mega Drive catalogues), but a handful of physical Switch compilations with the best of the Dreamcast library? Yes, please.
I would absolutely leap at a Game Boy Mini in a heartbeat though (but I would prefer Switch carts if given the option). We've already had a very small taste of it in the form of the Zelda Game & Watch, but I would absolutely love, love, love a dedicated device (or Switch carts) jam-packed with GB/GBC/GBA goodness.
I’ll focus on the Genesis/Mega Drive Mini 2 for now. I really want it since I already have the 1st Mini. Make it overseas Sega.
Or you know, just port the friggin games!
Collective reasons fine, but people also get these just to play there favorite games on said console, that they won’t port, I just don’t understand why these company’s don’t port these games, you make everyone happy this way! Sorry for the rant.
Sounds like I should give up hope on Sega releasing a Saturn Mini in the near future, then.
But I still think they should make a Master System Mini, because that shouldn’t need an upgraded chipset.
@shonenjump86 took me until now to realize your icon was cobra
❗️I'd rather a 'Master System Mini', especially after the DISASTER that was the 'Game Gear: Mini'...
It’s called a “cash cow”. At least the games on offer are a little more diverse than the sonic, golden axe, altered beast trope. Truth is a Raspberry Pi will do just about mini console.
Boo. This makes me sad.
when the dreamcast mini is ready to hit the market, call me
A second mini Mega Drive less than a year after adding Mega Drive games to NSO+ doesn't half make it seem like SEGA has absolutely zero strategy for their back catalogue.
Unless flinging mud against a wall and seeing what sticks counts as a strategy these days?
Would like a Dreamcast Mini and a proper GameGear Mini (not those expensive key chain versions).
Then again, in the case of DC games, I already have a fair few that I bought for pennies on Steam so it's not the end if the world.
It’s strange to hear Sega mention the Saturn. The system and it’s library are criminally ignored.
Seriously - I'm over the novelty of mini-consoles. Since Nintendo launched the NSO collections I've not touched either my NES mini or SNES mini. They're just cool collectables (and the Mega Drive versions like this one are also very cool) but if I actually want to play the games then I want them on Switch.
What I would warmly welcome is authentic controllers for Switch. A Switch Dreamcast controller would be great! I'd also like to see Joy Cons fitting every system. I wouldn't buy them all but it's the sort of thing that I'd value more than a full mini-console at this point.
...although to echo @Silly_G a "GameBoy Classic Edition" would be very desirable because it's something that I'd conceivably use in situations where I wouldn't take my full Switch.
Just make them already and let me worry about the cost.
As a massive Dreamcast fan, we still even have an original in our household.
I would love to see a digital only rerelease. To mod my original to have built in hdmi and the ability to read off SD cards would probably still be more expensive than an updated release of the hardware.
I would happily double dip on digital dreamcast games just for the convenience. If they make it compatible with the original hardware, you can pick up controllers and VMU's for very cheap these days.
Make it happen Sega.
Get M2 to continue the Sega Ages line with Saturn, Dreamcast, arcade Model 2,3 and Naomi games. I'll bet all my stocks in Pizza Hut, KFC and Tower Records that they can handle it.
I'd definitely pay for a Saturn Mini, if the selection is ace.
Naaah, don’t listen to the comments here. Release every available console in mini format! There’s nothing like playing a console with the controller it was meant to be played AND …. Hacking them to put all the games from that console
Bring the Saturn, Dreamcast, GB and N64 mini!!!
I wonder if SEGA ever heard of Kickstarter?! If not reached the needed goal no Dreamcast of Saturn... Let the fans decide.
@Vix: Same here, and the same would also go for a Dreamcast Mini.
On-topic, since the "Mini" treatment is unlikely to happen Sega should have just continued the Sega Ages line (or just make a new collection series) featuring the Arcade models, the Saturn or the Dreamcast games. I would buy those in a heartbeat.
As is, you're more likely to see a Master System Mini or Mega Drive 3 Mini than a Saturn or Dreamcast Mini.
But hey, I can dig Mega CD games getting some rereleases at least.
The Saturn needs pretty intensive hardware to emulate, things like a Rasberry Pi or your standard Chinese emulation devices (even the $200ish ones) can't even begin to handle it. I was surprised when I saw recently that the Switch can do a pretty good job for some games at least, I figured even Switch would struggle. It takes a pretty beefy PC (decent multicore processor & fast ram as well as hi-spec graphics card) to reliably do the job. I've said many times I think we're a few years away from an affordable Saturn Mini... sadly as I would love one more than I know how to accurately express.
Though it may seem weird to some as its a newer and more powerful console, a Dreamcast mini would be much easier and cheaper. Many low cost devices can do a decent job at emulating it, as the hardware is a lot more similar to modern hardware (Saturn had multiple different gpus & cpus running at once). Sure, the Megadrive mini's board isn't quite up to the task, but there are off the shelf system on chip hardware that can do it, or if they want to just go the route of developing their own unique hardware, its not that much of a step up needed. In fact, I'm fairly sure that the hardware they used in their own Astro City Mini would run it, and that was reasonably priced... System 32 and Model 1 are more complex to emulate than DC. So I think we could get a Dreamcast mini far sooner.
The current Megadrive mini hardware is more than capable of running 32X games, so I hope some of the best titles make it into the MD Mini 2. They released a (non functioning, decorative only) 32X add on for the MD Mini 1, so they've not forgotten it's existence at least
A Master System Mini would be super easy and cheap to do, as it would easily work on the MD Mini hardware and the emulator would run the games with little to no tweaking. The frustrating thing is that Japan and American markets wouldn't see much demand, so Sega are not likely to think its worth it, even though the European, Australian and South American demand would be enormous. Sega often minimise the importance of the system,
possibly because the majority of the truly great games came out from 1991-1995, by which time it didn't exist in the American and European markets, so these games are forgotten by the studio bosses, and they only remember the inferior ports of games they can rerelease the MD versions for the umpteenth time instead. Perhaps another problem is that the majority of the desirable '91-'95 games are third party, and often licenses, so it would raise costs that way... but I wish they would just release one anyway and we can hack it to put the games we want on there!
As others have said though, its great that they are aware of the demand for non-MD systems. Hopefully they'll consider doing "ports" (just emulated roms/isos in a wrapper would be great!) of their games for modern consoles and pc. I'd happily rebuy so many of them to support Sega and have a legal way to conveniently play - and help make them more accesible to new audiences
Need more arcade ports too please! Model 1/2/3 especially. I'd kill for a decent port of Daytona on Switch/PC - I know there was a good one for 360 but I missed it and now its not for sale anymore.
Luckily I own the real legacy consoles, the Saturn has some incredible shmups and I have most of em. The likes of Hyper Duel, Blast wind, Radiant silvergun. Battle garegga, Parodius, Darius. The list goes on are all classics on this amazing system.
Thanks a lot Obama.
The Saturns odd component set up makes emulation difficult even up to a few years ago. I could definitely see that as a stumbling block to a mini version.
Why isn’t Crazy Taxi ported on Switch…… just saying. Better than a mini console. 😂
Yes, Sega would look pretty stupid if they lost money (again) making Saturn and Dreamcast hardware, lol. Sometimes it’s knowing when to hold ‘em..
Think I'm done with the mini consoles. The only exception is that I hope Nintendo continues with the game and watch editions.
Saying that though, wouldn't say no to a GBA re release with pre loaded games. Obviously no need for the mini aspect though.
Make it and sell it
They’re just making excuses, truth is they know they can make this MegaDrive 2 and it will sell, simple as that. If it doesn’t sell, if consumers vote with their wallet, maybe they’ll try something different. I’d we keep on buying it, they have no big desire to look beyond continually selling the same games from the same systems.
So it’s not a no, just a it may be more expensive right now. Here’s hoping that they will come in the future.
In true classic Genesis/MD fashion they should have made a micro console sequel that could attach to the base of our existing Genesis/MD minis
They should do dreamcast collection for the switch and have games like skies of Arcadia, power stone, marvel vs capcom 2 etc.
I want to see both on NSO with their respective controllers, that would be just fine with me.
Selling you a dream.
Really sad to hear this, I now wish I'd held onto my Saturn, games & accessories - analogue controller, light gun (Virtua Cop & House of the Dead), steering wheel (Sega Rally & Daytona USA) & 6 player adapter(Saturn Bomberman).
Yes. I would strongly consider buying either, as my actual hardware for each isn't functional any more. I get that they would cost more to make and buy, but there has to be some sweet spot.
Otherwise, I don't know, maybe just re-release these libraries on modern hardware!? If they have considered a mini conspe than emulating these games is doable. Save the hardware costs and just make some solid compilations for console and PC - this will tell them if the mini console market exists for these libraries and likely cost less to produce. The game's are bigger, I'd be content with 20-25 titles a piece.
Seem like they just making up excuses. Sure Saturn emulation maybe difficult but Dreamcast, c'mon a modern smartphone and low power PC could run that with no issue.
Someday… 🥺
But for now I’ll try to get a MD Mini 2 as it looks appealing enough. It’ll be nice to revisit some of the Sega CD games I owned back in the day.
During the announcement show they confirmed M2 is again involved in handling the software, so I’m looking forward to another nice build. It’ll include both the Japan and US versions of Sonic CD, too, so maybe that bodes well for an international release.
But Slipstream on the Mini 2??
I think you must have meant Silpheed. 😁
NintendoLife buried the lead on this one. It sounds like this isn’t coming overseas since they’re “focusing on Japan”.
We don't necessarily need a Dreamcast Mini, just release some Dreamcast games on the eShop, most people would be more than happy with that.
A low power PC costs more than $75 and that’s without controllers, licensing costs for third party games, etc.
DC emulation is totally doable but the whole point of a mini console is to be cheap. A lot of people wouldn’t buy a $250 mini for example.
Thankfully I still have my Dreamcast and Saturn but God I'd do anything for one of these.
I've never bought a mini anything, but if it had the right line-up, I'd buy the Saturn Mini in a heartbeat. Such a weird and fantastic machine.
@samuelvictor The Saturn and the Dreamcast are wildly different, but neither has hardware that couldn’t be emulated on a Pi - the Saturn was a 2x30Mhz machine, no phone from the last decade would struggle virtualising a CPU that simple. Effort is all that’s required.
Its wild to me that a Western release of the Astro City Mini is more plausible than a Dreamcast mini.
@SonicHodgeheg Its 8 processors running simultaneously, several of which were pretty unique and most of which have to stay fully insync per cycle. Its crazy hard to emulate properly. I don't know of a common "phone from the last decade" that can adequately run any of the current emulators, and the current Pi certainly can't. The RetroPie docs even recommend against it: https://retropie.org.uk/docs/Saturn/
At least they are considering it. Means one may come out in the future.
@Strictlystyles Speak for yourself I'd love a Saturn mini... the only way I can play Panzer Dragoon Saga, or Nights into Dreams anymore is via emulation, and it's dodgy at best. Burning Rangers fire does't even show as visible. Ruins the game.
All games I owned back in the day, when my Saturn was still kicking. Then it kicked the bucket, and I sold them, and I got sad.
@aznable I’m actually speaking for a considerable amount of the retro sega community who would actually love to PAY to be able have actual reproductions rather than a “Mini”. Hell I’d be happy with reproduction cd drives. They’d definitely make more money reproducing accessories and oem hardware/software than actually selling a mini as Saturn and dc are niche at best. At least catering to the community who will pay would be a better choice (since sega already knows trying to do a minis is too expensive for the risk)
Also emulation at this point is like 95 percent. It was dodgy like 15 years ago.
If you follow SEGA closely, you’ll see that they have a pattern of teasing Saturn and Dreamcast games as a possibility without actually delivering.
It happened when they launched the SEGA Forever mobile phone service and said Saturn and Dreamcast games were totally possible.
It happened again when the SEGA AGES line of games launched on Switch and they told us that Saturn and Dreamcast games might release as part of that line.
Personally, I wouldn’t hold my breath for a Mini Saturn or Dreamcast.
Shenmue. Why didn’t we get it on Switch?
I’d probably get a DC Mini for Shenmue (never played it and I have no other way), but as they say, DC Mini is not feasible yet.
@RushDawg I honestly don’t think it would sell, partially because sega doesn’t know who to sell it to. The community that would pay for this is already modding thjer dreamcasts and Saturns to run games off SD cards, emulation has been smoothed out for the most part. What they all want is oem accessories and maybe even genuine sega shell cases or stock consoles. Those in decent amounts targeted to those people would make sega a lot of money. There are Chinese companies doing this and making a killing right now. Seems like a missed opportunity to me
Dreamcast & Saturn NSO Apps. Do it yesterday Sega & Nintendo.
… Wun can only hope.
@Strictlystyles CDs delaminate, friend.
Also I seriously JUST mentioned an issue with emulation regarding Burning Rangers that makes the game quite literally unplayable. I could also mention...
Record of Lodoss War crashing after first save point (DC emulation)
Multiple sound effects causing ringing/chirping/distortion in Nights into Dreams (Saturn emulation)
Video/Sound sync issues in FMV sequences in various games (Saturn emulation)
I could give more, but I haven't played the other roms I've got recently. I'm certain I could find more than "15%" whatever the hell that number means.
How could a Game Gear Mini (one at a size that's meant to be seriously playable) with a reasonable selection of games be more difficult to make than another Genesis Mini?
I guess built-in screen, but I don't think too many people would be opposed if it was even a TV consolized system.
@aznable everyone knows Saturn and dc plays burned cds. But did I not also say oem hardware AND software. There’s a considerable amount people who actually want to play the original hardware still and pay big money to do so. This is who they need to be targeting.
As far as emulation, hardware disc emulation is definitely past damn near 100 percent with a very small amount of games that are incompatible or have issues. You can play most games on Saturn with few issues on PC via mednafen- but you have to have a good computer.
I really at a point where I can't stand the "p" word anymore!
so even nintendo fans are getting crapped on by Sega.. I almost feel sorry for sega but they did it all to themselves. they just kept ruining their franchises and playing second fiddle to Nintendo is NOT something I would want to have to compete against. sega tried really hard but they really let their fans down.
@Strictlystyles I don't have a good computer, I have a macbook.
Maybe they should be targeting 30-somethings like me with dispensable income who aren't interested in DIYing their way through either obtaining or building a rig that can play emulation for 25 year old software. There is a ton of us. Probably more than those willing to pay "big money" (again, whatever the hell that means) for reprinted games or new functioning hardware. Just check the NES classic sales.
Anyway, I'm not into this for an argument. I'd just like to play my favorites- games I played on the original hardware for 20 years before I couldn't anymore- and not have it face the same fate the originals had done. Digital backups are what we as a community should be focused on- to preserve media and the creations that many put their souls into for perpetuity. Especially for games that have no original source code available (Panzer Dragoon Saga, I'm looking at you). Physical copies are great for the collectors/hoarders but for those of us who just want to play they hold little value.
@RushDawg These three systems: the PS Classic, NeoGeo Mini, and Turbo Grafx-16 Mini are all $100. Add tax and it's around $120.
Just release Crazy Taxi onto the current best selling console,
you've put it on mobile (with the music) for goodness sake.
I've never been interested in any of the "mini" consoles before. However, if SEGA released a Dreamcast Mini I would be all for it.
Dream games for it are Skies of Arcadia, ECCO the Dolphin, Record of Lodoss War. It would be easier than setting up my Dreamcast.
Actually, the idea of re-releasing a console with more energy efficient modern hardware that's HDMI compatible, can play original media with better optical drives for all the releases that would be difficult to include due to copyright, uses flash memory instead of memory cards sounds pretty neat.
If they released a Dreamcast with the hits pre-installed, an optical drive to play the rest (or an easily hackable OS lmao) I'd jump on that even if it was a few hundred bucks.
@Silly_G Yeah. I'm playing Shantae now on Switch. It's one of the few Gameboy games you can play on it currently. These games look really good on the Switch. I don't have a definitive list but the other Gameboy/Gameboy Advance games I know of are Castlevania and Contra, part of the collection series'. There is only one DS game that I know of part of the MegaMan ZX collection I believe. If I am missing any, it's only a couple. They are few and far between.
@Franklin Sega has made a vague official announcement about remastering 4 or 5 old games for the Switch. Crazy Taxi is rumored to be among these.
@solidox It's funny how people yell at Nintendo for not releasing more of it's back catalog. And then Sega gets yelled out for releasing it's back catalog WAY too often.
@BillyB Saturn games actually run great on Switch. There are a few ports of shooters available. People have discovered that the emulator for those games is plug and play. Hackers have been getting all kinds of Saturn games running on the Switch (a notoriously difficult system to emulate.) The ports that have been made are kinda pricey though. (Fortunately enough, they usually have the word 'Saturn' in the title so they are easy to find.)
If done right, I would happily pay $200 for a DC mini. I imagine it with a rebranded version of Redream (which is my favorite emulator of all time) and a wireless controller solution from Retrobit (which is actually in the works).
the world is truly ready for panzer saga hd, burning rangers hd, sega rally 1 + 2 hd, fighting vipers hd, and others somewhere in the dusty area of my brain i cant recall right now. just give them to me!
If they made a Saturn Mini, it would probably suck even if they had 100 games and almost all the major classics, the emulator would probably suck.
@thinkhector : Collection of Mana includes a GB ROM (along with its regional variants), and I believe Super Rare’s Toki Tori physical release included the original GBC game as well, possibly as an exclusive.
I think there was also a Medabots collection in Japan that included GBC ROMs, but of course it’s Japanese only.
The Lion King / Aladdin collection included the original GB games and added The Jungle Book ROMs in a revised release. The upcoming Ninja Turtles collection will also include three GB ROMs. And while I would normally leap at both, I can no longer support Disney or Nickelodeon in good conscience, so, I shall be skipping them, unfortunately.
But yes indeed, only few and far between, and typically as part of a larger collection, and I generally jump at them, even if I’m not a fan of the series that the games pertains to as I’m so, so fond of GB/GBC games especially.
Just make 32x mini not MegaDrive again ...
@premko1 They already released 32X and MegaCD add-ons with the Mini 1, and are making a MegaCD mk2 add-on to go with this one. So visually at least, you can build a mk1 or mk2 "Tower of Power". Sadly, these were Japan only (save for extremely rare promotional giveaways) so are fairly expensive to come by, but if you do, there are plenty of sellers who make sticker sets to rebrand the 32X and Mega CD to have the American or PAL badges, if you prefer them.
The add-ons don't actually do anything, but they give the right look. This MD Mini 2 will come with Mega CD games as well as Megadrive, and they've lots of games left to announce, so there's hope they'll add 32X ones as well. But even if not, you can hack them to play 32X roms, the mk1 does this just fine
@somebread What is your profile pic from? Looks familiar.
Why they don't just do their own digital store where you can buy the games individually and also controllers is beyond me. Rather than releasing a mini console to sell to the same people that brought the last ones relying purely on nostalgia to sell it. If the games were released only modern systems they would at least reach a wider audience.
SEGA Master System please.
Removed - unconstructive
Just get M2 and/or other competent studios on the case, Sega, and it wouldn't hurt to make some of your own effort in-house. Either single releases (I suspect most folks reading this would be THRILLED if you brought back the Ages line), or compilations of Saturn and Dreamcast titles similar to your (many) Genesis ones; the more platforms they're on the better.
One thing is certain: Sega may claim to be worried about the potential expense of making new mini consoles, but they've been leaving TONS of money and fan interest on the table by mostly ignoring the Saturn and Dreamcast libraries for the past two decades. And if Sonic Frontiers ends up being like an Unreal Engine tech demo (as at least one article describes what's been shown thus far), they're going to HAVE to diversify beyond Sonic going forward in order to get fans to come back.
@Angelic_Lapras_King Does that mean we'll finally get 32X game re-releases?
@AtlanteanMan Dreamcast got a massive burst of activity around the 360 era, but outside of Nights, Guardian Heroes, and Radiant Silvergun, no Saturn stuff really.
@Kang81 I doubt they'll get Lodoss War, because that's an anime license.
@somebread one of my favorite anime/manga series.
@RushDawg I just hope it does. I really want it.
At this point, I kind of think that putting the Dreamcast back into limited production maybe the way to go, if they could find a plant to reproduce the GD Rom drive so you could still play your old game and release compilation discs for newcomers, coupled with the new releases that come out each year , could be a go-er …. Well, as far as comparing costs to a retro mini console that would likely be the same ERP as the DC back in 1999 anyway!
On a serious note, I should imagine the Dreamcast controller and perhaps VMU is what is causing a headache, in theory it’ll be bigger than the actual console unit and no doubt will have to lose the whole screen in the controller concept.
Until there's a 'system on chip' that's like $40-50 that can handle Saturn and Dreamcast we won't see a mini of those. Same for the N64.
The ones that CAN handle emulation for those is too expensive to be reasonably sold to consumers. Nobody is spending $200+ for a mini
For f... Sake sega, give me the damn pso online on the Switch.
Man, I am so mad I won’t be able to play a tiny console, that will become more annoying than cool, within the hour.
Reasonable enough, though doesn't excuse the fact we haven't seen Puyo Pop Fever rereleased yet.
I understand their concerns but this would for sure be one of the main ones I would be interested in buying. I don't really want to buy mini consoles that have games I have already played, and besides the Sonic Adventure games, I haven't played any other Dreamcast games. This would be a no brainer for me if the selection is good. And I have also never gotten the opportunity to use a Dreamcast controller before. I would have so many firsts if this one came to fruition.
Dang, I would have loved a Dreamcast mini as I never had it during its time, and it had an interesting library of exclusives. I might be in a minority, but I really love the mini consoles. Every method of gaming has its pros and cons, but I like that it's a "closed" system in which there's no online server, shop, or failing disc drive to worry about.
I quite enjoyed the 2019 official Genesis mini, however at this point (especially with the recently announced MD mini 2), they've really wrung Genesis games dry, there's like a dozen ways to officially play them at this point, maybe more. I am aware that there are now Sega CD games for the first time, but I meant in general. I'm not even personally interested in Master System or Saturn, but goodness knows they should give those and Dreamcast more attention.
@Silly_G Honestly it's all emulation so just emulate it on a tablet or a PC. Would I buy a Dreamcast Mini? Yeah probably, but until then ReDream has it covered.
@Silly_G That's cool about the Jungle Book. I didn't know they had updated the collection. Good on them. That would be like Nintendo going back and adding Super Mario Galaxy 2 to Mario 3-D All-Stars.
I guess the big question is what you found wrong with Disney? (To a lesser extent, Nickelodeon.) Seems like they did a good thing. What it something else they did outside of games?
I would love it if they released a compilation of the best Saturn and Dreamcast games on the Switch. It makes sense and I’m sick of constant Megadrive releases with all the same games. I’ve played enough Sonic games! Time for other games now!
For me the issue is not necessarily the lack of a Dreamcast or Saturn Mini, the latter especially would be difficult because of the OG hardware being such a mess.
Im more frustrated that they’re sitting on so many great franchises and refusing to do anything with them. Not even Sega Ages style digital releases or compilations. I can’t believe it’s beyond them to get good quality emulation of all their systems working on current Consoles and at least make their back catalogue available that way.
And I haven’t even started on how many of their classic Arcade games are left in limbo, or the farce that was the Gamegear Mini….
“We we’re gonna make something cool but it was too difficult but we like easy money so have a rehashed thing we’ve already released”
My reply “I’m worried about continuing to support sega in their endless campaign for low hanging fruit and taking my money for low effort so I’ll be passing thanks”
Like the first one I’ll pick up when cheap.
Saturn or Dreamcast would have been day one.
I dunno. Even if the pandemic didn't happen, they still would have gone with this Mega Drive 2 Mini instead.
I get it, the Sega Saturn is very hard to emulator, and cost of making one would be expensive, but Sega should just say that instead of "pandemic screwed us over" response. <_<
id buy one of each, dreamcast and saturn mini.
Would be cool, only so many times you can rerelease Genesis games before nobody really cares anymore.
@samuelvictor Excellent posts about the Saturn's specs, just wanted to add on in case you, or others didn't know.
The Saturn was originally intended to be a 32 bit, 2D Powerhouse with easy hardware to develop for. This changed after Sony unveiled the PlayStation, and the top executives of Sega Japan demanded the Saturn be capable of running 3D games, regardless of the cost. The cost ended up being a higher system MSRP, and development on the games being now very difficult to do. This was one of the many reasons why the Saturn failed on the west. And as you said, it continues to be a reason why emulating the Saturn is difficult to this day, the hardware is a mess.
Those mini consoles are also all emulating less powerful hardware and were manufactured before a global chip shortage. SEGA themselves have said a DC mini would be too expensive; it’s in the interview we’re commenting on. Really not sure why you don’t believe them and think they’re “just making excuses”. They have access to much more info than you do on the topic.
@Knuckles Thank you! And yes, you are exactly correct.
Of course, history could have been very different were the Saturn easier to develop 3D games for, and especially cross platform ports - the majority of 3D games ported from the early Playstation library (WipEout, Destruction Derby, Toshinden, Pandemonium etc) and multi-plats made with PS as primary format (Die Hard Trilogy, Resident Evil, Symphony of the Night etc) were lower res, muddier, lower framerate and missing effects on Saturn.
These games, plus the janky launch games like Daytona and VF1 which were stupidly rushed to get the system out months before the PS, gave the lasting impression to many that the Saturn couldn't do 3D well, or was underpowered. Ironically, in the right hands, it was in some ways more powerful than the Playstation, and could easily hold its own. It just meant that a developer had to know the hardware inside out and develop the games from the ground up to take care of its unique strengths... something few devs were able to do because the Playstation market was quite literally ten times bigger. Ones who dedicated themselves to mastering it often got huge critical acclaim, but actually lost money on each product, driving themselves out of business, like Lobotomy Soft - even massive names like Quake and Duke Nukem 3D didn't sell enough to turn a profit because the system sold so poorly
As for those rushed launch games, I've long held the opinion that if the Saturn launch window had been delayed to its original planned date, alongside the Playstation, and launched with Sega Rally, Virtua Fighter 2 and Virtua Cop (which came out a few months after launch), it would have looked far more convincing against Playstation's launch games like Ridge Racer and Tekken1/Toshiden, which were technically inferior to the Saturn games... but kicked the butt of the rushed launch titles. Store demo units showing Ridge Racer vs Daytona made the PS look years ahead... Ridge Racer vs Sega Rally would have been a different story.
@Knuckles (cont) The "2D powerhouse" nature really was amazing, pretty much every Capcom and SNK 2D game was 95% arcade perfect, or at least way closer than the PS versions. Ironically though, the fact it was first designed for 2D meant that well programmed Saturn 3D had a major advantage over the Playstation - it used Quads rather than triangular polygons. This was because instead of using true "3D" hardware, each polygon was a 2d sprite, warped to reflect the angle it was meant to be at.
This meant that meshes could often use less polygons and run faster and smoother, but also texture maps (which are always square) would never experience the warping, popping, clipping and ugly distortion that happened with most Playstation games when things got close to camera or at extreme angles. It also allowed much easier for shader style effects like distortion, coloured lighting, transparencies, alpha fogging etc to be done easier and more efficiently than the PS, if implemented correctly, as it was only distortion a small lowres bitmap rather than an uneven 3d section of screen like the PS would have to. The trouble was, most devs were used to modelling in triangle polys, and of course this is what they did with the games meant for PS first, and the routines to convert the maths of these meshes to ones the Saturn could use meant a lot of chugging, and the framerates of these games suffered way more than it would if the models and code were optimised properly.
Tomb Raider is an interesting non-typical example, because it was actually developped for Saturn first, and then ported to Playstation when it became clear it was selling well. The Saturn version has far more stable texturing and more solid geometry, and also can do some effects the Playstation can't, such as the water disolouring and warping all the polys under the surface to simulate caustics. These are made possible by the fact the polys are actually line-warped sprites. But the Playstation version (which was created after and had all the models recreated) ends up with a slightly higher resolution and framerate, but with missing effects and warping, clipping graphics.
Of course, the Saturn hardware is a mess. And yeah, that basically contributed to its downfall because half the games suffered for it, the third parties stayed away, and the price was $100 too high. But I can't help but feel that its a beautiful, powerful mess when used by people who know how to make everything work at once. Its essentially multi-core/hyper threading a decade before that became common
Are we just going to skip over the fact that they said they considered releasing another Game Gear Micro? That must mean that silly thing actually sold. For shame.
@Silly_G Also Collection of SaGa.
Very confused here, honestly. How hard is to buy a raspberry pi, load it up with games, and design a shell for it? How is "expensive" by any stretch? His whole statement is confusing to me.
It's a hope, but whenever I mention the game, not many people seem to know it. It may have been my first Diablo-like game, unless Baldur's Gate Fark Alliance (the good one!) released first. But I think it was after.
@Silly_G you should buy an old gameboy and an ever drive and load every GB game onto there. Trust me it's worth it, it's great. You can even get a bivert mod which retains the original screen but adds a backlight, so it still looks like gameboy graphics with the ink floating there. Cos replacing it with a modern LCD screen sucks, it always looks good, but it looks like it does playing these games in my phone or tablet, i.e. it looks TOO good. The bivert mod seems to be the best of both worlds.
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