Comments 132

Re: Monster Hunter: Wilds Tech Analysis Has Us Concerned About A Switch 2 Port


@-wc- I’m not a history repeating itself type. I’m a “Nintendo found a formula that works and seems to be sticking to it,” type.

Nintendo has always made bank on portable consoles. Nintendo has (almost) always made bank on desktop consoles. Nintendo made staggering bank on a hybrid console model that combines both.

Pretty sure they won’t be going away from this before I turn 50, especially since I’m in my mid-forties.

Btw, what are you not liking about the Switch in general? I use it primarily as a docked console, and other than the CPU being a bit slow, I enjoy it. I enjoy my PS5 and Series X more these days, but still.

Re: Samsung Reveals New Sonic-Themed MicroSD Cards



@Princess_Lilly I freely admit that I DO have a Nintendo-branded card in my Switch currently. But said card was also on massive discount at the time and I needed to expand my storage badly at the time.

And dem flash gitz know howta paint dem propa, dey loadz da fastest!

Re: Samsung Reveals New Sonic-Themed MicroSD Cards


A reminder that these cards will live undisturbed inside your Switch 99.9% of the time and a logo on said card doesn’t make it run better than a non-Sonic branded one.

Unless it’s painted red, of course. Da red wunz go fasta, as all civilized people know.

Re: 'Hyperdimension Neptunia' & 'Death End' Switch Releases Scrapped For "Not Complying With Nintendo Guidelines"


@LavenderShroud Exactly. I suspect that for whatever reason NoA/UK/whatever just isn’t down with having their previous/current consoles mocked/compared to other consoles.

Or Idea Factory made some other boo-boo. Either or. But saying it’s a “oh no Christian censorship!” thing is ludicrous.

@HeadPirate Which says exactly NOTHING about what content. You grabbed that and ran into the distance screaming Christian censorship with exactly zero basis in fact. XD

Re: 'Hyperdimension Neptunia' & 'Death End' Switch Releases Scrapped For "Not Complying With Nintendo Guidelines"


@HeadPirate You’re so far off target on this that it’s hilarious. Look at the other games that Nintendo is still currently allowing to be sold on the eShop and then tell me that the Neptunia series is somehow unacceptable to NoA or Nintendo of UK.

You’re either trolling, misinformed or have to drag politics into everything. Nintendo allowed SENRAN KAGURA REFLEXIONS to be sold for Pete’s sake, and still does.And you essentially GROPE GIRLS in that game.

Re: Does Astro Bot's Super Mario 'Inspiration' Cross A Line? Fans Seem Divided


@GamingFan4Lyf I just hit ignore and moved on with my life. Makes life so much easier!

That also said, this article makes me so glad I have all three current major consoles. I can play games like Astro Bot, Mario Odyssey and…well, some XBox games and not care about who steals/takes inspiration/whatever form who. I just pays my money and plays the games.