Comments 1

Re: Review: Library Of Ruina (Switch) - Potential Aplenty, But Just Doesn't Stack Up


Library of Ruina is one of my favourite games ever made, so I will certainly hold bias here
But I feel as if this review truly doesn't do the game justice.
Having played the game on PC, I can't comment on the menus, but the story is certainly excellent. Your complaints about characters immediately being killed off are somewhat understandable, but not necessarily true later on. Characters can and do get further development and those that don't serve to build the narrative further. Every single reception holds narrative importance and they all form a cohesive whole later on.
Another facet of the game that hasn't been commented on is the music. In my opinion, it's excellent. Studio EIM and Mili truly outdid themselves and to see no mention of them whatsoever saddens me.
And the combat is more than similar to other deck builders, the effects and Cards available grow more unique and complex as time goes on. Most notable are the EGO pages, which can define the course of an entire reception
Whatever the case, I urge you to spend a longer period of time on the game. Even with clunky UI it is certainly worth it
And for prospecting buyers, read more than just this review. Almost all are in praise of this game, this seems to be the sole outlier.