This “lite” model may as well be called the “Pokémon” model. When that mainline game arrives they need a cheaper piece of hardware to serve the majority of that audience.
Not sure about that Iwata comment... but here's the deal: Nintendo is a software company. They build their consoles to sell their games. Third party support is always an afterthought.
I love Splatoon but for me to buy it on Switch it needs to be a full fledged sequel with new content.(preferably a bigger single player mode, which was awesome on the original. Really cool final boss)
@Timppis I think Nintendo will actually be able to support this unit on their own, given that they merged their portable and console software departments. It's not ideal but imagine if every 3DS and Wii U game from the last 3 years released on one system... that would be a pretty robust library.
I won't believe anything until Nintendo reveals the unit. It makes sense that it's a hybrid (since they merged those departments) but the rumor of it's processing power here seems questionable. If the NX can run Breath of the Wild and potentionally done Square titles (if those rumors are true) it's gotta have some adequate horsepower under the hood.
Doesn't Nintendo already do this? Look at the Wii U library for instance:
2 major Mario platformers Kirby and the Rainbow Curse Yoshi's Woolly World Mario Kart Nintendoland Game and Wario... And the list goes on. Plus most of the 3rd party content are licensed properties aimed at kids.
The Sonic Advance titles were a lot of fun. That was the last time I really enjoyed playing Sonic. I hope Sega really tries to make something worth playing.
Interesting idea, but the exclusion of GBA compatibility turns me off. It would be a lot easier just to pick a GBA SP (that glorious piece of hardware).
Comments 33
Re: Random: Researchers Visualise How Mario, Luigi, And Dr Eggman Would Look If They'd Actually Aged
This is weird.
Re: "Nintendo Isn't That Smart": Pachter Says Nintendo Should Scrap Switch And 'Only Have Switch Lite'
Pachter is basically Nester from the old Nintendo Power comic strips. He’s an ass and he’s always doing it wrong.
Re: Twin-Stick Arcade Racer Inertial Drift Gets Switch Release Date And New Screenshots
A game that finally takes advantage of the joycon drift feature!!
Re: Rumour: Did Reggie Just Give Us Our First Glimpse At A New Retro Studios Project?
Star Fox Guard Racers
Re: Rumour: Switch Lite To Retain Docking Ability, Nintendo Still 'Experimenting' With More Powerful Model
This “lite” model may as well be called the “Pokémon” model. When that mainline game arrives they need a cheaper piece of hardware to serve the majority of that audience.
Re: Random: Prince Harry Thinks Fortnite Should Be Banned
Thanks for voicing your opinion on the matter Hank.
Re: Soapbox: I Don't 'Get' Smash Bros. And I Just Don't Know Why
This is blasphemous and you’re a communist.
Re: Rumour: Microsoft Plans To Bring Xbox App And Game Pass To Nintendo Switch
If true, then please put Cuphead on Switch.
Re: Feature: What's Left To Be Announced For Smash Bros. Ultimate On Switch?
I just want Prof. E. Gadd. I know I’m in the minority.
Re: Talking Point: Does Sega's AGES Announcement Mean The Virtual Console Is Dead?
I think it will be exclusive to the online service. Nintendo will make a lot more money that way. Apple is essentially doing this with Apple Music.
Re: Video: We Feel these Top Ten Characters Deserve to Be in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo Switch
Professor E. Gadd and Nintendo Power (a fighting magazine) are on the top of my wishlist.
Re: Super Mario Odyssey Director Explains Why the Life Counter Has Been Dropped
I've lost over a thousand lives trying to beat Crown-Crown in 3D World. That level is the bane of my existence.
Re: Oddworld Creator Lorne Lanning "Has No Faith" In Switch
Not sure about that Iwata comment... but here's the deal: Nintendo is a software company. They build their consoles to sell their games. Third party support is always an afterthought.
Re: Poll: What Did You Think of Ubisoft's Nintendo Switch Reveals at E3 2017?
BG&E 2 might have to ship with an expansion pack.
Re: Poll: Who Would You Like To See In Super Smash Bros. For Nintendo Switch?
@ZeldaFan50 So that makes the original Smash, Kart 64?
Re: Poll: Who Would You Like To See In Super Smash Bros. For Nintendo Switch?
I want Prof. E. Gadd and Mallow from Pushmo. Duh.
Re: Video: These Five Titles Would Be Perfect on the Switch
A new 2d Warioland and an HD Kid Icarus Uprising sequel would make me happy child in a man's body.
Re: Rumour: You'll Be Able To Unleash Your Inner Octoling In Splatoon On Nintendo Switch
I love Splatoon but for me to buy it on Switch it needs to be a full fledged sequel with new content.(preferably a bigger single player mode, which was awesome on the original. Really cool final boss)
Re: Feature: Five Franchises That Deserve A Fresh Chance on the Nintendo NX
A Star Tropics game would be cool, or Earthbound, but Star Tropics would be interesting. I also want a 2.5D Metroid with gorgeous HD visuals.
Re: Forget The NES Classic Edition Mini, Here's The Analogue Nt Mini
I would pay a hundred dollars for it (the original price I paid in 1989 for my NES).
Re: Video: These Top Five Secret Mario Levels Were Worth Searching For
Champion's Road is the bane of my existence.
Re: Poll: Which Nintendo NX Games Do You Want to See in the Launch Window?
I would love to see a new Warioland installment. 2.5D with HD visuals... Count me in.
A 3D Mario platformer that uses Super Mario 2 mechanics would also be freak out worthy.
Re: Video: Digital Foundry Breaks Down Details on Nintendo NX and Nvidia's Tegra Technology
@Timppis I think Nintendo will actually be able to support this unit on their own, given that they merged their portable and console software departments. It's not ideal but imagine if every 3DS and Wii U game from the last 3 years released on one system... that would be a pretty robust library.
Re: Multiple Sources Outline a Portable NX With Detachable Controllers, Including a 'Base Station' for TV
I won't believe anything until Nintendo reveals the unit. It makes sense that it's a hybrid (since they merged those departments) but the rumor of it's processing power here seems questionable. If the NX can run Breath of the Wild and potentionally done Square titles (if those rumors are true) it's gotta have some adequate horsepower under the hood.
Re: Feature: Happy Birthday Imajin! The Characters from Doki Doki Panic Turn 30 Years Old
I want the world of Super Mario Bros. 2 brought back in a 3D adventure. Captain Toad shows that those mechanics work in a 3D space. Please Nintendo!
Re: Shigeru Miyamoto Thinks You Should Give Star Fox Zero Another Try
Captain Toad is my pick.
Re: DFC Intelligence Believes the Nintendo NX Could Target "Lost Console Generation" of Young Gamers
Doesn't Nintendo already do this? Look at the Wii U library for instance:
2 major Mario platformers
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Yoshi's Woolly World
Mario Kart
Game and Wario... And the list goes on. Plus most of the 3rd party content are licensed properties aimed at kids.
Re: Sega Placing "Huge Emphasis On Quality" With Future Sonic Titles
The Sonic Advance titles were a lot of fun. That was the last time I really enjoyed playing Sonic. I hope Sega really tries to make something worth playing.
Re: Let Yacht Club Games Know What Game You'd Like Next
I want Super Shovel Knight and I want it bad.
Re: Hyperkin Seeking Developers To Help Bring The Smartboy To Retail
Interesting idea, but the exclusion of GBA compatibility turns me off. It would be a lot easier just to pick a GBA SP (that glorious piece of hardware).
Re: Even If It’s Not Perfect, It’s Better Than Nothing, Says Mighty No. 9 Creator Keiji Inafune
It seems like he is just referring to DLC and future updates, not the reception of the game.
Re: Rumour: More Claims Made For New Legend of Zelda on Wii U and NX, Gender Choice For Playable Character
The gender option is a great idea. I hope it's true.
Re: Feature: Our Top 10 Wii U eShop Games - Third Anniversary Edition
Pushmo World is on my list