To be fair, what else do they expect him to say? Has Nintendo ever made a major new hardware announcement at an investor meeting like this? Do they really think he'd just say they're working on an N64 app, but don't want to 'fully' announce it yet?
To me, it reads like asking a developer in a standard interview if they're working on a sequel to a beloved series. Even if they are, they certainly wouldn't just say so without an accompanying press release and announcement plan.
Seeing things like this always makes me think back to that Gabe Newell quote about piracy being a service issue. If Nintendo actually put its legacy material on the Switch, like it has with the NES and SNES collections, people would be much less inclined to seek it out on ROM sites. If someone wants to play an old game enough, they will find a way to do so, and it's Nintendo's responsibility to offer up their own option to fill that demand.
@Travisemo007 The way I see it, it reduces needless tedium in a game. Like, in a disgaea game, you can have around a dozen characters on a field at once, and it's generally quite tedious to select every single one every turn, tell them where to go, and what attack to use when all you're trying to do is just delete the enemies as quick as possible.
Not surprised at this, I honestly forgot the app exists. It'd be interesting to see their data on daily usage; I'd imagine they're pulling the plug on this feature because people mostly don't bother with it.
See, for me it's not even the individual games, but the sequence of them in the menu that I can't mess with. I'll look farther down the list at a series of fifteen+ games and think something like "Ah, that was a fun run last summer" and I can't bring myself to even play some of the games for fear of breaking up the set 😂
We've been conditioned to expect constant updates on games that are years away from completion. Personally, I'm fine knowing nothing about this until the announcement that it's coming out in three months. Anything before that is really pointless, when you think about it.
On the other end, we have Metroid Dread. Three days ago, nobody knew that game exists, and it's coming out in less than four months.
I think it's ridiculous to assume that development isn't going smoothly, but this definitely seems like one that they announced before they'd even properly begun production.
Really weird idea, but I'm down to give it a try. League players are absolutely insufferable, so hopefully this'll have a more welcoming and enjoyable community.
@Rosona Haha, fair point! I think it speaks volumes that people couldn't tell during the direct whether this is standalone or DLC. Hell, I think it'd be better received even if it was $60 DLC. Standalone is indeed a bold move on Nintendo's part
It's about time! The latest ones haven't recaptured the magic, only makes sense that they bring back the originals. I can't wait for this, it's been so long since I gave these a go!
I'll have to give this a shot, I've yet to put much time in on the Switch version. Definitely not Platinum's best game, but I loved how distinct it felt from the other action games they produce.
@Kilroy That's not what this is about though, the bullet point specifically mentions that bug patches may still be needed. I'm talking about their stance against new content, which here seems to be forbidden. I just don't see a point in limiting a dev's ability to add extra content to their game if it's well-received and there's still some mileage they can get out of it.
"All Shorts will come content complete, and there will never be updates or DLC (although bug patches may still be necessary)"
Gotta admit, I don't see how this is a selling point at all. I get the whole idea of pressuring devs to not push an unfinished product out the door, but practically every indie game I've played that's gotten post-launch updates has been notably improved with the new content and features.
Why do some people want to specifically remove the ability for devs to improve their games?
To be fair, why would they be surprised by that response? Outside of app store shovelware, is there any game for other platforms that the Switch base would just straight up reject?
I dunno, just seems to me like a 'water is wet' kind of thing.
Woof. I remember being pleasantly surprised at how well Razor's Edge performed on the Wii U, rough to see that it's been brought so low here.
I see this and just wonder what the studio was thinking. People would understand if they delayed it to the end of summer to fix up the performance issues. But now that they released it in this state, they've damaged the brand's reputation and will have to play catch-up for weeks if they want to salvage it.
@AchievingGamer The way I see it, reviews are just one tool of many that can help you understand if a game is for you. A review is really nothing more than a person putting down their extended thoughts on their experience, and hopefully backing up their points with solid evidence from the game. There's nothing definitive or authoritative about it, it's just somebody's opinion.
When I'm reading reviews for a game I'm interested in, I usually go through a few different authors/video producers to get an idea of what the best or worst parts of the game are. How do you approach it?
Just a PSA for any of you who downloaded it, Nintendo is sending out their collection squads to confiscate any systems with the update. Don't try to fight them, just do what they say and hopefully they'll give the Switches back when this all blows over. Stay safe and stable, y'all.
@BlubberWhale Could be! All I know is that game dev is often way more expensive than you'd think; I remember there was a post a few years ago from Yacht Club Games that broke down the numbers and it was shocking how quickly everything can add up.
There's simply no way this was at all a beneficial project for them, though. Terrible sales and reviews guaranteed it didn't make money, and all the bad press around it caused priceless amounts of soft damage to the company reputation. Definitely not the kind of thing to sink a company as big as Square, but I don't blame them for swiftly deciding to pull the plug here.
Original wasn't amazing, but I think they fixed it up enough to be in a respectable state. I fully expect this one to be fantastic tho, now that they've got a lot more of their development process figured out.
Interesting, I know he said this was his "one shot" at a platformer, but I figured he'd still be working at Square in some capacity. Can't say I'm surprised at the reaction tho, they probably lost millions over that mess.
@Expa0 I mean, that initial trailer definitely set a pretty bleak atmosphere. I'd be very surprised if the next trailer just suddenly portrays it as a school drama or something.
Curious how this one will turn out. The original is one of those rare experiences that you just can't replicate without the dual screen setup, so I'm wondering if this'll feel like 'just' another action RPG or if it'll feel like a proper sequel. Either way, I'm sure it'll be good!
@JasmineDragon How does Ryza compare to the Mysterious games? Been slowly chipping away at those, but I'm curious what all the furor is about for these latest two.
I remember seeing that hoax as a kid and thinking that SMG DS would be coming out any day. While that was obviously a fake, I've no doubt such a thing could actually be possible if somebody put in the effort to make it real.
Man, I'm just exhausted by all this rumor mill. It's obviously happening, there's leaks and insider reports all over; I just wish Nintendo would officially announce the stupid thing so we can finally have something concrete to discuss and look forward to.
@Rypopo Big agree there, that's one of my favorites on Switch. Taking a 2D approach to strategy instead of grid-based was an interesting move, and I loved how differently all the characters played. I hope that one of those upcoming projects they're working on is a follow up to Heist, it'd be great to see them revisit the idea!
@MatoFilipovic There's a couple in the screenshots tab. Our reviews always randomly insert pictures from our pool of screenshots every time the page loads.
@bozz I agree with that, not every game has to be the GOTY. But that also means it can't be rated too highly, especially when other games in the genre better prove its strengths by their interesting takes on it.
The way I see it, scores are always relative because they can be nothing more than the product of the person who scored it. Metacritic puts this game at a 68, which means I scored it below the average, but what that tells me is that this is a game that has some unavoidable, legitimate flaws and shortcomings in its design regardless of who plays it. Some can't get past those issues, while some are more forgiving.
@Ghost_of_Hasashi I'd think you could get 20-30 hours if you really grinded for everything and went for all achievements, though howlongtobeat puts it at 23 hours.
This feels like making a change for the sake of change. Still, they're also making tanks take less damage overall, so I can see how having two huge damage sponges on the field could really affect how the game is played.
@LinktotheFuture IV definitely had a crappy map system, I got lost several times, too. It's worth pushing through, but I'm still hoping that V fixes that very easily avoided problem. Apocalypse had a much better map though, so I have high hopes.
Definitely better than the first, I even got the Platinum for this on PS4. Combat was way better in this entry, and I liked the kingdom building side of things.
Comments 2,826
Re: Sonic The Hedgehog's Voice Actor Reassures Fans He's Here To Stay
So, in a six month window, this guy either quit or was fired from the role and then he just came back? What happened?
Re: Nintendo President Quizzed By Shareholders On Switch 'Pro' And Classic Mini Consoles
To be fair, what else do they expect him to say? Has Nintendo ever made a major new hardware announcement at an investor meeting like this? Do they really think he'd just say they're working on an N64 app, but don't want to 'fully' announce it yet?
To me, it reads like asking a developer in a standard interview if they're working on a sequel to a beloved series. Even if they are, they certainly wouldn't just say so without an accompanying press release and announcement plan.
Re: Take A Look At 'Planet Hop', A Charming New Game Boy Title
This actually looks pretty good! Can't imagine why someone would want to develop for Game Boy, but I hope this goes well.
Re: Nintendo Fears A Popular ROM Website Could Make A Comeback
Seeing things like this always makes me think back to that Gabe Newell quote about piracy being a service issue. If Nintendo actually put its legacy material on the Switch, like it has with the NES and SNES collections, people would be much less inclined to seek it out on ROM sites. If someone wants to play an old game enough, they will find a way to do so, and it's Nintendo's responsibility to offer up their own option to fill that demand.
Re: Review: Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny - A Series High Point, Just Not For Performance
@Travisemo007 The way I see it, it reduces needless tedium in a game. Like, in a disgaea game, you can have around a dozen characters on a field at once, and it's generally quite tedious to select every single one every turn, tell them where to go, and what attack to use when all you're trying to do is just delete the enemies as quick as possible.
Re: Monster Hunter Rise Version 3.1.0 Is Now Live, Here Are The Full Patch Notes
Man, I gotta catch back up with this. Passed HR50 last week and finally managed to kill Bagel Goose.
What a game; this is easily my favorite in the series so far!
Re: Square Enix Is Releasing A Demo For NEO: The World Ends With You
Cautiously optimistic about this one, but I think it'll turn out well!
Re: Switch Mobile App Will No Longer Support Splatoon 2's Online Lounge Feature
Not surprised at this, I honestly forgot the app exists. It'd be interesting to see their data on daily usage; I'd imagine they're pulling the plug on this feature because people mostly don't bother with it.
Re: Zelda: BOTW Sequel Was The "Most Talked About" E3 2021 Game On Twitter
But... But... E3 said that everyone is most looking forward to Forza!
Re: Talking Point: What's That One Switch Game You Can't Bring Yourself To Delete?
See, for me it's not even the individual games, but the sequence of them in the menu that I can't mess with. I'll look farther down the list at a series of fifteen+ games and think something like "Ah, that was a fun run last summer" and I can't bring myself to even play some of the games for fear of breaking up the set 😂
Re: Nintendo Confirms Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp Will Include Online Support
No doubt this is gonna turn out fantastic. I hope this does well when it launches, maybe then Nintendo will do a new one.
Re: Nintendo Reassures Us That Bayonetta 3 "Still Exists" Despite E3 No-Show
We've been conditioned to expect constant updates on games that are years away from completion. Personally, I'm fine knowing nothing about this until the announcement that it's coming out in three months. Anything before that is really pointless, when you think about it.
Re: Hideki Kamiya Shares Irritation At Speculation Over Bayonetta 3
On the other end, we have Metroid Dread. Three days ago, nobody knew that game exists, and it's coming out in less than four months.
I think it's ridiculous to assume that development isn't going smoothly, but this definitely seems like one that they announced before they'd even properly begun production.
Re: Pokémon Unite Launches Next Month On Switch, But Mobile Players Will Need To Wait
Really weird idea, but I'm down to give it a try. League players are absolutely insufferable, so hopefully this'll have a more welcoming and enjoyable community.
Re: The E3 2021 Awards Winners Are In, But Nintendo Lost Out
Yeah, I don't know about that. Of everything that's been announced this E3, I kind of doubt that the most anticipated is Forza.
Re: Mario Party Superstars Will Have You Partying Like It's 1999
@Rosona Haha, fair point! I think it speaks volumes that people couldn't tell during the direct whether this is standalone or DLC. Hell, I think it'd be better received even if it was $60 DLC. Standalone is indeed a bold move on Nintendo's part
Re: Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania Is Rolling Onto Switch
It's about time! The latest ones haven't recaptured the magic, only makes sense that they bring back the originals. I can't wait for this, it's been so long since I gave these a go!
Re: The Japanese Shin Megami Tensei V Trailer Is Different To The Western One
Man, I thought this game would look good, but this blew me away. No joke, this looks leagues better than even P5!
Re: Mario Party Superstars Will Have You Partying Like It's 1999
I guess all the complaining about no DLC for Super Mario Party can finally be put to rest now.
Re: Metroid 5 Is Coming To Switch As Metroid Dread, And It's 2D
This was unbelievable. I figured we might get another 2D Metroid someday, but I never would've expected Dread to come back
Re: The Wonderful 101: Remastered's Time Attack DLC Has Finally Arrived On Switch
I'll have to give this a shot, I've yet to put much time in on the Switch version. Definitely not Platinum's best game, but I loved how distinct it felt from the other action games they produce.
Re: Super Rare Games Changes Course On Physical-Only "Shorts", Makes Them Timed Exclusives
@Kilroy That's not what this is about though, the bullet point specifically mentions that bug patches may still be needed. I'm talking about their stance against new content, which here seems to be forbidden. I just don't see a point in limiting a dev's ability to add extra content to their game if it's well-received and there's still some mileage they can get out of it.
Re: Super Rare Games Changes Course On Physical-Only "Shorts", Makes Them Timed Exclusives
"All Shorts will come content complete, and there will never be updates or DLC (although bug patches may still be necessary)"
Gotta admit, I don't see how this is a selling point at all. I get the whole idea of pressuring devs to not push an unfinished product out the door, but practically every indie game I've played that's gotten post-launch updates has been notably improved with the new content and features.
Why do some people want to specifically remove the ability for devs to improve their games?
Re: Kingdom Come Developer Reveals Switch Version Was Born Out Of A "Happy Mistake"
To be fair, why would they be surprised by that response? Outside of app store shovelware, is there any game for other platforms that the Switch base would just straight up reject?
I dunno, just seems to me like a 'water is wet' kind of thing.
Re: Shin Megami Tensei Veterans Confirm 'Monark', A JRPG Heading To Switch In 2022
Looks almost like an SRPG. I'm certainly interested!
Re: Review: Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection - Ryu Hayabusa Deserves Better Than This
Woof. I remember being pleasantly surprised at how well Razor's Edge performed on the Wii U, rough to see that it's been brought so low here.
I see this and just wonder what the studio was thinking. People would understand if they delayed it to the end of summer to fix up the performance issues. But now that they released it in this state, they've damaged the brand's reputation and will have to play catch-up for weeks if they want to salvage it.
Re: Switch Was Outsold By PS5 And Xbox Series X|S In The UK Last Month
Nintendo is doomed, it's all falling apart.
Re: Review: World's End Club - A Real Looker Spoiled By Hit-And-Miss Storytelling
@AchievingGamer The way I see it, reviews are just one tool of many that can help you understand if a game is for you. A review is really nothing more than a person putting down their extended thoughts on their experience, and hopefully backing up their points with solid evidence from the game. There's nothing definitive or authoritative about it, it's just somebody's opinion.
When I'm reading reviews for a game I'm interested in, I usually go through a few different authors/video producers to get an idea of what the best or worst parts of the game are. How do you approach it?
Re: Nintendo Halts Distribution Of Switch System Update 12.0.3
Just a PSA for any of you who downloaded it, Nintendo is sending out their collection squads to confiscate any systems with the update. Don't try to fight them, just do what they say and hopefully they'll give the Switches back when this all blows over. Stay safe and stable, y'all.
Re: Review: World's End Club - A Real Looker Spoiled By Hit-And-Miss Storytelling
@LEGEND_MARIOID I get the feeling this is one of those games that isn't objectively that great, but it really lands with some people.
Still wouldn't recommend for 40 bucks, but definitely keep it in mind if this is your thing.
Re: Inti Creates Shares A Fresh Look At Blaster Master Zero 3
Great stuff here, I love these games. Now if only we could get a look at Azure Striker Gunvolt 3...
Re: Yuji Naka Parted Ways With Square Enix Following Balan Wonderworld's Release
@BlubberWhale Could be! All I know is that game dev is often way more expensive than you'd think; I remember there was a post a few years ago from Yacht Club Games that broke down the numbers and it was shocking how quickly everything can add up.
There's simply no way this was at all a beneficial project for them, though. Terrible sales and reviews guaranteed it didn't make money, and all the bad press around it caused priceless amounts of soft damage to the company reputation. Definitely not the kind of thing to sink a company as big as Square, but I don't blame them for swiftly deciding to pull the plug here.
Re: Bloodstained: Ritual Of The Night Sequel Officially Confirmed
Original wasn't amazing, but I think they fixed it up enough to be in a respectable state. I fully expect this one to be fantastic tho, now that they've got a lot more of their development process figured out.
Re: Yuji Naka Parted Ways With Square Enix Following Balan Wonderworld's Release
Interesting, I know he said this was his "one shot" at a platformer, but I figured he'd still be working at Square in some capacity. Can't say I'm surprised at the reaction tho, they probably lost millions over that mess.
Re: Shin Megami Tensei V Release Date Seemingly Leaked Ahead Of Nintendo's E3 Direct
@Expa0 I mean, that initial trailer definitely set a pretty bleak atmosphere. I'd be very surprised if the next trailer just suddenly portrays it as a school drama or something.
Re: Hands On: NEO The World Ends With You Has Us Caught In A Twister
Curious how this one will turn out. The original is one of those rare experiences that you just can't replicate without the dual screen setup, so I'm wondering if this'll feel like 'just' another action RPG or if it'll feel like a proper sequel. Either way, I'm sure it'll be good!
Re: The Atelier Ryza Series Has Shipped One Million Copies, Koei Tecmo Celebrates With Free DLC Costumes
@JasmineDragon How does Ryza compare to the Mysterious games? Been slowly chipping away at those, but I'm curious what all the furor is about for these latest two.
Re: Random: Fan Project Is Making Super Mario Galaxy DS A Reality
I remember seeing that hoax as a kid and thinking that SMG DS would be coming out any day. While that was obviously a fake, I've no doubt such a thing could actually be possible if somebody put in the effort to make it real.
Re: Berserk Boy Is A Promising Retro-Inspired Action Platformer That's Heading To Switch
Reminds me of Copen's gameplay in the last couple Gunvolt games. Hopefully this turns out well!
Re: Rumour: Switch Pro To Offer 'Surface-Style' Tabletop Flap, USB 3.0 And Ethernet Connectivity
Man, I'm just exhausted by all this rumor mill. It's obviously happening, there's leaks and insider reports all over; I just wish Nintendo would officially announce the stupid thing so we can finally have something concrete to discuss and look forward to.
Re: Review: Pathway - Competent XCOM-Style Combat, But Is That Enough?
@Rypopo Big agree there, that's one of my favorites on Switch. Taking a 2D approach to strategy instead of grid-based was an interesting move, and I loved how differently all the characters played. I hope that one of those upcoming projects they're working on is a follow up to Heist, it'd be great to see them revisit the idea!
Re: Sonic Colors: Ultimate Confirmed For Switch, Releases This Fall
I'm all for it, this and Generations were easily the best 3D Sonics. Still kind of hoping that the next one redeems them after the mess of Forces...
Re: Review: Pathway - Competent XCOM-Style Combat, But Is That Enough?
@MatoFilipovic There's a couple in the screenshots tab. Our reviews always randomly insert pictures from our pool of screenshots every time the page loads.
Re: Review: Pathway - Competent XCOM-Style Combat, But Is That Enough?
@bozz I agree with that, not every game has to be the GOTY. But that also means it can't be rated too highly, especially when other games in the genre better prove its strengths by their interesting takes on it.
The way I see it, scores are always relative because they can be nothing more than the product of the person who scored it. Metacritic puts this game at a 68, which means I scored it below the average, but what that tells me is that this is a game that has some unavoidable, legitimate flaws and shortcomings in its design regardless of who plays it. Some can't get past those issues, while some are more forgiving.
@Ghost_of_Hasashi I'd think you could get 20-30 hours if you really grinded for everything and went for all achievements, though howlongtobeat puts it at 23 hours.
Re: Review: Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster - The Best Version Of An Ageing Classic
@anoyonmus No, but I could have just gotten lucky. Wasn't that part of the mess around the Japanese release?
Re: Overwatch 2 Is Removing The Second Tank Slot From PVP Teams
This feels like making a change for the sake of change. Still, they're also making tanks take less damage overall, so I can see how having two huge damage sponges on the field could really affect how the game is played.
Re: Review: Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster - The Best Version Of An Ageing Classic
@LinktotheFuture IV definitely had a crappy map system, I got lost several times, too. It's worth pushing through, but I'm still hoping that V fixes that very easily avoided problem. Apocalypse had a much better map though, so I have high hopes.
Re: Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom Is Coming To Switch
Definitely better than the first, I even got the Platinum for this on PS4. Combat was way better in this entry, and I liked the kingdom building side of things.
Re: Review: Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster - The Best Version Of An Ageing Classic
@jump Lol people will never forget. I'll never understand why they've been so hesitant to port that, it just seems like such an easy win for them.
Re: Review: Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster - The Best Version Of An Ageing Classic
@jump You're right there, I would've given it an 8 and Royal a 9. I'd give SMTIV a 9 as well, I think it's much better than this one.
I'm sure III was pretty great for its time, but it felt rather creaky to me. Is this your favorite in the series?