Comments 175

Re: Review: Senran Kagura Burst (3DS eShop)


@zipmon Morgan - trust you to be reviewing this one ;D

@Doma I would love to review a game like this at some point, I always wanted to review Akiba's Trip, purely to see if I did feel really uncomfortable or not. There's only been one incidence when I reviewed a J-RPG (on PS3) that I was annoyed by its portrayal of women, and that was mainly to do with the language used rather than how they were dressed.

Re: Review: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies (3DS eShop)


@unrandomsam I'm a very suspicious lady indeed..

But in all seriousness, Animal Crossing NL, Pokemon X&Y, and AA:DD are all smashing games and I believe wholeheartedly they deserve the scores I gave them. It just so happens I've been pretty fortunate lately and have reviewed some awesome games, but trust me I've had to play through my fair share of duds too.

Re: Review: Pokémon X & Y (3DS)


@ShikabaneHime13 Yeah! It's so cool I sure can, I do believe you collect them as you go along (but I could be wrong), my character's eyes were naturally blue, and then I so far have Brown, Hazel, Gray and Green in my Lenses Case. I'll keep searching and see if any exciting contact colours crop up.

Re: Review: Pokémon X & Y (3DS)


@ZephyrTheLegend Hi there, I can't talk about the relative size of the region map specifically, but I can say it's well spaced, creating a good story/gameplay pace
As for the Pokemon I would say you encounter more old gen Pokemon than new Pokemon on average, which in my opinion is better as you really relish those moments when a new species pops up! Even in "important battles" older gen Pokemon are used, rather than purely Gen VI.

Re: Review: Pokémon X & Y (3DS)


Hey NLife readers - just a quick mention that unfortunately we weren't able to mention online gameplay in this review, but rest assured it is there! We just can't talk about it openly yet - although we will cover it in a subsequent article. If you're interested in local wireless gameplay, Martin Watts covered a bit of it in our 'First Impressions' article a few weeks back.

In regards to new Pokemon numbers etc. we aim to keep our reviews as spoiler-free as possible, but otherwise if you have any questions hit me up!

Re: First Impressions: Pokémon X & Y


@belmont I agree that Pokemon games have always looked a little behind visuals-wise, and although I can't comment about the 3D (played Pokemon Y on a 2DS), from what I saw it's a definite improvement from the last generation, which in my opinion was a bit rough around the edges. I didn't have enough time with it to sit quietly and note down any technical graphical issues - that will come with the review later on

Re: Review: Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS)


@MrBrownie Glad you found it useful. You can't order replicas of other players items during the dream mode, but you can order most furniture from players you've streetpassed in the streetpass avenue of the main street. All the online features sound a little confusing down on paper but all will become clear once you boot up the game!

Re: Review: Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS)


@brandonbwii I think what you've heard is right, you don't seem to be able to send letters to other towns that you've visited, only your own townsfolk and 'Future Me'. Not sure why they'd axe this feature... I'd presume in order to accommodate all the new features they've put in?
You can't take anything to or from the dream world, only the drawings which Wendell gives you. However, Wendell doesn't function like he normally would in the dreams, you don't have to give him any food and he will give you a pattern from the town your visiting, not the normal patterns he gives out in the 'real world'. I think Wendell pops up every time you visit a dream town.
Yep you can still buy a timer! I think it pops up for sale after you've expanded the convenience store for the first time.
I don't think the Observatory exists any more (although I could be mistaken), as Celeste now works in the museum gift shop which pops up after you've expanded your museum to the 2nd floor.

Hope this answers everything!

Re: Review: Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS)


@Mowzle Haha yes I was joking. In honesty, I have waaay to big a guilty conscience to do that to anyone. If that was my town I'd cry for days!
Saying that, a friend (now acquaintance) of mine did axe some of my trees in Wild World a few years back.. It didn't end well.

Re: Review: Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS)


@bahooney The soundtrack is pretty similar to Wild World, albeit with new tracks. It's mostly calming atmospheric music fitting with the season/time of day, and while it definitely changes throughout the course of the day, I'm not 100% certain that it changes every hour. A few of the more memorable character themes are back (e.g. Resetti's), but I do believe it's mostly new material.