Anyone know about Atarimatt? Saw him at Classic Game Fest in Austin, TX, last July.
Dude has two old giant wooden-box-on-the-floor TVs stacked on top of one another, two Atari 2600s with the audio going through a guitar pedal board, and I'm guessing a few copies of the 'teach yourself programming' title with various labels indicating different sections of music and visual whatnots.
It was a trip, and it was like 2pm when I saw him.
Recently cashed in gold coins and got Sengoku 3 for $1.47. Went in completely cold, other than knowing it was in the conversation for one of the best Neo-Geo titles. I may have unknowingly rendered all other beat-em-ups obsolete...
This is the only one that really jumped out, by far, and looked like they took their pixels and chiptunage seriously.
What's with the minimalist visuals in a lot of these other indie titles? So many look like an HD Intellivision game with a "super-rad techno soundtrack". Is it for maximum "port-ability"?
Any pseudo-dyslexics out there seeing the word 'pedo'?
Reminds me of the alternate lyrics I mentally superimpose over this dumb Coldplay song I hear at work all the time to make it humorous and therefore prevent me from going insane.
"Living in a pedo, pedo, paradise.."
I always get a chuckle from that one. Sounds like they're talking about Epstein's private island.
It's a long shot, but Die Hard Arcade would be rad. The Saturn version is too dang rare and expensive! Even the original JP version minus the Die Hard license would suffice.
Played quite a bit of LR: The Legend Returns on a friend's PC in like 2000. I recall drawing out a sick level on a church bulletin and handing it to him to recreate, and it translated perfectly.
Never had a PC or current-gen consoles growing up, so other kids' parents had to provide.
Glancing over at my two bookshelves full of VHS tapes, I'm seeing more action than comedy.
The best action films are loaded with funny bits, intentional and otherwise. Prime example: Commando. "Please don't bother my friend, he's dead tired."
Seems cool, but... Scribble art. Is this what art colleges are pushing nowadays? That's all I see anymore in Des Moines, Iowa: where people go to move back in with their parents after being chewed up and spit out by New York City.
Is there an option to secure a joy-con to each leg for full-on 4-limb drumset action? It ain't rock n roll without all extremities moving independently. Insert dirty joke here. Then there.
Also, I know it was an old PS1 jam but reading this, all I can think of is Jet Moto, which brings me back to the demo disc days, where I got into Medievil, Tony Hawk 1, Cool Boarders, Parappa the Rapper, Die Hard Trilogy, and hot-fire puzzle game Intelligent Qube.
It's rad that they're introducing different 'bands' in the fictonal world to justify their experimentation with different instrumental ensembles. The songs with the violin sound like Kansas on speed. Siiiick.
@clvr Haha, lightin' 'em up! Gotta let 'em know there's still people battin' for the other team.
Which in itself implies that most/all organized religion (which all tell the same story at the end of the day) is only here to divide and conquer us lowly masses.
Fire Emblem Warriors, DOOM, Mario RPG on SNES mini, and my B-Day gifts Super Aleste and Parodius on SFC. Special thanks to the first few issues of Super Play on for selling me on those pieces of gold.
I'm still trying to figure out how to monetize musical talent, specifically Classic Heavy Metal drumming.
The past few years, I've used video games as an escape from the harsh reality that no one gives a toss about instrument playing anymore.
Now it's looking like I should have invested in streaming equipment instead of a Neil Peart monster drumkit.
It's strange. Maybe it's being born in '86 and never having a computer until 2004, but it never occurred to me until pretty recently that people can make their entire living on internet ad revenue. The jealousy is real, ha!
But I'm too far into music and too far removed from the technology loop to turn back now... In which case, check me out! I've got something for everyone, as long as you dig upbeat music on real instruments.
Dang, I was hoping they were gonna discuss the various tribute bands being the keepers of the flame of awareness for some of these composers.
I look at the old musicians-turned-programmers from back in the day the same way I look at members of old Heavy Metal bands like Jaguar. Both are rad in similar, yet different ways.
The balls-to-the-wall guitar-heavy versions of the source music on these games are the best!
Is that a Tecmo thing? They were one of the first to hire musicians to make game music back in the day, which is why Ninja Gaiden and Tecmo Super Bowl music has a full drumkit with crazy fills and everything.
What's the Nlife staff opinion on Iron Maiden? Judas Priest? Brits made/were into rad music back in the day, but I'm not sure if that's the case nowadays, what with "screeching guitars" seeming like a bad thing.
Guitars are supposed to sound like chainsaws. Anything else just ain't Rock N Roll, baby!
Recently went to a local arcade that features mostly brand new machines. Came across a CruisN Blast cabinet with Nintendo's logo all over it. Extremely entertaining, would totally buy a Switch port.
Anyone else notice the World Class Championship Wrestling souvenir program in that pic? I saw the name Von Erich and I was like, "Whaaaa?!" Possibly the rarest piece in the lot.
Comments 511
Re: Feature: It's Time For Former Tetris Champion Steve Wozniak To Reclaim His Throne
Best tagline ever! Bret was the shizzzz.
Wasn't it Wozniak that put on the US Festival in '82-'83? The "rock" day was jam-packed with siiiiiccckk freakin bands.
Re: Weirdness: Watch In Horror As A Game Boy Gets Tortured In The Name Of Music
Anyone know about Atarimatt? Saw him at Classic Game Fest in Austin, TX, last July.
Dude has two old giant wooden-box-on-the-floor TVs stacked on top of one another, two Atari 2600s with the audio going through a guitar pedal board, and I'm guessing a few copies of the 'teach yourself programming' title with various labels indicating different sections of music and visual whatnots.
It was a trip, and it was like 2pm when I saw him.
Re: KORG Gadget Releases Worldwide Next Week On The Switch eShop
Still doesn't beat the satisfaction of learning to play a real instrument.
*Cue song "Long Live Rock N Roll" by Ronnie James Dio-era Rainbow
Re: Steve Wiebe Recognised As First Million Point Donkey Kong Record Holder As Billy Mitchell's Scores Are Nuked
Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys says, "gree-ee-easy"
Re: Hands On: Cleaning Up The Streets With Raging Justice On Switch
Recently cashed in gold coins and got Sengoku 3 for $1.47. Went in completely cold, other than knowing it was in the conversation for one of the best Neo-Geo titles. I may have unknowingly rendered all other beat-em-ups obsolete...
Re: Channel Your Inner Shinobi As The Messenger Brings 8-Bit And 16-Bit Platforming To Switch
This is the only one that really jumped out, by far, and looked like they took their pixels and chiptunage seriously.
What's with the minimalist visuals in a lot of these other indie titles? So many look like an HD Intellivision game with a "super-rad techno soundtrack". Is it for maximum "port-ability"?
Re: Explore The Art And Culture Of Norway In The Co-Op Centric World Of Pode
Any pseudo-dyslexics out there seeing the word 'pedo'?
Reminds me of the alternate lyrics I mentally superimpose over this dumb Coldplay song I hear at work all the time to make it humorous and therefore prevent me from going insane.
"Living in a pedo, pedo, paradise.."
I always get a chuckle from that one. Sounds like they're talking about Epstein's private island.
Re: Garage Is Gunning Its Way Onto Switch With Blood, Guts And B-Movie Insanity
"Body bag not included."
Re: Kirby Star Allies Denied UK Number One Chart Debut By Burnout Paradise
"For Frawwg the Bell Tollllls, time marches on, on.. on... on...."
That and the JP-only sequel to Fortified Zone were the first ones I got once I re-remembered that GB games weren't region locked.
Re: Pablo Escobar And The Narcos Gang Are Heading To A Nintendo Switch Near You
Anyone hear/read about a book by Escobar's son where he confirms the CIA's direct involvement in all greasy shenanigans?
I wonder if this show is a timely smokescreen. They only hinted at the CIA involvement with that Rick Rubin lookin dude.
Re: Toys R Us Is Closing All Of Its US And UK Stores
@NEStalgia @rjejr
Nailed it! I love it when the real world collides with our cultivated bubble here on a Nintendo website comment thread.
Re: HAMSTER Acquires Rights To Complete Video System Catalogue
It's a long shot, but Die Hard Arcade would be rad. The Saturn version is too dang rare and expensive! Even the original JP version minus the Die Hard license would suffice.
Re: Bad Dudes Vs. DragonNinja Punches Its Way To Switch Next Week
My band SpeedRun (which rocks, btw, hehe) has the hot-fire 'Riding Stages' song from this game on our ill-fated unreleased debut EP.
Search 'SpeedRun rocks' on YouTube to see what could have been...
Re: Lode Runner Legacy Dashes Onto Switch This Spring In Japan
Played quite a bit of LR: The Legend Returns on a friend's PC in like 2000. I recall drawing out a sick level on a church bulletin and handing it to him to recreate, and it translated perfectly.
Never had a PC or current-gen consoles growing up, so other kids' parents had to provide.
Re: Feature: Remembering Toys R Us, The '90s Gamer's Paradise
Only time I went there as a kid was to buy Vigilante 8: Second Offense for PS1.
I was, and likely still am, the only person I knew who preferred V8 over Twisted Metal.
Re: Review: Gal Metal (Switch)
@Dr_Corndog Yaaaas
I wonder if you get bonuses for weird polyrhythms that don't sound like they fit the tune until 42 measures in?
I really want to try this, but I'm not sure if it's worth $50.
Re: Review: Gal Metal (Switch)
What some refer to as 'true heavy metal' is what happens when classical meets the early days of rock n roll.
So heavy metal classical tunes make all of the sense. Anyone listen to Symphony X?
Re: Splatoon 2 Pits Action Against Comedy in Global Splatfest Next Week
Glancing over at my two bookshelves full of VHS tapes, I'm seeing more action than comedy.
The best action films are loaded with funny bits, intentional and otherwise. Prime example: Commando. "Please don't bother my friend, he's dead tired."
Re: Rumour: Konami Is Bringing Its WiiWare ReBirth Series To Switch
Please be less than $15 a piece. One of the reasons I never took the plunge. Played the Contra one on a friend's Wii, though. Good stuff.
Also, someone mentioned Metal Gear as the possible new ReBirth title, which would be ssssiiiiiiiccccckkkkkk
Re: Nintendo Launches Official Nintendo Power Podcast
Ah, podcasts, arch-enemy of original live music, why dost the masses prefer thee?
Cool idea though.
Re: Dark Horse Will Be Giving Away ARMS Comics On Free Comic Book Day
"May the Fifth be with you." The day after Star Wars day is Jim Lahey day. He was The Liquor, now you can too!
Re: WWE 2K18 Gets An Update On Switch, But Can It Fix Its Problems?
Fire Pro. That is all.
Re: Nintendo Switch Ends 2017 On A High With 2.5 Million Units Sold In Japan Alone
@JLPick Wasn't the Zapper based on an old Gunpei Yokoi toy from the 70s?
Re: Random: This Fan-Made Satoru Iwata amiibo Gives Us The Feels
@Rhaoulos The secret to their longetivity? Think the episode of South Park w Christopher Reeve.
Re: Floor Kids Dances Onto Switch Very Soon
Seems cool, but... Scribble art. Is this what art colleges are pushing nowadays? That's all I see anymore in Des Moines, Iowa: where people go to move back in with their parents after being chewed up and spit out by New York City.
Re: Review: Cat Quest (Switch eShop)
Go Team Cat!
Re: Video: Here's How You Play Switch Drumming Game Gal Metal
Is there an option to secure a joy-con to each leg for full-on 4-limb drumset action? It ain't rock n roll without all extremities moving independently. Insert dirty joke here. Then there.
Re: Review: Snow Moto Racing Freedom (Switch)
Also, I know it was an old PS1 jam but reading this, all I can think of is Jet Moto, which brings me back to the demo disc days, where I got into Medievil, Tony Hawk 1, Cool Boarders, Parappa the Rapper, Die Hard Trilogy, and hot-fire puzzle game Intelligent Qube.
Re: Review: Snow Moto Racing Freedom (Switch)
@oorwullie "Taking the piss." One of my all-time favorite British-isms. Add the word 'bleeding' for extra Nicko McBrain points.
Re: Video: Nintendo Releases More Footage of Splatoon 2 Soundtrack Performances
It's rad that they're introducing different 'bands' in the fictonal world to justify their experimentation with different instrumental ensembles. The songs with the violin sound like Kansas on speed. Siiiick.
Re: Nintendo Reveals the Ages of Pearl and Marina
@clvr Haha, lightin' 'em up! Gotta let 'em know there's still people battin' for the other team.
Which in itself implies that most/all organized religion (which all tell the same story at the end of the day) is only here to divide and conquer us lowly masses.
Go Team Marina!
Re: Anniversary: The Super Famicom Is Now 27 Years Old
Mortgage and 2 kids at age 27? Yikes!
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - There Are So Many...
Fire Emblem Warriors, DOOM, Mario RPG on SNES mini, and my B-Day gifts Super Aleste and Parodius on SFC. Special thanks to the first few issues of Super Play on for selling me on those pieces of gold.
Re: Nintendo "Spending A Lot Of Time" Considering YouTube Livestream Monetisation
I'm still trying to figure out how to monetize musical talent, specifically Classic Heavy Metal drumming.
The past few years, I've used video games as an escape from the harsh reality that no one gives a toss about instrument playing anymore.
Now it's looking like I should have invested in streaming equipment instead of a Neil Peart monster drumkit.
It's strange. Maybe it's being born in '86 and never having a computer until 2004, but it never occurred to me until pretty recently that people can make their entire living on internet ad revenue. The jealousy is real, ha!
But I'm too far into music and too far removed from the technology loop to turn back now... In which case, check me out! I've got something for everyone, as long as you dig upbeat music on real instruments.
Re: Feature: Diggin' In The Carts Host Nick Dwyer On How Video Game Music Has Come Of Age
Dang, I was hoping they were gonna discuss the various tribute bands being the keepers of the flame of awareness for some of these composers.
I look at the old musicians-turned-programmers from back in the day the same way I look at members of old Heavy Metal bands like Jaguar. Both are rad in similar, yet different ways.
Re: Anniversary: It's One Year Since Nintendo Showed Us The Switch
There's a "Star Road" joke in there somewhere...
Re: Review: Fire Emblem Warriors (Switch)
The balls-to-the-wall guitar-heavy versions of the source music on these games are the best!
Is that a Tecmo thing? They were one of the first to hire musicians to make game music back in the day, which is why Ninja Gaiden and Tecmo Super Bowl music has a full drumkit with crazy fills and everything.
What's the Nlife staff opinion on Iron Maiden? Judas Priest? Brits made/were into rad music back in the day, but I'm not sure if that's the case nowadays, what with "screeching guitars" seeming like a bad thing.
Guitars are supposed to sound like chainsaws. Anything else just ain't Rock N Roll, baby!
Re: Mario Bros. to Kick Off 'Arcade Archives' Range on Nintendo Switch
Sky Skipper. Unleash it on the world!!
Re: First Impressions: Defying Gravity in Skyrim for Nintendo Switch
^^^ That's a new one, niiice. Still gets triggered by the song "Brandy" by Looking Glass.
Re: '90s Super GP Will Be Power Sliding On To Switch Soon
Recently went to a local arcade that features mostly brand new machines. Came across a CruisN Blast cabinet with Nintendo's logo all over it. Extremely entertaining, would totally buy a Switch port.
Re: WWE 2K18 is Confirmed for Nintendo Switch
It's a sport, it's entertainment. One could even brand it as a hybrid of the two.
It's a handheld. It's a console. One could even brand it as a hybrid of the two.
Re: Random: Ease The Pain Of Sega Forever's Botched Launch With This Official Cereal
Frig the cereal, where can I get my greasy paws on that rad cassette tape? My '99 Escort needs this.
Re: Disney Afternoon Collection Includes Six NES Classics, But It's Skipping Nintendo Systems
Disney sending a message to new competitor Nintendo: Stay out of our theme park game.
Re: Turns Out That Leaked Nintendo Switch Was Stolen And Illegally Resold
The ad revenue from the bajillions of views is gonna pay for another Switch several times over. Cheeky move.
Re: Music: Strike Up The Band - Final Fantasy “Bra Bra” 2017 Tour Announced
J-Roc and the Roc Pile, baby! How hard? Hard as f---, bdd-ah, bdd-ah!
Re: Namco Founder Masaya Nakamura Dies Aged 91
Ha, the cabinet still has "Puck Man" artwork. Only a tiny little section of the P needs to be scratched away...
Re: Random: Epic Haul Of Boxed NES Items Found In Abandoned RV
Anyone else notice the World Class Championship Wrestling souvenir program in that pic? I saw the name Von Erich and I was like, "Whaaaa?!" Possibly the rarest piece in the lot.
Re: Classic Game Music Gets a Jazzy Twist in New Game+ Album
Diggin the VGM coverage. I'll be sure to send NL some SpeedRun once our EP is ready...
Re: Soapbox: Captain Falcon, We Have A Problem With F-Zero X on Wii U
My band SpeedRun does a version of Drivin Thru on Max into Devil's Call in Your Heart. Heavy Metal is the Law for F-Zero soundtracks.
Search "SpeedRun rocks" on The Tube...
Re: Deals: Nintendo Halloween Gift Guide
That makes two Oct. 30 birthdays, woo! Us and Henry Winkler.