Comments 511

Re: Weirdness: Watch In Horror As A Game Boy Gets Tortured In The Name Of Music


Anyone know about Atarimatt? Saw him at Classic Game Fest in Austin, TX, last July.

Dude has two old giant wooden-box-on-the-floor TVs stacked on top of one another, two Atari 2600s with the audio going through a guitar pedal board, and I'm guessing a few copies of the 'teach yourself programming' title with various labels indicating different sections of music and visual whatnots.

It was a trip, and it was like 2pm when I saw him.

Re: Review: Gal Metal (Switch)


@Dr_Corndog Yaaaas

I wonder if you get bonuses for weird polyrhythms that don't sound like they fit the tune until 42 measures in?

I really want to try this, but I'm not sure if it's worth $50.

Re: Review: Gal Metal (Switch)


What some refer to as 'true heavy metal' is what happens when classical meets the early days of rock n roll.

So heavy metal classical tunes make all of the sense. Anyone listen to Symphony X?

Re: Review: Snow Moto Racing Freedom (Switch)


Also, I know it was an old PS1 jam but reading this, all I can think of is Jet Moto, which brings me back to the demo disc days, where I got into Medievil, Tony Hawk 1, Cool Boarders, Parappa the Rapper, Die Hard Trilogy, and hot-fire puzzle game Intelligent Qube.

Re: Nintendo Reveals the Ages of Pearl and Marina


@clvr Haha, lightin' 'em up! Gotta let 'em know there's still people battin' for the other team.

Which in itself implies that most/all organized religion (which all tell the same story at the end of the day) is only here to divide and conquer us lowly masses.

Go Team Marina!

Re: Nintendo "Spending A Lot Of Time" Considering YouTube Livestream Monetisation


I'm still trying to figure out how to monetize musical talent, specifically Classic Heavy Metal drumming.

The past few years, I've used video games as an escape from the harsh reality that no one gives a toss about instrument playing anymore.

Now it's looking like I should have invested in streaming equipment instead of a Neil Peart monster drumkit.

It's strange. Maybe it's being born in '86 and never having a computer until 2004, but it never occurred to me until pretty recently that people can make their entire living on internet ad revenue. The jealousy is real, ha!

But I'm too far into music and too far removed from the technology loop to turn back now... In which case, check me out! I've got something for everyone, as long as you dig upbeat music on real instruments.

Re: Review: Fire Emblem Warriors (Switch)



The balls-to-the-wall guitar-heavy versions of the source music on these games are the best!

Is that a Tecmo thing? They were one of the first to hire musicians to make game music back in the day, which is why Ninja Gaiden and Tecmo Super Bowl music has a full drumkit with crazy fills and everything.

What's the Nlife staff opinion on Iron Maiden? Judas Priest? Brits made/were into rad music back in the day, but I'm not sure if that's the case nowadays, what with "screeching guitars" seeming like a bad thing.

Guitars are supposed to sound like chainsaws. Anything else just ain't Rock N Roll, baby!