DekuDeals list it at 300$ Canadian since the 2 of november (so 17 day so far)... It's all time low is 0.012$ Canadian
And you can get 1500 Nintendo Gold coin!!! YEAH!!!
I do take care of my stuff and never had any problem so far with Nintendo... But my left/blue joycon was repared by Nintendo because I had drift with it after a year and the problem seem to be back with the same one a year later... 🤔😕
@Aquamine-Amarine but still they can put animation on more than one Pokemon... And all the customisation? I mean I didn't say a single things about national dex but this...
Got one (original blue/left one) who've done it... Nintendo repare it and all goes well since then! I also have the neon yellow one that goes well so far!
I've seen the question 2 time but if we put Mew on de PBP before reset the game and put it back in the game will it work? I don't care about it's stat but if I want to start a new fresh game I can't find a way to do it on my account...
Without ONLINE why is this app. so wanted? I mean I can't even use it since there no body to send them via spotpass (is there a Spotpass things in it?)
I've never done this before @Jimbolicious and I had a few relay streetpass on every McDo around my city... So why now should I do this to have them again ?
It's not only AT&T or Google the problem... Here in my city (from Québec) all the McDo are on BELL and the relay work fine for all 4 of them on day 2 but after that NOTHINGS!
Why there's no notification for this Spotpass (and seem I've got a streetpass too without notification) ? Anyway I've seen people who got the Virtual boys but how ? I mean the object is not for sale in my game... ?!?
@Mariru WII U or 3DS? On WII U just find "SBOY U"... On 3DS my friends code is not near me now... If you use Twitter add me there too! It would be easier to set all up!
Nothings so far for me... :-/ Since the reparation that Nitendo did I've lost all my streetpass and miiplaza stuff so I want him so bad... Is it normal that I didn't get him up to now... ?
I had problem with the WII VC (on the WII) on my HD TV (got a black screen after 2min of play) of I upgrade to the WII version do you think the game will work fine?
Comments 93
Re: Random: Console Modder Creates A Fully Functional "Wii XL"
Does it come with the system update for stability?
Re: Random: This $10 Nintendo Switch eShop Game Has Suddenly Shot Up To A Whopping $250
DekuDeals list it at 300$ Canadian since the 2 of november (so 17 day so far)... It's all time low is 0.012$ Canadian
And you can get 1500 Nintendo Gold coin!!! YEAH!!!
Re: Switch Named Most Fragile Product Of The Year By French Consumer's Association
I do take care of my stuff and never had any problem so far with Nintendo... But my left/blue joycon was repared by Nintendo because I had drift with it after a year and the problem seem to be back with the same one a year later... 🤔😕
Re: Nintendo Has Just Surprise-Dropped Some Free Cadence Of Hyrule DLC
@lemonjellydude i didn't like the original too but this one is better (at least for me).
Re: Review: The Touryst - A Visually Stunning Island-Hop That's Loads Of Fun
@HeavyArmsSS any replay value?
Re: The Simpsons: Hit & Run Producer Says It'd Be "Wonderful" To Work On A Remake
I had it on PS2 and it was si good that I would double dip on it!
Re: Reminder: Tetris 99's $30 Physical Edition Is Now Available In North America
In Canada it's better to pay both alone than with this bundle... So it's a big NO for me!
Re: Camps, Curry and Customisations Come to Pokémon Sword & Shield
@Aquamine-Amarine but still they can put animation on more than one Pokemon... And all the customisation? I mean I didn't say a single things about national dex but this...
Re: Camps, Curry and Customisations Come to Pokémon Sword & Shield
Can't put all Pokemon in the game but full caracter customisation and over 100 curry recipe can... 😵
Re: Rumour: The Next DLC Fighter For Smash Bros. Ultimate Might Be Representing SNK
They talk about 3DS and Wii U... Seem fake!
Also released 1/11/2018...
Re: Final Fantasy VIII Remastered Arrives On Switch This September
@mazzel yup this one... A man can dream! 😉✌️
Re: Final Fantasy VIII Remastered Arrives On Switch This September
@mazzel the remaster one... 😉✌️
Re: Final Fantasy VIII Remastered Arrives On Switch This September
For me it's FF7 that I want!
Re: Feature: Super Nintendo Games We’d Like To See On Nintendo Switch Online
Super Mario RPG that's all I need with all the other way to play SNES game...
Re: Poll: Have Your Joy-Con Been Drifting?
Got one (original blue/left one) who've done it... Nintendo repare it and all goes well since then! I also have the neon yellow one that goes well so far!
Re: Carcassonne
So far I found 1 review that give it 3 out of 10 and one that give it a 8 out of 10... I would love to see more review! Will you review it?
Re: Attention All Pokémon Let's Go Poké Ball Plus Owners: For The Love Of God, Don't Ever Delete Your Save
I've seen the question 2 time but if we put Mew on de PBP before reset the game and put it back in the game will it work? I don't care about it's stat but if I want to start a new fresh game I can't find a way to do it on my account...
Re: Nintendo Reveals Details Of Nintendo Switch Online
And if se want to play the NES game offline? My Internet data limit will cost me more just to play them?
Re: Feature: Which Retro Classics Do You Want To See Come To Sega AGES On Switch?
Bring me Crazy Taxi and I'll be there to buy it no matter what else will be on it!
Re: Flipnote Studio 3D Now Available To North American Club Nintendo Members
Without ONLINE why is this app. so wanted? I mean I can't even use it since there no body to send them via spotpass (is there a Spotpass things in it?)
Re: Demo for Super Smash Bros. 3DS Announced for North America and Europe
@Theober555 in North America it's already out because I've got the email...
Re: Demo for Super Smash Bros. 3DS Announced for North America and Europe
My (NA) 3DS is now downloading the DEMO... Can't wait to try it... It's the first time I've received somethings like that from Nintendo...
Re: Photos With Mario Available for Free Now in North American eShop
I'm from Canada too and try to find it via the app icone then with "Mario / Mario picture / Photo / Photo with Mario" and nothings came out of this...
Re: Nintendo Download: 1st May (North America)
Mario golf in Canada is almost 60$ for the full game (game+dlc+tx.) it's the price for most of Wii U games before tx.
Re: Nintendo of America Launches eShop Indie Website
The mobile version show me only 1 game...
Re: Iwata And Miyamoto Both Take Pay Cuts In Response To Nintendo's Poor Financial Results
And here in Québec they would have take bonus and cut the staff....
Re: Nintendo of America Keen to Boost StreetPass Participation and Explore New Ideas
So i'm not alone @sleepinglion :-/
Re: Nintendo of America Keen to Boost StreetPass Participation and Explore New Ideas
@WingedSnagret got a good idea here!
Re: Nintendo of America Keen to Boost StreetPass Participation and Explore New Ideas
I've try 3 McDo today for national SP day and nothing... So imagine on regular day!!!
Re: StreetPass Relay Issues Reported in North America
I've never done this before @Jimbolicious and I had a few relay streetpass on every McDo around my city... So why now should I do this to have them again ?
Re: StreetPass Relay Issues Reported in North America
It's not only AT&T or Google the problem... Here in my city (from Québec) all the McDo are on BELL and the relay work fine for all 4 of them on day 2 but after that NOTHINGS!
Re: Review: Vegas Stakes (Wii U eShop / Super Nintendo)
The best casino game for me will always be Super Caesars Palace...
Re: Reggie Fils-Aime's Home In Animal Crossing: New Leaf Distributed Through SpotPass
@RevolverLink oh thanks for the info!
@br1an true!!!
@Funny_Moblin from what they say yep forever...
Re: Reggie Fils-Aime's Home In Animal Crossing: New Leaf Distributed Through SpotPass
Why there's no notification for this Spotpass (and seem I've got a streetpass too without notification) ? Anyway I've seen people who got the Virtual boys but how ? I mean the object is not for sale in my game... ?!?
Re: Get Best Buy's New Leaf Items Without Having A Best Buy
Is it like McDonald and need to shut down the password too?
Re: StreetPass Mii Plaza Update Brings New Paid Downloadable Games
I've got almost no streetpass in my city... So if I pay for that it's I'll miss most of it because of that...
Re: Nintendo Setting Up Thousands Of StreetPass Relay Stations Across US And Europe
@Mariru if you still want to add me on 3DS we can do somethings there and @BONHOMME-7HEURE if you want to add me too we can go there... Just notice me there and I'll give you my FC after that...
Re: Nintendo Setting Up Thousands Of StreetPass Relay Stations Across US And Europe
@Mariru WII U or 3DS? On WII U just find "SBOY U"... On 3DS my friends code is not near me now... If you use Twitter add me there too! It would be easier to set all up!
Re: Nintendo Setting Up Thousands Of StreetPass Relay Stations Across US And Europe
@BONHOMME-7HEURE it's too far for me in the situation I'm in now... :-/ Btw would you like to add me on WII U or 3DS (or even both)?
Re: Nintendo Setting Up Thousands Of StreetPass Relay Stations Across US And Europe
I'm in the province of Québec in a small city and streetpass are hard to find! So I hope they'll bring this here too...
Re: Feature: The Humble Origins of Animal Crossing
Oh I see
Re: Feature: The Humble Origins of Animal Crossing
@solcross 9PM? It come out at midnight sunday right?
Re: Satoru Iwata's Mii Respectfully Asks To Infiltrate Your 3DS
Nothings so far for me... :-/ Since the reparation that Nitendo did I've lost all my streetpass and miiplaza stuff so I want him so bad... Is it normal that I didn't get him up to now... ?
Re: Feature: The Humble Origins of Animal Crossing
Help me undertand why I should buy AC... I mean the game is about "doing nothing" but still people like it... I just can't undertand...
Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D Comes With Free Mario Lost Levels at Best Buy
And again Québec got nothings... Most promo from Nintendo doesn't even show up here...
Re: Review: Solomon's Key (Wii Virtual Console / NES)
I had problem with the WII VC (on the WII) on my HD TV (got a black screen after 2min of play) of I upgrade to the WII version do you think the game will work fine?
Re: Surprise Discounts Hit the 3DS eShop in North America
Why would Nintendo put price like $4.19 and $5.11 on the eShop ? I mean most of the time price are X.99$ you're sure it's not and april fools joke ?
Re: Wii Street U App Finds Its Way to Wii U eShop in Japan
I wouldn't have pay for it but for free it's a done deal!
Re: Club Nintendo Accounts Can't Be Linked To The Wii Shop On Wii U
I still have 1000pts to spend if I has knew this before I would have bought somethings before the transfert!
Re: Nintendo Download: 16th August 2012 (North America)
I'll buy NSMB2 as a retail so probably nothings "download" for me...