@Fighting_Game_Loser you have to basically sign up for another full year at the time of getting it to get the base + expansion. They will discount whatever you have left on your current sub, but yeah. The crappy part is if you are currently in a family plan and were planning to drop down to an individual plan the end of your current sub (Like I was), you are unable to get the Expansion pass unless you are willing to re-sub to a Family Plan + Exp starting at the time of purchase, because the system literally doesn’t let you downgrade to an Individual Plan + Exp if you have a Family sub currently… so options are bite the bullet and pay for another 12 months of Family + exp, or you have no way of getting the Exp until your current sub is up, at which point you can downgrade to an individual + exp… that would have been 5 months of waiting for me, which I didn’t want… so they screwed money out of me, which I’m sure is exactly what they expected to be able to do.
@imgrowinglegs THIS!! I only got a Switch in March 2021 and it came with a free year Family Plan sub to NSO, which I was planning to downgrade to the individual plan next March once my sub was up. I assumed I’d just be able to add the Expansion Pack onto my Family Plan, and then move to an individual + exp after…. But no, only option was to pay for a whole year Family Plan to get it, or else you literally couldn’t get the Expansion. I was EXTREMELY frustrated at first, and despite being super excited to get the expansion since they announced and didn’t much care about the individual price, $99 + Tax CAD (minus $13 for the discount) was a bit more than I was looking to be forced to spend to get access to the N64 / Genesis stuff… I took an hour looking around online to see if there was some kind of work-around, but I literally didn’t even see anyone mentioning this caveat. In the end I just sucked it up and paid it, with the rationale that I’ve gotten the last 7 months of NSO for free so I don’t mind giving them a one-time Family Plan sub amount, hopefully they can use the money to improve the service / add more stuff.
Comments 4
Re: Mini Review: Vampire Survivors: Ode To Castlevania (Switch) - Divine DLC Is Absolutely Essential
@Kirbyo lol, a highschool student with barely any free time XD that’s rich.
Re: Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack Price, Games And Features
@Fighting_Game_Loser you have to basically sign up for another full year at the time of getting it to get the base + expansion. They will discount whatever you have left on your current sub, but yeah. The crappy part is if you are currently in a family plan and were planning to drop down to an individual plan the end of your current sub (Like I was), you are unable to get the Expansion pass unless you are willing to re-sub to a Family Plan + Exp starting at the time of purchase, because the system literally doesn’t let you downgrade to an Individual Plan + Exp if you have a Family sub currently… so options are bite the bullet and pay for another 12 months of Family + exp, or you have no way of getting the Exp until your current sub is up, at which point you can downgrade to an individual + exp… that would have been 5 months of waiting for me, which I didn’t want… so they screwed money out of me, which I’m sure is exactly what they expected to be able to do.
Re: Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack Price, Games And Features
@imgrowinglegs THIS!! I only got a Switch in March 2021 and it came with a free year Family Plan sub to NSO, which I was planning to downgrade to the individual plan next March once my sub was up. I assumed I’d just be able to add the Expansion Pack onto my Family Plan, and then move to an individual + exp after…. But no, only option was to pay for a whole year Family Plan to get it, or else you literally couldn’t get the Expansion. I was EXTREMELY frustrated at first, and despite being super excited to get the expansion since they announced and didn’t much care about the individual price, $99 + Tax CAD (minus $13 for the discount) was a bit more than I was looking to be forced to spend to get access to the N64 / Genesis stuff… I took an hour looking around online to see if there was some kind of work-around, but I literally didn’t even see anyone mentioning this caveat. In the end I just sucked it up and paid it, with the rationale that I’ve gotten the last 7 months of NSO for free so I don’t mind giving them a one-time Family Plan sub amount, hopefully they can use the money to improve the service / add more stuff.
Re: Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack Price, Games And Features
@norwichred You can reorganize, its exactly like the NES / SNES apps, just press “Y” over a game and you can move it