Comments 1,460

Re: An NES LucasArts Adventure Classic May Be Getting A Spiritual Successor


@Jack_Goetz Thimbleweed featured characters and nods FROM Maniac Mansion(including Bernard, Edna and Chuck the Plant), yet it's still available for purchase. Say what you want but that doesn't change the fact that Disney won't really DO anything about this. It's not an active threat to an IP they show no interest in doing anything with. I dunno why you'd believe otherwise.

Re: Talking Point: Where Should 'Luigi's Mansion 4' Take Place?


@Not_Soos I can't misremember a game I make a habit of replaying every few years or so. I won't pretend it still doesn't have its moments for me, but I've never found it horrific. It's a kid-friendly cartoon spook game at its core and Nintendo never intended for it to be truly scary. It's a haunted house - A theme park attraction in video game form. The scares I feel are just a byproduct of getting involved in that kind of space.

Also, thanks for clarifying that Bowser thing for me. Didn't quite remember that. A sign it might be time for another run.

Re: Talking Point: Where Should 'Luigi's Mansion 4' Take Place?


Okay but for real, the next LM should absolutely be set in a theme park. You could continue what 3 did with all it's unique themes in one location while keeping the free exploration of 1 since a theme park is much more open. Plus, a haunted theme park is a great way to push the whole haunted house thing further after what 3 did with the hotel.

Re: Talking Point: What Do We Actually Want From 'Mario Kart 9'?


I'd like for it not to be called "Mario Kart 9" and would prefer if they went back to a unique subtitle a la Double Dash. Would help to individualize it better I feel.

I'd also like to see less reliance on item-based shortcuts going forward in terms of track design. Would be nice to have shortcuts that rely on the player's skill over luck of the draw.

Re: New-Look Donkey Kong Items Now Available On The My Nintendo Store


@DanijoEX-the-Pierrot Honestly, I dunno how to feel about that. On one hand, yes, it makes sense for a big furry ape, but I liked how the original had it look cleaner and well-groomed. To me that and the tie gave off the impression of a guy who wanted to look a bit more put together than the average ape.

Or, y'know, I might just be overthinking it. Wouldn't be the first time.
