I would hope the PS4/Switch/3DS versions are released concurrently in the west. Having the game come to Switch later after the hype has settled down would be disappointing.
I suppose it depends on if Switch keeps the momentum going or not. The idea of Nintendo releasing a another purely home console is an interesting idea, one that I could see happening if MS abandons or finally sells off the Xbox brand.
@Priceless_Spork That's a good question. I did and this article from 2012 about the Russian gaming scene. I wonder if anything has changed since then, as it seems piracy was the name of the game then as new games were expensive there.
Viewing angles only bad on TN type displays, IPS panels have much more forgiving viewing angles. On the New 3ds it is luck of the draw on which display type you get.
I can't imagine this will sell well, that game has been out for for close to 6 years and on every major last gen/current gen system. Plus the full boat retail price isn't going to help.
E3 bump or not, it is good news and what Nintendo is doing and shown has all been pretty positive so far. 3DS and Switch should both have a good year and if they they can meet Switch demand Christmas should be stellar.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE That's what you get with a contractually obligated version of the game. Of course I'm sure EA will complain when sales are less than stellar as well.
@Aeleron0X Skyrim is definitely worth playing. Just keep in mind that it is a 6 year old game and titles like Witcher 3 and BotW have raised the bar substantially for RPGs.
Comments 2,231
Re: SNES Classic Edition Won't Be Sold In Canadian Province Of Quebec
Sacre bleu!
Re: Editorial: Is This a Golden Era of Gaming? Absolutely
Not sure about a "golden age", but 2017 has seen some wonderful games. It is one of the most prolific years in quite some time.
Re: Game Freak Director Discusses Evolution of Pokémon Designs
Or sometimes Pokemon are just piles of garbage..... literally.
Re: 'Next Gen Nintendo 64 Controller' from Retro Fighters Smashes Kickstarter Target
That little money to get mass production going?
Re: Dragon Quest Builders 2 Confirmed for Nintendo Switch
@NImH I am not a fan of minecraft, but really liked Builders.
Re: Dragon Quest Builders 2 Confirmed for Nintendo Switch
The first one was great and DQB is a good fit for Switch.
Re: Take-Two "Very Optimistic" About Switch, Expects Sales To "Continue To Be Great"
@Oscarzxn I doubt it, they are more concerned about the GTA Online portion of game now.
Re: Metroid Prime Trilogy and Majora's Mask Included in Latest European My Nintendo Rewards
Nintendo clearly does not understand its fans and just insults them with stuff like this.
Re: Virtuos Is Working on Porting a AAA Game to the Switch
Return to Arkham is 47gb on PS4, if they are porting that to Switch I hope everyone has enough storage.
Re: Editorial: The Switch eShop Library is Starting to Look Like the Real Deal
AFAIK, the only game I would classify as "major" coming this year is Mario Odyssey.
Re: Deals: Upcoming Nintendo Switch Games And Accessories For August And September
That's a very meh list.
Re: Feature: Just How Bad Is Hori's Wired 'Solution' For Switch Voice Chat?
What a messy solution for something that should not be in 2017.
Re: RiME Is Getting A Special Collector's Edition On Switch
@SLIGEACH_EIRE IKR? Nintendo, always late to the party.
Re: Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age Heading to the West in 2018
I would hope the PS4/Switch/3DS versions are released concurrently in the west. Having the game come to Switch later after the hype has settled down would be disappointing.
Re: Walmart Cancels a Number of SNES Mini Pre-Orders
And so it begins.
Re: UNIOM Wireless Adapter Aims to Make Nintendo Switch Voice Chat Easier
Nintendo is quickly squandering all the good-will and positive press they garnered since launch with this terrible voice-chat implementation.
Re: Analysts Expect Nintendo Switch Hybrid to End 'Two-Punch Strategy'
I suppose it depends on if Switch keeps the momentum going or not. The idea of Nintendo releasing a another purely home console is an interesting idea, one that I could see happening if MS abandons or finally sells off the Xbox brand.
Re: R.B.I. Baseball 17 Steps Up To The Plate On Switch This September
@MarioPhD I had to look it up as I wasn't sure either, you are correct about it being a Sony exclusive.
Re: Nyko's Clip Grip Power Is The Perfect Partner For The Nintendo Switch Online App
That thing looks like a parody/photoshop product, unbelievable that it is actually a real thing. SMH
Re: R.B.I. Baseball 17 Steps Up To The Plate On Switch This September
I'm not a sports game fan, but isn't "The Show" THE baseball game on PS4/Xbox?
Re: Guide: How To Invite Friends And Use Voice Chat On The Nintendo Switch Online App
What an overly complicated process. I would have expected Nintendo to learn from MS and Sony on how to run a decent infrastructure, but alas.
Re: Review: Splatoon 2 (Switch)
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Yeah especially given the way online is handled. Nintendo is still way behind on that front.
Re: Feature: The Biggest Nintendo 3DS Games of 2017 - Summer Edition
Metroid all the way. I never played the original so I'm looking forward to having a brand new game in the series.
Re: Troll And I Stomps Onto Switch Next Month With A $30 Price Tag
This game is garbage as I recall from the reviews.
Re: Oddworld Creator Lorne Lanning "Has No Faith" In Switch
Seems there is a lot of truth in Lorne's statements. Time will ultimately tell if Switch brings 3rd party support in a meaningful way.
Re: Guide: All The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild amiibo Unlocks
Trousers of the Wind, giggle
Re: Sledgehammer Games Has a Definitive Answer on Call of Duty: WWII for Nintendo Switch - "No"
@Priceless_Spork That's a good question. I did and this article from 2012 about the Russian gaming scene. I wonder if anything has changed since then, as it seems piracy was the name of the game then as new games were expensive there.
Re: Sledgehammer Games Has a Definitive Answer on Call of Duty: WWII for Nintendo Switch - "No"
@Priceless_Spork the Russians would disagree with that they certainly came out ahead after WWII.
Re: Feature: We Quiz the Fire Emblem Warriors Developers On Characters, Game Design and More
@yokokazuo That would make sense if it was. I probably just missed the exclusive part of the announcement.
Re: Feature: We Quiz the Fire Emblem Warriors Developers On Characters, Game Design and More
"it's worth noting that this one will also come to the New Nintendo 3DS"
Does this mean it is exclusive to the N3DS/N2DS or is that just a turn of phrase because the "New" iterations are the current hardware?
Re: Hardware Review: New Nintendo 2DS XL
Viewing angles only bad on TN type displays, IPS panels have much more forgiving viewing angles. On the New 3ds it is luck of the draw on which display type you get.
Re: Poll: Are You Excited About the Super NES Classic Edition?
I have to go with Super Metroid, everything about that game is just perfect.
Re: Nintendo Announces Super NES Classic Edition
The resellers will be happy I'm sure. I have the "must have" games on my New 3DS so I'll pass on this.
Re: Review: Ever Oasis (3DS)
I've been playing since launch and I love it. The review pretty much summed up the game.
Re: Take a Look at The Nintendo Switch Pocket Dock SP
Interesting, I would be concerned about the unit tipping forward and snapping off/damaging the USB connecter though
Re: Feature: The (Sadly Fictional) Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo Switch Fighter Ballot - Results!
Waluigi should be an Arms character with those appendages.
Re: Square Enix Has Been 'Tenacious' in Ongoing Conversations About Final Fantasy XIV on Switch
@CorvoRevo I tend to agree, I doubt a monthly subscription fee-based game would do well on the Switch.
Re: Nintendo Download: 22nd June (North America)
Ever Oasis for sure, I have been anticipating that game since its reveal.
Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Looks Set for Late November Release
I can't imagine this will sell well, that game has been out for for close to 6 years and on every major last gen/current gen system. Plus the full boat retail price isn't going to help.
Re: Switch Stock Shortages Cost Nintendo First Place In May's NPD Hardware Charts
I hope Nintendo has the supply issue figured out by the time Christmas rolls around or they will be shooting themselves in the foot.
BTW, 3DS still looks like it is in short supply as well in the box stores here in the states.
Re: Feature: Ever Oasis Producer Koichi Ishii On Evolving from Classics Like Secret of Mana
@k8sMum I see that now, I just ran through the demo. I love that gameplay loop. I love the look and music, can't wait to pick this up on Friday.
Re: Feature: Ever Oasis Producer Koichi Ishii On Evolving from Classics Like Secret of Mana
@k8sMum Does progress cary over to the main game from the demo?
Re: Feature: Ever Oasis Producer Koichi Ishii On Evolving from Classics Like Secret of Mana
I can't wait to play this.
Re: Nintendo's Share Value Reaches New Heights in Positive Reaction to E3
E3 bump or not, it is good news and what Nintendo is doing and shown has all been pretty positive so far. 3DS and Switch should both have a good year and if they they can meet Switch demand Christmas should be stellar.
Re: My Nintendo Adds ARMS and Ever Oasis Wallpapers in Different Regions
@HeroOfCybertron Same here, region specific wallpapers have to be one of the more stupid things I have seen as of late.
A quick google image search found an image very similar to the wallpaper so I grabbed that. Screw My Nintendo.
Re: My Nintendo Adds ARMS and Ever Oasis Wallpapers in Different Regions
What the hell Nintendo, why are these wallpapers region specific? I would love that Ever Oasis one, but alas N/A in NA.
Re: Metroid: Samus Returns Resurrects Game Boy Classic "In A Completely New Way", Says MercurySteam
I never played the game boy version, so I love that this is going to be brand new to me.
Re: FIFA 18 on Switch to Include Ultimate Team, EA Boasts of Most 'Advanced' Portable Version
@SLIGEACH_EIRE That's what you get with a contractually obligated version of the game. Of course I'm sure EA will complain when sales are less than stellar as well.
Re: New Trailer for Skyrim on Switch Showcases Motion Controls and Link amiibo Support
@Aeleron0X Skyrim is definitely worth playing. Just keep in mind that it is a 6 year old game and titles like Witcher 3 and BotW have raised the bar substantially for RPGs.
Re: Video: Get Ready For The Launch Of Ever Oasis With This Lovely Trailer
Day 1 for me.