Maybe I’m in the minority, but I would love if Nintendo ported a bunch of Wii U games this year for Switch. I would double dip on Wind Waker and Twilight Princess HD for sure. Smash would certainly sell like gangbusters.
@MaSSiVeRiCaN I know, it’s crazy to expect a game that marketed its Kickstarter by promising a version for the Wii U and then launched to middling reviews (68-73 on Metacritic) only to come to Switch after the excitement has long since died to not be full price! /sarcasm
The game looks fun enough for a family party setting and some of the stuff has high comedic potential. The problem is the game should have been a pack-in title.
Okami on Switch seems like a no-brainer especially since the HD version is being re-released on PS4/XB next month. A real sequel would be awesome as would Viewtiful Joe since I never played it.
I wish Nintendo took more cues from Skyrim for BotW in terms of overworld design. Skyrim’s world is much more “lived in” with tons of villages, keeps, caves etc to visit and explore. Interesting to note that between Oblivion and Skyrim, Bethesda dropped weapon degradation.
@dumedum it was too different, IMO, to be have been conceived from day 1 to be a Zelda game and I still have serious issues with certain design choices. Who knows, you could be right, I would love to hear the inside story someday though.
@carlos82 I felt the same way. I am convinced BotW started as a new IP and along the way got changed into a Zelda game. I think I would have liked Wild more if it was a new IP, because as a Zelda game it didn’t work for me.. The exploration was/is fun and I’m still “seeing the sights” even after beating the Ganon.
@Biff_ARMStrong Still doesn’t change the fact that the DLC is the most expensive in the industry. Some of us don’t care about the figures and the only way to get certain content is through amiibo. It is symtamatic of the horrid methods companies use to squeeze more and more money from players.
Comments 2,231
Re: Feature: It's Time to Vote for Your 2017 Nintendo Life Game of the Year Awards
Super Mario Odyssey for me, I loved that game. BotW just didn’t click with me like past Zelda games.
Re: Build-A-Bear Workshop Is Launching A Super Mario Range Of Soft Toys
Article of the year right here. Lol
Re: DLC Review: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - The Champions' Ballad + Expansion Pass
@yeayeanaynay I’m sure you are right about that, but I am in the “please god, not Skyward Sword” camp. I really did’nt like it.
Re: DLC Review: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - The Champions' Ballad + Expansion Pass
@yeayeanaynay I really want Wind Waker and Twilight Princess HD on Switch as well.
Re: DLC Review: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - The Champions' Ballad + Expansion Pass
This DLC is pretty disappointing, hardly the “story DLC” it was billed as.
Re: Nintendo Switch Reaches 10 Million Global Sales In Its First Nine Months
@SLIGEACH_EIRE welcome to the dark side! Lol. Enjoy
Re: SteamWorld Heist: Ultimate Edition Storms onto Nintendo Switch This Year
Just finished Steamworld Dig 2, look forward to this one.
Re: Nintendo Switch Reaches 10 Million Global Sales In Its First Nine Months
Nice to see Nintendo sell well. I don’t see many TV commercials though, even on the stations that have usually have PS4/Xbox ones.
Re: Review: WWE 2K18 (Switch)
Re: Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2 Are Arriving on Switch in February
Maybe I’m in the minority, but I would love if Nintendo ported a bunch of Wii U games this year for Switch. I would double dip on Wind Waker and Twilight Princess HD for sure. Smash would certainly sell like gangbusters.
Re: Feature: Five Reasons You Should Play Zelda: Breath of the Wild's DLC Pack 2
@faustcoolio yeah, it’s pretty disappointing especially when billed as “Story DLC”. Uninspired is how I would describe it at a minimum.
Re: Review: MUJO (Switch eShop)
How did this game get on eShop? Nintendo needs to step up the quality control/curation.
Re: Feature: Five Reasons You Should Play Zelda: Breath of the Wild's DLC Pack 2
@rjejr lol, your comment about your son made me laugh.
Re: Feature: Five Reasons You Should Play Zelda: Breath of the Wild's DLC Pack 2
@rjejr that sounds awful, what the hell Nintendo. Guess I’ll put in on the back burner and continue with Steamworld Dig 2
Re: Bayonetta 1 And 2 Are Getting A Special Edition Bundle With All The Trimmings
@DairyOverdrive no, Sega still owns the IP.
Re: Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2 Are Arriving on Switch in February
It is strange, in a fun and weird way, that Bayonetta is part of the Nintendo family.
Re: Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2 Are Arriving on Switch in February
Day 1 for sure. Loved that game and was easily GOTY when it came out.
Re: Bayonetta 3 is In Development and is a Switch Exclusive
That is awesome. Another great reason to own a Switch.
Re: Video: Yooka Laylee Runs Surprisingly Well on Switch Compared to the Xbox One Version
Still a mediocre game.
Re: Nintendo Switch Ends 2017 On A High With 2.5 Million Units Sold In Japan Alone
I’d like to hear more about 2018’s lineup and plans for VC.
Re: Nintendo Download: 7th December (North America)
Nothing from that list, but I picked up Steamworld Dig 2 and Oceanhorn.
Re: Yooka-Laylee's Nintendo Switch eShop Price Is Revealed
@MaSSiVeRiCaN I know, it’s crazy to expect a game that marketed its Kickstarter by promising a version for the Wii U and then launched to middling reviews (68-73 on Metacritic) only to come to Switch after the excitement has long since died to not be full price! /sarcasm
Re: Yooka-Laylee's Nintendo Switch eShop Price Is Revealed
@zool don’t expect a 9. I have it on PS4 and it is a solid 7.
Re: Yooka-Laylee's Nintendo Switch eShop Price Is Revealed
Yooka-LATEly and more expensive, what a joke.
Re: Video: Xenoblade Chronicles 2's Combat is More Straightforward Than You Might Think
That is a very cluttered screen when in combat
Re: Mega Man 11 Confirmed For Switch In 2018
Not sure I’m crazy about the art style.
Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild Broadcast Confirmed for Japan on 12th December
@LUIGITORNADO long read, but you hit some good points. I am one of those was that was disappointed in BotW.
Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild Broadcast Confirmed for Japan on 12th December
The DLC better be worth it story wise and by that, I mean actually having a story.
Re: Nintendo Reveals the Ages of Pearl and Marina
Maybe next Nintendo will make a Splatoon timeline.........
Re: Random: Of All the Games, Nintendo Uses Milking in 1-2-Switch to Promote Festive Gaming
The game looks fun enough for a family party setting and some of the stuff has high comedic potential. The problem is the game should have been a pack-in title.
Re: Super Mario Cereal Will Start Milking the Franchise on 11th December in the US
Can’t wait to find this in the grocery store, and by “grocery store” I mean eBay.
Re: Stardew Valley Patch Targets Save Times, Bugs and Adds Video Capture
I bought this on Switch and have yet to start it, glad the save issue has been addressed.
Re: Gallery: Reddit Users Have Been Recreating Movie Posters in Super Mario Odyssey
The Last Samurai and The Martian ones are pretty good. The IT poster is more creepy in the Mario version.
Re: Feature: Revisiting Symphony Of The Goddesses With Its New Zelda: Breath Of The Wild Music
So the Breath of the Wild section will be long stretches of silence punctuated by a couple of piano keys here and there?
Re: Review: LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 (Switch)
I hope the switch version will get the same inevitable markdowns that the other consoles will get. I would get it the $20 for on the go.
Re: Hideki Kamiya Would Love To Remake Viewtiful Joe
Okami on Switch seems like a no-brainer especially since the HD version is being re-released on PS4/XB next month. A real sequel would be awesome as would Viewtiful Joe since I never played it.
Re: Review: Ittle Dew 2+ (Switch)
I’ll have to add this and Oceanhorn to the watchlist to pick up at some point.
Re: Guide: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Top Tips And Tricks
@thewoosp yeah that’s the beginning of the last, I think it was the last one anyway, DLC pack Dragonborn. Definitely meant for higher levels.
Re: Guide: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Top Tips And Tricks
I wish Nintendo took more cues from Skyrim for BotW in terms of overworld design. Skyrim’s world is much more “lived in” with tons of villages, keeps, caves etc to visit and explore. Interesting to note that between Oblivion and Skyrim, Bethesda dropped weapon degradation.
Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild Won Ultimate Game of the Year at the Golden Joystick Awards
@dumedum it was too different, IMO, to be have been conceived from day 1 to be a Zelda game and I still have serious issues with certain design choices. Who knows, you could be right, I would love to hear the inside story someday though.
Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild Won Ultimate Game of the Year at the Golden Joystick Awards
@carlos82 I felt the same way. I am convinced BotW started as a new IP and along the way got changed into a Zelda game. I think I would have liked Wild more if it was a new IP, because as a Zelda game it didn’t work for me.. The exploration was/is fun and I’m still “seeing the sights” even after beating the Ganon.
Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild Won Ultimate Game of the Year at the Golden Joystick Awards
Nier wasn’t even nominated? What a crock.
@Tsurii why is that funny? The game is top notch and the story is very good.
Re: Guide: How to Unlock Zelda Gear in Skyrim on Nintendo Switch
As I recall you go to the Throat of the World fairly early in the story. What is grueling about that?
Re: Nintendo Scoops Plenty of Nominations for The Game Awards
@MarcelRguez Nier not being nominated is a travesty.
Re: Nintendo Scoops Plenty of Nominations for The Game Awards
Best score/music for BotW? The music, or lack thereof, was a far cry from past games and was barely there.
Re: Review: Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon (3DS)
I thought Sun/Moon were the best Pokemon games I played in a long time. Too bad this isn’t on Switch, I’d get it day 1.
Re: Guide: All The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild amiibo Unlocks
@Biff_ARMStrong Still doesn’t change the fact that the DLC is the most expensive in the industry. Some of us don’t care about the figures and the only way to get certain content is through amiibo. It is symtamatic of the horrid methods companies use to squeeze more and more money from players.
Re: Review: RiME (Switch)
I’m sure this game will be a PS plus title sooner or later.
Re: Guide: All The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild amiibo Unlocks
This is the worst (most expensive) example of DLC I have ever seen. Why does Nintendo get a pass for this?
Re: Talking Point: Nintendo Has Embraced DLC, But Must Resist The Worst Industry Norms
@Neferupitou yeah, that was just one of many issues I had with the game. Enemy variety was sorely lacking for sure.