You know what would help the Xbox? Some great exclusives, Sony is killing it with top quality must-have exclusives.
Nintendo always brings great exclusives, the problem in the past has been that they are far between and, of course, not having the big third-party titles.
@CathInShadow Certainly a facet of the Third Reich that many do not know about and an interesting subject to explore. It's good that you and your team can make this program and its aftermath more well known.
@Jcdbengals I hope Switch does well enough so that Nintendo releases a hardware revision. I think I can wait as, for me anyway, there is only one "must have" title with a couple coming down the line.
At least Nintendo is still operating in the green, that is the most important thing. Hopefully Switch and restocking 3ds will turn the sales numbers around.
So the headphone jack and Bluetooth indicates to me that voice chat will be integrated into the system and that the smartphone app will be used for other things like scheduling. I could be wrong and hope Nintendo clarifies that. Other than that the Switch seems pretty solid.
@rjejr They could have sold more systems if they were actually in stock at the box stores too. Those stores have been sold out since before Christmas and all I see is an odd 2DS now and then and even Target's website is out of stock.
DQVIII is so good, the voice acting is well done and their is some really funny writing. The octopus that talks like his tentacles are sock puppets made me laugh.
@RoomB31 It was crazy only seeing a 2ds or two in stock at the big box stores. I can't help but think Pokemon etc would have done even better had hardware been readily available as well for Christmas.
@MadameSpuki Same here, I am pretty excited for the Switch. Granted the launch lineup is not stellar, but most systems have "meh" titles. Zelda seems like a 50-100 hour game so at least that is out day 1.
Comments 2,231
Re: Feature: One Month of Nintendo Switch - Five Improvements We Want to See
QOL changes to the UI and what not are fine and all, but the Switch needs games. It must have the big AAA titles from third parties.
Re: Nintendo's Harshest Critic Thinks Switch Will Outsell Microsoft's Scorpio
You know what would help the Xbox? Some great exclusives, Sony is killing it with top quality must-have exclusives.
Nintendo always brings great exclusives, the problem in the past has been that they are far between and, of course, not having the big third-party titles.
Re: The Yooka-Laylee Rap Tries to be the Best and Worst Thing All at Once
I just hope the game turns out to be good. At least I can play it on PS4 day1.
Re: My Child Lebensborn Adds a Switch Stretch Goal
@CathInShadow Certainly a facet of the Third Reich that many do not know about and an interesting subject to explore. It's good that you and your team can make this program and its aftermath more well known.
Re: My Child Lebensborn Adds a Switch Stretch Goal
Lebensborn was an SS program to increase the birth rate of Aryan children. It was more "master race" nonsense.
Re: The 3DS is Six Years Old in the Americas, How Time Flies
Wow, 3ds had a rocky start but it turned out great. Easily my favorite handheld gaming console of all time.
Re: Zelda: Breath of the Wild Has Almost One-To-One Attach Rate According To GameStop
Well, the retail section for Switch is pretty thin at most big box stores here in the US, so the high attach rate is not surprising.
Re: Don't Start A New Game Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild If You Want To Keep Your Save Data
Why limit that to one save? Seems dumb to me.
Re: Developer Survey Reveals Worrying Lack Of Interest In Nintendo Switch
Wait and see is the best strategy. I doubt I will get a switch this year, not enough titles interest me yet.
Re: South Park: Fractured But Whole Not Coming To Switch, Despite Apparent Twitter Tease
Glad I am getting it on PS4 with Stick of Truth as a preorder bonus.
Re: Guide: How To Get The Hylian Shield In Zelda: Breath Of The Wild
The Hylian Shield can break? I'm not sure I like that.
Re: Guide: Nintendo Switch Best Games And Accessories You Should Buy
@Jcdbengals I hope Switch does well enough so that Nintendo releases a hardware revision. I think I can wait as, for me anyway, there is only one "must have" title with a couple coming down the line.
Re: Reggie Fils-Aime Says Nintendo is 'Fact-Finding' on Joy-Con Connection and Screen Scratching Issues
@rushiosan Really? I can see light all the way through my New 3ds XL when closed. My screen is perfect except for my fingerprint smudges.
Re: Reggie Fils-Aime Says Nintendo is 'Fact-Finding' on Joy-Con Connection and Screen Scratching Issues
I saw a Switch in the wild yesterday at college and couldn't believe how tiny it is, especially the joy-cons.
Re: Don't Buy Another Switch Dock Just Yet
$90 dollars and no cables/power supply is outrageous and shameful.
Re: Nintendo Switch and Zelda: Breath of the Wild Lead Media Create Sales in Japan
Figured Zelda would be number one. Horizon Zero Dawn is awesome too, easily a contender for GOTY.
Re: Yacht Club Games Announces New Shovel Knight amiibo Functionality
Ha, I just bought the Shovel Knight amiibo from Amazon today too.
Re: My Nintendo Includes Multiple Fire Emblem Discounts in European Update
I am so used to Sony's Flash Sales for PS4 that when I look at the "deals" Nintendo offers, it just makes me sad.
Re: Review: Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns (3DS)
@kingc8 StarDew valley is more like Rune Factory in my opinion, so differently better.
Re: Review: Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns (3DS)
Nice, I'll pick up my preorder then.
Re: Pokémon Sun And Moon's Next Global Mission Is Now Live
I haven't touched SuMo since I completed my Pokedex. I only plan on firing it up for the event pokémon distributions.
Re: XSeed Announces Story of Seasons DLC Localization Plans for the West
@Pokefanmum82 same here getting SOS and Horizon.
Re: Pokémon Scoops Two Wins at the D.I.C.E. Awards
Glad Ratchet and Clank was recognized, I love that series and the reboot was great.
Re: Hands On: Creating a Quest in RPG Maker Fes
Sounds interesting, but I never got into using level editors etc for games.
Re: Review: Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World (3DS)
This game is so good. It looks great and is so much fun.
Re: Poochy & Yoshi Offer Tips For National Love Your Pet Day
I just got Poochy and Yoshi's wooly world for 3ds, it is charming and looks really good on the New 3ds.
Re: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Screenshot Confirms Returning Character
Has Beedle opened a medical marijuana dispensary in Hyrule then?
Re: Nintendo Switch Lacks A Web Browser Because It's A "Dedicated Video Game Platform"
I don't use the browser on my 3ds or PS4, they just aren't great to use
Re: Nintendo Switch Appearance Earns Positive Impressions Among Super Bowl Commercials
I thought it was a good commercial. I'm just glad Nintendo is putting some marketing dollars behind the Switch.
Re: Fire Emblem Heroes Microtransaction Prices and Early Impressions Emerge
It will be interesting to see how Fire Emblem is received by mobile users. I wonder how high the name recognition is in the mobile space.
Re: 3DS Enjoys Bumper End To 2016 With Hardware And Software Sales Both Up
I'm glad Super Mario Maker 3ds had some success, it is a fun game for on the go.
Re: Feature: The Rollercoaster Ride of Nintendo's Financial Reports
At least Nintendo is still operating in the green, that is the most important thing. Hopefully Switch and restocking 3ds will turn the sales numbers around.
Re: Official Nintendo Switch Technical Specifications Have Been Shared
So the headphone jack and Bluetooth indicates to me that voice chat will be integrated into the system and that the smartphone app will be used for other things like scheduling. I could be wrong and hope Nintendo clarifies that. Other than that the Switch seems pretty solid.
Re: Nintendo Download: 26th January (North America)
Nada here as well, at least I have DQVIII.
Re: Talking Point: The Nintendo 3DS, A System That Still Has a Role to Play
@Romeo-75 I'm a big fan of the 3d as well. I will miss it in future games.
Re: Talking Point: The Nintendo 3DS, A System That Still Has a Role to Play
Lot's of titles coming to 3ds that I plan on getting. As someone mentioned, hopefully we see more of Ever Oasis soon. That looked really promising.
Re: Two More 3DS Titles Are Joining the Nintendo Selects Range in North America
@rjejr They could have sold more systems if they were actually in stock at the box stores too. Those stores have been sold out since before Christmas and all I see is an odd 2DS now and then and even Target's website is out of stock.
Re: Two More 3DS Titles Are Joining the Nintendo Selects Range in North America
@ManInTheChair that is odd since it is a Select in Europe
Re: Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns Secures North American Release Date
@retro_player_22 Its an issue for who owns the name. Here is the story on it if you are interested.
Re: Nintendo Download: 26th January (Europe)
@TheHumbleFellow IKR? You would think Gamefreak/Nintendo would have made some announcement since they kept saying "January 2017" for release.
Re: Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns Secures North American Release Date
These games are so much fun just to relax with. Will have to pick this up for sure.
Re: Dragon Quest VIII Begins Its UK Chart Journey in Top 20
DQVIII is so good, the voice acting is well done and their is some really funny writing. The octopus that talks like his tentacles are sock puppets made me laugh.
Re: Pokémon Sun and Moon Are Now the Fastest Nintendo Games to Clear 4 Million Sales
@RoomB31 It was crazy only seeing a 2ds or two in stock at the big box stores. I can't help but think Pokemon etc would have done even better had hardware been readily available as well for Christmas.
Re: Editorial: Pricing Blunders Have Distorted The Narrative Around Nintendo Switch
I think the pricing is fine. DO I wish it had a pack-in game, sure. It's not a deal breaker.
Re: Video: Let's See How Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World's Graphics Stand Up Compared to its Wii U Counterpart
Looks pretty good actually. I will get that game at some point I think
Re: Nintendo Download: 19th January (North America)
oh yeah, picking up DQVIII tomorrow.
Re: Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Coming to 3DS on 19th May
I thought 2017 was going to be an "ok" year for 3ds as it wound down, but I'm really excited for another great year.
Re: New PlayStation Releases Push Evergreen 3DS Titles Down Charts in Japan
So...any info on when the PokeBank update is going to drop?
Re: Video: Alex Shares His First Impressions Of The Nintendo Switch With Nintendo UK
@MadameSpuki Same here, I am pretty excited for the Switch. Granted the launch lineup is not stellar, but most systems have "meh" titles. Zelda seems like a 50-100 hour game so at least that is out day 1.
Re: Video: Alex Shares His First Impressions Of The Nintendo Switch With Nintendo UK
I love the usual salty comments by the equally salty people. LOL